MAGA voter: ‘It’s getting really old hearing democracy, democracy, democracy’

Frustration is coming from the perception it is government's fault people's lives are not better. But because of government's inability to bring about positive change, not overreach.


Maybe I wasn't clear. When I say that overreaching government has created Trump voters, I'm not saying that they're angry about the overreaching government. On the contrary, they've accepted it. They just want to drive. They're fine with the idea of intrusive government telling us how to live (which is why they've finally overcome libertarian opposition and gone after abortion rights). They're only disagreeing on the details.
The reality is business and people are fleeing NY, and the state needed a massive bailout because they were not getting enough revenue
Are you referring to businesses shutting down due to COVID and people across the country leaving urban areas?

Maybe I wasn't clear. When I say that overreaching government has created Trump voters, I'm not saying that they're angry about the overreaching government. On the contrary, they've accepted it. They just want to drive. They're fine with the idea of intrusive government telling us how to live (which is why they've finally overcome libertarian opposition and gone after abortion rights). They're only disagreeing on the details.
My apologies. I can't decipher that.
Yep. That's the bottom line. The ends justify the means. They're at war.
Ultimately, this is why the South broke away in 1860....they knew Lincoln wasn't going to take away their slaves...but they saw the writing on the wall when it came to the voting population of the United States. Just like today's MAGAt-GOP....they see they are rapidly becoming an undesirable minority and they are panicking.
the hoax that there was a conspiracy
If Hillary's daughter agreed to a meeting with Russian agents in order to obtain what she believed was damaging info on Trump in the possession of the Russian government being offered by said agents, which is illegal, would that qualify as a conspiracy?
Ultimately, this is why the South broke away in 1860....they knew Lincoln wasn't going to take away their slaves...but they saw the writing on the wall when it came to the voting population of the United States. Just like today's MAGAt-GOP....they see they are rapidly becoming an undesirable minority and they are panicking.
They look at this as their last, desperate shot. They're willing to bring the whole thing down if that's what it takes.

The lefts ignorance on what type of Government the US has.
Republicans long ago abandoned the ‘big tent’ political paradigm instead seeking to pander to a reliable but shrinking base.

To maintain political viability, Republicans have resorted to voter suppression efforts at the state level since it’s the states that elect presidents, not the people.

With control of enough of the states – particularly battleground/swing states – conservatives can place Republicans in the WH contrary to the will of the majority of the American people, as we saw in 2000 and 2016.

Hence the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
They look at this as their last, desperate shot. They're willing to bring the whole thing down if that's what it takes.

One can only imagine the apoplectic reaction on the Right if a close adviser to Biden was a nihilist. For Trump, everything is excused.
For democracy to work, losing must remain an acceptable proposition. Once you reach a critical mass of people who aren't willing to accept the results of an election, it all goes to shit.
If Hillary's daughter agreed to a meeting with Russian agents in order to obtain what she believed was damaging info on Trump in the possession of the Russian government being offered by said agents, which is illegal, would that qualify as a conspiracy?
interesting hypo…if she knew they were russian agents maybe, we do know clinton did pay russians for propaganda

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