Liberals are more racist than conservatives....Yale university study....

Yes, you've said it isn't racist for a black to attack the character of any black who disagrees with you in racist terms.
It isn't. It racist to assume that the black people who disagree with you are doing so because a white person told them to and that's exactly what you argue with black democrats.
You said that, and you're just wrong, what you are doing is racist.
I never said Black conservatives are being told what to think by white conservatives. I said what they think is stupid or self serving. Theres a difference.
I hope you rethink it and just change to blacks have the right to disagree with you, and you DISAGREE with them when they do, and leave the racist terminology at home
I don't care if you think is racist. You don't seem to know what racism is.
It isn't. It racist to assume that the black people who disagree with you are doing so because a white person told them to and that's exactly what you argue with black democrats.

I never said Black conservatives are being told what to think by white conservatives. I said what they think is stupid or self serving. Theres a difference.

I don't care if you think is racist. You don't seem to know what racism is.

Actually, when you asked me that before, I said I'm not answering unless you convince me it's an honest question. You just proved again it wasn't. You not only lied about that I didn't answer, but you lied and made up my answer.

Again, you're lying should give you pause about what you are saying. Well, it would if you were smarter and less racist
Note I'm sticking to that blacks can be in any political party, the issue is when you use racist terms to attack a black who disagrees with you as if blacks are all the same.
And this why you're stupid. Apparently you think all black democrats think alike. I disagree even with black democrats on lots of issues. I don't call them Uncle Tom's though because they usually aren't voicing the same talking points of Southern conservatives.
That you have to keep lying about what I said would make anyone with integrity start to question what you are saying. That person with integrity certainly isn't you
How much do you think your questioning my integrity bothers me? 😄
Actually, when you asked me that before, I said I'm not answering unless you convince me it's an honest question. You just proved again it wasn't. You not only lied about that I didn't answer, but you lied and made up my answer.

Again, you're lying should give you pause about what you are saying. Well, it would if you were smarter and less racist
We can all see your post history you clown. 😄
And this why you're stupid. Apparently you think all black democrats think alike. I disagree even with black democrats on lots of issues. I don't call them Uncle Tom's though because they usually aren't voicing the same talking points of Southern conservatives.

How much do you think your questioning my integrity bothers me? 😄

I can't fix stupid, sorry racist. Again, you're hearing things I didn't say, which obviously means you're not motivated by caring if whites aren't racist. You want free shit. That's your right. Your racist bull shit over conservative blacks isn't cool though, that's what makes you a racist.

What makes me a racist is you lying about what I said, which makes me not a racist since you have to lie to get there
Once again, you’re reading comprehension skills are piss poor to nonexistent. He said 100% of all CEOs have college degrees, followed by “I may be wrong, and there are probably exceptions to the rule”.

So you promptly posted that 92% of all CEOs have college degrees which means that 8% are the exceptions to the rule that the poster was talking about.

You proved that he was absolutely correct in his post and that you lack reading comprehension, all at the same time.

Once a FuckBoi, always a FuckBoi. You still haven’t told us why you’re still unemployed when they are 11 million job openings in America at the moment.
He lied, Simp.
I can't fix stupid, sorry racist. Again, you're hearing things I didn't say, which obviously means you're not motivated by caring if whites aren't racist. You want free shit. That's your right. Your racist bull shit over conservative blacks isn't cool though, that's what makes you a racist.
It's racist that you assume I want free shit. Why is that your racist assumption? What free shit do you imagine I'm arguing for?
What makes me a racist is you lying about what I said, which makes me not a racist since you have to lie to get there
Naw, all my ancestors (grandparents) came from Norway or Denmark.
And within 1 generation, if not right away, your ancestors were treated better than black Americans who have been here for hundreds of years more than your family.

Right away your family was accepted in the Klan. You were welcomed at church. The same church the hiring manager goes to at the place your grand pappy went to. No blacks allowed there. So your family stepped off the boat and right away had an advantage over Americans who's families built this country. They're still treated like second class citizens and based on your comments you are benefiting from white privilege.
It's racist that you assume I want free shit. Why is that your racist assumption? What free shit do you imagine I'm arguing for?


There are differences between Democrat voters, but not on that one. You all want free shit or you wouldn't be Democrats
He lied, Simp.

I think I said fortune 500 CEO's.

CEOs are well-educated Chief Executive Officers are generally well-educated professionals. Globally, 98% of the sample hold at least a Bachelor's degree; 64% hold at least a Master's degree or equivalent (including MBAs); and 10% hold a Doctorate degree.

Who are the CEO's that don't have a college degree?

10 Successful CEOs That Did Not Get A College Degree​

Zuckaberg, Gates, Jobs, Branson, Ford, Ralph Loren. These are people who started their own companies. And maybe Facebook and Microsoft are special because the people who invented the company are still the CEO's?

I don't believe anyone has ever become the CEO of a company they don't own without a college degree. How would a person without a college degree even get the fist job in the organization let alone rise up through the ranks to become a CEO.

In fact, I bet 98% of VP's in Fortune 500 companies have college degrees. You just don't become a CHIEF ANYTHING OFFICE in a Fortune 500 without a college degree. Maybe the exception are the computer geeks who invented Facebook and Microsoft. Rare.
What free shit does your racist ass imagine I want? 😄
We want rich people to pay their fair share. When Bill Gates pays 12% and his secretary pays 35%, something is wrong.

And we want that money he pays to go to roads, schools, other social programs that make America great. Free shit.

Keep in mind companies only go to cities that have all that free shit. They don't go to Alabama where the citizens have no teeth. They could find cheap workers there but they can't get college educated white collar workers to move to Gooberville, USA.
What have they promised to get "me"? Say it with your chest you coward racist. 😄

This other guy, KAZ I believe, kept acting like I was lying and insulting him when I said "you think blacks are stupid for voting Democratic"

He was complaining because I said any rich black who votes GOP is an uncle tom. They may be voting properly based on their income but they have forgotten where they came from. And I don't care how much money the Nazi's can save a jew in taxes, a Jew would never vote for a Nazi, even if the nazi would save them $100K a year in taxes. Know what I mean?

Just like Kaitlyn Jenner. Kaitlyn is the uncle tom of Transvestites. He/She overlooks how piss poorly Republicans treat his/her kind because fiscally he benefits from them. Same with Ben Carson and Herman Cain.
What have they promised to get "me"? Say it with your chest you coward racist. 😄

You know I'm not a racist since you have to lie to get me there, lying proves you know what you are doing and why it's necessary. Racist against your own race, pathetic. But White leftists promised you free shit, totally worth it, huh?
There are differences between Democrat voters, but not on that one. You all want free shit or you wouldn't be Democrats

Aren't you the one who got all bent out of shape because I said you claim blacks are stupid for voting Democratic?

Oh my bad. You are even more ignorant than that. To suggest that "black people" as a whole vote for Democrats because they give them "free shit" is even more ignorant than just saying they are stupid for voting Democratic.

That's what I think about poor and middle class whites who vote Republican. You have no reason to be voting GOP. Not fiscal reasons. That's why they con you with social wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism.

Look at poor white Republicans in Kentucky. They have been fooled into voting GOP. Same with poor whites in Mississippi. Some of the poorest people in the country. But they are convinced us liberals will take away their guns and freedom. They've been bamboozled. Meanwhile, they get US Postal service for 50 cents thanks to us. Social security and medicare when they retire thanks to us. Obamacare thanks to us.

They've also been duped with racism. If blacks for Democratic for free shit and because they are stupid, that means these people vote GOP for freedom and because they are smart. LOL
You know I'm not a racist since you have to lie to get me there, lying proves you know what you are doing and why it's necessary. Racist against your own race, pathetic. But White leftists promised you free shit, totally worth it, huh?
We assume based on your positions. And the party you vote for.

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