Majority of Americans agree the use of Torture was justified Polls say

Whether you agree with the tactics used by the CIA on the detainees or not, a majority of Americans in three polls found that the those tactics used against detainees were justified.

A majority of Americans believe the harsh interrogation tactics detailed in last week's Senate Intelligence Committee's report on the Central Intelligence Agency's handling of prisoners after the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks were warranted, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds.

The survey — conducted following the release of the committee's long-awaited report on the CIA's controversial techniques — found 51 percent of Americans approved of the tactics, while 28 percent said they went too far.

The results virtually match a Pew Research Center poll that also found 51 percent believe the CIA's methods were justified, while 29 percent said they were not. A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Tuesday found 59 percent approved of the CIA's tactics, while 31 percent disapproved. The same poll found roughly half of Americans believe the CIA treatment of suspected terrorists amounted to torture, while 38 percent said it did not.

Majority of Americans say CIA tactics detailed in Senate s torture report were justified - Yahoo News

Why would this be significant? I mean, since as we recall, a certain sort of Americans didn't consider it significant when polls show 90% of Americans wanting expanded background checks for gun purchases.

What's the significance of polling if it's only the polls one likes that one considers significant?
I notice how the far left press calls it the "torture" report, nope no far left bias in the media at all..

They call it a "Senate" report. While it did come out of the "Senate" it was a report done by the far left used now as a temper tantrum as they get voted out of power.

Then again many of these far left religious nuts were for "Due Process" before they were against it.
"Due process is not torture. Meting out revenge in the guise of torture is nothing responsible American could approve of.
"Majority of Americans agree the use of Torture was justified Polls say"


The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy – a fact you and most others on the right fail to understand, where the citizens of this Republic are subject solely to the rule of law, not men, and certainly not 'polls.'

That you believe opinion polls 'justify' committing the crime of torture is further confirmation of the fact that most conservatives have nothing but contempt for the rule of law.
The lawyers said it wasn't torture, GERTRUDE ....get over it!

"Mommy said I could!!"

Whether you agree with the tactics used by the CIA on the detainees or not, a majority of Americans in three polls found that the those tactics used against detainees were justified.

A majority of Americans believe the harsh interrogation tactics detailed in last week's Senate Intelligence Committee's report on the Central Intelligence Agency's handling of prisoners after the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks were warranted, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds.

The survey — conducted following the release of the committee's long-awaited report on the CIA's controversial techniques — found 51 percent of Americans approved of the tactics, while 28 percent said they went too far.

The results virtually match a Pew Research Center poll that also found 51 percent believe the CIA's methods were justified, while 29 percent said they were not. A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Tuesday found 59 percent approved of the CIA's tactics, while 31 percent disapproved. The same poll found roughly half of Americans believe the CIA treatment of suspected terrorists amounted to torture, while 38 percent said it did not.

Majority of Americans say CIA tactics detailed in Senate s torture report were justified - Yahoo News
Yeah...we torture. So what? Don't pretend we don't.....and let's move on.
I notice how the far left press calls it the "torture" report, nope no far left bias in the media at all..

They call it a "Senate" report. While it did come out of the "Senate" it was a report done by the far left used now as a temper tantrum as they get voted out of power.

Then again many of these far left religious nuts were for "Due Process" before they were against it.

There was a big fuss specifically to remove the word "torture" from the report. Considering the overwhelming contents of the report are linked to torture calling it "torture report" in a subjective manner is not that off.
Considering it was judged not to be torture, referring to it as torture is bogus.
"was judged not to be torture".....:rofl:

Let me ask you something.....if those who judged it "not to be torture" had it happen to them......if YOU had it happen to you....what would YOU call it?

Keep in mind, I don't care if we do it........just call it what it is. Don't lie about it.
"Majority of Americans agree the use of Torture was justified Polls say"


The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy – a fact you and most others on the right fail to understand, where the citizens of this Republic are subject solely to the rule of law, not men, and certainly not 'polls.'

That you believe opinion polls 'justify' committing the crime of torture is further confirmation of the fact that most conservatives have nothing but contempt for the rule of law.
The lawyers said it wasn't torture, GERTRUDE ....get over it!
Oh well...."the lawyers". :rolleyes:
I notice how the far left press calls it the "torture" report, nope no far left bias in the media at all..

They call it a "Senate" report. While it did come out of the "Senate" it was a report done by the far left used now as a temper tantrum as they get voted out of power.

Then again many of these far left religious nuts were for "Due Process" before they were against it.

There was a big fuss specifically to remove the word "torture" from the report. Considering the overwhelming contents of the report are linked to torture calling it "torture report" in a subjective manner is not that off.
Considering it was judged not to be torture, referring to it as torture is bogus.
"was judged not to be torture".....:rofl:

Let me ask you something.....if those who judged it "not to be torture" had it happen to them......if YOU had it happen to you....what would YOU call it?

Keep in mind, I don't care if we do it........just call it what it is. Don't lie about it.

Nay nay, why it's "enhanced interrogation" for the purpose of "acquiring intelligence" that we might "incorporate into our strategy" for "campaigning" in the "theater" where we expect "collateral damage".

Cuz gosh whiz, war is so much fun for everybody! Have a daisy!

It is hard for me to get too upset with the torture of terrorist ragheads.

Like there is almost no deflection on my "Giveashit O' Meter".
Exactly. I don't care anymore if we torture them....let's just not embarrass ourselves by lying about what it is....ok?
Like there is almost no deflection on my "Giveashit O' Meter".
Exactly. I don't care anymore if we torture them....let's just not embarrass ourselves by lying about what it is....ok?[/QUOTE]

The government is so full of lies and deceit that lying about torture is just a drop in the bucket. I got a lot more pissed with Obamna's lies about Obamacare.
The American public has the memory of a cabbage.......

Good to get your polls out now before the next revelation hits. Oh btw did the so called liberal media mention the taped torture sessions that the CIA destroyed?

The Detainee Abuse Photos Obama Didn t Want You To See - The Daily Beast

If you thought the Senate’s ‘torture report’ was shocking, imagine the prospect of the Obama administration releasing hundreds, maybe thousands of photographs depicting detainee abuse.
The Obama administration is withholding hundreds, perhaps even thousands of photographs showing the U.S. government’s brutal treatment of detainees, meaning that revelations about detainee abuse could well continue, possibly compounding the outrage generated by the Senate “torture report” now in the public eye.

Some photos show American troops posing with corpses; others depict U.S. forces holding guns to people’s heads or simulating forced sodomization. All of them could be released to the public, depending on how a federal judge in New York rules—and how hard the government fights to appeal. The government has a Friday deadline to submit to that judge its evidence for why it thinks each individual photograph should continue to be kept hidden away.
I notice how the far left press calls it the "torture" report, nope no far left bias in the media at all..

They call it a "Senate" report. While it did come out of the "Senate" it was a report done by the far left used now as a temper tantrum as they get voted out of power.

Then again many of these far left religious nuts were for "Due Process" before they were against it.

There was a big fuss specifically to remove the word "torture" from the report. Considering the overwhelming contents of the report are linked to torture calling it "torture report" in a subjective manner is not that off.
Considering it was judged not to be torture, referring to it as torture is bogus.
"was judged not to be torture".....:rofl:

Let me ask you something.....if those who judged it "not to be torture" had it happen to them......if YOU had it happen to you....what would YOU call it?

Keep in mind, I don't care if we do it........just call it what it is. Don't lie about it.

Nay nay, why it's "enhanced interrogation" for the purpose of "acquiring intelligence" that we might "incorporate into our strategy" for "campaigning" in the "theater" where we expect "collateral damage".

Cuz gosh whiz, war is so much fun for everybody! Have a daisy!

It depends on what your definition of "is" is.
Whether you agree with the tactics used by the CIA on the detainees or not, a majority of Americans in three polls found that the those tactics used against detainees were justified.

A majority of Americans believe the harsh interrogation tactics detailed in last week's Senate Intelligence Committee's report on the Central Intelligence Agency's handling of prisoners after the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks were warranted, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds.

The survey — conducted following the release of the committee's long-awaited report on the CIA's controversial techniques — found 51 percent of Americans approved of the tactics, while 28 percent said they went too far.

The results virtually match a Pew Research Center poll that also found 51 percent believe the CIA's methods were justified, while 29 percent said they were not. A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Tuesday found 59 percent approved of the CIA's tactics, while 31 percent disapproved. The same poll found roughly half of Americans believe the CIA treatment of suspected terrorists amounted to torture, while 38 percent said it did not.

Majority of Americans say CIA tactics detailed in Senate s torture report were justified - Yahoo News

51% kinda close on the "most" thing. i figure that's about the same percentage who would vote for segregation...

that's why we have laws. but i'd guess you'd have to be older, smarter and more moral to understand that.

Playing the race card makes you look stupid.

then the rightwingnuts should stop doing it.
Only 28% think it went too far. 20% don't care & 52% approve.

What is the % of Americans that identify as far left?
If 52% of Americans believe that slavery is okay, should we still have fought a Civil War to free the slaves? If 52% of Americans believe that the manufacture, distribution and consumption of alcohol should be prohibited, should we go along with it?

Wrapping torture in euphemisms like 'enhanced interrogation techniques' does not erase the fact of the torture itself. Meting out revenge in the guise of torture does not change the fact that torture occurred. Indicting war criminals following WWII for torture and then conducting torture ourselves sixty five years later does not excuse the fact that torture occurred in our name.

The tyranny of the majority does not excuse crimes, it masks them.
People may be agaainst torture but they are for "inventive methodology to procure information with extreme contortions of human biology"

Just call the rack something different and watch how many flip
I happen to agree with most Americans in this poll. As a matier of fact I'll take it a step futher , and say my only problem with enhanced interregation is it does not involve pliers and a blowtourch.
I happen to agree with most Americans in this poll. As a matier of fact I'll take it a step futher , and say my only problem with enhanced interregation is it does not involve pliers and a blowtourch.
Do you think that torture obtains quality intelligence, or do you simply want to mete out revenge the way medieval civilizations did?

Do you think that torture is an ideal we American should champion? If so, what virtues are there in torture that meet the ethical and moral standards we should hold? Could we Americans object to human rights violations in other countries while we employ torture as a means of revenge? What are your standards so far as ethics and morality are concerned?

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