Little David Hoggwash.......

He cant come to grips with reality that at LEAST over a half dozen people BESIDES myself owned his ass on a waco thread and took his ass to school that the FBI,ATF with the blessing of reno and clinton started the fires and murdered women and children

Guy, nobody started those fires but your Chomo Hero, David Koresh. (His real name was Vernon Howell, but never mind.)

Not sure why you want to make a Chomo into a victim, but that's your issue, not mine.

BecAuSe like the kid Said, he Wasn't even Invited to sPEak at his own school's march! idiot opinions like yours only survive and get air time at all by silencing the voices of better people who disagree with you and want to air some common sense.

Because no one wanted to hear his NRA talking points.

That is wright you wouldn't doesn't fit you commie agenda.

Naw, we just get flooded with Paid NRA talking points all the time.
He cant come to grips with reality that at LEAST over a half dozen people BESIDES myself owned his ass on a waco thread and took his ass to school that the FBI,ATF with the blessing of reno and clinton started the fires and murdered women and children

Guy, nobody started those fires but your Chomo Hero, David Koresh. (His real name was Vernon Howell, but never mind.)

Not sure why you want to make a Chomo into a victim, but that's your issue, not mine.

BecAuSe like the kid Said, he Wasn't even Invited to sPEak at his own school's march! idiot opinions like yours only survive and get air time at all by silencing the voices of better people who disagree with you and want to air some common sense.

Because no one wanted to hear his NRA talking points.

That is wright you wouldn't doesn't fit you commie agenda.

Naw, we just get flooded with Paid NRA talking points all the time.

Hey Joe------ where's that list of people the NRA has bullied? Still waiting.
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????


You must be fun to be around at work.

“Oh god here come Dale. Whatever you do, don’t bring up....well, anything.”

After the name he called me for a Spelling mistake, I keep thinking of this tiny man, maybe hen pecked, who gets his jollies out of going off at people he does not know to make himself feel better.

Understand,I am fairly new here, but first impressions still hold true.
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????


You must be fun to be around at work.

“Oh god here come Dale. Whatever you do, don’t bring up....well, anything.”

After the name he called me for a Spelling mistake, I keep thinking of this tiny man, maybe hen pecked, who gets his jollies out of going off at people he does not know to make himself feel better.

Understand,I am fairly new here, but first impressions still hold true.

Some very horrible people come here. Some of the worst you will find on the internet. Ugly Americans. We have a thread running right now defending a pedophile on the Board of the NRA.
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????


You must be fun to be around at work.

“Oh god here come Dale. Whatever you do, don’t bring up....well, anything.”

After the name he called me for a Spelling mistake, I keep thinking of this tiny man, maybe hen pecked, who gets his jollies out of going off at people he does not know to make himself feel better.

Understand,I am fairly new here, but first impressions still hold true.

Some very horrible people come here. Some of the worst you will find on the internet. Ugly Americans. We have a thread running right now defending a pedophile on the Board of the NRA.

I found that out pretty quickly. But not to worry, I have posted with worse.

I just look at the source. I think it is just because they know others speak truth.
I said from the very beginning that the Parkland High School shooting narrative reeked to high heaven, but I have kept quiet for the most part just waiting for that one piece of indisputable evidence that could prove that this was a "deep state" psy-op.

Simply put, David Hogg is a crisis actor. Did teen-agers die at the school? I believe so...did the "powers that be" pull the strings and allow them to be sacrifice for the "greater good" in order to push an agenda that was sure to pull at the heartstrings of Americans and "guilt" them into accepting even more draconian laws that put restrictions on what little freedoms they have left? ABSOLUTELY. Three deputies stood down because they were told to do so, CNN was on the scene as if they had been given advance notice....the head sheriff is a DNC shill....the school cameras were on 20 minute delays, multiple witnesses said that there was more than one shooter AND before the bodies were even buried, a George Soros NGO is organizing an anti-gun march with David Hogg ( son of a former FBI agent that had been on TV before in California and was busted for rehearsing his lines for the Communist News Network AFTER this event) is put out in front of the world to be the face of the movement for disarming citizens that actually obey the acts, statutes and codes of USA.INC.

You should seriously weigh and consider the ramifications of being "guilted" into acquiescing to the desires of those that control us via the foreign owned and controlled banking system or as I call them "the shadow government" that owns the media thus controls the narrative. When a group of very powerful people that pull the levers are working so hard to make you defenseless, you can bet that what they have planned for us isn't going to be a bed of roses. Below is proof that we were ONCE again lied to as it pertains to the Parkland high school shooting.

How did little David "Scoops" Hogg find out that there was a shooting, bicycle three miles to the school and then enter it ahead of the police, find a school room to enter and then conduct interviews with scared students hiding in a closet while a "shooter" was running amok? Hmmmmmmmmmm?????


You must be fun to be around at work.

“Oh god here come Dale. Whatever you do, don’t bring up....well, anything.”

After the name he called me for a Spelling mistake, I keep thinking of this tiny man, maybe hen pecked, who gets his jollies out of going off at people he does not know to make himself feel better.

Understand,I am fairly new here, but first impressions still hold true.

He is a very small man indeed
He cant come to grips with reality that at LEAST over a half dozen people BESIDES myself owned his ass on a waco thread and took his ass to school that the FBI,ATF with the blessing of reno and clinton started the fires and murdered women and children

Guy, nobody started those fires but your Chomo Hero, David Koresh. (His real name was Vernon Howell, but never mind.)

Not sure why you want to make a Chomo into a victim, but that's your issue, not mine.

BecAuSe like the kid Said, he Wasn't even Invited to sPEak at his own school's march! idiot opinions like yours only survive and get air time at all by silencing the voices of better people who disagree with you and want to air some common sense.

Because no one wanted to hear his NRA talking points.

That is wright you wouldn't doesn't fit you commie agenda.

Naw, we just get flooded with Paid NRA talking points all the time.
Koresh and his people may or may not have started the fires. The evidence is not conclusive but we DO know that the federal government lied several times in that whole incident and they were responsible for creating the situation.

The fact that they attacked him made him a victim.

Yes NRA talking points are factual and logical and most people agree with them and want to hear them. You simply wish to ignore anything contrary to your ideology
He cant come to grips with reality that at LEAST over a half dozen people BESIDES myself owned his ass on a waco thread and took his ass to school that the FBI,ATF with the blessing of reno and clinton started the fires and murdered women and children

Guy, nobody started those fires but your Chomo Hero, David Koresh. (His real name was Vernon Howell, but never mind.)

Not sure why you want to make a Chomo into a victim, but that's your issue, not mine.

BecAuSe like the kid Said, he Wasn't even Invited to sPEak at his own school's march! idiot opinions like yours only survive and get air time at all by silencing the voices of better people who disagree with you and want to air some common sense.

Because no one wanted to hear his NRA talking points.

That is wright you wouldn't doesn't fit you commie agenda.

Naw, we just get flooded with Paid NRA talking points all the time.

Hey Joe------ where's that list of people the NRA has bullied? Still waiting.
Start with all the HS kids in #Enough
He cant come to grips with reality that at LEAST over a half dozen people BESIDES myself owned his ass on a waco thread and took his ass to school that the FBI,ATF with the blessing of reno and clinton started the fires and murdered women and children

Guy, nobody started those fires but your Chomo Hero, David Koresh. (His real name was Vernon Howell, but never mind.)

Not sure why you want to make a Chomo into a victim, but that's your issue, not mine.

BecAuSe like the kid Said, he Wasn't even Invited to sPEak at his own school's march! idiot opinions like yours only survive and get air time at all by silencing the voices of better people who disagree with you and want to air some common sense.

Because no one wanted to hear his NRA talking points.

That is wright you wouldn't doesn't fit you commie agenda.

Naw, we just get flooded with Paid NRA talking points all the time.

Hey Joe------ where's that list of people the NRA has bullied? Still waiting.
Start with all the HS kids in #Enough
Sorry wrong those kids are not being bullyied they ARE the bullies and are being called out on it.
Koresh and his people may or may not have started the fires. The evidence is not conclusive but we DO know that the federal government lied several times in that whole incident and they were responsible for creating the situation.

The fact that they attacked him made him a victim.

um. No. they were there serving a valid warrant signed by a federal judge. His response was to kill four ATF agents. Koresh created the situation by fighting instead of complying.

Now, the ATF made a lot of mistakes, so did the FBI, but probably because they had little or no experience dealing with doomsday cults.

Yes NRA talking points are factual and logical and most people agree with them and want to hear them. You simply wish to ignore anything contrary to your ideology

Except most of have gotten tired of hearing the same shit from you clowns every time your NRA Member of the Month leaves a pile of bodies.
The big baby should organize his own march if he wants to speak.
You cant be that stupid, well maybe you are your a fucking gun grabber. You do know little Hitler hogwash did not organize the propaganda spree he has been on.

I'm sure he didn't personally take care of every detail, but what's your point? Does the NRA let opposing views speak at their rallies?
Hey Joe------ where's that list of people the NRA has bullied? That's just a list of the Congress. I don't see any list or documentation there for "bullying." So how do you know? Clairvoyant? I tiny little elf came and told you? I want to see the facts to back up the claims.

Are you fucking retarded?

I must be for ever thinking one of you Libs would ever back up your brash, wild, crazy accusations with any sort of objective, supporting documentation.
Koresh and his people may or may not have started the fires. The evidence is not conclusive but we DO know that the federal government lied several times in that whole incident and they were responsible for creating the situation.

The fact that they attacked him made him a victim.

um. No. they were there serving a valid warrant signed by a federal judge. His response was to kill four ATF agents. Koresh created the situation by fighting instead of complying.

Now, the ATF made a lot of mistakes, so did the FBI, but probably because they had little or no experience dealing with doomsday cults.

Yes NRA talking points are factual and logical and most people agree with them and want to hear them. You simply wish to ignore anything contrary to your ideology

Except most of have gotten tired of hearing the same shit from you clowns every time your NRA Member of the Month leaves a pile of bodies.

You obviously know little of the history of that event. The FBI served no warrant at all the ATF did and yes it was a legal and legitimate warrant but the evidence is strong that the ATF opened fire first which is NOT legal. IF law enforcement shoots first than citizens are empowered by laws to defend themselves even IF there is a legal warrant.

The FBI came in later and the fire vroke out weeks later under their oversight.

Koresh made the situation worse by not giving up after the ATF withdrew but his people were not wrong in resisting.

The ATF and FBI did more than make mistakes they lied to cover their own misteps and that is proven fact. Further there was never any conclusive evidence of the fire being started by the FBI or the cult members.

SOrry but your claim about NRA members is a lie.

I dare you to offer one example of an NRA member shooting up a school

The talking points are true and quite accurate. Sure you can be tired of them and ignore them but that is just your cowardice at work

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