Libs get kicked off flight for harassing ivanka trump

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How are they gay now? I thought it was a man and woman.

Yes, fake news.
You think the story is fake news? Interesting.
Now I'm thinking it's just a really embarrassing liberal who made an ass of themselves and should expect to be tossed in Abu grabe after trump is sworn in.

And if the person was really gay, they can expect to be fucked with bigly in the next two years. I read a story about how Republicans can fuck with gay marriage. Want to be married? Fine. But only straight couples can share healthcare. Companies are not obligated to give gay lovers healthcare and gays can't adopt. And no tax breaks for gay couples.
I thought RWNJs liked it when somebody wasn't politically correct, but just said it as he saw it. Does that only count when you or your heroes aren't the ones who are the subject of conversation?

Look....Political Correctness is for pussies

Oh......I have to worry about your FEELINGS?

Trump has shown us the way......Tell it like it is and let the Snowflakes worry about their feelings

Man up Buttercup

You are being dishonest.

Just "Telling it like it is"

You Conservative Snowflakes really need to grow a set. Hey, you got what you want so now you have to live with it

Princess Ivanka grew up in New York, she should be used to people acting like's the new norm

You are not telling it like it is, you are lying.

Political Correctness was never about being rude. And you know that.

Lying to people that know better is just being rude.
Oh cry me a river tinkerbell...

Political Correctness is about being concerned about the feelings of others

When Trump calls a woman a pig is he being politically incorrect or just fucking rude?

Political Correctness uses the pretense of "concern about the feelings of others" to suppress legitimate discussion.

It is very rude of you to dishonestly pretend otherwise.

Do not be an ass.
The War on Political Correctness is not for the weak willed pussy Snowflakes

Of course some innocent people will be hurt, but that is the way all wars are. You fight a war to WIN, you can't be concerned with the feelings of those who can't keep up

Our incoming President has declared Political Correctness as a danger to our nation......we must do all that is necessary to irradicate it


Political COrrectness is a danger to this nation, and I hope to see it destroyed.

THat has nothing to do with this incident.
From the first Republican debate

You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals,” Kelly began her question, about as directly as you can.

“Only Rosie O’Donnell,” Trump interrupted with a sneer, earning cheers from the crowd.

Kelly wasn’t having it. Any of it.

“For the record, it was way beyond Rosie O’Donnell,” Kelly said – before launching into a laundry list Trump’s most misogynistic moments:

Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks. You once told a contestant on the Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should e
lect as president? And how do you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton – that you are part of the war on women?

Trump, unchastened, responded with a misdirect: “I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct.”

Then he made a veiled threat at Kelly herself.

So there you have it from our incoming President

Calling women fat pigs, slobs, dogs or disgusting animals is merely not being politically correct

So how is the incident on the plane with Ivanka not a case of Political Correctness ?

That Kelly was interpreting insults directed at individual women as a "War on Women" instead of something relevant to those women as INDIVIDUALs, is an expression of Political Correctness.
Now I'm thinking it's just a really embarrassing liberal who made an ass of themselves and should expect to be tossed in Abu grabe after trump is sworn in.

And if the person was really gay, they can expect to be fucked with bigly in the next two years. I read a story about how Republicans can fuck with gay marriage. Want to be married? Fine. But only straight couples can share healthcare. Companies are not obligated to give gay lovers healthcare and gays can't adopt. And no tax breaks for gay couples.
Abu Ghraib? Even Trump has to go by the Constitution regardless what his fans and detractors claim.

Interesting that you doubt Lasner or his husband Goldstein are really gay. Why do you think they are falsely claiming to be homosexual?

Matt Lasner: 5 Things To Know About The Man Who Harassed Ivanka Trump
3. Matt’s husband was the one who initiated the confrontation.

While Matt is taking a lot of the heat for the incident on the airplane, it seems that his husband Daniel Goldstein was the real trouble maker. After being kicked off of the plane, Matt took to Twitter, saying that Daniel had chased Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner, 35, down. But he followed that tweet, writing that while on the flight, his husband simply “expressed his displeasure with a calm tone.” His Twitter account has since been deleted.
And of course, no shortage of spin and deflection for this.

They're so used to being nasty, they no longer even care.
Now I'm thinking it's just a really embarrassing liberal who made an ass of themselves and should expect to be tossed in Abu grabe after trump is sworn in.

And if the person was really gay, they can expect to be fucked with bigly in the next two years. I read a story about how Republicans can fuck with gay marriage. Want to be married? Fine. But only straight couples can share healthcare. Companies are not obligated to give gay lovers healthcare and gays can't adopt. And no tax breaks for gay couples.
Abu Ghraib? Even Trump has to go by the Constitution regardless what his fans and detractors claim.

Interesting that you doubt Lasner or his husband Goldstein are really gay. Why do you think they are falsely claiming to be homosexual?

Matt Lasner: 5 Things To Know About The Man Who Harassed Ivanka Trump
3. Matt’s husband was the one who initiated the confrontation.

While Matt is taking a lot of the heat for the incident on the airplane, it seems that his husband Daniel Goldstein was the real trouble maker. After being kicked off of the plane, Matt took to Twitter, saying that Daniel had chased Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner, 35, down. But he followed that tweet, writing that while on the flight, his husband simply “expressed his displeasure with a calm tone.” His Twitter account has since been deleted.
I must have been really drunk or Hi when I heard this story. Maybe I saw a tweet from the spouse about "my husband" and assumed?

As a liberal I would have stood up and said hey why don't you leave the lady alone.or "hey pal you're out of line step off" go it down you're making a fucking fool of yourself. Maybe you should have campaigned for hillary harder. Don't yell at trump for winning yell at the 49% of the people on the plane for voting for trump. Lol

They were going to Florida. Yell at the Floridians because they voted for trump if I'm not mistaken
I must have been really drunk or Hi when I heard this story. Maybe I saw a tweet from the spouse about "my husband" and assumed?

As a liberal I would have stood up and said hey why don't you leave the lady alone.or "hey pal you're out of line step off" go it down you're making a fucking fool of yourself. Maybe you should have campaigned for hillary harder. Don't yell at trump for winning yell at the 49% of the people on the plane for voting for trump. Lol

They were going to Florida. Yell at the Floridians because they voted for trump if I'm not mistaken
That would explain it.

You jumping into a shouting match on an airliner would only see you joining Lasner and Goldstein being escorted back into the terminal. Let the aircrew handle it. If they aren't, it's legitimate to calmly express your discomfort over the actions of others.

Florida voted for Trump 49.1% to Hillary's 47.8%. 2016 election results: Florida

Most sane and sober people know the country was fairly divided between two of the most deplorable candidates in living history. Note that neither candidate took 50%+ of the vote. ;)

EDIT: FYI the flight in question was JetBlue JFK to SFO.
2016 election results: California
California, where Hillary beat Trump with 61.6% of the vote to 32.8%
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Such crying....such whimpering....such sniveling......

Yeah you loons really need to's unbecoming
More crying.....more whimpering....more sniveling.....^

Check out bodeca trying to project all the liberal butt hurt and pathetic whining onto Trump supporters. Ain't that fucking hilarious! LOL
^more crying, more whining, more sniveling......please.....Do continue.
Princess Ivanka grew up in New York, she should be used to people acting like's the new norm
She was cool about it. It was the college professor who acted like a fucking asshole then whined he was victim.

New York Daily News on Twitter

JetBlue passengers kicked off flight over Ivanka Trump complaints
Witness Marc Scheff, sitting in the row in front of Ivanka, said she never lost her cool during the uncomfortable incident.

“I overheard Ivanka say to (plane staff) ‘I don’t want to make this a thing,’ ” Scheff wrote on Facebook. “My assessment is she was happy to let the man take his seat.

“She handled the situation calmly and with class. Security made the call to dismiss the man. And for good reason.”

Scheff disputed the report that Goldstein was yelling before adding, “He was not what I would describe as calm. Agitated, maybe.”

Once booted, Lasner, who is a Hunter College associate professor, tried to cover their tracks via social media.

Before Lasner, Goldstein and their son ever boarded the plane, the teacher tweeted that his spouse had Ivanka and her hubby in his cross hairs.

“Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial,” tweeted Lasner. “My husband chasing them down to harass them. #banalityofevil.”

They portrayed themselves as victims afterward.

“JetBlue kicked us off our flight when a (flight) attendant overheard my husband expressing displeasure about flying w/Trumps,” read the new version.

JetBlue released a statement confirming the incident and explaining its rationale for bumping Lasner and Goldstein — making it clear they were in the wrong.

A little case of not being Politically Correct

It's not like he called her a disgusting pig or bleeding out her "wherever"
Nonetheless, he deliberately caused a scene and was deplaned. No one likes being trapped in an aluminum tube with a nutjob.

If it had been some RW harassing Chelsea, I suspect you'd be applauding the harasser being deplaned. Why are you being such a hypocrite about this?
What a fucking pussy you are..

Wah....Wah....Wah.....What if it was Chelsea?

Who the hell cares Snowflake? The guy was not being Politically Correct. It's not like he called her a disgusting pig
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