Making American Economy Great Again Poll

Would you be willing to give up your efficient daily driver for a new SUV that gets 12-15mpg?

  • Are you insane? There's no way I or my family could afford that.

  • Maybe, but the minimum wage would have to be like $25 hour

  • Yes, I'd just cut back on groceries or medicine if I have to to drive these big SUVs

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
1. Given: What made the economy great in America in the 20th Century was it manufacture and sales of automobiles and all the spinoff manufacturing.

2. Given: Trump and team have discussed this vital (essential?) component's well being to our economic future: ie a recharge to Detroit and the Rust Belt.

So what does Trump's team foolishly come up with? Pushing SUVs on both American and European/Asian consumers.

1. Given: people have gravitated in large part away from buying large clunkers SUV type cars that get 12mpg and instead have gone in droves to 40-50mpg economy small diesels, hybrids & electric cars.

2. Given: the American public, even if they desperately wanted to, could not as an average family in today's raped economy (this is where rich dudes have to trust me because none of them are keenly aware of how bad it is still for the middle and working classes), afford the sticker price of a new SUV and worse, the monthly gas bill for these 5-7 seater cars to drag one person back and forth to work x miles on a minimum wage that puts single people in poverty....let along families who often have to survive on it.

People are going to get jobs closer to home, walk, ride bikes, mopeds, commuter buses and trains before they plunge their family's already-precipice monthly budget over the cliff with an SUV's mileage. you believe that the current trend of pushing SUVs on regular people who cannot afford them or the gas they gobble up each mile will work or not? Vote in the poll.

For reference: Trump's Dieselgate?: How The GOP/BigOil Powers Intend To Smash Efficient Cars Again
The discussions of using Detroit to climb out of debt are insane with the model Trump's team is working with: big cars. Europe and Asia are all in small efficient cars and would never be able to afford 12-15mpg for SUVs. How are we supposed to sell inefficient cars to broke American families or foreigners who can't pay $6 or more a gallon to get 12mpg?

If we have to bail out Detroit for this blunder, we can't do it a second time. We just cannot. And doing this type of "engineering" is just insane. Why would you keep trying to market the horse and buggy to a population of people that have moved on and will never go back...who can't go back fiscally even if they wanted to desperately?

The men advising Trump on this are going to blemish Trump's record on "making America great again" like no other...believe me... Why not encourage people to drive farther (spurring also tourism economies across the country) if the object is to get them to buy more fuel? And, does more fuel dumped into the atmosphere equal "a greener car"? If we're burning 4 times as much fuel to get to work and back, you know, each one of us across the nation, are we making the climate situation better or worse?
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Please excuse my ignorance. I am ignorant in many fields----I never learned the rules of football (American football-----soccer is less confusing) I did not know that SUV's are being "pushed"---------I would nevah consider one
The discussions of using Detroit to climb out of debt are insane with the model Trump's team is working with: big cars.

oh -----kiinda like ----A PUT EVERYONE TO WORK project like those programs that FDR advocated?----------with BIG CARS? nope-----I advocate FARMING PROJECTS--------he who has food---wins the war. Ask Napoleon (he didn't have enough-----poor schmuck)
The discussions of using Detroit to climb out of debt are insane with the model Trump's team is working with: big cars.

oh -----kiinda like ----A PUT EVERYONE TO WORK project like those programs that FDR advocated?----------with BIG CARS? nope-----I advocate FARMING PROJECTS--------he who has food---wins the war. Ask Napoleon (he didn't have enough-----poor schmuck)

I should speak to Melania------women understand this kinda stuff.
Please excuse my ignorance. I am ignorant in many fields----I never learned the rules of football (American football-----soccer is less confusing) I did not know that SUV's are being "pushed"---------I would nevah consider one
Yes they are. Watch every car ad for sales and rentals on American TV. Every one is pushing either a big (underpowered/terrible mileage) luxury car or SUV. They are making moves to scrap even domestic-made small affordable diesel commuters and the only import they'll "allow" VW to bring in (suddenly they can be trusted on this model??) is a big SUV; something VW has not ever done here...but if they want to stay here, now they have to.

Look at the link in the OP at the it. You'll be amazed what Trump's "wise Detroit economic advisers" are up to.. If Trump listens to them, it's going to be the final wrecking ball to our economy. You don't create jobs when the product you're pushing folks to make sits around in car lots collecting dust because PEOPLE CANNOT AFFORD TO DRIVE THEM.

**BTW: the poll is very important so vote in it. It's hard to let the rich know how tough you have it if you never tell them.
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Please excuse my ignorance. I am ignorant in many fields----I never learned the rules of football (American football-----soccer is less confusing) I did not know that SUV's are being "pushed"---------I would nevah consider one
Yes they are. Watch every car ad for sales and rentals on American TV. Every one is pushing either a big (underpowered/terrible mileage) luxury car or SUV. They are making moves to scrap even domestic-made small affordable diesel commuters and the only import they'll "allow" VW to bring in (suddenly they can be trusted on this model??) is a big SUV; something VW has not ever done here...but if they want to stay here, now they have to.

Look at the link in the OP at the it. You'll be amazed what Trump's "wise Detroit economic advisers" are up to.. If Trump listens to them, it's going to be the final wrecking ball to our economy. You don't create jobs when the produce you're pushing folks to make sits around in car lots collecting dust because PEOPLE CANNOT AFFORD TO DRIVE THEM.

I AM TRULY HORRIFIED------and do not understand this idea at all
I AM TRULY HORRIFIED------and do not understand this idea at all
Explain "horrified" and "do not understand this idea at all". Do you mean that what Detroit is planning on doing to "rescue our economy" is a complete unmitigated act of stunning stupidity? In that case, we agree.

Only a total idiot would produce high maintenance draft horses to sell to street peasants without a farm ...and expect his business to be "really good for the economy".
1. Given: What made the economy great in America in the 20th Century was it manufacture and sales of automobiles and all the spinoff manufacturing.

2. Given: Trump and team have discussed this vital (essential?) component's well being to our economic future: ie a recharge to Detroit and the Rust Belt.

So what does Trump's team foolishly come up with? Pushing SUVs on both American and European/Asian consumers.

1. Given: people have gravitated in large part away from buying large clunkers SUV type cars that get 12mpg and instead have gone in droves to 40-50mpg economy small diesels, hybrids & electric cars.

2. Given: the American public, even if they desperately wanted to, could not as an average family in today's raped economy (this is where rich dudes have to trust me because none of them are keenly aware of how bad it is still for the middle and working classes), afford the sticker price of a new SUV and worse, the monthly gas bill for these 5-7 seater cars to drag one person back and forth to work x miles on a minimum wage that puts single people in poverty....let along families who often have to survive on it.

People are going to get jobs closer to home, walk, ride bikes, mopeds, commuter buses and trains before they plunge their family's already-precipice monthly budget over the cliff with an SUV's mileage. you believe that the current trend of pushing SUVs on regular people who cannot afford them or the gas they gobble up each mile will work or not? Vote in the poll.

For reference: Trump's Dieselgate?: How The GOP/BigOil Powers Intend To Smash Efficient Cars Again
Scrub did the same thing, providing tax incentives for the purchase of SUVs.......and that kicked off the greatest period of prosperity in the Nation's histo.....

wait........."Lost Decade"?

Let me review and get back to you on this....
Scrub did the same thing, providing tax incentives for the purchase of SUVs.......and that kicked off the greatest period of prosperity in the Nation's histo.....

wait........."Lost Decade"?

Let me review and get back to you on this....

How much was gas a gallon then? And the greatest decade economically was under Clinton, not Bush. (I think that was the point you were making?)

More importantly, how do we sell SUVs to Europe and Asia to offset our debt and make ourselves rich again from auto sales like in the 20th Century if NOBODY IN EUROPE OR ASIA WANTS SUVS OR BIG UNDERPOWERED GASOLINE LUXURY CARS??? (and our people here at Home cannot afford a gas budget each month to drive them, no matter what the tax incentives are for the initial purchase?) My experience is that "clever engineers" assuming people are stupid when it comes to budgeting during the learning-trenches of a terrible economy is a mistake. From where will the money come for 12mpg-commuting when minimum wage is under $10/hour and healthcare is bankrupting the working poor and middle class? From fairy dust?

See this is classic Prerevolutionary France stuff. "if they cannot afford even to drive Jettas, let VW import a new 2.0 liter weak huge SUV (let them eat cake)". This is how rich people get stupid when they c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e-l-y lose touch with how the middle class and working poor are a-t-u-a-l-l-y suffering fiscally from month to month.

I had a friend who worked for a bank during most of the time since the 2008 crash. She said you wouldn't believe how many of her customers..folks that held an upstanding face in society where most thought they had money, were actually maxing out their credit cards and living eking by. And I guess Detroit doesn't believe it either because they're dumping TONS of cash retooling their factories to pump out products that people simply cannot buy....which Europeans and Asians WILL NOT buy.... And guess who they'll come to with their tin cup when this plan falls flat on its face? That's right, the same people they thought could afford to bail them out a second time...

**BTW: the poll is very important so vote in it. It's hard to let the rich know how tough you have it if you never tell them.
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The price of gas has never been a problem for Trump, and he can't understand that it is a problem for most Americans. This sounds like Trump's version of "let them eat cake"
The price of gas has never been a problem for Trump, and he can't understand that it is a problem for most Americans. This sounds like Trump's version of "let them eat cake"
Trump isn't smart enough to understand auto types, engine types and fuel types and what markets want or reject them. It's Detroit's version of "let them eat cake"

How did you vote in the poll?
The price of gas has never been a problem for Trump, and he can't understand that it is a problem for most Americans. This sounds like Trump's version of "let them eat cake"
Trump isn't smart enough to understand auto types, engine types and fuel types and what markets want or reject them. It's Detroit's version of "let them eat cake"

How did you vote in the poll?

Scrub did the same thing, providing tax incentives for the purchase of SUVs.......and that kicked off the greatest period of prosperity in the Nation's histo.....

wait........."Lost Decade"?

Let me review and get back to you on this....

How much was gas a gallon then? And the greatest decade economically was under Clinton, not Bush. (I think that was the point you were making?)

More importantly, how do we sell SUVs to Europe and Asia to offset our debt and make ourselves rich again from auto sales like in the 20th Century if NOBODY IN EUROPE OR ASIA WANTS SUVS OR BIG UNDERPOWERED GASOLINE LUXURY CARS??? (and our people here at Home cannot afford a gas budget each month to drive them, no matter what the tax incentives are for the initial purchase?) My experience is that "clever engineers" assuming people are stupid when it comes to budgeting during the learning-trenches of a terrible economy is a mistake. From where will the money come for 12mpg-commuting when minimum wage is under $10/hour and healthcare is bankrupting the working poor and middle class? From fairy dust?

See this is classic Prerevolutionary France stuff. "if they cannot afford even to drive Jettas, let VW import a new 2.0 liter weak huge SUV (let them eat cake)". This is how rich people get stupid when they c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e-l-y lose touch with how the middle class and working poor are a-t-u-a-l-l-y suffering fiscally from month to month.

I had a friend who worked for a bank during most of the time since the 2008 crash. She said you wouldn't believe how many of her customers..folks that held an upstanding face in society where most thought they had money, were actually maxing out their credit cards and living eking by. And I guess Detroit doesn't believe it either because they're dumping TONS of cash retooling their factories to pump out products that people simply cannot buy....which Europeans and Asians WILL NOT buy.... And guess who they'll come to with their tin cup when this plan falls flat on its face? That's right, the same people they thought could afford to bail them out a second time...

**BTW: the poll is very important so vote in it. It's hard to let the rich know how tough you have it if you never tell them.
(I think that was the point you were making?)

You'll get better at it as we go along...

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