Liberal Racism: Hispanics Are Next

I love how duddly posts up a bunch of shit and attributes it to the Tea Party with out any evidence.

HereWeGoAgain lies-

Typical that you would lie about this though.

First, what I actually wrote was :

Here you go - right wing, Republican, tee potty signs ...

Second, many of them self-identify as tee potties.

Third, you're more than welcome to post proof that the sign carriers are not RW/Repub/tee pottiers.

As to the content of the signs - I do agree that its a bunch of shit.

Point out where they identify as Tea Party supporters.
And keep in mind how many times you leftist scum show up and proclaim to be Tea Party members.
And I dont have to prove anything,you're the one making the accusations,you prove it.

The proof is right in front of ON THE SIGNS. Several say "tea party".

And pretty funny to blame libs for what RWs say.

Take responsibility for what you say and do.
I love how duddly posts up a bunch of shit and attributes it to the Tea Party with out any evidence.

HereWeGoAgain lies-

Typical that you would lie about this though.

First, what I actually wrote was :

Here you go - right wing, Republican, tee potty signs ...

Second, many of them self-identify as tee potties.

Third, you're more than welcome to post proof that the sign carriers are not RW/Repub/tee pottiers.

As to the content of the signs - I do agree that its a bunch of shit.

Point out where they identify as Tea Party supporters.
And keep in mind how many times you leftist scum show up and proclaim to be Tea Party members.
And I dont have to prove anything,you're the one making the accusations,you prove it.

The Democrats supported Obama

A majority of the nation supported Obama in both presidential elections which means that he had the support of the Independents too.

So who does that leave who could be carrying those racist signs?

Which party was opposed to Obama?

Which party relies upon the TP'ers in elections?

Dem activist. Which have been caught many times doing just this kind of shit.

Post proof.

I love how duddly posts up a bunch of shit and attributes it to the Tea Party with out any evidence.

HereWeGoAgain lies-

Typical that you would lie about this though.

First, what I actually wrote was :

Here you go - right wing, Republican, tee potty signs ...

Second, many of them self-identify as tee potties.

Third, you're more than welcome to post proof that the sign carriers are not RW/Repub/tee pottiers.

As to the content of the signs - I do agree that its a bunch of shit.

Point out where they identify as Tea Party supporters.
And keep in mind how many times you leftist scum show up and proclaim to be Tea Party members.
And I dont have to prove anything,you're the one making the accusations,you prove it.

The Democrats supported Obama

A majority of the nation supported Obama in both presidential elections which means that he had the support of the Independents too.

So who does that leave who could be carrying those racist signs?

Which party was opposed to Obama?

Which party relies upon the TP'ers in elections?

Dem activist. Which have been caught many times doing just this kind of shit.

Told ya!!
Oh they'll just tell you its liberals or something. Its never their fault ya know

Oh don't worry, HereWeGoAgain will be posting PROOF in the form of links from an unbiased source.

Yep, just any moment now .....................

Right?? HereWeGoAgain
HereWeGoAgain lies-

Typical that you would lie about this though.

First, what I actually wrote was :

Here you go - right wing, Republican, tee potty signs ...

Second, many of them self-identify as tee potties.

Third, you're more than welcome to post proof that the sign carriers are not RW/Repub/tee pottiers.

As to the content of the signs - I do agree that its a bunch of shit.

Point out where they identify as Tea Party supporters.
And keep in mind how many times you leftist scum show up and proclaim to be Tea Party members.
And I dont have to prove anything,you're the one making the accusations,you prove it.

The Democrats supported Obama

A majority of the nation supported Obama in both presidential elections which means that he had the support of the Independents too.

So who does that leave who could be carrying those racist signs?

Which party was opposed to Obama?

Which party relies upon the TP'ers in elections?

Dem activist. Which have been caught many times doing just this kind of shit.

Told ya!!
Oh they'll just tell you its liberals or something. Its never their fault ya know

Oh don't worry, HereWeGoAgain will be posting PROOF in the form of links from an unbiased source.

Yep, just any moment now .....................

Right?? HereWeGoAgain

Of course since they've been caught doing this so many times finding sources will be a breeze
I love how duddly posts up a bunch of shit and attributes it to the Tea Party with out any evidence.

HereWeGoAgain lies-

Typical that you would lie about this though.

First, what I actually wrote was :

Here you go - right wing, Republican, tee potty signs ...

Second, many of them self-identify as tee potties.

Third, you're more than welcome to post proof that the sign carriers are not RW/Repub/tee pottiers.

As to the content of the signs - I do agree that its a bunch of shit.

Point out where they identify as Tea Party supporters.
And keep in mind how many times you leftist scum show up and proclaim to be Tea Party members.
And I dont have to prove anything,you're the one making the accusations,you prove it.

The proof is right in front of ON THE SIGNS. Several say "tea party".

And pretty funny to blame libs for what RWs say.

Take responsibility for what you say and do.

So you're saying dem activist are too fucken stupid to to put "Tea Party" on a sign?
So, are Hispanics the next victims (teasing, securing, fattening-up, then taking for granted) of the Left's penchant for playing the Race Card?

Lord knows, it worked well enough on Black Folk.

Although, by now, Black Folk, nationwide, are beginning to show signs, of collectively 'wising-up', in that regard.

Odd, that it took a couple of terms, by a Democratic Black President, to trigger that realization.

But, so long as it eventually comes to pass, and they, too, collectively, begin to think and act independently, it's all to the good.

A link to what?
Point out where they identify as Tea Party supporters.
And keep in mind how many times you leftist scum show up and proclaim to be Tea Party members.
And I dont have to prove anything,you're the one making the accusations,you prove it.

The Democrats supported Obama

A majority of the nation supported Obama in both presidential elections which means that he had the support of the Independents too.

So who does that leave who could be carrying those racist signs?

Which party was opposed to Obama?

Which party relies upon the TP'ers in elections?

Dem activist. Which have been caught many times doing just this kind of shit.

Told ya!!
Oh they'll just tell you its liberals or something. Its never their fault ya know

Oh don't worry, HereWeGoAgain will be posting PROOF in the form of links from an unbiased source.

Yep, just any moment now .....................

Right?? HereWeGoAgain

Of course since they've been caught doing this so many times finding sources will be a breeze

Here you go dumbass. Man I wish you progressives would learn how to Google.
I'm getting tired of having to do it for you.
HereWeGoAgain lies-

Typical that you would lie about this though.

First, what I actually wrote was :

Here you go - right wing, Republican, tee potty signs ...

Second, many of them self-identify as tee potties.

Third, you're more than welcome to post proof that the sign carriers are not RW/Repub/tee pottiers.

As to the content of the signs - I do agree that its a bunch of shit.

Point out where they identify as Tea Party supporters.
And keep in mind how many times you leftist scum show up and proclaim to be Tea Party members.
And I dont have to prove anything,you're the one making the accusations,you prove it.

The Democrats supported Obama

A majority of the nation supported Obama in both presidential elections which means that he had the support of the Independents too.

So who does that leave who could be carrying those racist signs?

Which party was opposed to Obama?

Which party relies upon the TP'ers in elections?

Dem activist. Which have been caught many times doing just this kind of shit.

Told ya!!
Oh they'll just tell you its liberals or something. Its never their fault ya know

Oh don't worry, HereWeGoAgain will be posting PROOF in the form of links from an unbiased source.

Yep, just any moment now .....................

Right?? HereWeGoAgain

Just like your unbiased sources right?
The Democrats supported Obama

A majority of the nation supported Obama in both presidential elections which means that he had the support of the Independents too.

So who does that leave who could be carrying those racist signs?

Which party was opposed to Obama?

Which party relies upon the TP'ers in elections?

Dem activist. Which have been caught many times doing just this kind of shit.

Told ya!!
Oh they'll just tell you its liberals or something. Its never their fault ya know

Oh don't worry, HereWeGoAgain will be posting PROOF in the form of links from an unbiased source.

Yep, just any moment now .....................

Right?? HereWeGoAgain

Of course since they've been caught doing this so many times finding sources will be a breeze

Here you go dumbass. Man I wish you progressives would learn how to Google.
I'm getting tired of having to do it for you.

Good job! One things for sure I wont be mistaking you as someone with credibility again
Dem activist. Which have been caught many times doing just this kind of shit.

Told ya!!
Oh they'll just tell you its liberals or something. Its never their fault ya know

Oh don't worry, HereWeGoAgain will be posting PROOF in the form of links from an unbiased source.

Yep, just any moment now .....................

Right?? HereWeGoAgain

Of course since they've been caught doing this so many times finding sources will be a breeze

Here you go dumbass. Man I wish you progressives would learn how to Google.
I'm getting tired of having to do it for you.

Good job! One things for sure I wont be mistaking you as someone with credibility again

You act like I give a crap what you think.
And it's pretty obvious to anyone one but the most partisan hack that America doesnt give a shit what you progs think either.
Told ya!!

Oh don't worry, HereWeGoAgain will be posting PROOF in the form of links from an unbiased source.

Yep, just any moment now .....................

Right?? HereWeGoAgain

Of course since they've been caught doing this so many times finding sources will be a breeze

Here you go dumbass. Man I wish you progressives would learn how to Google.
I'm getting tired of having to do it for you.

Good job! One things for sure I wont be mistaking you as someone with credibility again

You act like I give a crap what you think.
And it's pretty obvious to anyone one but the most partisan hack that America doesnt give a shit what you progs think either.

I dont care if you care but I thought you cared about being taken seriously. Since you dont...thats cool, I just thought you werent full of it
So, are Hispanics the next victims (teasing, securing, fattening-up, then taking for granted) of the Left's penchant for playing the Race Card?

Lord knows, it worked well enough on Black Folk.

Although, by now, Black Folk, nationwide, are beginning to show signs, of collectively 'wising-up', in that regard.

Odd, that it took a couple of terms, by a Democratic Black President, to trigger that realization.

But, so long as it eventually comes to pass, and they, too, collectively, begin to think and act independently, it's all to the good.

A link to what?

, Black Folk, nationwide, are beginning to show signs, of collectively 'wising-up', in that regard.
, Black Folk, nationwide, are beginning to show signs, of collectively 'wising-up', in that regard.
Oh, I have no link, in support of a common-sense personal opinion, and won't even begin to pretend otherwise.

I merely look at the collection of Black Folk that I have worked with in times past - dozens, in the professions, and the trades, and the unskilled - and with whom I am still in fairly regular contact, and whom indulge in bits and pieces of political shop-talk, on social media, and I listen to the Black Folk that are my neighbors and colleagues, many of whom tell me that they've pretty much had it with the Democrats - that they've been suckered and bamboozled and played by Democrats over time, but have stuck with them because they perceived the Other Guys were worse, and now they're not so sure, and are beginning to mix-it-up on their ballots. Pure anecdote and observation - but, if such holds true on the micro-scale in a major metropolitan area, there's at least a half-way decent chance that such also holds true on the macro level - certainly, there's sufficient credibility there to serve that up as Informed Personal Opinion. Hope that helps.
Liberals like luddy when they have nothing else. throw the thread onto the Tea Party, Palin, Cruz, etc etc

that's just how shallow they are
, Black Folk, nationwide, are beginning to show signs, of collectively 'wising-up', in that regard.
Oh, I have no link, in support of a common-sense personal opinion, and won't even begin to pretend otherwise.

I merely look at the collection of Black Folk that I have worked with in times past - dozens, in the professions, and the trades, and the unskilled - and with whom I am still in fairly regular contact, and whom indulge in bits and pieces of political shop-talk, on social media, and I listen to the Black Folk that are my neighbors and colleagues, many of whom tell me that they've pretty much had it with the Democrats - that they've been suckered and bamboozled and played by Democrats over time, but have stuck with them because they perceived the Other Guys were worse, and now they're not so sure, and are beginning to mix-it-up on their ballots. Pure anecdote and observation - but, if such holds true on the micro-scale in a major metropolitan area, there's at least a half-way decent chance that such also holds true on the macro level - certainly, there's sufficient credibility there to serve that up as Informed Personal Opinion. Hope that helps.

I appreciate that you were honest enough to admit that it is anecdotal. There is most certainly a case to be made that Blacks are not a lockstep homogenous voting bloc. The statistics given in this thread are testament to the fact that Blacks consider themselves to be Independents and Republicans too.

What I believe you are observing is not only occurring amongst Blacks. There is a strong movement away from both parties because of the dissatisfaction with the failure to take care of business in Washington DC. Independents are now the largest single voting bloc. If I recall correctly that is a record of some sort. And yes, that dissatisfaction is across the board, whites, Hispanics, young, middle class, blue collar, unions, small business owners, you name it are ticked off at Congress. Hence their "wising up" and no longer having any party affiliation.
Oh don't worry, HereWeGoAgain will be posting PROOF in the form of links from an unbiased source.

Yep, just any moment now .....................

Right?? HereWeGoAgain

Of course since they've been caught doing this so many times finding sources will be a breeze

Here you go dumbass. Man I wish you progressives would learn how to Google.
I'm getting tired of having to do it for you.

Good job! One things for sure I wont be mistaking you as someone with credibility again

You act like I give a crap what you think.
And it's pretty obvious to anyone one but the most partisan hack that America doesnt give a shit what you progs think either.

I dont care if you care but I thought you cared about being taken seriously. Since you dont...thats cool, I just thought you werent full of it

I have no expectations from a partisan hack like you except dishonesty.

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