Louisiana lawmakers want Ten Commandments in all public school classrooms

Your parents bad role models huh? Perhaps if they had the ten commandments posted in their schools.
I'd bet you've been observed bearing false witness more than once.
Louisiana does have the aura of being one of the most superstitious states so the yearning for early cult brainwashing is not exactly a surprise.
as a louisiana citizen i could not agree more.
It wouldn't allow the school to tell children anything. It would be a freaking plaque on the wall that the Founding Fathers risked their lives and fortunes to create the 1st Amendment that democrats obliterated in one or two hundred years.
Are the partisan Louisiana legislators going to allow other religions equal billing?
The teachings of Mohamed
I am the Lord thy God, you shall have no Gods before me

Why are you reminding children who are Buddhis, Hindu or Atheist of that?

Public Schools are not for that
Your list RW, "adultery, Stealing, murder, lying coveting?" what is wrong with reminding children they are bad.
Up to the parents in communication with their schools to decide that.
Not your dogmatic, religious proclivities.

Again, how are the last 7 commandment just religious in any way, shape or form?

So any parent that doesn't want their kids to see this stuff like drag queens or pride events can go pound sand?
This is great news. I think it should be mandatory for all states to have the Ten Commandments in the classrooms, and I would add to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag ever morning.

That oughta lift them up from fifth-worst in the education rankings. Glad the hillbillies are finding constructive solutions.
Again, how are the last 7 commandment just religious in any way, shape or form?

So any parent that doesn't want their kids to see this stuff like drag queens or pride events can go pound sand?
Missed sentence #1, didn't ya?
You are inserting your moral and religious beliefs via the state. Doesn't matter if the commandments aren't religious in nature.
They came from a religious declaration. Set in stone...literally. :)
This is great news. I think it should be mandatory for all states to have the Ten Commandments in the classrooms, and I would add to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag ever morning.

Theocracy is bad.

Hamas is a theocracy.
Iran is as well.

No one condones criminal activity...unless you are a supporter of a certain spray tanned individual.
Maybe you should just practice what you preach and leave it to the children's parents.
Nonsense, allowing criminals to steal with little or no punishment, letting criminals walk free to commit crimes again, allowing illegal alien criminals to just waltz across our Southern border, etc. all points to the absurdity of your claim. Maybe YOU should back up what you preach.

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