Love to see the republicans prosecute every fbi agent within a rocks throw of jan6

I love this bar!!
I got a good life. Worked hard for it. Tried to do most things right.
And, in old age, life got even better.
So I come onto this social media venue and see how really really bad other folks have it. How grievance filled, angry, resentful, fearful, and suspicious they are. How they live their lives under that Chicken-Little-ism of their sky is ALWAYS falling.

Man o man, it's gotta be tough being them.
We all wish them better and more success in their life, and in their families lives.
Happy Festivus!

Yet in old age you pay more for everything. You and I pay a lot more. How great life is.
but it will never happen from that spineless bunch
Prevailng attitude seams to be, if you were there you're automatically guilty. So the goose is good for the gander

For what?
but it will never happen from that spineless bunch
Prevailng attitude seams to be, if you were there you're automatically guilty. So the goose is good for the gander

me too. you guts are nuts.

thiose who were prosecuted for "briong there" got laughably dhort sentenxes that dod not even take their gun rights. those convicted of violent crimes got shorter sentences than THAT deserves as well.

remember. people fied as a result of these felonies. just being a gang member, much less leading the mob from a safe distance arrears. is felony nurder
but it will never happen from that spineless bunch
Prevailng attitude seams to be, if you were there you're automatically guilty. So the goose is good for the gander

It will never happen because your cult fantasy is baseless.

Same reason none of your cult fantasies ever come true.

Get it through your head.
Prove something for a change.

I know it's easier to make assumptions and to guess 'n stuff, but proving it to yourselves is not the same as ACTUALLY PROVING IT.

If someone broke the law, nail them. But you have to PROVE IT. In a COURT OF LAW.

Fer fuck's sake, does this conspiracy shit EVER get old?
He will also be your next president.
are you sure the deep state does not like trump? please watch the zapruder film to see what can happen at high noon in a major city on national television if the "deep state" does not support you.

but trump may be the next president again, since he is lying to hos paranoid followers about his buddies i nside government.
She will have to, it's going to be a landslide.
That sounds like something you said in 2020.

Nostradamus you ain't.

Don't believe trump when he says he created the most jobs.

"That many die from the regular flu also. Where is your outrage? Too bad this stunt won't get rid of Trump either. You know over 30% of minorities support Trump now?? Your hatred is pulling them to Trump, so keep up the good work. With that many minorities supporting him. Trump wins in a landslide."

Are you going to parrot deep state and stolen like you have been trained?

Love to see the republicans prosecute every fbi agent within a rocks throw of jan6​

Those intelectually deprived and testosterone deficient fucktards aren’t going to prosecute anyone.

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