Making Our Children Stalinists

LMK what you learned in school that made you form your entire political viewpoint, I'd really like to know about it.

Well....since you ask....but be advised: it's gonna really make you feel badly.

You see, it's not just what I learned in school.

Stopping learning at that point is probably what led to your problem.

I am usually reading between 5-6 books (slacking off....only four at this time).

And that includes those by Leftists, too....From “Why We’re Liberals,” by Eric Alterman, to Glenn Greenwald, “With Liberty and Justice for Some; How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful” to Amy Goodman....Rights Gone Wrong: How Law Corrupts the Struggle for Equality by Richard Thompson Ford.
I found Red, White & Liberal: How Left Is Right & Right Is Wrong by Alan Colmes totally unreadable....
You'd probably like it.

And this is what I learned in school: everything I read, I take notes on.

Just like you, huh?
"I would put Bush on trial along with Saddam Hussein, because I think both of them are responsible for the deaths of many, many people in Iraq, and so, yes, I think that. Killing innocent people is immoral when Iraqis do it, and when we do it, it is the same thing."
This is true.

I was hoping against hope that there would be someone so bereft of intelligence that they'd agree with Zinn.

Thanks so very much for dropping by after your jog around the mental hospital....on the psycho path.
LMK what you learned in school that made you form your entire political viewpoint, I'd really like to know about it.

Well....since you ask....but be advised: it's gonna really make you feel badly.

You see, it's not just what I learned in school.

Stopping learning at that point is probably what led to your problem.

I am usually reading between 5-6 books (slacking off....only four at this time).

And that includes those by Leftists, too....From “Why We’re Liberals,” by Eric Alterman, to Glenn Greenwald, “With Liberty and Justice for Some; How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful” to Amy Goodman....Rights Gone Wrong: How Law Corrupts the Struggle for Equality by Richard Thompson Ford.
I found Red, White & Liberal: How Left Is Right & Right Is Wrong by Alan Colmes totally unreadable....
You'd probably like it.

And this is what I learned in school: everything I read, I take notes on.

Just like you, huh?

Just asking at which point what you read about in school or outside of it "indoctrinated" you.

Must be pretty weak minded if that's all it takes.
LMK what you learned in school that made you form your entire political viewpoint, I'd really like to know about it.

Well....since you ask....but be advised: it's gonna really make you feel badly.

You see, it's not just what I learned in school.

Stopping learning at that point is probably what led to your problem.

I am usually reading between 5-6 books (slacking off....only four at this time).

And that includes those by Leftists, too....From “Why We’re Liberals,” by Eric Alterman, to Glenn Greenwald, “With Liberty and Justice for Some; How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful” to Amy Goodman....Rights Gone Wrong: How Law Corrupts the Struggle for Equality by Richard Thompson Ford.
I found Red, White & Liberal: How Left Is Right & Right Is Wrong by Alan Colmes totally unreadable....
You'd probably like it.

And this is what I learned in school: everything I read, I take notes on.

Just like you, huh?

Just asking at which point what you read about in school or outside of it "indoctrinated" you.

Must be pretty weak minded if that's all it takes.

I told you how my answer would make you feel......inadequate.

That's you....this is me.
You couldn't make me feel inadequate if you literally showed up at my front door and ripped my nose off of my beautiful Adonis face, weirdo
"Zinn came to believe that the point of view expressed in traditional history books was often limited. Biographer Martin Duberman noted that he was asked directly if he was a Marxist. Zinn replied, "Yes, I'm something of a Marxist." He especially was influenced by the liberating vision of the young Marx.........

Howard Zinn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let me add to that:

"On July 30, 2010, the FBI released one file with three sections totaling 423 pages on Howard Zinn.... The Bureau noted Zinn’s activities in what were called Communist Front Groups and received informant reports that Zinn was an active member of the CPUSA; ....... file discloses that several reliable informants in the party identified Zinn as a member who attended party meetings as many as five times a week.

What’s more, one of the files reveals that a reliable informant provided a photograph of Zinn teaching a class on “Basic Marxism” at party headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, in 1951. A participant in the class said that Zinn taught that “the basic teaching of Marx and Lenin were sound and should be adhered to by those present.” activism and support for radical groups such as the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Progressive Labor Party (PLP), Socialist Workers Party (SWP), and Black Panther Party. Much of the latter was in connection with Zinn’s support for a communist military victory in Vietnam....

...joined the Kremlin-controlled CPUSA not during the “Popular Front” era of the 1930s — when many idealists were seduced — but after the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in which Stalin cruelly and cynically sacrificed Poland to the Nazis.

Zinn was a card-carrying Commie who advocated Marxism-Leninism after the Red Army’s ”Iron Curtain” occupation of Eastern Europe, after the treachery of the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss had been revealed, and even during the height of Stalin’s anti-Semitic “Doctors’ Plot” purge!"
FBI Files Reveal Historian Howard Zinn Lied to Hide CPUSA Membership : The Other McCain

Can you imagine that there was someone in this thread who cheered 'good for Philadelphia'.....finding that American children need be taught the views of one so identified above?

Obama's America......
I am usually reading between 5-6 books (slacking off....only four at this time).

And that includes those by Leftists, too....From “Why We’re Liberals,” by Eric Alterman, to Glenn Greenwald, “With Liberty and Justice for Some; How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful” to Amy Goodman....Rights Gone Wrong: How Law Corrupts the Struggle for Equality by Richard Thompson Ford.
I found Red, White & Liberal: How Left Is Right & Right Is Wrong by Alan Colmes totally unreadable....
You'd probably like it.

And this is what I learned in school: everything I read, I take notes on.

Just like you, huh?

Why? Politics is such a waste of time.
I would wager a weeks pay that the Obama's have a well read signed copy of Howard Zinn’s book “A People’s History of the United States” in their personal library. .. :cool:
Foremost, be clear: this is about politics...not education.

How's this for a neat plan: we have avowed communists write the curricula, and we make sure that at every turn of the wheel of history, America comes as the evil predator....
yeah....that's the ticket!

Any doubt that the more power the Left accrues, the less freedom and liberty will be emphasized in our schools?

Read this and weep:

1." Philadelphia city council wants socialism taught in schools

2. Philadelphia city council members have approved a resolution that calls for socialist historian Howard Zinn’s book “A People’s History of the United States” to be taught in public high schools.

Link to some quotes from his book:

A People's History of the United States Quotes by Howard Zinn

a. .... council members ... believe that Zinn’s far-left socialist vision of American history is currently missing from high school textbooks.

PC supports history censored of opinion - many based on facts - which create cognitive dissonance in those on the far right who actually cogitate (really, some do!).

3. “Council does hereby recognize the need for students to be taught an unvarnished, honest version of U.S. history that empowers students to differentiate between moments that have truly made our country great versus those that established systemic inequality, privilege, and prejudice which continue to reinforce modern society’s most difficult issues,” the resolution states.

4. Zinn’s book is lauded in far-left circles, but many conservative thinkers believe his self-described “history” is really social activism masquerading as fact. Former Indiana Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels believed strongly that the book had no place in K-12 classrooms–...

Yep, radical Muslims believe the Holocaust is fiction, radical conservatives believe slavery was a fiction too.

5. Zinn was an apologist for communist dictators like Fidel Castro, who has brutalized and oppressed the people of Cuba for decades.....Councilwoman Blackwell defended the Castro regime. “Castro did not do everything wrong, or he would not have lasted so long,” she said in a statement to CBS.

6. Philadelphia Daily News columnist Will Bunch praised the decision to demand that Zinn be taught in class, happily explaining that his own radicalism was fostered by “A People’s History of the United States.” “Although readers here assume because of my fondness for the radical ’60s that I emerged from the womb carrying a picture of Chairman Mao, the truth is that I was a bland center-left voters and a pretty “balanced” journalist in the ’90s,” he wrote. “Reading Zinn helped me understand what went wrong, and how everyday people could fight to get things right.”

7. Mao, the Chinese dictator whom Bunch recalled fondly, ruled communist China from 1949 to 1976. His policies of mass starvation and execution are responsible for an estimated 50 million deaths.

[Recall that other far-left activists, e.g., SDS, the Weathermen, planned the same fate for Americans]

Ah, yes. Once again the RED SCARE PC leaves out the atrocity's of the Muslims in their invasion of Europe, and those equally horrific by the Christians during the Crusades and the Inquisitions, the kidnapping of Africans held in slavery for generations and the Dred Scott Decision.

8. There has been no word yet on whether district officials plan to turn Philadelphia students into apologists for mass-murdering dictators."
Philadelphia city council wants socialism taught in schools | The Daily Caller

Read more: Philadelphia city council wants socialism taught in schools | The Daily Caller

This is the state of secular America, wherein apologists for Castro and Mao, and, no doubt, Stalin, are powerful enough to offer imprimatur to genocidal maniacs.

These are to be the models or American children.

This thread brought to you by the Ministry of Truth and it's agent on this forum, the troll, PC
Projection, it's not just for movies dear.

Be asked about my education, and the comparison with yours was devastating.

I warned you that it would make you feel badly.

You are ill-read, ill-informed, and emotionally ill-equipped to handle this discussion.
To compare your background with mine is compare a bamboo hut- simple, but not without some level of charm- to the palace at Versailles.

Oops....did I mention Versailles?
I'm certain you have no clue as to what that is......

But, be proud of that Good Enough Diploma, your GED.....

Unfortunately, the superficiality of your learning is apparent in every one of you posts....
tsk, tsk, tsk.
I can laugh at what you don't know, and I do. Believe me, I do. :lol:
Foremost, be clear: this is about politics...not education.

How's this for a neat plan: we have avowed communists write the curricula, and we make sure that at every turn of the wheel of history, America comes as the evil predator....
yeah....that's the ticket!

Any doubt that the more power the Left accrues, the less freedom and liberty will be emphasized in our schools?

Read this and weep:

1." Philadelphia city council wants socialism taught in schools

2. Philadelphia city council members have approved a resolution that calls for socialist historian Howard Zinn’s book “A People’s History of the United States” to be taught in public high schools.

Link to some quotes from his book:

A People's History of the United States Quotes by Howard Zinn

a. .... council members ... believe that Zinn’s far-left socialist vision of American history is currently missing from high school textbooks.

PC supports history censored of opinion - many based on facts - which create cognitive dissonance in those on the far right who actually cogitate (really, some do!).

3. “Council does hereby recognize the need for students to be taught an unvarnished, honest version of U.S. history that empowers students to differentiate between moments that have truly made our country great versus those that established systemic inequality, privilege, and prejudice which continue to reinforce modern society’s most difficult issues,” the resolution states.

4. Zinn’s book is lauded in far-left circles, but many conservative thinkers believe his self-described “history” is really social activism masquerading as fact. Former Indiana Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels believed strongly that the book had no place in K-12 classrooms–...

Yep, radical Muslims believe the Holocaust is fiction, radical conservatives believe slavery was a fiction too.

5. Zinn was an apologist for communist dictators like Fidel Castro, who has brutalized and oppressed the people of Cuba for decades.....Councilwoman Blackwell defended the Castro regime. “Castro did not do everything wrong, or he would not have lasted so long,” she said in a statement to CBS.

6. Philadelphia Daily News columnist Will Bunch praised the decision to demand that Zinn be taught in class, happily explaining that his own radicalism was fostered by “A People’s History of the United States.” “Although readers here assume because of my fondness for the radical ’60s that I emerged from the womb carrying a picture of Chairman Mao, the truth is that I was a bland center-left voters and a pretty “balanced” journalist in the ’90s,” he wrote. “Reading Zinn helped me understand what went wrong, and how everyday people could fight to get things right.”

7. Mao, the Chinese dictator whom Bunch recalled fondly, ruled communist China from 1949 to 1976. His policies of mass starvation and execution are responsible for an estimated 50 million deaths.

[Recall that other far-left activists, e.g., SDS, the Weathermen, planned the same fate for Americans]

Ah, yes. Once again the RED SCARE PC leaves out the atrocity's of the Muslims in their invasion of Europe, and those equally horrific by the Christians during the Crusades and the Inquisitions, the kidnapping of Africans held in slavery for generations and the Dred Scott Decision.

8. There has been no word yet on whether district officials plan to turn Philadelphia students into apologists for mass-murdering dictators."
Philadelphia city council wants socialism taught in schools | The Daily Caller

Read more: Philadelphia city council wants socialism taught in schools | The Daily Caller

This is the state of secular America, wherein apologists for Castro and Mao, and, no doubt, Stalin, are powerful enough to offer imprimatur to genocidal maniacs.

These are to be the models or American children.

This thread brought to you by the Ministry of Truth and it's agent on this forum, the troll, PC

I love talking about me....and truly appreciate your attention to same.....please don't stop!

....but you never seem equipped to confront my posts.

Don't I provide enough material for you to sink your teeth in?
Did they fall out again?
I can laugh at what you don't know, and I do. Believe me, I do. :lol:

You know....I've seen that giggling thing in other syphilitic idiots, too.

There are medications that might help.....ask the doctor on your ward if they are right for you.
I am usually reading between 5-6 books (slacking off....only four at this time).

And that includes those by Leftists, too....From “Why We’re Liberals,” by Eric Alterman, to Glenn Greenwald, “With Liberty and Justice for Some; How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful” to Amy Goodman....Rights Gone Wrong: How Law Corrupts the Struggle for Equality by Richard Thompson Ford.
I found Red, White & Liberal: How Left Is Right & Right Is Wrong by Alan Colmes totally unreadable....
You'd probably like it.

And this is what I learned in school: everything I read, I take notes on.

Just like you, huh?

Why? Politics is such a waste of time. you are.

The words and music just don't seem to go together.
I can laugh at what you don't know, and I do. Believe me, I do. :lol:

You know....I've seen that giggling thing in other syphilitic idiots, too.

There are medications that might help.....ask the doctor on your ward if they are right for you.

Are you smarter than me, though?

I have my doubts. Strong ones, like lesbian WWE wrestler strong.
I can laugh at what you don't know, and I do. Believe me, I do. :lol:

You know....I've seen that giggling thing in other syphilitic idiots, too.

There are medications that might help.....ask the doctor on your ward if they are right for you.

Are you smarter than me, though?

I have my doubts. Strong ones, like lesbian WWE wrestler strong.

Is the Pope Catholic???

First....let's separate intelligence from education.


And...worse news: better lookin.'

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