Lodestar = Covfefe

So, who is the new Deep Throat?

In The NY Times Oped trashing Trump, The word “Lodestar” appears

I have never used the word. A search of USMB shows no use before yesterday. No other Trump aid uses the word other than VP Mike Pence who has used it multiple times in the past.

It is the word but Dictionary.com calls it "archaic" - which would for sure point to Mikey Pence. My theory is that there were several in the WH involved with writing the editorial. I suspect Pence, Pompeo and Coats were the primary authors. We'll find out sooner or later.

In the meantime - Jimmy Kimmel is going with The Pencester! :D

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So, who is the new Deep Throat?

In The NY Times Oped trashing Trump, The word “Lodestar” appears

I have never used the word. A search of USMB shows no use before yesterday. No other Trump aid uses the word other than VP Mike Pence who has used it multiple times in the past.
The failed Trump misadministration becomes more and more bizarre with each passing day.
So, who is the new Deep Throat?

In The NY Times Oped trashing Trump, The word “Lodestar” appears

I have never used the word. A search of USMB shows no use before yesterday. No other Trump aid uses the word other than VP Mike Pence who has used it multiple times in the past.

“Lodestar” is “rats e dol” backwards ! Bob Dole is the rat!!
The caliber of people surrounds himself with would indicate that during meetings, they listen to each other and note individual patterns of language. It's possible someone other than Pence is using his language as cover.

But this OP Ed is the Holy Trinity of Trumpian conspiracy. Anonymous, Deep State and the New York Times.
That’s likely it.

Pence isn’t smart enough to come up with something like this – he's also too much of a coward.
I honestly think the person who wrote this did it to give theirself an "out" in case Trump does get impeached. If Trump were to get impeached, the person could come out and say they tried to warn the American people and then use that to stay in politics. If Trump doesn't get impeached, they just continue to go about their way and ride Trump's base to a career in politics. It's a case of having their cake and eating it too.

Of course, once they are publicly identified as untrustworthy, their career is pretty much over already.
So, who is the new Deep Throat?

In The NY Times Oped trashing Trump, The word “Lodestar” appears

I have never used the word. A search of USMB shows no use before yesterday. No other Trump aid uses the word other than VP Mike Pence who has used it multiple times in the past.

It's Trump.

Took attention away from the Kavanaugh hearings didn't it?
So, who is the new Deep Throat?

In The NY Times Oped trashing Trump, The word “Lodestar” appears

I have never used the word. A search of USMB shows no use before yesterday. No other Trump aid uses the word other than VP Mike Pence who has used it multiple times in the past.

It's Trump.

Took attention away from the Kavanaugh hearings didn't it?
Made confirmation less likely
The Trump administration is a disaster as they tell us exactly what we thought about Crooked Donnie
The Trump administration is a disaster as they tell us exactly what we thought about Crooked Donnie

Dotard has a track record now. Everything he does is either about enriching himself, and creating daily distractions so he can enrich himself.

In this case, it's a distraction to get a guy in a position that can keep him out of jail. He knows he can 't pardon himself. Kavanaugh is his ace in the hole.
Among those disavowing the piece were Mr. Pence; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Defense Secretary Jim Mattis; Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin; Attorney General Jeff Sessions; Kirstjen M. Nielsen, the secretary of homeland security; John R. Bolton, the national security adviser; and Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence. Others included the secretaries of agriculture, commerce, education, energy, health and human services, housing and urban development, interior, labor, transportation and veterans affairs as well as the C.I.A. and F.B.I. directors, the president’s trade representative, acting chief of the Environmental Protection Agency and his ambassadors to the United Nations and Russia.

“It is not mine,” said Mr. Pompeo.

“Patently false,” Mr. Coats said.

“It is laughable,” said a spokesman for Mr. Mnuchin.

Some of them denounced the piece without explicitly denying authorship, but even the unequivocal denials may not be all that useful beyond assuaging Mr. Trump and hoping to avoid his wrath. W. Mark Felt, the deputy F.B.I. director under President Richard M. Nixon, likewise publicly denied being the “Deep Throat” source for Mr. Woodward and Carl Bernstein during Watergate, only to reveal himself three decades later.
Pence is distancing himself from Trump

If he takes over after impeachment or runs in 2020, he will need the Times to show he tried to do something.

Your points make Pence - er - sense.

But my gut instinct says that Pence is just not smart enough to write that Op. Ed.. It was not a brilliantly written thing or anything...but it just struck me as above Pence's ability.

But, VP's usually come across as stupider then they really are...so.......naaa. Die hard Christian's (in the 21'st century) like Pence are usually too goofy to write an Op Ed like that, IMO.

I dunno.

I hope it was Pence though as he might be America's next POTUS. And having a POTUS with some common sense would be a nice change after Trump.

Whomever it is ....THIS IS FUN.

I was too young for the last Deep Throat. So now we have our own one.
One clue that it may be Pence is his history in radio. Pence is actually quite the master of the spoken word. Pence's strength has always been his mastery of the spoken word.If you read the op-ed again, you may notice that some parts seem like they were meant to be read aloud. For instance, the rhyme of "fear" and "revere".
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Nixon was the high water mark and the crazy left trusted unverified information from an unidentified source because they were led by the nose by the liberal media to hate the (republican) president. People died during the Clinton administration but the W&B team seemed to be in a coma. The sex, drugs and rock&roll of the Clinton era would have been prime for a deep throat infomant but alas W&B had retired. Suddenly like a freaking zombie apocalypse Bob Woodward staggers into the limelight with a freaking book based on rumors and the crazy left dreams of "deep throat" (the informant not the porn star) once again. These people are so easy to manipulate it's a wonder that FDR's friend Joe Stalin didn't succeed him instead of Harry Truman.
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So, who is the new Deep Throat?

In The NY Times Oped trashing Trump, The word “Lodestar” appears

I have never used the word. A search of USMB shows no use before yesterday. No other Trump aid uses the word other than VP Mike Pence who has used it multiple times in the past.

Apparently the chicken shit saboteur was just fond of John McCain.

'Lodestar' John McCain quoted in anonymous 'New York Times' essay attacking Donald Trump

I used "was fond of" because this idiot is about to get cooked. Swamp meat for dinner if you will.
So, who is the new Deep Throat?

In The NY Times Oped trashing Trump, The word “Lodestar” appears

I have never used the word. A search of USMB shows no use before yesterday. No other Trump aid uses the word other than VP Mike Pence who has used it multiple times in the past.

Apparently the chicken shit saboteur was just fond of John McCain.

'Lodestar' John McCain quoted in anonymous 'New York Times' essay attacking Donald Trump
Pence was fond of McCain. And, if it was Pence, he is not getting "cooked". He has more friends and power than Trump, at this point.
So, who is the new Deep Throat?

In The NY Times Oped trashing Trump, The word “Lodestar” appears

I have never used the word. A search of USMB shows no use before yesterday. No other Trump aid uses the word other than VP Mike Pence who has used it multiple times in the past.

Apparently the chicken shit saboteur was just fond of John McCain.

'Lodestar' John McCain quoted in anonymous 'New York Times' essay attacking Donald Trump
Pence was fond of McCain.

Pence looks lovingly at Trump during speeches. That's apparently his main job. He's not about to be part of coup. Sorry to wreck your dreams.

The lodestar thing was just a term of endearment for McCain that the "dead meat walking" used in this alleged "op ed".
Pence looks loving at Trump. That's apparently his job. He's not about to be part of coup. Sorry to wreck your dreams
You didn't wreck my dreams. You stated your opinion, and it is the opinion of a trump cultist, worth less than squat.
The lodestar thing was just a term of endearment for McCain that the "dead meat walking" used in this alleged "op ed"
Again, thank you for your opinion. Personally, I could easily see Pence writing this, as we all know it is precisely what he thinks .

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