Liz Gets Real: Single-Payer Is The Answer

Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!

So the democrats have not done enough damage with creating a government health care bill that raises premiums, reduces choices of insurance providers, fines those who DROP their insurance through the IRS by not keeping up with their mandatory insurance coverage payments, that they want MORE federal government control? Obviously liberals are either hard headed fools incapable of learning from their short coming attempts, or lacking of any common sense that they are determined to screw with health care again.
This damage also includes a net gain of over 16 million extra insured people.

Who can't get quality care or are denied certain treatments because it's government that is controlling your costs, which is the net result of both the Canadian's program as well as the NHS system.
Really? Yet in Canada, the UK and a host of other nations most of which have single payer the life expectancy is higher. Life Expectancy for Countries
While at the same time the US health care system is the most expensive.List of countries by total health expenditure per capita - Wikipedia
The health care index. Something that ranks healthcare by purely cost benefit ranks the US at 35. The 34 ahead of them all have single payer. So please pray tell why you think the American system is superior. Btw I'm Belgian and live in a single payer country. I can give you personal examples of differences between the US (my wife is American) and the Belgian system, and I'm perfectly willing to compare.
Single payer only works for progressives and even then they have to wait for it. Keep single-payer to yourselves to yourselves leave the rest of us the fuck out...
Single-Payer is the answer.

To retards.

A good analogy is transportation. If transportation was necessary then we should provide a bus system that anyone can use. It's a good idea for many reasons. But people with money can buy a car.

Same with healthcare. Everyone should receive the basics. You want to choose your doctor pay for it
Is everyone going to pay the same taxes?
The poor can't afford. You pay based on how much you make. Do you object?

Do you pay for gas or milk based on how much you make?

No way, he would be getting it for free.
Notice that he hasn't responded. Leftwingers never want to discuss their theory that prices for things we want should be based on income.
I agree. But how much should a poor person pay? $50 a month? Ok
A good analogy is transportation. If transportation was necessary then we should provide a bus system that anyone can use. It's a good idea for many reasons. But people with money can buy a car.

Same with healthcare. Everyone should receive the basics. You want to choose your doctor pay for it
Is everyone going to pay the same taxes?
The poor can't afford. You pay based on how much you make. Do you object?

Do you pay for gas or milk based on how much you make?

No way, he would be getting it for free.
Notice that he hasn't responded. Leftwingers never want to discuss their theory that prices for things we want should be based on income.
Most of the people, no, all of the people got rich in a progressive tax based society. Now you want to change the rules?
Is everyone going to pay the same taxes?
The poor can't afford. You pay based on how much you make. Do you object?

Do you pay for gas or milk based on how much you make?

No way, he would be getting it for free.
Notice that he hasn't responded. Leftwingers never want to discuss their theory that prices for things we want should be based on income.
Most of the people, no, all of the people got rich in a progressive tax based society. Now you want to change the rules?

We have progressive taxes, now come there are so many poor?

Let me guess, rich has to be taxed more?
Is everyone going to pay the same taxes?
The poor can't afford. You pay based on how much you make. Do you object?

Do you pay for gas or milk based on how much you make?

No way, he would be getting it for free.
Notice that he hasn't responded. Leftwingers never want to discuss their theory that prices for things we want should be based on income.
Most of the people, no, all of the people got rich in a progressive tax based society. Now you want to change the rules?

America became rich under laizzes faire capitalism, not under FDR style socialism.

If we changed the rules before, then why can't we do it again? Why do snowflakes believe the changes they want are locked in forever once they are approved?
The only single payer should be the patient, and the only receiver should be the Doctor. The USA has the highest priced care in the world, due to regulation and insurance companies. Why would anyone in their right mind, turn their health care over to a bunch of bureaucrats, who can't agree on what is healthy?
Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

Obamacare was based on ‘’a conservative model,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) says it’s time for Democrats to run on single-payer health care across the country.

President Barack Obama “tried to move us forward with health care coverage by using a conservative model that came from one of the conservative think tanks that had been advanced by a Republican governor in Massachusetts,” Warren, referring to Mitt Romney, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Tuesday.

“Now it’s time for the next step. And the next step is single payer,” she said.

Warren’s comments represent a shift to her position on the U.S. health care system. In March, she said her support for switching to single-payer ― in which the government handles coverage of health care costs, rather than insurance companies ― would depend on whether Democrats could find Republican lawmakers willing to help fix the Affordable Care Act passed under Obama.

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care

I agree that Single-Payer is the way to go! It's time to take insurance companies out of our health care!

So the democrats have not done enough damage with creating a government health care bill that raises premiums, reduces choices of insurance providers, fines those who DROP their insurance through the IRS by not keeping up with their mandatory insurance coverage payments, that they want MORE federal government control? Obviously liberals are either hard headed fools incapable of learning from their short coming attempts, or lacking of any common sense that they are determined to screw with health care again.
This damage also includes a net gain of over 16 million extra insured people.

Who can't get quality care or are denied certain treatments because it's government that is controlling your costs, which is the net result of both the Canadian's program as well as the NHS system.
Really? Yet in Canada, the UK and a host of other nations most of which have single payer the life expectancy is higher. Life Expectancy for Countries
While at the same time the US health care system is the most expensive.List of countries by total health expenditure per capita - Wikipedia
The health care index. Something that ranks healthcare by purely cost benefit ranks the US at 35. The 34 ahead of them all have single payer. So please pray tell why you think the American system is superior. Btw I'm Belgian and live in a single payer country. I can give you personal examples of differences between the US (my wife is American) and the Belgian system, and I'm perfectly willing to compare.
Single payer only works for progressives and even then they have to wait for it. Keep single-payer to yourselves to yourselves leave the rest of us the fuck out...
Just goes to show how much you know. Like I said we have single payer here, I'll give you a few practical examples. I get my medicine the moment I walk into a pharmacy with a prescription not an hour later after a pharmacy tech has called the insurance company. My doctor comes to my house if I feel not capable of going to him. An ER visit costs me on average about 2 hours, I don't have to fill in paperwork and nobody ever asks me credit card information. After a surgery or when I'm elderly if needed, nurses, physical therapists, even babysitters and cleaning ladies come to my house to help out if needed. All this, although it is not free is being offered at prices so even a poor person can afford it. So tell me wich one of these services do you guys have and what's the price you pay for them?
So the democrats have not done enough damage with creating a government health care bill that raises premiums, reduces choices of insurance providers, fines those who DROP their insurance through the IRS by not keeping up with their mandatory insurance coverage payments, that they want MORE federal government control? Obviously liberals are either hard headed fools incapable of learning from their short coming attempts, or lacking of any common sense that they are determined to screw with health care again.
This damage also includes a net gain of over 16 million extra insured people.

Who can't get quality care or are denied certain treatments because it's government that is controlling your costs, which is the net result of both the Canadian's program as well as the NHS system.
Really? Yet in Canada, the UK and a host of other nations most of which have single payer the life expectancy is higher. Life Expectancy for Countries
While at the same time the US health care system is the most expensive.List of countries by total health expenditure per capita - Wikipedia
The health care index. Something that ranks healthcare by purely cost benefit ranks the US at 35. The 34 ahead of them all have single payer. So please pray tell why you think the American system is superior. Btw I'm Belgian and live in a single payer country. I can give you personal examples of differences between the US (my wife is American) and the Belgian system, and I'm perfectly willing to compare.
Single payer only works for progressives and even then they have to wait for it. Keep single-payer to yourselves to yourselves leave the rest of us the fuck out...
Just goes to show how much you know. Like I said we have single payer here, I'll give you a few practical examples. I get my medicine the moment I walk into a pharmacy with a prescription not an hour later after a pharmacy tech has called the insurance company. My doctor comes to my house if I feel not capable of going to him. An ER visit costs me on average about 2 hours, I don't have to fill in paperwork and nobody ever asks me credit card information. After a surgery or when I'm elderly if needed, nurses, physical therapists, even babysitters and cleaning ladies come to my house to help out if needed. All this, although it is not free is being offered at prices so even a poor person can afford it. So tell me wich one of these services do you guys have and what's the price you pay for them?

And if you need treatment beyond the basic care for colds and flu, you'll travel to the USA to get it.
This damage also includes a net gain of over 16 million extra insured people.

Who can't get quality care or are denied certain treatments because it's government that is controlling your costs, which is the net result of both the Canadian's program as well as the NHS system.
Really? Yet in Canada, the UK and a host of other nations most of which have single payer the life expectancy is higher. Life Expectancy for Countries
While at the same time the US health care system is the most expensive.List of countries by total health expenditure per capita - Wikipedia
The health care index. Something that ranks healthcare by purely cost benefit ranks the US at 35. The 34 ahead of them all have single payer. So please pray tell why you think the American system is superior. Btw I'm Belgian and live in a single payer country. I can give you personal examples of differences between the US (my wife is American) and the Belgian system, and I'm perfectly willing to compare.
Single payer only works for progressives and even then they have to wait for it. Keep single-payer to yourselves to yourselves leave the rest of us the fuck out...
Just goes to show how much you know. Like I said we have single payer here, I'll give you a few practical examples. I get my medicine the moment I walk into a pharmacy with a prescription not an hour later after a pharmacy tech has called the insurance company. My doctor comes to my house if I feel not capable of going to him. An ER visit costs me on average about 2 hours, I don't have to fill in paperwork and nobody ever asks me credit card information. After a surgery or when I'm elderly if needed, nurses, physical therapists, even babysitters and cleaning ladies come to my house to help out if needed. All this, although it is not free is being offered at prices so even a poor person can afford it. So tell me wich one of these services do you guys have and what's the price you pay for them?

And if you need treatment beyond the basic care for colds and flu, you'll travel to the USA to get it.
Lol, again preconceptions. My care is of the same level if not higher. Belgian medicine is world class that simple. I'm sure that there's some surgeons in the US that are better than ours. In the same breath I know from personal experience that there are doctors in the US that are idiots and vice versa. Like I said in my original post. We have a higher life expectancy, cheaper healthcare, more efficient healthcare, more inclusive healthcare and if you look at it purely from a cost benefit standpoint we rank way higher to.
Lol, again preconceptions. My care is of the same level if not higher. Belgian medicine is world class that simple. I'm sure that there's some surgeons in the US that are better than ours. In the same breath I know from personal experience that there are doctors in the US that are idiots and vice versa. Like I said in my original post. We have a higher life expectancy, cheaper healthcare, more efficient healthcare, more inclusive healthcare and if you look at it purely from a cost benefit standpoint we rank way higher to.

Right on target.........The U.S. ranks (I believe) 37th in the world on longevity...and for that "wonderful" ranking, we get to pay 4 or 5 times more for health care than any other industrial country...........On the other hand, we have the most highly paid CEOs of insurance companies, and the right wing morons on here INSIST that these CEOs have their "best interest" at heart.......IDIOTS !!!!
Lol, again preconceptions. My care is of the same level if not higher. Belgian medicine is world class that simple. I'm sure that there's some surgeons in the US that are better than ours. In the same breath I know from personal experience that there are doctors in the US that are idiots and vice versa. Like I said in my original post. We have a higher life expectancy, cheaper healthcare, more efficient healthcare, more inclusive healthcare and if you look at it purely from a cost benefit standpoint we rank way higher to.

Right on target.........The U.S. ranks (I believe) 37th in the world on longevity...and for that "wonderful" ranking, we get to pay 4 or 5 times more for health care than any other industrial country...........On the other hand, we have the most highly paid CEOs of insurance companies, and the right wing morons on here INSIST that these CEOs have their "best interest" at heart.......IDIOTS !!!!
4 or 5 times is too much if talking about my country. The US health care system is about 50 percent more expensive in the interest of honesty.
Lol, again preconceptions. My care is of the same level if not higher. Belgian medicine is world class that simple. I'm sure that there's some surgeons in the US that are better than ours. In the same breath I know from personal experience that there are doctors in the US that are idiots and vice versa. Like I said in my original post. We have a higher life expectancy, cheaper healthcare, more efficient healthcare, more inclusive healthcare and if you look at it purely from a cost benefit standpoint we rank way higher to.

Right on target.........The U.S. ranks (I believe) 37th in the world on longevity...and for that "wonderful" ranking, we get to pay 4 or 5 times more for health care than any other industrial country...........On the other hand, we have the most highly paid CEOs of insurance companies, and the right wing morons on here INSIST that these CEOs have their "best interest" at heart.......IDIOTS !!!!
The WHO ranking has been debunked ad nauseum. That's the problem with arguing healthcare with snowflakes: everything they know is fake.
Most of the people, no, all of the people got rich in a progressive tax based society. Now you want to change the rules?

So you admit that it is progressive taxation that caused the vast disparity of income in America, Silly Bonobo?
Everyone with a brain knows a flat tax would widen the gap between rich and poor. When you guys don't pass a flat tax next month that'll be why.

And if they do pass it you'll see it won't work.

I'm curious to see their tax reform. $300 tax break for you, $300k for the rich.

I know, send my $300 back if I don't want it. Heard that in the bush era right before he doubled the debt and caused a recession.

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