Libs get kicked off flight for harassing ivanka trump

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This is a fake story the trumps are actors.

First, she's not flying 2nd class. This is staged by the trump camp.

This is a reality show. God Americans are dumb

She is flying with 3 kids! You try it. Per veteran flight attendants they dont want kids in business (or 1st?). Ivanka was co-operating and helping by going coach. Then along comes this pompous buffoon to play tough guy and attack a lady with three kids? Who does that?

And the worthless scum only got tossed? Disrupting air travel? Lock him up, no fly list.

In the War on Political Correctness, it is inevitable that some children will get caught in the crossfire

It is a small price to pay to end the scourge of PC once and for all
Such crying....such whimpering....such sniveling......

Yeah you loons really need to's unbecoming
More crying.....more whimpering....more sniveling.....^

Check out bodeca trying to project all the liberal butt hurt and pathetic whining onto Trump supporters. Ain't that fucking hilarious! LOL
^more crying, more whining, more sniveling......please.....Do continue.

Riiight.... LOL!





If the guy can't be on a plane with someone that he can't stand, he should've gotten on another plane since he is the one who has the problem.

God bless you and Ivanka always!!!

Why would a key person in the Trump Organization be flying commercial? Come on, you're smarted than this.

The entire thing stinks of a set-up.
Well what's wrong with a person of Ivanka's status flying with the rest of us? Yeah, she has the option of going on a plane that can come and go whenever she wants it to, but instead she goes just like everyone else. Maybe she doesn't think that she should have special treatment just because of who her dad is. If this is where her mind is, then there is no commending her more in my opinion! Ivanka is awesome! :) :) :)

God bless you and her and her family always!!! :) :) :)

You sure are interested in homosexuality. Hmmmm?
Yes, I am. It's a peculiar aspect of humanity. Although wild animals commit homosexual acts, I've found no studies where they are exclusively gay. Homosexuality obviously has a genetic component as shown by twin studies, there appear to be environmental factors too. Are you gay, Jake?

Are there any homosexual animals?
So LeVay and Vasey still say that humans are the only documented case of "true" homosexuality in wild animals. "It is not the case that you have lesbian bonobos or gay male bonobos," says Vasey. "What's been described is that many animals are happy to engage in sex with partners of either sex."

Homosexual orientation in twins: a report on 61 pairs and three triplet sets. - PubMed - NCBI
...Thirty-eight pairs of monozygotic twins (34 male pairs and 4 female pairs) were found to have a concordance rate of 65.8% for homosexual orientation. Twenty-three pairs of dizygotic twins were found to have a concordance rate of 30.4% for homosexual orientation....
Well, LeVay and Vasey are peer-reviewed, are they? If I remember the literature rightly, they are far outliers on the subject.
If the guy can't be on a plane with someone that he can't stand, he should've gotten on another plane since he is the one who has the problem.

God bless you and Ivanka always!!!

Why would a key person in the Trump Organization be flying commercial? Come on, you're smarted than this.

The entire thing stinks of a set-up.
Well what's wrong with a person of Ivanka's status flying with the rest of us? Yeah, she has the option of going on a plane that can come and go whenever she wants it to, but instead she goes just like everyone else. Maybe she doesn't think that she should have special treatment just because of who her dad is. If this is where her mind is, then there is no commending her more in my opinion! Ivanka is awesome! :) :) :)

God bless you and her and her family always!!! :) :) :)

If she had been flying first class, they would have bitched about THAT.

Nasty, hateful people.
If the guy can't be on a plane with someone that he can't stand, he should've gotten on another plane since he is the one who has the problem.

God bless you and Ivanka always!!!

Why would a key person in the Trump Organization be flying commercial? Come on, you're smarted than this.

The entire thing stinks of a set-up.
Well what's wrong with a person of Ivanka's status flying with the rest of us? Yeah, she has the option of going on a plane that can come and go whenever she wants it to, but instead she goes just like everyone else. Maybe she doesn't think that she should have special treatment just because of who her dad is. If this is where her mind is, then there is no commending her more in my opinion! Ivanka is awesome! :) :) :)

God bless you and her and her family always!!! :) :) :)

If she had been flying first class, they would have bitched about THAT.

Nasty, hateful people.

Just telling it like it is
One guy said something out loud -- not necessarily directed at Ivanka -- about how her family is ruining the country and now the flight. As a precaution, he was booted with his partner. No one yelled, no one cussed anyone out.

This might be the most overblown story of the year. Holy shit. Trump people are, indeed, precious little twat-lipped snowflakes in dire need of sensitive-skin baby wipes.

Wipe front to back, children.
One guy said something out loud -- not necessarily directed at Ivanka -- about how her family is ruining the country and now the flight. As a precaution, he was booted with his partner. No one yelled, no one cussed anyone out.

This might be the most overblown story of the year. Holy shit. Trump people are, indeed, precious little twat-lipped snowflakes in dire need of sensitive-skin baby wipes.

Wipe front to back, children.

Trumps oppose free speech!
Here is what happened: Two mentally deranged, ugly, angry homosexuals see a happy, beautiful, NORMAL woman with her naturally conceived child and it triggered them.

They know that two twisted faggots buggering each other in the ass will never result in a child. They also know that this beautiful, accomplished, intelligent woman has a father and a family that LOVES her unconditionally.

This angers them and sets them into a rage. Life is SOOOOO unfair!! Boo Hoo!!

The only good thing about this incident is ti exposes the left for the hating, angry, rage filled, lunatics they really are.

They preach tolerance, but that if for YOU!! Not them!.
I thought RWNJs liked it when somebody wasn't politically correct, but just said it as he saw it. Does that only count when you or your heroes aren't the ones who are the subject of conversation?
Everything when downhill after you opened with "I thought". The topic has nothing to do with political correctness, you got very lost.

It's apparent the leftists think they can say or do anything under the color of free speech so let's go ahead and include an old fashioned ass kicking in that.

What ever you say sweet lips.
Safe bet this "rightwinger" character has never experienced an independent thought. Give him a proper description and he accuses others of being the same, as if it's opposite day. From his words to his user ID to his avatar ("snowflake") he adopts all things projection, contradictory and ironic. He reminds me of a parrot, difference being he's corrupt and lost.
Safe bet this "rightwinger" character has never experienced an independent thought. Give him a proper description and he accuses others of being the same, as if it's opposite day. From his words to his user ID to his avatar ("snowflake") he adopts all things projection, contradictory and ironic. He reminds me of a parrot, difference being he's corrupt and lost.

Nice try Snowflake....

Your petty whimpering because everyone doesn't worship Princess Ivanka is best saved for your safe space full of unicorns and rainbows

Maybe they will give you a cookie
What really did the perv couple in is that one of them posted on line that his husband was chasing Ivanka down to harass her.
Safe bet this "rightwinger" character has never experienced an independent thought. Give him a proper description and he accuses others of being the same, as if it's opposite day. From his words to his user ID to his avatar ("snowflake") he adopts all things projection, contradictory and ironic. He reminds me of a parrot, difference being he's corrupt and lost.

Nice try Snowflake....

Your petty whimpering because everyone doesn't worship Princess Ivanka is best saved for your safe space full of unicorns and rainbows

Maybe they will give you a cookie

What I find amusing is she, who you claim is a terrible awful person based on her fathers actions, acted with class and dignity, and actually tried to let the twerps stay on the flight, and they, who you claim were merely exercising their 1st Amendment Rights (not really, there was nothing political in anything they said, and it is POLITICAL discourse that is protected) were the ones acting like spoiled brats.

And you don't see a problem with that. Which says a lot about YOU.....
Safe bet this "rightwinger" character has never experienced an independent thought. Give him a proper description and he accuses others of being the same, as if it's opposite day. From his words to his user ID to his avatar ("snowflake") he adopts all things projection, contradictory and ironic. He reminds me of a parrot, difference being he's corrupt and lost.

Nice try Snowflake....

Your petty whimpering because everyone doesn't worship Princess Ivanka is best saved for your safe space full of unicorns and rainbows

Maybe they will give you a cookie

Thanks for the validation, but I really didn't need it. Say, I have your profile. I'm real good at it. I might be an asshole, but I'll restrain.
Hey Ivanka!
Get your stinky pussy off this airplane!
<I love locker room talk>
If women don't like how they are treated......they shouldn't have voted for Trump
The War on Political Correctness is not for the weak willed pussy Snowflakes
What a fucking pussy you are..

Wah....Wah....Wah.....What if it was Chelsea?

Who the hell cares Snowflake? The guy was not being Politically Correct. It's not like he called her a disgusting pig
ROFL. What a hypocrite you are, sir. It's well known that every time you post, it begins with a lie, but your repeated misogyny here appears to be boundless. I see no difference between you and the most deplorable rightwinger wife-beating asshole except for your preference for President.
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