Libs get kicked off flight for harassing ivanka trump

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they try it with a guy and they'll end up swallowing their teeth

Not a liberal. Their "men" while scramble for their cell phones, then curl into the fetal position waiting for the police.

Example of the liberal you're talking about:

I don't understand why people are upset over some locker room talk.
Ivanka was in a locker room?
Trump was in a locker room?

A passenger airplane is a bus that flies.

Was Trump in that bus with his kids, were there other families on that bus?

Not the same, no matter how you spin it.

Yeah, as long as he grabs pussies in private and only TALKS about it on a bus, he's fine.
The idiot and his family got tossed off the plane for being intolerant douchebags. Ivanka had to shield her young children from this freak, libs seriously how low can you get?

They should be banned FOREVER from JETBLUE like Delta banned forever the guy who was yelling about Trump. Seems completely reasonable.
No, it does not. He has the right to express himself and accept being removed from the flight.

They should have waited until after Trump ruins the country to yell at her. He hasn't done nothin yet.

And that guy better be careful. Last time Republicans were in charge a guy with his son went up to Dick Chaney in a mall and told him he was ruining the country and Chaney had him arrested right in front of his kid. Just for telling him he sucked.

If anyone should have been arrested it was Joe Wilson

Joe Wilson of South Carolina said Obama lied, but he didn't

Remember this mother fucker?
Wilson told the truth. Obama was lying.
Didn't you read the story? Turns out Wilson was wrong.
So illegal immigrants aren't getting healthcare?

Turns out that Joe's claim was

It was? Better read this.

On the night of September 9, 2009, a still highly popular President Barack Obama spoke spiritedly to a joint session of Congress. He had summoned the members of both parties to introduce his plan to transform American health care.
The promises he made that night were many and, to most in the television audience, at least, sounded fresh. “Nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have,” said the president. “Let me repeat this: nothing in our plan requires you to change what you have.”
Simmering throughout this litany of disinformation was an obscure five-term South Carolina congressman named Joe Wilson. When Obama denounced as false the claim that this proposed health care system “would insure legal immigrants,” Wilson could hold his tongue no longer. “You lie!” he yelled.
Widely chastised at the time, Wilson had to feel vindicated this week when a report surfaced that 42 percent of new Medicaid sign-ups were immigrants, legal and otherwise. This added weight to the recent revelation that most of those newly insured for Obamacare had been insured through Medicaid.

Articles: Joe Wilson Was Right
Bad words and disruptive behavior in front of children on a plane, you say?

I doubt that article that she and her family would take that flight. Must of been a look alike. I mean come on.

They should have waited until after Trump ruins the country to yell at her. He hasn't done nothin yet.

And that guy better be careful. Last time Republicans were in charge a guy with his son went up to Dick Chaney in a mall and told him he was ruining the country and Chaney had him arrested right in front of his kid. Just for telling him he sucked.

If anyone should have been arrested it was Joe Wilson

Joe Wilson of South Carolina said Obama lied, but he didn't

Remember this mother fucker?
Wilson told the truth. Obama was lying.
Didn't you read the story? Turns out Wilson was wrong.
So illegal immigrants aren't getting healthcare?

Turns out that Joe's claim was

So you are stating that illegal immigrants don't get healthcare?
Since when do liberals have a habit of taking private jets?
Must I really remind you about how Al 'Save the Planet' Gore flew all over the world to Global Warming conferences in his million-dollar, carbon-belching private plane? Selective memory problem or, like Hillary, just 'dain bramaged'? :p
The idiot and his family got tossed off the plane for being intolerant douchebags. Ivanka had to shield her young children from this freak, libs seriously how low can you get?

They should be banned FOREVER from JETBLUE like Delta banned forever the guy who was yelling about Trump. Seems completely reasonable.
No, it does not. He has the right to express himself and accept being removed from the flight.

He has no such right, hence they booted his ass off the plane for being a jackass liberal.
The insane left showing why America has made the Democratic Party irrelevant in 2017. Yeah, fly private jets like the elite who say your carbon footprint is too large.

Ivanka was on a JetBlue flight leaving JFK Thursday morning with her family when a passenger started screaming, “Your father is ruining the country.” The guy went on, “Why is she on our flight. She should be flying private.” The guy had his kid in his arms as he went on the tirade.

Ivanka Trump Accosted by Passenger on JetBlue Flight (PHOTO + UPDATE)
These people have lost their minds.

Though, I'm sure if Obama and Michelle were left to
fend for themselves, they'd have to remain secluded.

I know I'd love to run into him and give him a piece of my mind!
I mean literally, give him a piece of my mind, cuz he hasn't one:eusa_dance:
I doubt that article that she and her family would take that flight. Must of been a look alike. I mean come on.
That's even worse - a kid-toting libtard freaks out and starts ranting at a woman who isn't even Ivanka Trump!

Reminds me of the libtard in Pa who killed a UPS driver and STILL insists that it was Donald Trump. Nothing they can say or do will make the freak change his mind.

(This guy claimed to KNOW Trump's schedule and KNEW he would be driving a UPS truck in the parking lot of a Wal mart in Pa the day he shot the UPS driver! :p)

The idiot and his family got tossed off the plane for being intolerant douchebags. Ivanka had to shield her young children from this freak, libs seriously how low can you get?

They should be banned FOREVER from JETBLUE like Delta banned forever the guy who was yelling about Trump. Seems completely reasonable.
No, it does not. He has the right to express himself and accept being removed from the flight.

He has no such right, hence they booted his ass off the plane for being a jackass liberal.
Of course he does, and the company has the right to remove him.
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