London's Mayor Khan: Trump Is The 'Global Poster-Boy For White Nationalism'

The mayor of the Muslim crime and rape cult invasion would like to let you know he doesn’t want white people fucking that up.
The more intelligent people know Muslims are no more a threat than anybody else. They also understand the Muslim migrants will fill in labor niches for the labor shortages.
What an idiot Khan is! Here is a guy who belongs to a religion that has killed many Jews?

London Mayor Calls Trump 'Global Poster Boy For White Nationalism' | HuffPost
Muslims killed enough Jews The Holocaust is a typical notion of white nationalist Nazis. White Catholics mostly did the Holocaust.
If you hear someone denounce white-nationalism and feel threatened that's a problem with you.
if someone denounces white nationalism, they are idiots
....if someone denounces white supremacists, they are ignorant of the REAL, major problems
Crawl back under your rock slug. also are brainwashed by the MSM--like the German people in 1933-45
Hey dumb-dumb. White nationalism, as they had in Germany, is the pattern for white nationalism now. What a stupid example to use.
Because white nationalists are savages who blamed, and still blame their own failures on somebody else.
What an idiot Khan is! Here is a guy who belongs to a religion that has killed many Jews?

London Mayor Calls Trump 'Global Poster Boy For White Nationalism' | HuffPost
I sure wish that the idiots of the left would wake the fuck up one day and realize that the US of A is the last country that still isnt a 3rd world shithole, because President Trump stopped the fundamental transformation. Show me 1 country that has colored people that rule it, that is successful? I asked that before and not one lib could respond.
colored people? this still last century?...
Perhaps he didn't get the latest fascist Democrat PC marching order that says the people formerly referred to as "colored people" shall now be referred to "people of color", or else!

You moonbats are insane.
you should know....
The mayor of the Muslim crime and rape cult invasion would like to let you know he doesn’t want white people fucking that up.
The more intelligent people know Muslims are no more a threat than anybody else. They also understand the Muslim migrants will fill in labor niches for the labor shortages.
Muslims are a global threat.
The mayor of the Muslim crime and rape cult invasion would like to let you know he doesn’t want white people fucking that up.
The more intelligent people know Muslims are no more a threat than anybody else. They also understand the Muslim migrants will fill in labor niches for the labor shortages.
Gullible morons believe that shit. The evidence proves otherwise.
colored people? this still last century?...
Look, it's the grammar police.
more like use the right term police....
The right term according to whom, jackass?

You jackass party of slavery supporters sure are conceited.
when you have lunch with dean this week...ask him if i belong to his pathetic party....see what he says
I've read your posts. You are an active supporter ofv the Democratic party.
colored people? this still last century?...
Look, it's the grammar police.
more like use the right term police....
The right term according to whom, jackass?

You jackass party of slavery supporters sure are conceited.
when you have lunch with dean this week...ask him if i belong to his pathetic party....see what he says
I've read your posts. You are an active supporter ofv the Democratic party.
can you prove that?...i cant wait to see what you come up with....
Khan's latest quote....

Every non white couple should have 10+ kids... and fuck those who whine about overpopulation...
Trump is like a grand general leading America to the Delectable Mountains of Prosperity.

Khan the Con is just jealous he cant do the same!
Khan is proof that if you start with a small % of the population....

and you have your couples pumping out 10-15 kids per generation....

you will end up IN THE MAJORITY and IN POWER....

Look, it's the grammar police.
more like use the right term police....
The right term according to whom, jackass?

You jackass party of slavery supporters sure are conceited.
when you have lunch with dean this week...ask him if i belong to his pathetic party....see what he says
I've read your posts. You are an active supporter ofv the Democratic party.
can you prove that?...i cant wait to see what you come up with....
In retrospect, it appears that I was wrong about you. My apologies.
more like use the right term police....
The right term according to whom, jackass?

You jackass party of slavery supporters sure are conceited.
when you have lunch with dean this week...ask him if i belong to his pathetic party....see what he says
I've read your posts. You are an active supporter ofv the Democratic party.
can you prove that?...i cant wait to see what you come up with....
In retrospect, it appears that I was wrong about you. My apologies.

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