Liz Gets Real: Single-Payer Is The Answer

The government runs Medicare and Medicaid .. both work well in spite of the bullshit you're fed by private insurance and the congressmen they payoff.

Yep, the run great. The problem is that they are TRILLIONS in debt.


See posts 174 and 176.

Healthcare wait times hit 20 weeks in 2016: report

A survey by the Fraser Institute found a median wait of 20 weeks for “medically necessary” treatments and procedures in 2016 – the longest-recorded wait time since the think tank began tracking wait times.

That’s more than double the wait times reported in 1993, when the right-leaning think tank began tracking the issue in Canada.

The survey looked at total wait times faced by patients starting from the time they received a referral from a general practitioner, to the consultation with a specialist, to “when the patient ultimately receives treatment.”

At 38.8 weeks, New Brunswick recorded the longest wait time among Canadian provinces.

Ontario recorded the shortest wait time at 15.6 weeks, however that province’s median wait rose from 14.2 weeks in 2015.

Median wait time by province in 2016:
  • New Brunswick: 38.8 weeks
  • Nova Scotia: 34. 8
  • P.E.I: 31.4
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 26
  • British Columbia: 25.2
  • Alberta: 22.9
  • Manitoba: 20.6
  • Quebec: 18.9
  • Saskatchewan: 16.6
  • Ontario: 15.6
Healthcare wait times hit 20 weeks in 2016: report

Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2015 Report
Hell honey! That sounds like our VA!
Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!

Liz is an idiot just like anyone who thinks the Govt. needs to be in charge of healthcare for 300 million American.

The Govt. that has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

The Govt. that turns into mountains of red tape, rules and bullshit Yeah. They should run healthcare. NOT.

Its time to kick HC back to the private sector where it belongs. Govt. has no business in any private sector business. Fools one and all.
Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!

Fauxahontas has never got within 10,000 miles of "real."
Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!

Moronic right wingers would rather send a check to private insurers where the CEOs and board members can make out like bandits.......and NOT have a smaller amount than their current premiums be taken out of their pay checks....


Simple, really, they're ignorant and listen to fuck heads like Hannity, Limabugh, Levin, et al for all of their "education"......

"A smaller amount?" $1600/month is "smaller?"
Cuba, Venezuela, Illinois, Canada

Too fucked up and stupid to answer......Yeah, compare Cuba to Canada...(and, moron, Illinois, is not a country......thank me for the lesson later.)
Single payer is a disaster in Canada

"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
I thought this Senate health care bill was a winner, the President told us so, Ryan told us so, McConnell told us so, and now we find out the exact opposite. Its so bad the senate won't even hold a vote. When will people learn just hoe fullofshit the republican party is?
and yet it's the democrats who want the failure that is single payer

Looks to me like both parties are full of shit
Tell me exactly why single payer is a failure.
I posted links go read them
Highest-paid health insurance CEO earned $22M in 2016 | FierceHealthcare

Highest-paid health insurance CEO earned $22M in 2016

In the highly compensated world of health insurance CEOs, Centene’s Michael Neidorff reigns supreme.

Neidorff earned a total of $22 million in 2016, making him the highest-paid executive of the eight largest publicly traded health insurers, according to a review of filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Still, Neidorff’s total compensation increased only marginally compared to 2015, when he earned $20.8 million. But the next highest-paid executive this year, Humana’s Bruce Broussard, saw a considerable raise: He collected $19.7 million in 2016 compared to $10.4 million the year prior.

The CEOs of the two would-be acquiring companies also scored raises in 2016. Anthem’s Joseph Swedish earned $16.5 million, up from $13.6 million in 2015, while Aetna’s Mark Bertolini earned $18.7 million in 2016, up from $17.3 million. Cigna CEO David Cordani, however, took a pay cut, earning $15.3 million in 2016 compared to $17.3 million the year prior.

RELATED: Health insurance CEO salaries top out at $17.3M in 2015

The CEOs of the two would-be acquiring companies also scored raises in 2016. Anthem’s Joseph Swedish earned $16.5 million, up from $13.6 million in 2015, while Aetna’s Mark Bertolini earned $18.7 million in 2016, up from $17.3 million. Cigna CEO David Cordani, however, took a pay cut, earning $15.3 million in 2016 compared to $17.3 million the year prior.
New York Times: “A senator who supports the bill left the meeting at the White House with a sense that the president did not have a grasp of some basic elements of the Senate plan —
and seemed especially confused when a moderate Republican complained that opponents of the bill would cast it as a massive tax break for the wealthy, according to an aide who received a detailed readout of the exchange.”
Single payer will be more divisive than Obamacare. What eventually you have is Medicaid for all. Why should I want to pay for a single, never married, unemployed woman living off welfare? I shouldn't Maybe you can argue her kids should get free healthcare and education. We are pretty nice to kids.

With Obamacare we have people getting subsidies and Medicaid is actually better insurance. Medicaid just guarantees everyone the most effective treatment.
As long as you can overlook those signs in the Doctors offices stating they do not take Medicaid patients.

Medicaid does pay less per procedure that Medicare and private insurance. THAT is why the gop plan would kill rural hospitals and providers because they have more Medicaid patients. Cut those rates, and people will die.
It all depends on the state, yet if Medicaid is cut back hundreds and hundreds of hospitals would close

Yes, the gop's plan will literally kill people in rural states.

How did any of us survive before Obama care passed 8 years ago?
The question should have been how many died from lack of insurance before the ACA?
Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!

Moronic right wingers would rather send a check to private insurers where the CEOs and board members can make out like bandits.......and NOT have a smaller amount than their current premiums be taken out of their pay checks....


Simple, really, they're ignorant and listen to fuck heads like Hannity, Limabugh, Levin, et al for all of their "education"......

/---- How do you know what others listen to for our education? So tell us what they say that is so wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using
The ACA has many,many flaws that SHOULD be fixed......

HOWEVER, these TWO immoral and cruel aspects of our former HC delivery system were fixed:

Before the ACA, one could never get coverage if one had a pre-existing condition....

Before the ACA, one had to deal with a fixed amount that a private insurance company was willing to pay for your condition....Once that maximum was reached, , you were screwed.......basically, one was in the hands of a "death panel."

Replacing the ACA WITHOUT those 2 issues, will cause the downfall of the current GOP nitwits.
I support universal health care as long as Democrat politicians lose there right to access any type of health care.
The ACA has many,many flaws that SHOULD be fixed......

HOWEVER, these TWO immoral and cruel aspects of our former HC delivery system were fixed:

Before the ACA, one could never get coverage if one had a pre-existing condition....

Before the ACA, one had to deal with a fixed amount that a private insurance company was willing to pay for your condition....Once that maximum was reached, , you were screwed.......basically, one was in the hands of a "death panel."

Replacing the ACA WITHOUT those 2 issues, will cause the downfall of the current GOP nitwits.
Lets not forget Medicaid. Without proper funding any republican bill will never get passed.
The ACA has many,many flaws that SHOULD be fixed......

HOWEVER, these TWO immoral and cruel aspects of our former HC delivery system were fixed:

Before the ACA, one could never get coverage if one had a pre-existing condition....

Before the ACA, one had to deal with a fixed amount that a private insurance company was willing to pay for your condition....Once that maximum was reached, , you were screwed.......basically, one was in the hands of a "death panel."

Replacing the ACA WITHOUT those 2 issues, will cause the downfall of the current GOP nitwits.

Prior to the ACA at were the policy limits?
The ACA has many,many flaws that SHOULD be fixed......

HOWEVER, these TWO immoral and cruel aspects of our former HC delivery system were fixed:

Before the ACA, one could never get coverage if one had a pre-existing condition....

Before the ACA, one had to deal with a fixed amount that a private insurance company was willing to pay for your condition....Once that maximum was reached, , you were screwed.......basically, one was in the hands of a "death panel."

Replacing the ACA WITHOUT those 2 issues, will cause the downfall of the current GOP nitwits.

Prior to the ACA at were the policy limits?
depended on the insurance company
The ACA has many,many flaws that SHOULD be fixed......

HOWEVER, these TWO immoral and cruel aspects of our former HC delivery system were fixed:

Before the ACA, one could never get coverage if one had a pre-existing condition....

Before the ACA, one had to deal with a fixed amount that a private insurance company was willing to pay for your condition....Once that maximum was reached, , you were screwed.......basically, one was in the hands of a "death panel."

Replacing the ACA WITHOUT those 2 issues, will cause the downfall of the current GOP nitwits.

Prior to the ACA at were the policy limits?
depended on the insurance company

Indeed, but they all hovered around the same amounts.

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