Liz Cheney should be House Speaker!

Ultra-partisan MAGAnuts cannot imagine that Independents (or Democrats) can have severe criticisms of Conservative politicians like Liz Cheney, yet recognize her service in exposing their megalomaniacal election & nation-destroying “Big Liar.” But grownups know that in times of crisis, patriots and level headed leaders can emerge from any Party, or share other beliefs widely different than one’s own.

For an extreme example, Winston Churchill was an asshole Tory imperialist — but he was uniquely a man able to lead Britain during its war against Nazi fascist aggression.

The MAGAnut mind is now so hyper-partisan and aggrieved — so “tribal” in demonizing ALL opponents — that it cannot imagine working with any others who correctly rejected its prior “cult hero.”

The reason that Liz Cheney is admired by Leftards isn't because of unproven allegations against President Trump.

Its because both Ms. Cheney- who was rejected overwhelmingly by Wyoming Republican rank and file last August for the nomination for Congress- has such huge personal grudge against the millions of little Trumpsters who denounced the Republican ruling elite- that she was anxious to make common cause with those who wanted to extradite her father to The Hague for war crimes against humanity.

The reality is that she better hope that Trump does get elected next year. Otherwise, her father and Dubya could easily be in chains on the next boat to The Hague during the Biden 2nd term. The Democrat base will demand it.
If Republicans were semi-sane - they would elect her! What do you think?

Wait a second.

This actually seems realistic - if Democrats unanimously vote with the handful of never Trumpers for Liz then she'd have the majority.
The reason that Liz Cheney is admired by Leftards isn't because of unproven allegations against President Trump.

Nope! She is admired because she put our country before her political career and did what is right.

A pos manipulator like Trump wouldn't know anything about that.
The reason that Liz Cheney is admired by Leftards isn't because of unproven allegations against President Trump.

Its because both Ms. Cheney- who was rejected overwhelmingly by Wyoming Republican rank and file last August for the nomination for Congress- has such huge personal grudge against the millions of little Trumpsters who denounced the Republican ruling elite- that she was anxious to make common cause with those who wanted to extradite her father to The Hague for war crimes against humanity.

The reality is that she better hope that Trump does get elected next year. Otherwise, her father and Dubya could easily be in chains on the next boat to The Hague during the Biden 2nd term. The Democrat base will demand it.
The DNC Biden types will never send the elder Cheney, or Rumsfeld and Bush types to their proper judgement in “The Hague” or anywhere else. You are dreaming.

There is no need to talk about “unproven allegations” against Trump, either. His despicable “Big Lies” and lame duck attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power to the legitimately elected President were done before the eyes of the whole nation.

That so many in Wyoming and elsewhere in MAGA-land simply don’t care and still defend his conduct and believe his lies, that others actually want a civil war or consider Trump’s suggestions that it may be necessary to “terminate” law and Constitution to put him back in power … this is the problem.

It is a MAGA problem. It is not a “leftist” problem. It is not an “Independent’s” problem. It is not a “Democrat’s” problem. It is not a “Never Trump” problem. It is a serious national problem. We all must deal with it. Even Liz Cheney. Even you. Even me.
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The DNC Biden types will never send the elder Cheney, or Rumsfeld and Bush types to their proper judgement in “The Hague” or anywhere else.

As opposed to McCarthy or some other gutless weasel? They'll send her up there 7 days a week, esp considering that after Iraq our "pre-eminent strike" days are long over.
As opposed to McCarthy or some other gutless weasel? They'll send her up there 7 days a week, esp considering that after Iraq our "pre-eminent strike" days are long over.
What is your point here? Count me … confused.
Liz Cheney represents the Republican path back to reality and sanity!
How would you know?

You do not believe in conservatism, you have done nothing but bash republicans on this board since the day I joined. You dismiss republican initiatives as "bad for America"......yet you know what a good republican is?

Sorry. Your post doesn't cut the mustard. It is see through.
Look, the little child Britpat with his middle finger extended is telling grown-ups what to believe … for the 42,314th time! :cool:
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How would you know?

You do not believe in conservatism, you have done nothing but bash republicans on this board since the day I joined. You dismiss republican initiatives as "bad for America"......yet you know what a good republican is?

Sorry. Your post doesn't cut the mustard. It is see through.
He knows what a BETTER Republican is. Duh.

We have POS conspiracy peddling Trumpist nutters on one side and semi-principled conservatives on the other. It's a no brainer for Democrats.
First of all, crimes were committed on jan 6th, and tons of evidence gathered, so its not kangaroo.

And Liz had found the violations of the constution & rule of law too much to bear.
Crimes are committed every day of the week. Gathering evidence doesn't make some government body a legitimate court, moron. Stalin gathered evidence for his show trials.
Ultra-partisan MAGAnuts cannot imagine that Independents (or Democrats) can have severe criticisms of Conservative politicians like Liz Cheney, yet recognize her service in exposing their megalomaniacal election & nation-destroying “Big Liar.” But grownups know that in times of crisis, patriots and level headed leaders can emerge from any Party, or share other beliefs widely different than one’s own.

For an extreme example, Winston Churchill was an asshole Tory imperialist — but he was uniquely a man able to lead Britain during its war against Nazi fascist aggression.

The MAGAnut mind is now so hyper-partisan and aggrieved — so “tribal” in demonizing ALL opponents — that it cannot imagine working with any others who correctly rejected its prior “cult hero.”
Cheney isn't a patriot, and neither are you. You're both a couple of douchebag Stalinists. You serve the party. You're what the nation needs to be defended against.

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