Zone1 Losing their religion: why US churches are on the decline

It is not sinful for Christians to own private property.

It is sinful for Christians to be greedy. That's it.

The first Christian community held all private property in common and that was due to the way of life and teaching of Jesus and his twelve apostles. So communists are in good company, from the perspective of Christendom, on account of the founders of Christianity being communists. They lived in a commune, holding all things in common. You can deny it, but anyone that can read can clearly see that. It's explicit.
The first Christian community held all private property in common and that was due to the way of life and teaching of Jesus and his twelve apostles. So communists are in good company, from the perspective of Christendom, on account of the founders of Christianity being communists. They lived in a commune, holding all things in common. You can deny it, but anyone that can read can clearly see that. It's explicit.

You are so new in the faith, and in Biblical scholarship, that you do not even understand descriptive vs. prescriptive in the Bible. Describing how things were done in the early church does not = prescribing it for everyone.

For example:

The Bible describes that Cain killed Abel. Does that mean we should kill our siblings?

The Bible describes how Peter denied Christ three times. Does that mean denying Christ is a good thing?

The commune living of early Christians is neutral. Jesus never prescribed it; neither does Paul. It's not explained as a bad thing, but neither is it prescribed.
A sad reality in many places. Will new generations live a righteous life without the guidance of a clear moral authority?

Losing their religion: why US churches are on the decline​

Churches are closing at rapid numbers in the US, researchers say, as congregations dwindle across the country and a younger generation of Americans abandon Christianity altogether – even as faith continues to dominate American politics.

As the US adjusts to an increasingly non-religious population, thousands of churches are closing each year in the country – a figure that experts believe may have accelerated since the Covid-19 pandemic.

The situation means some hard decisions for pastors, who have to decide when a dwindling congregation is no longer sustainable. But it has also created a boom market for those wanting to buy churches, with former houses of worship now finding new life.

About 4,500 Protestant churches closed in 2019, the last year data is available, with about 3,000 new churches opening, according to Lifeway Research. It was the first time the number of churches in the US hadn’t grown since the evangelical firm started studying the topic. With the pandemic speeding up a broader trend of Americans turning away from Christianity, researchers say the closures will only have accelerated.

“The closures, even for a temporary period of time, impacted a lot of churches. People breaking that habit of attending church means a lot of churches had to work hard to get people back to attending again,” said Scott McConnell, executive director at Lifeway Research.

“In the last three years, all signs are pointing to a continued pace of closures probably similar to 2019 or possibly higher, as there’s been a really rapid rise in American individuals who say they’re not religious.”
The Left has become the religion of the world

Now children in school from the age of those in kindergarten are taught their religion via public education. Children now view salvation through the eyes of the state as their collective salvation. Sin is now anything that offends their sense of social justice as they taught to believe men are women, women are men, and unborn babies really are not living. Good is now bad and bad is now good as up is down and down is up. Any other teachings to them seem odd and archaic.
The first Christian community held all private property in common and that was due to the way of life and teaching of Jesus and his twelve apostles. So communists are in good company, from the perspective of Christendom, on account of the founders of Christianity being communists. They lived in a commune, holding all things in common. You can deny it, but anyone that can read can clearly see that. It's explicit.

Here is an article citing exactly what I say about descriptive v. prescriptive.

I continue praying that Jesus Christ will save your soul.

You are so new in the faith, and in Biblical scholarship, that you do not even understand descriptive vs. prescriptive in the Bible. Describing how things were done in the early church does not = prescribing it for everyone.

For example:

The Bible describes that Cain killed Abel. Does that mean we should kill our siblings?

The Bible describes how Peter denied Christ three times. Does that mean denying Christ is a good thing?

The commune living of early Christians is neutral. Jesus never prescribed it; neither does Paul. It's not explained as a bad thing, but neither is it prescribed.

It was prescribed for the disciples, hence that's why they lived that way, that's the point. I mentioned that I was an atheist for most of my adult life, but that doesn't imply that I was always an atheist. The amount of time that I've been a Biblical theist or Yahwist, is irrelevant to the veracity of my arguments. Whatever I say or argue with respect to theology, stands or falls on its own merits, not on whether I've been a Biblical theist or Yahwist for X amount of time. You're just resorting to more irrational, disingenuous, desperate ad hominem-based reasoning to refute my arguments, hence your failure.

The fact that you're an Evangelical, proves that your knowledge of the Bible, particularly the Hebrew Bible, is seriously lacking.
The falling away of the Church, began with the so called Moral Majority movement, with Christian leaders deciding they wanted a partnership with scuzzy R politicians, and be involved in politics, instead of preaching and following, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It was prescribed for the disciples, hence that's why they lived that way, that's the point. I mentioned that I was an atheist for most of my adult life, but that doesn't imply that I was always an atheist. The amount of time that I've been a Biblical theist or Yahwist, is irrelevant to the veracity of my arguments. Whatever I say or argue with respect to theology, stands or falls on its own merits, not on whether I've been a Biblical theist or Yahwist for X amount of time. You're just resorting to more irrational, disingenuous, desperate ad hominem-based reasoning to refute my arguments, hence your failure.

The fact that you're an Evangelical, proves that your knowledge of the Bible, particularly the Hebrew Bible, is seriously lacking.

Communism was absolutely not prescribed for the disciples. Absolutely not.
Communism was absolutely not prescribed for the disciples. Absolutely not.

Absolutely was, and I already presented plenty of Biblical evidence for that. Your response is "absolutely not", I say "certainly yes" and you say "no way" and I say "yes way" and you say nothing or you just continue saying "no no no no" until I say "I have better things to do with my time than go back and forth with you like this". Believe whatever toots your horn.

Absolutely was, and I already presented plenty of Biblical evidence for that. Your response is "absolutely not", I say "certainly yes" and you say "no way" and I say "yes way" and you say nothing or you just continue saying "no no no no" until I say "I have better things to do with my time than go back and forth with you like this". Believe whatever toots your horn.

If this is true, why aren't Christian nations communists, but rather atheist nations?

Could it be that you're wrong and 2000 years of Christendom is right?
If this is true, why aren't Christian nations communists, but rather atheist nations?

Could it be that you're wrong and 2000 years of Christendom is right?

So-called "Christians" are Paulinists. They don't really follow Christianity, but rather Paulianity. The Greek Gnostic paganism of Paul the "apostle".
It is only "absurd" to those who don't trust Christ as their Lord and Master over their lives. See, mankind was born into sin, and that means you, me, Anne Frank, Jeffrey Dahmer, etc. etc. Without Messiah's shed blood, we all face the wrath and justice of G-d because we REFUSE to trust Jesus and think we know better. All that you describe, and much more "sins" are but mere symptoms of the DISEASE of the Sin that will condemn us, and that is pride and unbelief. So regardless of whether it was a mass murderer like David Berkowicz, or someone who fibbed, we all face the exact same judgement and wrath. There is no varying degree of "badness", and just because someone seems "good" in the worldy sense, all of mankind still falls under the same indictment. Romans 3:23 states "For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God". This is why Christ came. To pay the penalty for our sin IN FULL. This does not necessarily mean that believers are perfect, nor does it excuse sinful behavior by the same, but since Christ took our rightful punishment out of His love for us, we no longer are under condemnation.

Okay... Fun Meme time.


Frankly, you went from arguing the equities - which you can't - Berkowicz and Dahmner are objectively worse than my disbelief and occassional fornication outside of marriage- to "Well, God Says So!" like that's an answer. Except you God-botherers have been murdering each other for 2000 years over what God actually said or meant.

One of my dearest friends is a Japanese woman who is probably the nicest lady in the world. But she doesn't believe in Jesus, she believes in the Buddha. So she deserves to go to Hell but the Son of Sam gets into heaven? Seriously?

And I am talking theology. Jesus had different words for evil doers--including, "Depart from me, I never knew you." Evil is the lack of love. Do you believe Mr. Dahmer began to cultivate love of others after he was caught? Do you believe he was ever able to love?

Honestly, I don't know what he believed. I know he was a very sick man, and that he felt remorse for what he did. Or at least he expressed remorse. Which is all that is required for Christian forgiveness.

So assuming he was sincere for wanting forgiveness, does he deserve to get into heaven for accepting Jesus while Ann Frank burns in Hell for all eternity for not accepting Him? It doesn't matter what you did, I will forgive you if you massage my ego enough!

Because that makes Jehovah/Jesus come off less like a loving God and more like a malignant narcissist. And who would want to worship a malignant narcissist?


Oh... Damn...

Which leads me to the premise that God is more than capable of not only mercy and grace, but power to change people from the inside out. Again, I think of David Berkowicz, the notorious "Son of Sam" killer that terrorized NYC back in the late 70s. He came to Faith and I see firsthand the radical transformation that God made in him. He does acknowledge his responsibility and accepts the consequences of the sin he committed-even to the point of REFUSING parole every time it was offered.

Uh, yeah, here's the thing. Berkowicz was a lying con man 40 years ago and he's a lying con man now. He tried for an insanity defense back in the day telling people that a Dog ordered him to commit the murders.


(The perfect crime. They'll never suspect me!)

Now he's scamming you God Botherers to refill his commissary account by telling you that he found Jesus. And you fell for it!

Nobody was EVER going to let this guy out on parole for six murders.
If this is true, why aren't Christian nations communists, but rather atheist nations?

Could it be that you're wrong and 2000 years of Christendom is right?
Crusades, inquisitions, religious wars, torture of heretics... 2000 years of Christianity is pretty much the opposite of "Right".
Okay... Fun Meme time.


Frankly, you went from arguing the equities - which you can't - Berkowicz and Dahmner are objectively worse than my disbelief and occassional fornication outside of marriage- to "Well, God Says So!" like that's an answer. Except you God-botherers have been murdering each other for 2000 years over what God actually said or meant.

One of my dearest friends is a Japanese woman who is probably the nicest lady in the world. But she doesn't believe in Jesus, she believes in the Buddha. So she deserves to go to Hell but the Son of Sam gets into heaven? Seriously?

Honestly, I don't know what he believed. I know he was a very sick man, and that he felt remorse for what he did. Or at least he expressed remorse. Which is all that is required for Christian forgiveness.

So assuming he was sincere for wanting forgiveness, does he deserve to get into heaven for accepting Jesus while Ann Frank burns in Hell for all eternity for not accepting Him? It doesn't matter what you did, I will forgive you if you massage my ego enough!

Because that makes Jehovah/Jesus come off less like a loving God and more like a malignant narcissist. And who would want to worship a malignant narcissist?

View attachment 752157View attachment 752158
Oh... Damn...

Uh, yeah, here's the thing. Berkowicz was a lying con man 40 years ago and he's a lying con man now. He tried for an insanity defense back in the day telling people that a Dog ordered him to commit the murders.


(The perfect crime. They'll never suspect me!)

Now he's scamming you God Botherers to refill his commissary account by telling you that he found Jesus. And you fell for it!

Nobody was EVER going to let this guy out on parole for six murders.

You're being too logical Joe, it will short-circuit their brains.
Okay... Fun Meme time.


Frankly, you went from arguing the equities - which you can't - Berkowicz and Dahmner are objectively worse than my disbelief and occassional fornication outside of marriage- to "Well, God Says So!" like that's an answer. Except you God-botherers have been murdering each other for 2000 years over what God actually said or meant.

One of my dearest friends is a Japanese woman who is probably the nicest lady in the world. But she doesn't believe in Jesus, she believes in the Buddha. So she deserves to go to Hell but the Son of Sam gets into heaven? Seriously?

Honestly, I don't know what he believed. I know he was a very sick man, and that he felt remorse for what he did. Or at least he expressed remorse. Which is all that is required for Christian forgiveness.

So assuming he was sincere for wanting forgiveness, does he deserve to get into heaven for accepting Jesus while Ann Frank burns in Hell for all eternity for not accepting Him? It doesn't matter what you did, I will forgive you if you massage my ego enough!

Because that makes Jehovah/Jesus come off less like a loving God and more like a malignant narcissist. And who would want to worship a malignant narcissist?

View attachment 752157View attachment 752158
Oh... Damn...

Uh, yeah, here's the thing. Berkowicz was a lying con man 40 years ago and he's a lying con man now. He tried for an insanity defense back in the day telling people that a Dog ordered him to commit the murders.


(The perfect crime. They'll never suspect me!)

Now he's scamming you God Botherers to refill his commissary account by telling you that he found Jesus. And you fell for it!

Nobody was EVER going to let this guy out on parole for six murders.
Doesn't matter. God provided one, and ONLY one path to Himself. And it ain't through religion. It is through the born again relationship that He Himself set up for sinful man. And one sin is not worse than the other as far as He is concerned. They all lead to death and He'll without Christ's redemption.
Doesn't matter. God provided one, and ONLY one path to Himself. And it ain't through religion. It is through the born again relationship that He Himself set up for sinful man. And one sin is not worse than the other as far as He is concerned. They all lead to death and He'll without Christ's redemption.
You're wrong about sin, about Christianity not being a religion, and practically everything else you've said so far.
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So-called "Christians" are Paulinists. They don't really follow Christianity, but rather Paulianity. The Greek Gnostic paganism of Paul the "apostle".
Leftists are not really Marxists. They could care less about the poor, or at least, all Marxists countries throw their citizens into abject poverty historically. The only reason they pretend to care is that Marxism demands complete state control over everything.

Both Jesus and Paul cared about the poor.

Thanks for playing.
Leftists are not really Marxists. They could care less about the poor, or at least, all Marxists countries throw their citizens into abject poverty historically. The only reason they pretend to care is that Marxism demands complete state control over everything.

Both Jesus and Paul cared about the poor.

The opposite of what you're saying about Marxism is true.

Jesus wasn't his name and yes, Yahshua (i.e. Joshua) did care for the poor. Both he and his disciples were communists. Paul was a confused gnostic from Tarsus who invented his own false, mystical religion around the person of Yahshua.
The opposite of what you're saying about Marxism is true.

Jesus wasn't his name and yes, Yahshua (i.e. Joshua) did care for the poor. Both he and his disciples were communists. Paul was a confused gnostic from Tarsus who invented his own false, mystical religion around the person of Yahshua.
Marism is an attempt to carry the message of Christ to help the poor, minus God.

We have seen how this works throughout history as Marxism and murdered hundreds of millions last century, and those who survive it endure horrible poverty and persecution

History laugh in your face and calls you a liar.

Why is it that you and self proclaimed Marxist groups follow a man steeped in systemic racism and anti-Semitism?

You never heard such racist garbage from either Christ or Paul.
Here is a quote from your cult leader Marx

“The Jewish ****** Lassalle who, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week, has happily lost another 5,000 talers in an ill-judged speculation. The chap would sooner throw money down the drain than lend it to a ‘friend,’ even though his interest and capital were guaranteed. … It is now quite plain to me—as the shape of his head and the way his hair grows also testify—that he is descended from the negroes who accompanied Moses’

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