Libs: If Trump talk owns these violent clashes; Then YOUR side owns dead cops.

It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.

if any libertard reads this they will never admit it until they get thir talking points worked out..., that aside.

libertards, fools imbeciles plus America hating :asshole:S need to taught the hard way e.g., shitcago 1958AD !!

that's all folks.


Watching Fox town hall with Ted Cruz.

Cruz and his supporters just gave a standing ovation to police officers and Cruz ripped the Dems and Obama for how they've treated cops.

Yes folks....with all the chaos coming to America....our cops and soldiers should NEVER forget who stood with them and who didnt.

What you don't seem to realize is that a lot of cops are Democrats,too..Conservative Democrats most likely. Ferguson was a prime example of that. The cop's Union , FOP, is their collective bargaining and lobbying agent. Cops salaries and pensions depend on this "liberal" Democratic agency. That is how Democrats treat cops....OK?

My son is a cop. He's not a very political young man....but he thinks Trump is a fool and responsible for the atmosphere at his events. He doesn't look to me, by the way, for a pound of flesh every time a cop gets shot.

And you support an ideology that has chanted for dead cops and yells shit like "pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon". You support an ideology that smears your sons profession daily and stirs up hatred directed at the uniform he wears.

You are a horrible parent and you're lucky he still even speaks to you.
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.
How can we take seriously anything posted by a creepy stalker?
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.
How can we take seriously anything posted by a creepy stalker?

Well we still pay attention to you for better stop asking.
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.

if any libertard reads this they will never admit it until they get thir talking points worked out..., that aside.

libertards, fools imbeciles plus America hating :asshole:S need to taught the hard way e.g., shitcago 1958AD !!

that's all folks.


Watching Fox town hall with Ted Cruz.

Cruz and his supporters just gave a standing ovation to police officers and Cruz ripped the Dems and Obama for how they've treated cops.

Yes folks....with all the chaos coming to America....our cops and soldiers should NEVER forget who stood with them and who didnt.

What? They gave a standing ovation to police officers? That's so unusual. That never happens!

Well you attend Democrat rallies so you wouldn't ever see it.

Silly nutbag. Empty platitudes get applause from idiots.
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.

if any libertard reads this they will never admit it until they get thir talking points worked out..., that aside.

libertards, fools imbeciles plus America hating :asshole:S need to taught the hard way e.g., shitcago 1958AD !!

that's all folks.


Watching Fox town hall with Ted Cruz.

Cruz and his supporters just gave a standing ovation to police officers and Cruz ripped the Dems and Obama for how they've treated cops.

Yes folks....with all the chaos coming to America....our cops and soldiers should NEVER forget who stood with them and who didnt.

What you don't seem to realize is that a lot of cops are Democrats,too..Conservative Democrats most likely. Ferguson was a prime example of that. The cop's Union , FOP, is their collective bargaining and lobbying agent. Cops salaries and pensions depend on this "liberal" Democratic agency. That is how Democrats treat cops....OK?

My son is a cop. He's not a very political young man....but he thinks Trump is a fool and responsible for the atmosphere at his events. He doesn't look to me, by the way, for a pound of flesh every time a cop gets shot.

And you support an ideology that has chanted for dead cops and yells shit like "pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon". You support an ideology that smears your sons profession daily and stirs up hatred directed at the uniform he wears.

You are a horrible parent and you're lucky he still even speaks to you.

I support those things?

You sound a bit more crazy than normal this morning. What happened? Did you wake up, strap on your service revolver.....and then remember that you couldn't make the cut and are not a cop? Is that it?
Why the rolling eyes, he's right.
starting with that idiot piece of crap in the white house and right on down to almost every democrat elected official. Your guys have been catering to the criminals and doing your best to blame to police for brutality. If its not flat out racism, its the lack of cultural empathy or maybe they arent trained properly to know when to shoot.
your reasons are many but the reality is all the dead cops are on the democrats hands, regardless of Trump accepting blame for the Animals in BLM.


I admit it. The left is right. Trump's rhetoric has caused some pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch. Liberals have a point.

Just like THEIR rhetoric of demonizing cops has resulted in 13 DEAD cops shot to death in 2016s first 12 weeks.
What "sucker punch"?

Are you one of those brainwashed fools who think that Rakeem Jones got sucker punched at the NC Trump rally?
Ah...there's the denial.
if any libertard reads this they will never admit it until they get thir talking points worked out..., that aside.

libertards, fools imbeciles plus America hating :asshole:S need to taught the hard way e.g., shitcago 1958AD !!

that's all folks.


Watching Fox town hall with Ted Cruz.

Cruz and his supporters just gave a standing ovation to police officers and Cruz ripped the Dems and Obama for how they've treated cops.

Yes folks....with all the chaos coming to America....our cops and soldiers should NEVER forget who stood with them and who didnt.

What you don't seem to realize is that a lot of cops are Democrats,too..Conservative Democrats most likely. Ferguson was a prime example of that. The cop's Union , FOP, is their collective bargaining and lobbying agent. Cops salaries and pensions depend on this "liberal" Democratic agency. That is how Democrats treat cops....OK?

My son is a cop. He's not a very political young man....but he thinks Trump is a fool and responsible for the atmosphere at his events. He doesn't look to me, by the way, for a pound of flesh every time a cop gets shot.

And you support an ideology that has chanted for dead cops and yells shit like "pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon". You support an ideology that smears your sons profession daily and stirs up hatred directed at the uniform he wears.

You are a horrible parent and you're lucky he still even speaks to you.

I support those things?

You sound a bit more crazy than normal this morning. What happened? Did you wake up, strap on your service revolver.....and then remember that you couldn't make the cut and are not a cop? Is that it?

Um...have you not watched the news for the past 2 years? "Service revolver"??? You're showing your age. Maybe it's Alzheimers.
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.
The problem is libs never apply the same rules they use on their opponents, to themselves. I believe the word that most aptly applies is HYPOCRITE.
Ah....I'm being tag teamed by two bulldykes this morning. Eh. Not the best situation. But you know what they say....two 5's make a 10.
It's amazing how the left is on their precious campus safe zone soap box saying Trump rhetoric is causing these violent incidents at his rallies. How his insulting words against different groups of fueling the anger and aggression.

Okay. Fair enough. THEN all the anti cop rhetoric your leftist peers have spewed is the cause for all the DEAD COPS. Not skirmishes. Not a little pushing and shoving. Actual dead bodies.

I agree....Trump's words have sparked some anger and some violence. The occasional pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch!!

You all are right.

And your words have resulted in dead cops. Dozens of them. And many more shot who survived. And countless of them assaulted.

if any libertard reads this they will never admit it until they get thir talking points worked out..., that aside.

libertards, fools imbeciles plus America hating :asshole:S need to taught the hard way e.g., shitcago 1958AD !!

that's all folks.


Watching Fox town hall with Ted Cruz.

Cruz and his supporters just gave a standing ovation to police officers and Cruz ripped the Dems and Obama for how they've treated cops.

Yes folks....with all the chaos coming to America....our cops and soldiers should NEVER forget who stood with them and who didnt.

What? They gave a standing ovation to police officers? That's so unusual. That never happens!

Well you attend Democrat rallies so you wouldn't ever see it.

Silly nutbag. Empty platitudes get applause from idiots. stating support for police is now an "empty platitude"? Yeah. Typical Democrat response.

I admit it. The left is right. Trump's rhetoric has caused some pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch. Liberals have a point.

Just like THEIR rhetoric of demonizing cops has resulted in 13 DEAD cops shot to death in 2016s first 12 weeks.
What "sucker punch"?

Are you one of those brainwashed fools who think that Rakeem Jones got sucker punched at the NC Trump rally?

Yes it was a sucker punch by an old trump supporting pussy. Hence why the fucker was arrested after video surfaced of it.
I saw the videos.

There was no punches thrown.

The rumor that Rakeem Jones was sucker punched was a big lie that stupid people believed simply because they were told to believe it.

And you are very likely one of those stupid people.

Yes, that is why the guy was arrested for assaulting the black guy you fucking moron. You obviously are blind as a bat and an idiot to boot. Go fuck off you trumptard

The video says otherwise.

He was sucker punched from his right. Just like the pussies that Trump supporters are. Even the video shows the guy punched him you moron.
What "sucker punch"?

Are you one of those brainwashed fools who think that Rakeem Jones got sucker punched at the NC Trump rally?

Yes it was a sucker punch by an old trump supporting pussy. Hence why the fucker was arrested after video surfaced of it.
I saw the videos.

There was no punches thrown.

The rumor that Rakeem Jones was sucker punched was a big lie that stupid people believed simply because they were told to believe it.

And you are very likely one of those stupid people.

Yes, that is why the guy was arrested for assaulting the black guy you fucking moron. You obviously are blind as a bat and an idiot to boot. Go fuck off you trumptard

The video says otherwise.

He was sucker punched from his right. Just like the pussies that Trump supporters are. Even the video shows the guy punched him you moron.
Are you claiming he didn't want it? I call bull. He went there for an ass kicking and someone finally obliged.
Yes it was a sucker punch by an old trump supporting pussy. Hence why the fucker was arrested after video surfaced of it.
I saw the videos.

There was no punches thrown.

The rumor that Rakeem Jones was sucker punched was a big lie that stupid people believed simply because they were told to believe it.

And you are very likely one of those stupid people.

Yes, that is why the guy was arrested for assaulting the black guy you fucking moron. You obviously are blind as a bat and an idiot to boot. Go fuck off you trumptard

The video says otherwise.

He was sucker punched from his right. Just like the pussies that Trump supporters are. Even the video shows the guy punched him you moron.
Are you claiming he didn't want it? I call bull. He went there for an ass kicking and someone finally obliged.

I'm calling it a sucker punch, the pussy protester wouldn't face him like a man and instead sucker punched him from the right.

Trump supporters are pussies and can't face anyone head on.
I saw the videos.

There was no punches thrown.

The rumor that Rakeem Jones was sucker punched was a big lie that stupid people believed simply because they were told to believe it.

And you are very likely one of those stupid people.

Yes, that is why the guy was arrested for assaulting the black guy you fucking moron. You obviously are blind as a bat and an idiot to boot. Go fuck off you trumptard

The video says otherwise.

He was sucker punched from his right. Just like the pussies that Trump supporters are. Even the video shows the guy punched him you moron.
Are you claiming he didn't want it? I call bull. He went there for an ass kicking and someone finally obliged.

I'm calling it a sucker punch, the pussy protester wouldn't face him like a man and instead sucker punched him from the right.

Trump supporters are pussies and can't face anyone head on.
He spoke for all the Trump protesters huh? All the thousands and some asshole finally gets smacked and you reached that conclusion? You people are really dumb. No wonder you need mommy government to wipe your asses.
Another Bux fantasy victim thread Where we must all play along that not agreeing with every action of a cop is considered Anti cop therefore that creates violence
Yes, that is why the guy was arrested for assaulting the black guy you fucking moron. You obviously are blind as a bat and an idiot to boot. Go fuck off you trumptard

The video says otherwise.

He was sucker punched from his right. Just like the pussies that Trump supporters are. Even the video shows the guy punched him you moron.
Are you claiming he didn't want it? I call bull. He went there for an ass kicking and someone finally obliged.

I'm calling it a sucker punch, the pussy protester wouldn't face him like a man and instead sucker punched him from the right.

Trump supporters are pussies and can't face anyone head on.
He spoke for all the Trump protesters huh? All the thousands and some asshole finally gets smacked and you reached that conclusion? You people are really dumb. No wonder you need mommy government to wipe your asses.

You're the ones that worship daddy Trump who whines and cries "BOOHOO the media doesn't like me, BOOHOO they're picking on me, BOOHOO it's not FAIR, WAAAAAAAAAH". Please try and wipe your chin, you got a little Trump jizz on you. Trump supporters are nothing but sucker punching little pussies.
Why the rolling eyes, he's right.
starting with that idiot piece of crap in the white house and right on down to almost every democrat elected official. Your guys have been catering to the criminals and doing your best to blame to police for brutality. If its not flat out racism, its the lack of cultural empathy or maybe they arent trained properly to know when to shoot.
your reasons are many but the reality is all the dead cops are on the democrats hands, regardless of Trump accepting blame for the Animals in BLM.


I admit it. The left is right. Trump's rhetoric has caused some pushing and shoving. Even a sucker punch. Liberals have a point.

Just like THEIR rhetoric of demonizing cops has resulted in 13 DEAD cops shot to death in 2016s first 12 weeks.

Nope. Sometimes, a guy is just wrong. For you...that's most of the time. It results from having no depth of thought.
That's funny coming from a talking point thinker.
The video says otherwise.

He was sucker punched from his right. Just like the pussies that Trump supporters are. Even the video shows the guy punched him you moron.
Are you claiming he didn't want it? I call bull. He went there for an ass kicking and someone finally obliged.

I'm calling it a sucker punch, the pussy protester wouldn't face him like a man and instead sucker punched him from the right.

Trump supporters are pussies and can't face anyone head on.
He spoke for all the Trump protesters huh? All the thousands and some asshole finally gets smacked and you reached that conclusion? You people are really dumb. No wonder you need mommy government to wipe your asses.

You're the ones that worship daddy Trump who whines and cries "BOOHOO the media doesn't like me, BOOHOO they're picking on me, BOOHOO it's not FAIR, WAAAAAAAAAH". Please try and wipe your chin, you got a little Trump jizz on you. Trump supporters are nothing but sucker punching little pussies.

huh? Who's whining? Seems you are king whiner this morning. Trump has done nothing wrong and is campaigning to win the presidency. Not sure what your whining about, except that you're whining aggressively.

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