Lib pajama boy on teaching boys to pee sitting down

Just when you think the rw's can't find anything else to bitch and whine about ...

WHY is this such a threat to your "manhood"?
i was taught to pee sitting down by both my mother and father. it is more hygienic, less splash etc...and my father is neither a lib or a fruit. and i have never heard a woman complain about it, in fact they like it.

i wouldn't think how you pee would incite people to anger. good fucking lord.
And the Liberal pussification of the American male continues....
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Hubby pees sitting down sometimes. When he is lazy or wants to trim his toe nails or something. :lol:

Wish he would do it more often. When he stands up, sometimes he doesn't aim very well. Or he does, but that last shake kinda makes it go elsewhere.
why are liberals such simpering faggots? How much do you want to bet one of his guinea pigs turns out to be a tranny due to the liberal faggotization the parents are performing on their kids?
Giving that teenage boys live with near constant erections this sitting-to-pee business just raises hell with the walls opposite the toilet.

Oh wait, liberal offspring are unable to..........

Never mind.
When you have to drive the fire truck, stand up. When you have to drive the fire truck and the dump truck, then sit down.

At least, that's what I learned as a wee lad.
Just when you think the rw's can't find anything else to bitch and whine about ...

WHY is this such a threat to your "manhood"?

Hey dumdfuck! boys and girls are built differently! How about teaching girls to pee standing up!

In a biker bar in Northern California there were (and still may be) three (3, libs) facilities:




"His" has a stand-up urinal and a squatter.
"Hers" has two squatters
"Ms" has a coffee can nailed to the wall with a rubber hose down to shoe height.
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Just when you think the rw's can't find anything else to bitch and whine about ...

WHY is this such a threat to your "manhood"?

Hey dumdfuck! boys and girls are built differently! How about teaching girls to pee standing up!

You little boyss need to quit obsessing about what real men do with their penises.

Believe me, they don't really care about your little pee-pees. In fact, nobody cares about your impotent little pee-pees.

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