Liar-in-chief lies again: China denies calling Trump for trade negotiations

since conservatives are asserting as a fact that China "begged" Trump for trade talks (the only source is Trump's word)... I will assert based on the fact that Trump is the biggest liar in the world) madethat China no such phone calls because China is denying it.
Jesse Rodriguez on Twitter
So we're supposed to believe Democrats and their fake news sources?

Those reporters your chosen one has you hating, go Trump to admit China did not call him twice begging to negotiate as he claimed.

Plus we found out from Trump that Melania has secretly been spending time in NK with Un.

Did she play golf at one of Trump's golf courses in NK?

Maybe she was getting some revenge sex for Trump fucking the porn star.
since conservatives are asserting as a fact that China "begged" Trump for trade talks (the only source is Trump's word)... I will assert based on the fact that Trump is the biggest liar in the world) madethat China no such phone calls because China is denying it.
Jesse Rodriguez on Twitter
So we're supposed to believe Democrats and their fake news sources?

Those reporters your chosen one has you hating, go Trump to admit China did not call him twice begging to negotiate as he claimed.

Plus we found out from Trump that Melania has secretly been spending time in NK with Un.

Did she play golf at one of Trump's golf courses in NK?

Maybe she was getting some revenge sex for Trump fucking the porn star.

President Trump denied fucking Stormy Daniels.

And BTW, it hasn't been proven that he actually did. All the evidence we have is the word of one Michael Avenatti. PS I saw some guy today who looked just Avenatti. I wonder if it was him.

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