Letter To Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE)


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Senator Sasse,

You're a damn FOOL. We're going to "turn American politics into a Hatfields and McCoys endless blood feud — a house hopelessly divided. " ? Have you been living in a closet ? Have you not seen the events of the past 4 years, especially Democrats' latest coup attempt, using massive election fraud ?

EARTH TO BEN: America is ALREADY hopelessly divided between Republicans & Democrats, and these 2 CANNOT work together in the same country. They are 2 distinct, different cultures, thereby contradicting the definition of a NATION.

By perpetuating this stupid attempt at cramming 2 totally different cultures into 1 country, all you are doing is destroying that country.

NATION - a STABLE, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, DISTINCTIVE CULTURE, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)
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Senator Sasse,

You're a damn FOOL. We're going to "turn American politics into a Hatfields and McCoys endless blood feud — a house hopelessly divided. " ? Have you been living in a closet ? Have you not seen the events of the past 4 years, especially Democrats' latest coup attempt, using massive election fraud ?

EARTH TO BEN: America is ALREADY hopelessly divided between Republicans & Democrats, and these 2 CANNOT work together in the same country. They are 2 distinct, different cultures, thereby contradicting the definition of a NATION.

By perpetuating this stupid attempt at cramming 2 totally different cultures into 1 country, all you are doing is destroying that country.

NATION - a STABLE, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, DISTINCTIVE CULTURE, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

Great post, right on point.
Unfortunately this is what nutless Republicans do, it’s their M.O. and has been for decades. They don’t know how to stand their ground and stay firm in their positions. They have conceded ground to the Left nonstop for years, they are comfortable allowing the Left to steer the direction of our nation. Sad really.
It is obvious that any Republican not crying their eyes out, and refusing to toss a temper tantrum while screaming, "CHEATER, CHEATER, PUMPKIN EATER", over all this election fraud is clearly a RINO.
It is obvious that any Republican not crying their eyes out, and refusing to toss a temper tantrum while screaming, "CHEATER, CHEATER, PUMPKIN EATER", over all this election fraud is clearly a RINO.

To check your credibility; tell us, what did you post when virtually NO Democrat could or did denounce the “RUSSIA” claims from 2016 through 2020?
Keep in mind, you already admitted in public forum to only voting for Biden because your wife has your balls in her purse so we kinda know how ‘credible’ you aren’t.
More slapstick comedy from the Rumpian Klown Car...

Slavish, servile, unstable worshipers of Orange Baboon-God who have drunk far too deeply of his Orange Kool-Aid...

That and fat old farts wearing Make America White Again clown-hats...

Senator Sasse is absolutely correct in his assessment...


I will not be participating in a project to overturn the election,” Sasse wrote. He said he wanted to explain “why I have been urging my colleagues also to reject this dangerous ploy"...

..."Since Election Day, the president and his allied organizations have raised well over half a billion (billion!) dollars from supporters who have been led to believe that they’re contributing to a ferocious legal defense,” Sasse wrote. “But in reality, they’re mostly just giving the president and his allies a blank check that can go to their super-PACs, their next plane trip, their next campaign or project. That’s not serious governing. It’s swampy politics.” ...

...“We have good reason to think this year’s election was fair, secure, and law-abiding,” Sasse wrote. “That’s not to say it was flawless. But there is no evidentiary basis for distrusting our elections altogether, or for concluding that the results do not reflect the ballots that our fellow citizens actually cast.”



Thank you, young sir.

You kept faith with the American People.

You kept faith with their Republic.

You kept faith with its Constitution.

Well done...

VERY well done.
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Senator Sasse,

You're a damn FOOL. We're going to "turn American politics into a Hatfields and McCoys endless blood feud — a house hopelessly divided. " ? Have you been living in a closet ? Have you not seen the events of the past 4 years, especially Democrats' latest coup attempt, using massive election fraud ?

EARTH TO BEN: America is ALREADY hopelessly divided between Republicans & Democrats, and these 2 CANNOT work together in the same country. They are 2 distinct, different cultures, thereby contradicting the definition of a NATION.

By perpetuating this stupid attempt at cramming 2 totally different cultures into 1 country, all you are doing is destroying that country.

NATION - a STABLE, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, DISTINCTIVE CULTURE, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

You are the crazy Nazi around here. You are the ones attempting to stage a coup.

OIf you want to find another country then leave. Any attempted rebellion should be met with federal troops and a declaration of martial law in any states who try it.
Senator Sasse,

You're a damn FOOL. We're going to "turn American politics into a Hatfields and McCoys endless blood feud — a house hopelessly divided. " ? Have you been living in a closet ? Have you not seen the events of the past 4 years, especially Democrats' latest coup attempt, using massive election fraud ?

EARTH TO BEN: America is ALREADY hopelessly divided between Republicans & Democrats, and these 2 CANNOT work together in the same country. They are 2 distinct, different cultures, thereby contradicting the definition of a NATION.

By perpetuating this stupid attempt at cramming 2 totally different cultures into 1 country, all you are doing is destroying that country.

NATION - a STABLE, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, DISTINCTIVE CULTURE, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

You are the crazy Nazi around here. You are the ones attempting to stage a coup.

OIf you want to find another country then leave. Any attempted rebellion should be met with federal troops and a declaration of martial law in any states who try it.
The same way that the open rebellion of Antifa and BLM was handled?
It is obvious that any Republican not crying their eyes out, and refusing to toss a temper tantrum while screaming, "CHEATER, CHEATER, PUMPKIN EATER", over all this election fraud is clearly a RINO.
We're now at a point at which Republican congressmen are simply engaging in performance art to stay on the good side of the base to keep their reputations.

Of course, the base believes all of this showbiz, and it's a damn cynical move by these politicians to pull this crap. They know better, but they have their priorities.

It's almost over.
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The only way these witless miscreants can keep their Orange Baboon-God is power is by staging a coup.

They will not succeed.
The GOP should have a big tent, but I don't think there's enough room for runts. By definition, they're weak and defective.

Just sayin'....
The GOP should have a big tent, but I don't think there's enough room for runts. By definition, they're weak and defective.

Just sayin'....
Runts like Tad Ruz from Taxass?

An amazing fellow...

Your Orange Baboon-God mortally insults his wife, and he still ki$$e$ the Baboon's a$$...

Your Orange Baboon-God mortally insults his father, and he still ki$$e$ the Baboon's a$$...

And now your runt ki$$e$ the Baboon's a$$ yet again, slavishly, servilely playing Drama Queen to keep the Baboon in power...

Your runt's not a Man... he's a Thing.
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Senator Sasse,

You're a damn FOOL. We're going to "turn American politics into a Hatfields and McCoys endless blood feud — a house hopelessly divided. " ? Have you been living in a closet ? Have you not seen the events of the past 4 years, especially Democrats' latest coup attempt, using massive election fraud ?

EARTH TO BEN: America is ALREADY hopelessly divided between Republicans & Democrats, and these 2 CANNOT work together in the same country. They are 2 distinct, different cultures, thereby contradicting the definition of a NATION.

By perpetuating this stupid attempt at cramming 2 totally different cultures into 1 country, all you are doing is destroying that country.

NATION - a STABLE, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, DISTINCTIVE CULTURE, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)
Wow! You did and excellent job of proving his point!!

No, not just proving, you drove it home with a vengeance!!

Well done!!
To check your credibility; tell us, what did you post when virtually NO Democrat could or did denounce the “RUSSIA” claims from 2016 through 2020?

Unlike the election fraud issue which Arizona became part of, I didn't keep up with the Russia story and only caught the headlines. In Trump's handling of the Russia story and his pre-election claims of election fraud I believe in both these situations his fanning the flames resulted in him burning his own ass. I don't have a clue what the folks in Georgia are think, but I'm fearful this election fraud silliness might cost the GOP the Senate. The interest in both Russia and the election would have been far less intense without his rhetoric.

December 21, 2020
I always viewed the Democrats playing up Russia as means of dragging Trump through the mud in similar fashion that Hillary was on Benghazi and considered it shameful that the serious concerns of these matters were placed secondary to politics.

January 27, 2019
From the start this whole Russia thing seemed like payback to the Benghazi outcry which I found similarly insincere.

August 21, 2017
(Ted) Nugent doesn't make fools of Democrats, they can lay all that blame on themselves. With their concentrating on Russia and now confederate statues, they've never been more irrelevant. Mainstream media isn't doing them any favors through coverage of their dealing with nothing but bullshit...

May 14, 2017
The Russia story is the same old political game of attempting to keep your opponent off message. No different then the last crop of sore losers' fake news concerning Obama's birthplace.

March 4. 2017
I really think this Russia scandal is nothing but baloney. However, now it's getting to a point where Trump's fixation on firing back has reached a point of where I've gotten a notion that, "The Donald doth protest too much, methinks." I wish he'd hand the matter off to Pence.

March 4. 2017
I think this whole Russia thing will soon enough blow over. Personally I haven't seen anything that's come out to make this story anything other than your typical Washington contrived scandal.

March 25, 2017
General McInerney Says Obama Was 'Heavily Listening to What Was Going on in the Trump Campaign'
His calling for a Special Prosecutor to investigate Bill and Hillary wouldn't be a bad idea to tie in with the Democrats desire to call for an independent one regarding Russia and the election. Most independent thinkers would take pleasure in letting the chips fall as they may.

March 29, 2017
Spencer's problem in that clip was that Trump had just tweeted about the Russian issue the day before. I believe Spencer is plenty capable but if the administration cares to make a stance about Russia being a non-issue then the top man shouldn't be undercutting the effort.

Feb 16, 2017
...the whole the media spent far too much time on Russia while ignoring the bread-and-butter issues faced by Americans in their daily lives and didn't do itself any favor.
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More slapstick comedy from the Rumpian Klown Car...

Slavish, servile, unstable worshipers of Orange Baboon-God who have drunk far too deeply of his Orange Kool-Aid...

That and fat old farts wearing Make America White Again clown-hats...

Senator Sasse is absolutely correct in his assessment...


I will not be participating in a project to overturn the election,” Sasse wrote. He said he wanted to explain “why I have been urging my colleagues also to reject this dangerous ploy"...

..."Since Election Day, the president and his allied organizations have raised well over half a billion (billion!) dollars from supporters who have been led to believe that they’re contributing to a ferocious legal defense,” Sasse wrote. “But in reality, they’re mostly just giving the president and his allies a blank check that can go to their super-PACs, their next plane trip, their next campaign or project. That’s not serious governing. It’s swampy politics.” ...

...“We have good reason to think this year’s election was fair, secure, and law-abiding,” Sasse wrote. “That’s not to say it was flawless. But there is no evidentiary basis for distrusting our elections altogether, or for concluding that the results do not reflect the ballots that our fellow citizens actually cast.”



Thank you, young sir.

You kept faith with the American People.

You kept faith with their Republic.

You kept faith with its Constitution.

Well done...

VERY well done.
Sasse is what Republicans used to be like before they got infected with the Trump virus.

Senator Sasse,

You're a damn FOOL. We're going to "turn American politics into a Hatfields and McCoys endless blood feud — a house hopelessly divided. " ? Have you been living in a closet ? Have you not seen the events of the past 4 years, especially Democrats' latest coup attempt, using massive election fraud ?

EARTH TO BEN: America is ALREADY hopelessly divided between Republicans & Democrats, and these 2 CANNOT work together in the same country. They are 2 distinct, different cultures, thereby contradicting the definition of a NATION.

By perpetuating this stupid attempt at cramming 2 totally different cultures into 1 country, all you are doing is destroying that country.

NATION - a STABLE, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, DISTINCTIVE CULTURE, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

You are the crazy Nazi around here. You are the ones attempting to stage a coup.

OIf you want to find another country then leave. Any attempted rebellion should be met with federal troops and a declaration of martial law in any states who try it.
The same way that the open rebellion of Antifa and BLM was handled?

There was no attempt to take over the country.
More slapstick comedy from the Rumpian Klown Car...

Slavish, servile, unstable worshipers of Orange Baboon-God who have drunk far too deeply of his Orange Kool-Aid...

That and fat old farts wearing Make America White Again clown-hats...

Senator Sasse is absolutely correct in his assessment...


I will not be participating in a project to overturn the election,” Sasse wrote. He said he wanted to explain “why I have been urging my colleagues also to reject this dangerous ploy"...

..."Since Election Day, the president and his allied organizations have raised well over half a billion (billion!) dollars from supporters who have been led to believe that they’re contributing to a ferocious legal defense,” Sasse wrote. “But in reality, they’re mostly just giving the president and his allies a blank check that can go to their super-PACs, their next plane trip, their next campaign or project. That’s not serious governing. It’s swampy politics.” ...

...“We have good reason to think this year’s election was fair, secure, and law-abiding,” Sasse wrote. “That’s not to say it was flawless. But there is no evidentiary basis for distrusting our elections altogether, or for concluding that the results do not reflect the ballots that our fellow citizens actually cast.”



Thank you, young sir.

You kept faith with the American People.

You kept faith with their Republic.

You kept faith with its Constitution.

Well done...

VERY well done.
You have confirmed your idiocy. Nobody's problem but yours.
You are the crazy Nazi around here. You are the ones attempting to stage a coup.

OIf you want to find another country then leave. Any attempted rebellion should be met with federal troops and a declaration of martial law in any states who try it.
Interesting how Loon Democrats want to stay united with Republicans whom they have absolutely nothing in common with, and who oppose just about everything they do.

Makes no sense at all, except for one thing. They like those Republicans' TAX $$$$, that they can then spend on welfare, so they can sleep till noon, and do nothing for society.

I don't need to find any other country. I have mine right here in red state Florida. Republican governor, Republican Senate, Republican House, Republican Supreme Court. If loon libs want to leave, we'll chip in for them.

And speaking of "Nazis", that sounds like big, strong federal government, lots of regulations of people and businesses, lockdowns, lots of gun control.

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We're now at a point at which Republican congressmen are simply engaging in performance art to stay on the good side of the base to keep their reputations.

Of course, the base believes all of this showbiz, and it's a damn cynical move by these politicians to pull this crap. They know better, but they have their priorities.

It's almost over.
Dreaming out loud. :rolleyes:
Runts like Tad Ruz from Taxass? An amazing fellow... Your Orange Baboon-God mortally insults his wife, and he still ki$$e$ the Baboon's a$$...
Your Orange Baboon-God mortally insults his father, and he still ki$$e$ the Baboon's a$$...
And now your runt ki$$e$ the Baboon's a$$ yet again, slavishly, servilely playing Drama Queen to keep the Baboon in power... Your runt's not a Man... he's a Thing.
And what is Biden ? HA HA HA. Too pathetic for description. You loons are beyond insanity for nominating somebody like that, or maybe you're getting paid off by China too.

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