Live dangerously visit Los Angeles

There is an easy solution to this problem. What you do is find a big rock, then you bash his head in until he is no longer alive. Problem solved!
A Bucket of Hot Diarrhea Was Randomly Poured on a Woman by a Homeless Man

It started with water. Then milkshakes. Then concrete. Now it's shit. And nothing is done. As if nothing can be done. I hope this story helpsvto end tourism in LA the same way similar stories affected San Francisco

I can only wonder when that bucket will get dumped on Nancy? Oh well, she probably never ventures onto the public streets, but only from her black limo behind gated walls into her locked and guarded home, so in fear of the public these people are of the damage they inflict on society at large. ITMT, I have no need to venture to LA, just turning on the TV and inviting Hollywood into my home is an invitation to have a bucket of hot shit dumped on the sensibilities of the viewer.
Don't worry about public bathrooms in San Francisco either. The city prosecutor says you can piss on the street.
Good lord.

And they continue to vote for people that view all "homeless" vermin as victims, and who enable their behavior.
A Bucket of Hot Diarrhea Was Randomly Poured on a Woman by a Homeless Man

It started with water. Then milkshakes. Then concrete. Now it's shit. And nothing is done. As if nothing can be done. I hope this story helpsvto end tourism in LA the same way similar stories affected San Francisco
San Francisco has a great tourism industry.

Not as great as before.

San Francisco's Dirty Streets Scare Off Long-time Convention

As much as you don't mind people pitching tents, sleeping, peeing and taking a dump in the streets, the majority of people in this country find that behavior disgusting,filthy and unacceptable. At least we know that you find it tolerable.
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A Bucket of Hot Diarrhea Was Randomly Poured on a Woman by a Homeless Man

It started with water. Then milkshakes. Then concrete. Now it's shit. And nothing is done. As if nothing can be done. I hope this story helpsvto end tourism in LA the same way similar stories affected San Francisco
San Francisco has a great tourism industry.

Not as great as before.

San Francisco's Dirty Streets Scare Off Long-time Convention

As much as you don't mind people pitching tents, sleeping, peeing and taking a dump in the streets, the majority of people in this country find that behavior disgusting,filthy and unacceptable. At least we know that you find it tolerable.
The problem is only in one small area of San Francisco. Some people want to think it is the entire city.
A Bucket of Hot Diarrhea Was Randomly Poured on a Woman by a Homeless Man

It started with water. Then milkshakes. Then concrete. Now it's shit. And nothing is done. As if nothing can be done. I hope this story helpsvto end tourism in LA the same way similar stories affected San Francisco
San Francisco has a great tourism industry.

Not as great as before.

San Francisco's Dirty Streets Scare Off Long-time Convention

As much as you don't mind people pitching tents, sleeping, peeing and taking a dump in the streets, the majority of people in this country find that behavior disgusting,filthy and unacceptable. At least we know that you find it tolerable.
The problem is only in one small area of San Francisco. Some people want to think it is the entire city.

Which part? You just going to put up signs that tell tourists and conventions not to go to certain parts and all will be fine? That again is why people are not booking conventions there and why the tourism trade is getting hurt in San Francisco.

But hey, you seem to know better and don't mind losing conventions and tourism. At least you have the filth that you enjoy, thankfully most of us Americans find it disgusting.
A Bucket of Hot Diarrhea Was Randomly Poured on a Woman by a Homeless Man

It started with water. Then milkshakes. Then concrete. Now it's shit. And nothing is done. As if nothing can be done. I hope this story helpsvto end tourism in LA the same way similar stories affected San Francisco
If I had been that woman, that man never would've had the chance to escape after doing such a thing. His half mark especially would've been mine...all mine and only mine because I would've kicked him right where it counts as hard as my strength would let me!

God bless you and the woman always!!!

Now that this has happened. It will be replicated many times. Watch the police get hit particularly hard.
A Bucket of Hot Diarrhea Was Randomly Poured on a Woman by a Homeless Man

It started with water. Then milkshakes. Then concrete. Now it's shit. And nothing is done. As if nothing can be done. I hope this story helpsvto end tourism in LA the same way similar stories affected San Francisco
San Francisco has a great tourism industry.

San Francisco human feces map shows waste blanketing the California city | Fox News
Apr 23, 2019 · Watch where you step in San Francisco. A new map pinpointing the locations where human feces are reported to have been found

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