Listen: In audio recording, Trump heard discussing sensitive Iran document

Bro, Read. The. Indictment.

What you call "news" is partisan hack propaganda. Why do you keep going back to be lied to?

That is beyond retarded.
Denying reality isnt going to help you in this case against Trump.
Denying reality isnt going to help you in this case against Trump.


What is this weird mental dwarfism which refuses to read the indictment?

You are staying willfully ignorant and stupid, and parroting things which are blatantly false because of it.

You have no idea how stupid you sound.
So they saw something with a big red stamp on it? Do you think thats going to hold up in court? Im pretty sure they would be required to describe whats on it, otherwise you cant say that he showed it to them. Right?


What is this weird mental dwarfism which refuses to read the indictment?

You are staying willfully ignorant and stupid, and parroting things which are blatantly false because of it.

You have no idea how stupid you sound.
Yeah, yeah, i know. Youre super duper sure about this, just like you idiots were witb "Russia collusion". :laugh:
There are 31 classified documents listed in the indictment which were found in Trump's possession.

He was caught red-handed with them.

The dipshits can parrot all the lies they are fed all the live long day, and sound like complete idiots, but it won't change these facts.

In fact, the more propaganda they parrot, the more they demonstrate what willfully submissive cucks they are to their criminal idol.
So they saw something with a big red stamp on it? Do you think thats going to hold up in court? Im pretty sure they would be required to describe whats on it, otherwise you cant say that he showed it to them. Right?
The totality of the evidence would eliminate any reasonable doubt as to what it was.
Yeah, yeah, i know. Youre super duper sure about this, just like you idiots were witb "Russia collusion". :laugh:
I never said Trump colluded. In fact I stated several times I had my doubts he personally colluded.

However, at least two of his campaign staff DID collude with Russia.

Nice try, retard. Any more red herrings you care to throw around?

31 classified documents found in Trump's possession. Trump is nailed.
Gee, maybe you retards should READ THE INDICTMENT before you fall for any more hoaxes being fed to you by your propagandists and Trump.

It's not as if your lying "news" sources haven't hoaxed you HUNDREDS of times before.

I will never understand why you special tards keep going back to people you KNOW lie to you.

It's incredible.
Thank you for agreeing with me. Its nice to see someone on the left not deny reality.
You idiot. By saying “yes” I am saying I do NOT agree with you. It WILL hold up in court.. You manage to get everything backwards

Good job
From what I have read there are 4 people that we know of that have the taping, the Trump aide, the biographer interviewer for the Mark Meadows book, the prosecution, and NOW, this past week, the Trump Defense Lawyers/Trump got it in the trial Discovery process from the prosecution...

there is no benefit for Smith to leak it.... He has had the taping for months, and has already gotten testimony from the two women that made the recordings and others there, and has not leaked it this whole time.

Smith is not using the recording to prosecute Trump for having this Defense Document. He is using the taping to show Trump understood he could not declassify a top secret documents after he left office, where it narrows it down to Trump needing to order documents declassified before he left Trump needs to show that he did order each of the classified documents he took, to be declassified, while a sitting president.

and it debunks Trumper claims that if the document went home with him, then it was automatically declassified by him......

because he clearly took the Classified Defense Document on the contingent Iran war plans, and knew they were still classified, even though he took them home with him.... Contradicting the Trump spin on it that anything he took home with him, was declassified.

There will not be a prosecution against Trump for unlawfully retaining this document imo. Unless brought in New Jersey, which imo is unlikely if the contents of this Defense Document is so classified that they do not want the nitty gritty contents revealed to the public....way way way too highly classified, could harm us greatly.

One of the tape holders released it...likely Trump himself, or even more than likely imo the biographer to keep putting their Meadows book in the limelight.... Them leaking it, would not be illegal, unfortunately.
The document that Trump says "i cant show it to you because its classified"? Thats the document youre suggesting they are going to recognize? Do you see the flaw here?

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