MAGA voter: ‘It’s getting really old hearing democracy, democracy, democracy’

Read your Constitution, dumbass!
Fuck that Constitution shit! - Out_of_Order.png
Republicans neither respect nor want that because it means they don't run things

I'm not a Republican, but I share this assessment of democracy. Government should be run democratically, but not society. Most decisions in society should not be subject to majority rule.

The problem I run into with Dems is that they don't seem to make a distinction between society and government.
I'm not a Republican, but I share this assessment of democracy. Government should be run democratically, but not society. Most decisions in society should not be subject to majority rule.

The problem I run into with Dems is that the don't seem to make a distinction between society and government.
You don’t seem to realize that this whole argument is about one thing.

Republicans trying to run things while being in a gerrymandered minority
Here's an excerpt from the article preceded by the respondent talking about questioning the outcome of the election being democracy.

"It's getting — somebody like me who's not a Republican or Democrat but I do support Trump — it's getting really old hearing 'democracy, democracy, democracy,'" Mary replied. "Because what we're doing is part of a democracy."

I'm sorry to have to point out that believing in the delusional rantings of the former prez, who continues to spread lies about the 2020 election, is not democracy. Respectfully debating topics like the appropriate size of government, tax policy, the data surrounding the efficacy of gun control measures........that's democracy. Regurgitating nonsense designed to undermine faith in the integrity of elections is the antithesis of democracy.
You don’t seem to realize that this whole argument is about one thing.

Republicans trying to run things while being in a gerrymandered minority

Yes, yes, yes. Republicans are bad, mkay?

The abuse of democracy got us into this mess. Trumpsters are mostly idiots, but they're a genuine reaction to overreaching government. Dems still haven't learned this lesson.
Trumpsters are mostly idiots, but they're a genuine reaction to overreaching government.
I disagree. Trumpery is an expression of anger and frustration over the feeling, justified or not, that government is responsible for people's plight.
I disagree. Trumpery is an expression of anger and frustration over the feeling, justified or not, that government is responsible for people's plight.
Which is driven by overreaching government.

To be clear, I'm not saying Trumpsters are libertarians. They are decidedly not. In fact, they've finally accepted the progressive/dem worldview that everything is government. That's why they blame government for their plight. And why they fight so hard to control it.
Which is driven by overreaching government.

To be clear, I'm not saying Trumpsters are libertarians. They are decidedly not. In fact, they've finally accepted the progressive/dem worldview that everything is government. That's why they blame government for their plight. And why they fight so hard to control it.
Bullshit. Republicans … since Reagan at least… have been telling people that government is the problem, in order to manipulate them and gain power.

Trumpism is simply the logical result of decades of that frustration

They make you angry and frustrated and then tell you they have the answers. When they do win power and the frustration continues you turned to crazy solutions like Trump
Which is driven by overreaching government.
I disagree. Frustration is coming from the perception it is government's fault people's lives are not better. But because of government's inability to bring about positive change, not overreach.

Democracy is a terrible form of government. It can be just as corrupt and oppressive as any other form of government.

Our Founding Fathers knew it and that is why we have a Constitutional Republic.

The Constitution suppose to protect individual Liberty from governmental and rule of the mob abuses.

In the time our Bill of Rights was created there was very limited government and the protections were adequate.

However, now the filthy ass Socialists in our country want to replace individual rights with collective rights and our Liberties have been significantly eroded.

For instance, I don't think our Founding Fathers ever envision a nation where the filthy ass majority could vote in a welfare state where individuals had to work to provide welfare to those that didn't work.

We need to marginalize the assholes in this country that have eroded away our Bill of Rights. These shithead Liberals that hate freedom of speech when it conflicts with making the country a Socialist Shithole, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms and due process, among others.
Bullshit. Republicans … since Reagan at least… have been telling people that government is the problem, in order to manipulate them and gain power.

Trumpism is simply the logical result of decades of that frustration

They make you angry and frustrated and then tell you they have the answers. When they do win power and the frustration continues you turned to crazy solutions like Trump
Reagan's duplicity was essentially centered around what has been the primary Repub campaign messaging strategy for decades. Giving people something to direct their anger and fear at while offering platitudes as a remedy instead of real solutions.
Bullshit. Republicans … since Reagan at least… have been telling people that government is the problem, in order to manipulate them and gain power.
Maybe you've noticed, maybe you haven't: Trumpsters have little use for Reagan's legacy. They're not rejecting government. They're embracing the use of government to fight the culture wars.
Trumpism is simply the logical result of decades of that frustration
I disagree. It's a rather obvious break from the past. Most of the Trump supporters I know are working class whites, nearly all of whom were solidly Democrat twenty years ago. They're not frustrated libertarians. They're people the Dems abandoned.
By what means was the Constitution ratified?
Our ancestors knew the value of Individual Liberties and that is why our Constitutional Republic was created.

The filthy ass Libtards nowadays want to trash the Bill of Rights so that they can do away with individual liberty to be replaced by collectivism and make this country a Socialist shithole and get all their free stuff (until the money runs out like it always does). Greedy assholes!
Our ancestors knew the value of Individual Liberties and that is why our Constitutional Republic was created.

The filthy ass Libtards nowadays want to trash the Bill of Rights so that they can do away with individual liberty to be replaced by collectivism and make this country a Socialist shithole and get all their free stuff (until the money runs out like it always does). Greedy assholes!
The Constitution was ratified by a majority vote. Was that mob rule?

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