Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’

Trump has "told us what he will do," the Republican former congresswoman said in preview clips from an interview.

Liz Cheney, the former Republican representative from Wyoming, expressed deep concern in an interview about American democracy’s ability to survive another four-year presidential term for Donald Trump.

In clips shared Friday from the interview that will air on “CBS News Sunday Morning,” Cheney told host Josh Dickerson that Americans can’t entirely rely on Congress and the judicial system to rein in Trump ― the clear front-runner at this point for the GOP presidential nomination despite facing 91 felony charges linked to his 2016 campaign, his 2020 reelection loss and his mishandling of classified documents.

“He’s told us what he will do. It’s very easy to see the steps that he will take,” Cheney said.

“People who say ‘Well, if he’s elected, it’s not that dangerous because we have all of these checks and balances’ don’t fully understand the extent to which the Republicans in Congress today have been co-opted. … One of the things that we see happening today is a sort of a sleepwalking into dictatorship in the United States.”

Johnson was one of the biggest cheerleaders of Trump’s ill-fated attempt to claim victory in the 2020 election won by Joe Biden. Shortly after the election, Johnson led an amicus brief backing a Texas lawsuit asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the vote.

Cheney raised similar concerns about Johnson during a podcast appearance last month.

In a quote from the interview released by CBS News, Cheney slammed newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) as someone who “knows ... that what he’s doing and saying is wrong, but he’s willing to do it in an effort to please Donald Trump.”

Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’

I totally agree! It's a scary and dangerous path that we're on! What do you think?

90% of repooplicans want to see her and her murdering bastard father drop fucking dead
I'll do you one better. Here's the entire speech:

Heard that speech already. Nowhere in it did he say he would “arrest all liberal leaders”, or “criminalize all protests against government ”.

You lose again, you lying sack of KKKanadian vermin shit.

Cheney voted in support and approval of Trump’s policies 92.9% of the time; she’s just as wrong and misguided as Trump on the issues – she approves of the Trump message, but she’s opposed to the messenger.

And even Cheney, a rightwing ideologue and extremist, recognizes the danger Trump represents to the nation – Trump’s contempt for our democratic institutions, Trump’s goal to destroy America’s democracy.

No, she hates trump for things he said about her dad.

However, the irony here is, had it not been for Cheney looking to get rid of trump, in the eyes of the left, she’d be just another right wing nutbag, racist, homophobe, maga idiot. You all only like her for this one issue….
You claim not to be a Trumper and then defend everything he does and says.

Dishonest fuck

How many times must I explain this..I’m for the party and the ideology, not the person.

When I “defend him”, it’s not because I like him, it’s because I see the left and the games they are playing, and I push back on that.

How is it you all can’t understand that a person can push back on the situation, the antics, and the games, but not be a supporter of the person.

I’d be taking the exact same positions no matter what republican was in office. Hell, I’ve even defended Biden on occasion, I’ve pushed back on the right wingers here on certain issues, so, if you can’t grasp that I’m not a “trump suporter”, I don’t know what to tell you.
Yet your behavior shows you are. So I don't believe you.

The latest from you is a prime example. Only a trump cultist thinks people criticize trump's behavior just because they "hate trump", instead of realizing that everyone despises Trump BECAUSE of his behavior.

The proof is in the pudding.

No, I think she is a trump hater because she’s a republican who voted twice to impeach him on sham impeachments, once, without any investigation at all. She simply just bought into the leftist lies and made her vote….likely because of the bad blood between them.

Even in all of that, that’s not support of trump, it’s just my disagreement with what SHE has done.

the fact that you don’t believe me..nothing I can do about that so…that’s all on you.
She was willing to sacrifice her position to defend the real interests of our Republic. She was never a “nasty bitch.” That’s how you are acting now. Liz Cheney was an extremely conservative and powerful Republican who showed the necessary backbone when you mindless haters were too busy adoring your “Orange God” to think straight, when most Republican politicians — even those who knew much better — were proving they have no backbone whatever.


“So strong is the lure of power that men and women who had once seemed reasonable and responsible were suddenly willing to violate their oath to the Constitution out of political expediency and loyalty to Donald Trump”…

“We may have disagreed on pretty much everything else, but Nancy Pelosi and I saw eye to eye on the one thing that mattered more than any other: the defense of our Constitution and the preservation of our republic.”…

Cheney’s book ends with a warning:

“Trump has told us that he thinks the Constitution can and should be suspended when necessary, that what happened on Jan. 6 was justified, that in a second Trump presidency he would seek retribution… The assumption that our institutions will protect themselves is purely wishful thinking by people who prefer to look the other way.”…

“We have also now learned that most Republicans currently in Congress will do what Donald Trump asks, no matter what it is,” Cheney writes. “I am very sad to say that America can no longer count on a body of elected Republicans to protect our republic.”
Nope. She posed and preened and postured.

She no likey Trump. Ok. Fair enough.

By she used her personal dislike to go after him in a nasty, underhanded and deceitful manner.

You can pretend otherwise. But we all saw her willingness to cozy up to vermin like Schiff, a serial lying scumbag.
Trump has "told us what he will do," the Republican former congresswoman said in preview clips from an interview.

Liz Cheney, the former Republican representative from Wyoming, expressed deep concern in an interview about American democracy’s ability to survive another four-year presidential term for Donald Trump.

In clips shared Friday from the interview that will air on “CBS News Sunday Morning,” Cheney told host Josh Dickerson that Americans can’t entirely rely on Congress and the judicial system to rein in Trump ― the clear front-runner at this point for the GOP presidential nomination despite facing 91 felony charges linked to his 2016 campaign, his 2020 reelection loss and his mishandling of classified documents.

“He’s told us what he will do. It’s very easy to see the steps that he will take,” Cheney said.

“People who say ‘Well, if he’s elected, it’s not that dangerous because we have all of these checks and balances’ don’t fully understand the extent to which the Republicans in Congress today have been co-opted. … One of the things that we see happening today is a sort of a sleepwalking into dictatorship in the United States.”

Johnson was one of the biggest cheerleaders of Trump’s ill-fated attempt to claim victory in the 2020 election won by Joe Biden. Shortly after the election, Johnson led an amicus brief backing a Texas lawsuit asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the vote.

Cheney raised similar concerns about Johnson during a podcast appearance last month.

In a quote from the interview released by CBS News, Cheney slammed newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) as someone who “knows ... that what he’s doing and saying is wrong, but he’s willing to do it in an effort to please Donald Trump.”

Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’

I totally agree! It's a scary and dangerous path that we're on! What do you think?

The US check & balance systems failed. That's one reason why the biggest apartment, DoD or the Pentagon, kept failing the audits. And undoubtedly, it will fail again next year! lol. :)

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