MAGA voter: ‘It’s getting really old hearing democracy, democracy, democracy’

the demafasict don’t care about the working class.
Could you step back from reflexive, hyperbolic rhetoric for just a moment and answer the question. In what way did the Dems abandon the working class?
Could you step back from reflexive, hyperbolic rhetoric for just a moment and answer the question. In what way did the Dems abandon the working class?
they create policies and legislation making it more difficult for them, they raise taxes on them, carter to the poor/dependent class. and uber wealth
It's fine guys. Let dipshit Republicans rile their base up over whether or not this country is a democracy. When they get fed up with losing and revolt against democratic elections again we can have another round of mass incarcerations to deplete their voter base. 😁
they create policies and legislation making it more difficult for them, they raise taxes on them, carter to the poor/dependent class. and uber wealth
Dems are for things like a progressive tax system, raising the minimum wage, prevention of offshoring jobs, unions. Those policies are pro-working class.
Dems are for things like a progressive tax system, raising the minimum wage, prevention of offshoring jobs, unions. Those policies are pro-working class.
hahah unions are pro union.

raising the min wage isn’t for the working class…it buys votes but drives up cost and is probably inflation

dems are for raising taxes on the working class

dems policies drive business over seas due to raising taxes on business
hahah unions are pro union.

raising the min wage isn’t for the working class…it buys votes but drives up cost and is probably inflation

dems are for raising taxes on the working class

dems policies drive business over seas due to raising taxes on business
You just regurgitate white wing talking points. 😄
what does he prefer? Idi Amin, Idi Amin, Idi Amin?

she’s right, i think we need to get a better understand dj f of what a democracy is. xiden and the demafasict idea is not one that involves listen to the people
Yes , the USA is a Democracy BUT read on:


Direct is what Rome had and the people VOTE DIRECTLY FOR ISSUES AND ELECTED OFFICIALS.


What Is The Difference Between A Direct And Indirect Democracy?​

Indirect democracy or representative democracy is when citizens elect representatives to make laws for them. This is what most modern countries have today. … Direct democracy is where citizens themselves vote for or against specific proposals or laws.
what does he prefer? Idi Amin, Idi Amin, Idi Amin?

Once again your ignorance shines through, as well as your ability to buy a headline and run with it, unaware that the story is the opposite of what you thought it was without reading it.

If you are going to post up a link to a story, you should have enough self respect to at least READ the article so you don't look like an idiot.
Cosmic Pizza
Nunez Security Clearance
Gen Flynns Security Clearance
Aliens in the Ocean
Hillary Clinton Sever
Pomeos Cognac
Hunter Biden crack pipe
Eppstein Mafia
Q suckin Illuminati c ock
What the hell is going on today😂😂🥴
hahah unions are pro union.

raising the min wage isn’t for the working class…it buys votes but drives up cost and is probably inflation

dems are for raising taxes on the working class

dems policies drive business over seas due to raising taxes on business

Repubs are on the record having blocked legislation designed at discouraging the offshoring of US jobs.

The Biden Plan for Strengthening Worker Organizing, Collective Bargaining, and Unions​

Strong unions built the great American middle class. Everything that defines what it means to live a good life and know you can take care of your family – the 40 hour workweek, paid leave, health care protections, a voice in your workplace – is because of workers who organized unions and fought for worker protections. Because of organizing and collective bargaining, there used to be a basic bargain between workers and their employers in this country that when you work hard, you share in the prosperity your work created.

she’s right, i think we need to get a better understand dj f of what a democracy is. xiden and the demafasict idea is not one that involves listen to the people
Does listening to the people involve ignoring how the majority voted, then trying to pull off a coup?

Repubs are on the record having blocked legislation designed at discouraging the offshoring of US jobs.

The Biden Plan for Strengthening Worker Organizing, Collective Bargaining, and Unions​

Strong unions built the great American middle class. Everything that defines what it means to live a good life and know you can take care of your family – the 40 hour workweek, paid leave, health care protections, a voice in your workplace – is because of workers who organized unions and fought for worker protections. Because of organizing and collective bargaining, there used to be a basic bargain between workers and their employers in this country that when you work hard, you share in the prosperity your work created.

haha how about just not tssise taxes on companies?? instead raising taxes and creating another loophole?

unions are for unions, not for the working class
It's fine guys. Let dipshit Republicans rile their base up over whether or not this country is a democracy. When they get fed up with losing and revolt against democratic elections again we can have another round of mass incarcerations to deplete their voter base. 😁
We're seeing why the voices the rubes trust keep speaking in warlike terms, which of course leads to the rubes thinking and acting in warlike terms.

They're at war. In war, the ends often justify the means. We'll get back to laws 'n democracy 'n stuff once we win this war and fix everything, really, we promise!

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme". Never did I think we would see this happen again, especially in America. No fucking way. Never.
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unions are for unions, not for the working class
That's a belief that comes as a result of an awful lot of anti-union propaganda promoted by big business. But a majority is beginning to see through it.

We're seeing why the voices the rubes trust keep speaking in warlike terms, which of course leads to the rubes thinking in warlike terms.
Biden and the Dark (Deep) State are accusing Trump supporters of being terrorists and traitors

Those are fighting words

its the trump camp that has to avoid taking the bait
no that’s the first threat of the demafasict we saw back in 2016
Are you actually equating a recognition of Trump's loss to Hillary in terms of the popular vote in 2016 with Trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 election?
That's a belief that comes as a result of an awful lot of anti-union propaganda promoted by big business. But a majority is beginning to see through it.

no it’s just a cold hard reality…unions only do things to benefit unions. If they means forcing non memebers to the UE line they will do it
Biden and the Dark (Deep) State are accusing Trump supporters of being terrorists and traitors
Biden was explicit in distinguishing Repubs from MAGArepubs. Clearly some, but not all, Trump supporters are terrorists and traitors. That is beyond dispute.

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