Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.

“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me. Bleev me. Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

G, we get it...we didn't think he would never play golf, he owns courses, he sponsers events.....the difference was he has been working hard to pass legislation and fight the democrats, media and anti trump republicans. you may hate the guy, but he doesn't come close to taking vacations like Obama, and no Mar O Largo is not a vacation...he still works there.
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me. Bleev me. Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

an exaggeration is not a lie. come on, is that all you have?
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.

“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”

that was, and still is, his goal. He cant do it without congress. No lie, next.
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.”
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?”
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“The trade deficit with Mexico is close to $70 billion, even with Canada it’s $17 billion trade deficit with Canada.”
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.”

probably an exaggeration, no one knows how many illegals voted in California.
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“We’re the highest-taxed nation in the world”
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?”

muslim violence is rampant in those countries, truth
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“The trade deficit with Mexico is close to $70 billion, even with Canada it’s $17 billion trade deficit with Canada.”

the exact numbers vary month to month and year to year. At some point those numbers were accurate.

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“We’re the highest-taxed nation in the world”

in terms of the corporate tax rate, 100% correct. He should have clarified his comment
Need more?

I see the usual apologists and piss drinkers are trying to excuse Trump's neverending lies. :lol:
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“We’re the highest-taxed nation in the world”
Let's use the Law of large numbers to our numerical advantage! A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage means more people paying taxes.

Imagine that, right wingers; even the poor paying their share of income tax.
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“We’re the highest-taxed nation in the world”

in terms of the corporate tax rate, 100% correct. He should have clarified his comment
Trump has told that lie MULTIPLE times. Not just once.

Over and over and over he lies.

Stop drinking his piss. You look like a fool.
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“The trade deficit with Mexico is close to $70 billion, even with Canada it’s $17 billion trade deficit with Canada.”

the exact numbers vary month to month and year to year. At some point those numbers were accurate.

Nope. It was NEVER accurate when he said it.

Trump lied. Deal with it.

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"Johnny did it, too!"

That's the excuse of a five year old, and an admission Trump is a liar.
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“We’re the highest-taxed nation in the world”

in terms of the corporate tax rate, 100% correct. He should have clarified his comment
Trump has told that lie MULTIPLE times. Not just once.

Over and over and over he lies.

Stop drinking his piss. You look like a fool.

I am pretty sure he was talking about the corporate tax rate. Can you post the entire quote? or do you only have the out of context part given to you by your handlers?
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me. Bleev me. Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

an exaggeration is not a lie. come on, is that all you have?

It's a lie. A lie is a lie is a lie.


He's already shattered Obama's record for golfing. He and you and people like you used to regularly attack Obama for golfing.

You and Trump have all been exposed as hypocrites. Which is even worse than lying.
One of liberals favorite things to say about Trump is that all he does is lie. He lies, his administration lies, and then he lies some more. Lies, lies, lies.

If you're old enough to remember the Bush years, liberals pretty much said the same thing about him. Everything he ever uttered was a LIE.

Quick question: why doesn't anyone ever go into all the "lies" Trump tells? I know there are lists out there that say stuff like "Trump has told 3,081 lies since he took office", but I can tell you now that's bullshit. If you bean count every inaccurate statement he or someone in his administration makes, you may be able to find a myriad of untruths, but 1) that's petty, 2) that's "cheating" (I'll explain in a second), and 3) those aren't necessarily lies.

Let's be clear about a lie is, because words have meaning. A lie is when you knowingly state a falsehood as a statement of fact. A lie isn't simply when you get something wrong or when you're mistaken about something or even when you're wrong about something you "should" know.

It's cute for news organizations to act as though they're keeping Trump honest by pointing out his lies. In theory, that's what the Fourth Estate is for: keeping honest those in power. But they know, like we know, like Trump knows, most people aren't hanging on to every word or assertion he makes and then filing away whether it was factually correct or not.

One could argue that the truth always matters, but it's not always relevant. People care whether Trump intends on trying to build a wall; they don't care about whether Trump was right when he said Washington Post journalists want to strike unless Jeff Bezos pays them more.

It's easy to ding Trump and his administration for lies when they often have to address questions off the cuff or before all the facts are known, while reporters can sit around and Google and "fact-check" all day and score points that way. And I think the media is making the same mistake they've always made with Trump: they don't take him seriously, but insist on taking him literally. Because why would Trump say one thing to the press on Tuesday, and say the exact opposite on Wednesday? Like, on a habitual basis? Either he's trolling, he speaks off the cuff about subjects he hasn't really thought through, or people looking to catch him in a lie are trying to find an inconsistency where there really is none.

Liberals, tell me some important Trump "lies". And fair warning: I'm thorough. So if you think you're going to go copypasta some list you found on and think I'm not going to fact-check it or call you out when it's bullshit, think again.
“The trade deficit with Mexico is close to $70 billion, even with Canada it’s $17 billion trade deficit with Canada.”

the exact numbers vary month to month and year to year. At some point those numbers were accurate.

Nope. It was NEVER accurate when he said it.

Trump lied. Deal with it.

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"Johnny did it, too!"

That's the excuse of a five year old, and an admission Trump is a liar.

Ok, smart ass, give us the exact numbers of our trade deficits with mexico and Canada and when those numbers occurred. If he lied then you should easily be able to provide the correct numbers. I'll wait.

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