"Loyal" Opposition?


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2020
We hear all the time from the Left, how they "support" an opposition party, but what they really want is a compliant bunch of politicians who on the surface talk Conservative, but their actions speak otherwise. This is why they are called RINOs. What Liberals want is for Conservatives, all of them, to just sit down, shut up and take it up the ass just like everyone else while they ram their agenda down our throats. Meanwhile, there would be no one to speak up for us AS Conservatives.
You're correct. The fact is, the Democrat party's desire isn't a one-party government per se, as their platform absolutely depends on the continued existence and prominence of conservatives in politics, as the modus operandi of all democrat campaigns is to blame conservatives for every single problem the people in a given voting block have ever experienced since before the day they were born. They offer zero solutions to the problems that have been occurring on their watch for decades upon decades in Dem-controlled areas, but they're experts at stirring up their voter base to believe their only hope for clawing their way out of the horrid conditions they've been enduring for years is to keep electing democrats...because "beware the lurking boogey man, he'll be disguised as Republican"

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