Liberalism: Making the French Revolution Its Own.

You can't beat something with nothing.

You have nothing.

But, it amuses me to show what a dunce you are.

1. The French Revolution, under Robespierre interpreted violence as the ‘language’ that explained to the masses the ideals of the revolution. “If the spring of popular government in times of peace is virtue, the springs of popular government in revolution are at once virtue and terror….Terror is nothing other than justice.” Robespierre speech, February 5, 1794.

a. “For the first time in history terror became an official government policy, with the stated aim to use violence in order to achieve a higher political goal. Unlike the later meaning of 'terrorists' as people who use violence against a government, the terrorists of the French Revolution were the government. The Terror was legal, having been voted for by the Convention.”

b. Sorel and every other advocate of the left, learned and understood this message.

c. Bolsheviks claimed descent: “Historians of the French Revolution, which the Russians saw as a model for their own…” Bolshevik Festivals, 1917–1920

No wonder they slaughtered so very many.
It is nothing but copy and paste with a few phrases interjected. She has no original thoughts.
Not worth the time.

Once I get home to my computer, I will address this thread. I don't take kindly to revisionist dog shit.

As opposed to you Liberal plagiarists who mouth those things, and only those things, that the NYTimes, MSNBC, the DNC, Jon Stewart, etc., tell you .....and never credit the source.


It is nothing but copy and paste with a few phrases interjected. She has no original thoughts.
Not worth the time.

Once I get home to my computer, I will address this thread. I don't take kindly to revisionist dog shit.

As opposed to you Liberal plagiarists who mouth those things, and only those things, that the NYTimes, MSNBC, the DNC, Jon Stewart, etc., tell you .....and never credit the source.
I don't make 'arguments'....I simply show why I am correct.

PoliticalChic: Setting forth your premises to support your conclusion (i.e., allegedly showing why you're correct about something) is an ARGUMENT. An argument must be both valid and sound. I could provide you with links to many educational websites that explain arguments (along with critical thinking and logical fallacies), but I won't. You can search the web yourself. But, I don't think you're interested in anything other than copying and pasting crap, ignoring critical evaluation of the crap, and declaring yourself correct.
I don't make 'arguments'....I simply show why I am correct.

PoliticalChic: Setting forth your premises to support your conclusion (i.e., allegedly showing why you're correct about something) is an ARGUMENT. An argument must be both valid and sound. I could provide you with links to many educational websites that explain arguments (along with critical thinking and logical fallacies), but I won't. You can search the web yourself. But, I don't think you're interested in anything other than copying and pasting crap, ignoring critical evaluation of the crap, and declaring yourself correct.

And what is your objection to cutting and pasting as a method of presenting a well constructed thesis?

In truth, the whining about "cutting and pasting" is no more than a dodge used by the less astute, you, to avoid the thesis, as suggested by the title.

Case in point: this is the best you could do vis-a-vis the concept of the thread: "copying and pasting crap, ignoring critical evaluation of the crap, and declaring yourself correct."

Notice, your post is totally vapid.

Let me save you the trip to the dictionary:
vapid- offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging.
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Now, let's continue illuminating the connection between Liberalism, the contemporary Democrat governance, and its precursor, the radicals of the French Revolution.....

Easy to see what the result of Liberal take-over has been....a reprise of the aim of the revolutionaries of the French Revolution.

10. "The national conscience, which for the better part of 200 years had been informed by Christian principles, developed a leak decades ago. It started as a slow drip, scarcely noticed. Left largely unattended, it progressed from a trickle to a stream to a gush that has led to the de-Christianization of America.

WritesBill Flax in (Forbes,) “All [the Framers] thought the Bible essential for [a] just and harmonious society.” Quoting historian Larry Schweikart, Flax continues, “The founding documents of every one of the original thirteen colonies reveal them to be awash in the concepts of Christianity and God.”

[Thomas Jefferson:] “No nation has ever existed or been governed without religion. Nor can be. The Christian religion is the best religion that has been given to man and I as Chief Magistrate of this nation am bound to give it the sanction of my example.”

  • [Yet, today:] --Imposes a health-care law that requires employers, regardless of religious convictions, to provide contraceptives, sterilization procedures, and abortion-inducing drugs to their employees.
  • --Argues, in Hosanna-Tabor v. EEOC,that it can decide who can serve as a minister in religious organizations.
  • --Revokes a grant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for combating sex trafficking because of their stance against abortion.
  • --Removes conscience exemptions for health care workers intended to protect them from being forced to participate in abortions.
  • --Is rebranding “freedom of religion” to “freedom of worship.” The De-Christianization of America
a. “Kim Davis in federal custody removes all doubts about the criminalization of Christianity in this country,” tweeted US Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee. Is the jailing of Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis for contempt of court after she refused to issue marriage licences for same-sex couples a storm in a teacup or the beginning of a program of dechristianisation?

There are far more similarities with revolutionary France and the resultant dechristianization and what has happened to the world since then than what this fragment could expose. Abbe Barruel in 1798 wrote his, "Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism", an in depth account of what the proto-communists of his day had in mind for a new world order. It was death to all monarchy and rulers, the elimination of all Christians and the first time ever announced plan on the use of terror to accomplish their evil ends. Men like Voltaire, Jean leRond d'ALembert, and the homosexual Frederick II of Prussia, among others, would often end their letters with the words - "remember we must work to crush the wretch" (Jesus Christ)".
MercatorNet: Dechristianization: Chapter One (see comments)
And continuing with the connection between Liberalism, the contemporary Democrat governance, and its precursor, the radicals of the French Revolution.....

11. "In yesterday’s oral arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges (better known as the “gay-marriage case”), the solicitor general of the United States committed a classic “Kinsley gaffe”: He accidentally told the truth.... the solicitor general tugged at that curtain, revealing the Jacobin behind — a nonviolent version, of course, but a Jacobin nonetheless. It turns out that the sexual revolution — like the French Revolution — demands “de-Christianization.”

...the solicitor general said it was “going to be an issue” whether a religious college that upholds orthodox Christian teachings on marriage and sexuality could even be considered “charitable.” That a solicitor general could even raise the question represents a sea change in American political culture, potentially placing the government in a state of overt declared hostility against the most basic elements of orthodox faith.

But it’s worse than mere opposition. As the French revolutionaries learned, you can’t replace something with nothing. Thus, the revolutionary ideals themselves must be rendered sacred. In France, that meant the Cult of Reason or — if you weren’t willing to kick faith entirely to the curb — the Cult of the Supreme Being.

But the Jacobin advances the revolution by any means — and through any reasoning — necessary. To the Jacobin, you are either a revolutionary or an enemy, and no lesser light than the federal government’s chief constitutional advocate has now raised the specter of a legal regime far worse than “separation of church and state.” For the sexual revolutionaries, it’s the state against the church.”

That's this federal government.....the Obama government.
You act as if Robespierre symbolizes the French Revolution lol. He was the worst of it, and came along years later. Even years after him, the equality of all under the revolution was years ahead of its time. Read the Black Count, about Alexandre Dumas's father, an amazing black general and hero. Then Napoleon screwed him over (and Haiti). Written by another Hotchkiss alumnus.
1. Having made the irreparable error of gaining their knowledge of history from 'professors' in those bastions of Liberalism, the universities, far too many millennials believe that the French Revolution was, in any way tantamount, duplicate, analogous to our American Revolution.

It was not.

2. Our revolution produced documents and a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government, the beliefs of Classical Liberals, or what we call 'conservatives' today. Its template was the amalgam of Judeo-Christian biblical tradition and Anglo-Saxon Common Law.
It is for this reason that America did not become the abattoir, the slaughter house, that France became.

a. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

b. The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.” Coulter

3. The truth about the French Revolution is strenuously hidden those captives, the university students, because the Liberals in charge wish to hide the fact that it was the precursor of every evil totalitarian regime in modern times.

" If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century. In fact, Rousseau has been called the precursor of the modern pseudo-democrats such as Stalin and Hitler and the "people's democracies." French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

4. If the modus operandi of the French Revolution was butchery, blood and gore, the goal was one that echoes in contemporary America: dechristianization.

"The West has debated many times before whether Christianity is a friend or foe of society, but perhaps never so dramatically as during the French Revolution. For several years, from about 1790 to 1800, the revolutionary government exiled or executed thousands of Catholic clerics and tried to expunge all traces of France’s Christian past from public life.

Does this dramatic episode hold any lessons for today?" MercatorNet: Dechristianization: Chapter One

The lesson?

The only religion allowed is 'Secularism'....worship of the state.

The horrors of the Industrial Revolution, brought on by capitalist greed, proved that the classical liberals were wrong.

Yes the horrors of heating, plumbing, electricity and fresh running water
The French Revolution was a true revolution, not a change in tax men lol. Your death figures are bs.

Everything I post is factual.

Actually.....the death toll may be higher.

Let's review.

1. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

Of course you don't recognize Alan you have never studied history

a. "Alan M. Schom is an American-born writer and biographer, born in Sterling, Illinois, in 1937. He attended Beverly Hills High School and received an A.B. in European History from University of California, Berkeley, a Ph.D at Durham University (England), School of Oriental Studies. He taught French and Modern European History at Southern Connecticut State University and at the University of California, Riverside. He served as the President and Founder of the French Colonial Historical Society (1974–76), and founded its research journal, French Colonial Studies. He was a research fellow at the Hoover Institution in 1984." Alan Schom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. One can hardly count only the massacre at the Bastille...or only the 'Terror'...or omit the fact of the wars that resulted from the other European monarchies attempting to put the cork back in the bottle.
Napoleon's wars alone would add some 3.5- 6.5 million deaths.
"The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000."
Read more: What is the death toll of the French revolution
What is the death toll of the French revolution - ixzz1ejRVb3k8

You do understand that the provenance of Napoleon was the French Revolution, don't you?

3. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

But, of course, revealing you to be an uneducated dunce is like gilding the lily, huh?
ACTUALLY, my Masters in History was mainly French Civilization and Hitler. 2400 aristocrats were guillotined. Let's see a breakdown of that 1 million figure- you link seems to be saying much of that figure is about stopping attacks from other monarchies.

The metric system is not a war crime, BTW. lol Nor is Brumaire etc. And Napoleon never said Britain was a nation of shopkeepers. Pure propaganda, like that he was short. He said it was full of damn monopolists. Damn Anglo-American savage capitalist monolingual ugly Anglocentric lying

I have a PhD In molecular biology and spaghetti making
Your ridiculous source seems to be putting all the deaths under Napoleon's Empire under the Revolution, which never attacked another country, just the opposite. And Napoleon was nowhere near as bad as the English RWers would have it...
1. Having made the irreparable error of gaining their knowledge of history from 'professors' in those bastions of Liberalism, the universities, far too many millennials believe that the French Revolution was, in any way tantamount, duplicate, analogous to our American Revolution.

It was not.

2. Our revolution produced documents and a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government, the beliefs of Classical Liberals, or what we call 'conservatives' today. Its template was the amalgam of Judeo-Christian biblical tradition and Anglo-Saxon Common Law.
It is for this reason that America did not become the abattoir, the slaughter house, that France became.

a. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

b. The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.” Coulter

3. The truth about the French Revolution is strenuously hidden those captives, the university students, because the Liberals in charge wish to hide the fact that it was the precursor of every evil totalitarian regime in modern times.

" If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century. In fact, Rousseau has been called the precursor of the modern pseudo-democrats such as Stalin and Hitler and the "people's democracies." French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

4. If the modus operandi of the French Revolution was butchery, blood and gore, the goal was one that echoes in contemporary America: dechristianization.

"The West has debated many times before whether Christianity is a friend or foe of society, but perhaps never so dramatically as during the French Revolution. For several years, from about 1790 to 1800, the revolutionary government exiled or executed thousands of Catholic clerics and tried to expunge all traces of France’s Christian past from public life.

Does this dramatic episode hold any lessons for today?" MercatorNet: Dechristianization: Chapter One

The lesson?

The only religion allowed is 'Secularism'....worship of the state.

The horrors of the Industrial Revolution, brought on by capitalist greed, proved that the classical liberals were wrong.

Yes the horrors of heating, plumbing, electricity and fresh running water
For the 1% until Progressive reform years later.
You act as if Robespierre symbolizes the French Revolution lol. He was the worst of it, and came along years later. Even years after him, the equality of all under the revolution was years ahead of its time. Read the Black Count, about Alexandre Dumas's father, an amazing black general and hero. Then Napoleon screwed him over (and Haiti). Written by another Hotchkiss alumnus.

With great appreciation for this post...but, really....coming back to document that you are a complete idiot was unnecessary.
It was a foregone conclusion.

Rather than get bogged down in the minutiae, let's keep to the main points:

1. Every genocidal movement of the last century is a scion of the French Revolution.

2. The take-away is that it is a government prerogative to murder any of its citizens who fails to go along with the 'general will,' which means whatever the government decides.

That's pretty much what you Obama supporters believe, as well, huh?

Take notes:
"The Conflict Between Reason and Liberty
    1. In France, there was the development of an apparatus of ideological enforcement for ‘reason.’ But rather than necessitate liberty, Edmund Burke was prescient enough to predict that ‘enlightened despotism’ would be embodied in the general will, a formula for oppression as in ‘tyranny of popular opinion’ or even ‘a dictatorship of the proletariat.’
    2. Although attributed to Rousseau, it was Diderot who gave the model for totalitarianism of reason: “We must reason about all things,” and anyone who ‘refuses to seek out the truth’ thereby renounces his human nature and “should be treated by the rest of his species as a wild beast.” So, once ‘truth’ is determined, anyone who doesn’t accept it was “either insane or wicked and morally evil.” It is not the individual who has the “ right to decide about the nature of right and wrong,” but only “the human race,” expressed as the general will. Himmelfarb, “The Roads to Modernity,” p. 167-68
Disagree....and the consequence is death. Such is the view of every totalitarian regime.

    1. Robespierre used Rousseau’s call for a “reign of virtue,’ proclaiming the Republic of Virtue, his euphemism for The Terror. In ‘The Social Contract’ Rousseau advocated death for anyone who did not uphold the common values of the community: the totalitarian view of reshaping of humanity, echoed in communism, Nazism, progressivism. Robespierre: “the necessity of bringing about a complete regeneration and, if I may express myself so, of creating a new people.” Himmefarb, , “The Roads to Modernity,” p. 167-68.
And, the twin of the French Revolutionaries:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky

    1. In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will. Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7
See what you've learned today, you dunce?
Only under Reaganism TODAY have we approached the injustice of the gilded age. Thank you, French Revolution- and BTw, nothing inspired our revolution more than the French Enlightenment and the philosophes, and without the French aid to us, the financial problems that caused the French revolution would probably not have happened. The 2 great republics...
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Only under Reaganism TODAY have approached the injustice of the gilded age. Thank you, French Revolution- and BTw, nothing inspired our revolution more than the French Enlightenment and the philosophes, and without the French aid to us, the financial problems that caused the French revolution would probably not have happened. The 2 great republics...

Only an uneducated savage could say "Thank you, French Revolution."

And so one did.
Cut the stupid insults. The philosophes were anti-violence, pro democracy and education for all. The revolution got perverted by some, of course. Do you realize how screwed over and uneducated the the non-rich were in Monarchist France? Under horrible pressure, they became furious. Try an American revolution in the middle of Europe, not off the wilderness of America.
Only under Reaganism TODAY have approached the injustice of the gilded age. Thank you, French Revolution- and BTw, nothing inspired our revolution more than the French Enlightenment and the philosophes, and without the French aid to us, the financial problems that caused the French revolution would probably not have happened. The 2 great republics...

Only an uneducated savage could say "Thank you, French Revolution."

And so one did.
Thank-you, brainwashed RW functional moron.
Cut the stupid insults. The philosophes were anti-violence, pro democracy and education for all. The revolution got perverted by some, of course. Do you realize how screwed over and uneducated the the non-rich were in Monarchist France? Under horrible pressure, they became furious. Try an American revolution in the middle of Europe, not off the wilderness of America.

"Cut the stupid insults."
Sweets to the sweet.

"The philosophes (sic) were anti-violence, pro democracy and education for all."
They were homicidal maniacs who gave rise to every communist, Nazi, fascist, Liberal, short every totalitarian.

They slaughtered any who got in their way....and then, each other.

You're as dumb as asphalt....but a credit to both the 'low information voter,' and to the 'reliable Democrat voters.'
12. The French Revolution's attempts at dechristianization proved such a failure, and mistake, that Napoleon reversed same, and entered into a concordat with the church in 1801.

He reversed the following: "April 13, April 13, 1798, was a Friday. But it was springtime in revolutionary Paris, meaning that under the Directory’s new calendar it was the twenty-forth day of the month of Germinal in the Year Six, and the next day of rest was still six days distant, not two.

Has any reform been more futile? The Government’s arrogant discard of Christianity means that weeks have been extended to ten days instead of seven. The revision’s intent is to supplant the papal calendar with a uniform alternative of twelve months of thirty days each, based on the system of ancient Egypt. Bibles themselves were torn up to make paper gun cartridges in the grim days of 1793, and now the biblical week has been guillotined, each month instead divided into three decades of ten days, with the year, with the year beginning at the autumn equinox and five to six holidays added to balance idealism with our solar orbit. Not content with regimenting the calendar, the government has introduced a new metric system for weight and measure. There are even proposals for a new clock of precisely 100,000 seconds each day. Reason, reason!...The new calendar is the kind of logical idea imposed by clever people that completely ignores habit, emotion, and human nature and thus forecasts the Revolution’s doom.

Your colonial revolution was one of political independence. This one in France is about the very order of life. My God, a king guillotined! Thousands sent to slaughter! Wars unleashed on every French border! Atheism enshrined! Church lands seized, debts ignored, estates confiscated, rabbles armed, riots, anarchy, and tyranny!"

From the novel “Napoleon’ Pyramids,” by William Dietrich; one gets the sense of the utter stupidity of the "Cult of Reason."

But, of course, the utterly stupid are still defending it.

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