Liberals are more racist than conservatives....Yale university study....

Thinking the right wing is not racist when I showed you post after post from your fellow racists is hypocrisy.

Actually you were committing two logical fallacies. The first is I was talking in general and you addressed the specific. The second is the you're butt stupid fallacy because you were obviously taking everything seriously and they were embarrassing you for it
What's funny is you trying to argue today's Democrats have anything to do with Democrats in the 1800s. By that same logic since America protected slavery in the 1700s defending America today means defending slavery. That's perfect Bingo logic.


Your red herrings are obvious. We are calling you a racist because you keep arguing that Black democrats aren't thinking for themselves.
Buy a dictionary and learn to read words you don't understand, this is just too stupid to address, Fucks Goats
You tell me why 90% of blacks and 75% of Jews vote Democratic then.

Those are for entirely different reasons. Not interested in loaded questions. Sadly that is an interesting discussion, but you made clear you aren't interested in an actual discussion the way you asked it
Actually you were committing two logical fallacies. The first is I was talking in general and you addressed the specific.
Yeah, I showed you specific examples of right wing racism because you're playing stupid and stating that white nationalism is something that Democrats believe in.
The second is the you're butt stupid fallacy because you were obviously taking everything seriously and they were embarrassing you for it
Gee, quoting someone is taking them seriously?

I guess you were playing when you said you make "data based" decisions. Yeah, you're right, nobody should take you seriously.
Besides you? That I don't know

You're mixing apples and oranges. I'm glad you're not hot with how incredibly gullible you are believing anything anyone tells you. Wow
Your retreat is noticeable. I showed you a small sampling of the all-too-real racism exhibited by your confederates here. You can't show me the same from the liberals on the board. Thus blowing your stance out of the water. Do with that what you will.
Buy a dictionary and learn to read words you don't understand, this is just too stupid to address, Fucks Goats

Your response doesn't even have anything to do with my comments. If you're this much of a coward online imagine how weak these arguments look in real life. No wonder your ideology and culture are dying.
You've gone from being just silly to profoundly stupid. Quite the accomplishment.
Good to see they agree with me...

Your retreat is noticeable. I showed you a small sampling of the all-too-real racism exhibited by your confederates here. You can't show me the same from the liberals on the board. Thus blowing your stance out of the water. Do with that what you will.

You just read posts from your imagination, goodbye, at least for now, it's tired when you won't respond to what I actually said and just make stupid shit up I didn't say, didn't mean and don't think. Bye bye

Your response doesn't even have anything to do with my comments. If you're this much of a coward online imagine how weak these arguments look in real life. No wonder your ideology and culture are dying.

Yes, you said outright you were fine with being in the party of slave owners. You also are fine with being in the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation and didn't even need to mention them.

You're a racist, it's out of greed. You hear reparations and welfare and just want to know where to sign up and who to sell out, like any black that thinks differently than you do.

I've written a whole bunch of messages, none of them racist. But you just keep wanting to misquote me in your quest for free shit. You're not a man
Yes, you said outright you were fine with being in the party of slave owners. You also are fine with being in the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation and didn't even need to mention them.
History doesn't make me cry as much as it makes you cry I guess. 😄
You're a racist, it's out of greed. You hear reparations and welfare and just want to know where to sign up and who to sell out, like any black that thinks differently than you do.
I'm not eligible for American reparations. No one in my family was a victim of American slavery or segregation.
I've written a whole bunch of messages, none of them racist. But you just keep wanting to misquote me in your quest for free shit. You're not a man
I don't have to misquote you. Unlike you I can actually produce a quote of you saying Black Democrats don't think for themselves.

Again you lump all blacks together in your racism. I didn't say blacks you fucking racist shill, I said black Democrats. Yet again it's you arguing blacks are all the same
History doesn't make me cry as much as it makes you cry I guess. 😄

I'm not eligible for American reparations. No one in my family was a victim of American slavery or segregation.

I don't have to misquote you. Unlike you I can actually produce a quote of you saying Black Democrats don't think for themselves.

The black from the party of slave owners. Is the free shit worth your shitting on any black who disagrees with you, racist? What if other blacks shit on you for free shit?
And America is the party of slavery. I'm using the same logic you are. Nothing every changes. 😄

Now you're getting you Bingo. 😄

Your knowledge of world history is zero. The United States is a country, not a party, and the only party associated with racism and slavery is your, the DNC.

You seriously need to do some studying on world history, seriously, you know nothing
Your knowledge of world history is zero. The United States is a country, not a party, and the only party associated with racism and slavery is your, the DNC.
Why are parties forever stuck in time but not countries?
You seriously need to do some studying on world history, seriously, you know nothing

I'm running rings around you Short Bus.
Why are parties forever stuck in time but not countries?


I'm running rings around you Short Bus.

You haven't said anything about world history and you obviously know nothing about it since you think slavery is uniquely American, it's not even close. And everything we're discussing in US history was done by your party, the Democrat party. Republicans fought it
You haven't said anything about world history and you obviously know nothing about it since you think slavery is uniquely American, it's not even close.
Again with the obvious red herring. 😄 Are you capable of a rational argument?
And everything we're discussing in US history was done by your party, the Democrat party. Republicans fought it
In the 1800s. What does that have to do with today? The Democratic party helped end segregation in the 60s.
The black from the party of slave owners. Is the free shit worth your shitting on any black who disagrees with you, racist? What if other blacks shit on you for free shit?
That was 150 years ago. Perhaps they didn't teach you that in six sigma school.... (the one you never attended).

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