Malala, Pakistan, and Israel

I have one serious question to israelis, jews and zionists on this board, why is it so fucking important to you to be loved around the world?

Because for gods sake, you're doing it wrong.

Almost the entire world, outside US christians and end timers, you are universally hated for what you've done in the levant. You stabbed all your friends and supporters in the back (look at the UK), took what was a humanitarian effort to help jews establish a jewish homeland (not a jewish nation) in palestine and turned it into something ugly, profane and pathetic.

Nice job. Put some more lipstick on that pig, the world isn't noticing.

Well, of course, you can't put more lipstick on a "sus" like you since it is obvious what you are, but who said that the Jews want to be loved around the world? I would think that all the Jews want to be is left alone to practice their religious beliefs in peace the same as people of other religions. Since of course we know that Alfalfa doesn't really follow the news, he probably can't tell us just how much Muslims are loved around the world. Do you actually think civilized people are enamored of those who are busy killing in the name of their religion, especially when they are even killing other Muslims because of the sect they belong to. Why don't you tell us how you have come to hate the Jews? Was it something you learned at home or was it something you learned from your friends at school? It is obvious how you think about the Jews, and your feelings about them didn't come out of thin air.
I'll say it one more time, the author compared israel to malala and found them ideologically equal.

What a fucking joke.

But zionists wetted themselves nonetheless.
So trite, Alfalfa. You can tell what a good job you are doing at your next Bund meeting. Do you really think that rational readers believe you actually care what is going on in the Middle East? they are smart enough to realize what you are up to. They can see you are having a good times bashing Israel and the Jews like all good anti-Semites do, and you really have no concern at all for what is going on around the world.

I never said I cared. I notice you dropped "zionist and zionist supporters" and substituted "jews". Nice hasbara trick, won't fly here. But that is one purpose of zionist hasbara, rephrase any criticism of the state of israel and zionists as jew hate.

BTW - Thanks for proving my point.

If you don't care about what is going on in the Middle East, why in the world are you participating on this forum? It must be that it gives you a good chance to bash the Jews and Israel. As for the word "hasbara," do you really think you are fooling the readers that this word was actually part of your vocabulary before you started reading the hate sites? No doubt the majority of the readers never heard of the word before you anti-Semites started dragged it up from the hate sites? Gee, even has a great time throwing around the word hasbara just like you do.

My goodness, girl; relax! I didn't have to go to stormfront to find out what Hasbara is. Anyone who participates on political message boards is familiar with the term. We're here to have a discussion. It doesn't matter what your religion is. It doesn't matter whether or not you're involved with Hasbara.

But when I see someone being railroaded, or labeled unfairly, I'm going to point it out. I'm going to debate anyone who denies the Holocaust. And I'm going to debate anyone who turns an event of history around, to bring attention to the Holocaust-such as the history of slavery in America. And I would expect the same, if I were to enter a discussion regarding the bloodshed in Israel...and interject-"Look at what the white man did to MY people; the Chickasaws!" From the richest to the poorest, we've all been victims, at some point in our lives.
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Sayit, talking to Alfalfa, is like talking to a donkey. Apparently he can't believe that people who are not Jewish will write for Jewish publications.

Ahhhh, is that a joke about our dear rabbi?

Heheh...zionists don't know when to quit.

I think it is you who doesn't know when to quit. Sayit gave the man's credentials. Just what are you credentials, Mr. Know-nothing.

I'll see your Denis McEoin's credentials with those of John Mearscheimer...and I will raise you a Stephen Walt resume.

Maybe you should learn how to think for yourself, Sally, instead of being led around by the ring in your nose like some blue ribbon bovine. McEoin has made a well paid career out of bashing Islam and is a racist and bigot. Lot of good money to be made in hatin'.
Don't you Nazis ever get tired of repeating the same old lies and bullshit? Seriously.

It gets boring after a while. There's like a million Islamic or neo Nazis sites out there, and all you guys ever do is keep repeating their tired, old bullshit over and over and over. If you think you're somehow baiting us, or gaining some kind of upper hand...YOU'RE NOT. All that you are accomplishing is proving what ignorant, hateful, loosers you are.

Get a fucking life. Or don't, who cares.
Don't you Nazis ever get tired of repeating the same old lies and bullshit? Seriously.

It gets boring after a while. There's like a million Islamic or neo Nazis sites out there, and all you guys ever do is keep repeating their tired, old bullshit over and over and over. If you think you're somehow baiting us, or gaining some kind of upper hand...YOU'RE NOT. All that you are accomplishing is proving what ignorant, hateful, loosers you are.

Get a fucking life. Or don't, who cares.

Sally started this Islam bashing thread, Chief.

You sound like Alfalfa has you on the ropes.
Interesting article. Quarter tones aren't really my thing, as I have a difficult time wrapping my head around them. He is certainly qualified, and he is certainly complex.

"Before moving to Dublin, he had become a member of the Baha'i religion, something he remained for another ten years."
"In 1992, HarperCollins published a volume of his journalism under his pen-name Daniel Easterman..."
"He has also published eight novels as Jonathan Aycliffe."

I would wager that this man has done more in his career, than teach and write. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

It would not at all be inaccurate to say that he is extraordinarily and fanatically anti-Islam, which certainly has some bearing on his pro-Israel stance.

Missing in all the accolades given to him in this thread is the nfairly substantial allegations of forgery of documents and receipts used in writing The Hijacking of British Islam which had his publisher scrambling to disassociate themselves from his book and impending lawsuits.

I just think people have to look at the big picture and consider all the angles. Every single thing he writes is anti-Islam and usually people that extreme lack credibility. He is a hater. I would find The Protocols of the Elders of Zion equally as creditable as anything he writes.

I know about the plagerism accusations.

Hijacking of british islam?

I just briefly read about his history, last night. Anti-Islam...I'll have to read more about him to decide whether or not I agree with that; same with the hijack of British Islam.

In my mind, the fact that you acknowledge the possibility/probability that the Elders of Zion is fiction... lends to your credibility. I was thinking along the lines of he's been involved in intelligence at some point in his life.
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Don't you Nazis ever get tired of repeating the same old lies and bullshit? Seriously.

It gets boring after a while. There's like a million Islamic or neo Nazis sites out there, and all you guys ever do is keep repeating their tired, old bullshit over and over and over. If you think you're somehow baiting us, or gaining some kind of upper hand...YOU'RE NOT. All that you are accomplishing is proving what ignorant, hateful, loosers you are.

Get a fucking life. Or don't, who cares.

Sally started this Islam bashing thread, Chief.

You sound like Alfalfa has you on the ropes.

It certain seems that certain people have a big, big problem with this article, the same way they have had with articles in the past on the various forums on which they posted. I don't think Alfalfa has anybody on the ropes. Maybe he has fooled you and your fellow travelers into thinking he is such an "intelligent" fellow, but I think most people reading this forum can figure him out real feast. Gosh, do I wish the character of Solly, the Jewish Longshoreman, would appear again. He certainly was amusing and to some very convincing.
Interesting article. Quarter tones aren't really my thing, as I have a difficult time wrapping my head around them. He is certainly qualified, and he is certainly complex.

"Before moving to Dublin, he had become a member of the Baha'i religion, something he remained for another ten years."
"In 1992, HarperCollins published a volume of his journalism under his pen-name Daniel Easterman..."
"He has also published eight novels as Jonathan Aycliffe."

I would wager that this man has done more in his career, than teach and write. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

It would not at all be inaccurate to say that he is extraordinarily and fanatically anti-Islam, which certainly has some bearing on his pro-Israel stance.

Missing in all the accolades given to him in this thread is the fairly substantial allegations of forgery of documents and receipts used in writing The Hijacking of British Islam which had his publisher scrambling to disassociate themselves from his book and impending lawsuits.

I just think people have to look at the big picture and consider all the angles. Every single thing he writes is anti-Islam and usually people that extreme lack credibility. He is a hater. I would find The Protocols of the Elders of Zion equally as creditable as anything he writes.

I know about the plagerism accusations.

Hijacking of british islam?

I just briefly read about his history, last night. Anti-Islam...I'll have to read more about him to decide whether or not I agree with that; same with the hijack of British Islam.

In my mind, the fact that you acknowledge the possibility/probability that the Elders of Zion is fiction... lends to your credibility. I was thinking along the lines of he's been involved in intelligence at some point in his life.

The comparison with the Protocols was not a "possibility/probablility" but was meant as a certainty.

It would not be hard at all, as McEoin seems to do, to write material that selectively seems truthful but does not present the whole picture. It would be entirely possible to write a book about the Jewish people or the state of Israel that would make them look likie the most deceptive and dishonest people who ever walked the face of the earth if you selectively choose the facts.

He is way to psychologically shakey a character, in my opinion, to have ever been in the Intelligence field. He is a disgruntled Catholic who converted to BaHa'i faith and seems to have neglected the third principle about the unity of humanity. He seems to be a strong believer in homeopathy. Whatever you feel about these areas, homeopathy and BaHa'i, they certainly don't fit the profile of someone in Intelligence.

There are a lot of smart people in the world. A lot of them are garden variety nuts. Throw a liberal amount of bigoted "hate" into the mix and you get the proof of the pudding in MacEoin.
It would not at all be inaccurate to say that he is extraordinarily and fanatically anti-Islam, which certainly has some bearing on his pro-Israel stance.

Missing in all the accolades given to him in this thread is the fairly substantial allegations of forgery of documents and receipts used in writing The Hijacking of British Islam which had his publisher scrambling to disassociate themselves from his book and impending lawsuits.

I just think people have to look at the big picture and consider all the angles. Every single thing he writes is anti-Islam and usually people that extreme lack credibility. He is a hater. I would find The Protocols of the Elders of Zion equally as creditable as anything he writes.

I know about the plagerism accusations.

Hijacking of british islam?

I just briefly read about his history, last night. Anti-Islam...I'll have to read more about him to decide whether or not I agree with that; same with the hijack of British Islam.

In my mind, the fact that you acknowledge the possibility/probability that the Elders of Zion is fiction... lends to your credibility. I was thinking along the lines of he's been involved in intelligence at some point in his life.

The comparison with the Protocols was not a "possibility/probablility" but was meant as a certainty.

It would not be hard at all, as McEoin seems to do, to write material that selectively seems truthful but does not present the whole picture. It would be entirely possible to write a book about the Jewish people or the state of Israel that would make them look likie the most deceptive and dishonest people who ever walked the face of the earth if you selectively choose the facts.

He is way to psychologically shakey a character, in my opinion, to have ever been in the Intelligence field. He is a disgruntled Catholic who converted to BaHa'i faith and seems to have neglected the third principle about the unity of humanity. He seems to be a strong believer in homeopathy. Whatever you feel about these areas, homeopathy and BaHa'i, they certainly don't fit the profile of someone in Intelligence.

There are a lot of smart people in the world. A lot of them are garden variety nuts. Throw a liberal amount of bigoted "hate" into the mix and you get the proof of the pudding in MacEoin.

you make a very good case not to beleive anything this man says. However with the exception of Mskafka people on this thread don' seem to see the validity of your argument. Either that or they are simply afraid to engage you in conversation good job !!! This is the first time I've seen Toastman, Roudy, Sally, and Sayit, have all decided out of fear to boycott your posts !!!
The comparison with the Protocols was not a "possibility/probablility" but was meant as a certainty.

It would not be hard at all, as McEoin seems to do, to write material that selectively seems truthful but does not present the whole picture. It would be entirely possible to write a book about the Jewish people or the state of Israel that would make them look likie the most deceptive and dishonest people who ever walked the face of the earth if you selectively choose the facts.

He is way to psychologically shakey a character, in my opinion, to have ever been in the Intelligence field. He is a disgruntled Catholic who converted to BaHa'i faith and seems to have neglected the third principle about the unity of humanity. He seems to be a strong believer in homeopathy. Whatever you feel about these areas, homeopathy and BaHa'i, they certainly don't fit the profile of someone in Intelligence.

There are a lot of smart people in the world. A lot of them are garden variety nuts. Throw a liberal amount of bigoted "hate" into the mix and you get the proof of the pudding in MacEoin.

you make a very good case not to beleive anything this man says. However with the exception of Mskafka people on this thread don' seem to see the validity of your argument. Either that or they are simply afraid to engage you in conversation good job !!! This is the first time I've seen Toastman, Roudy, Sally, and Sayit, have all decided out of fear to boycott your posts !!!

Out of fear to boycott his posts?? What are you blabbing about ?

you make a very good case not to beleive anything this man says. However with the exception of Mskafka people on this thread don' seem to see the validity of your argument. Either that or they are simply afraid to engage you in conversation good job !!! This is the first time I've seen Toastman, Roudy, Sally, and Sayit, have all decided out of fear to boycott your posts !!!

Out of fear to boycott his posts?? What are you blabbing about ?

Out of fear you'll get your ass kicked again.
It would not at all be inaccurate to say that he is extraordinarily and fanatically anti-Islam, which certainly has some bearing on his pro-Israel stance.

Missing in all the accolades given to him in this thread is the fairly substantial allegations of forgery of documents and receipts used in writing The Hijacking of British Islam which had his publisher scrambling to disassociate themselves from his book and impending lawsuits.

I just think people have to look at the big picture and consider all the angles. Every single thing he writes is anti-Islam and usually people that extreme lack credibility. He is a hater. I would find The Protocols of the Elders of Zion equally as creditable as anything he writes.

I know about the plagerism accusations.

Hijacking of british islam?

I just briefly read about his history, last night. Anti-Islam...I'll have to read more about him to decide whether or not I agree with that; same with the hijack of British Islam.

In my mind, the fact that you acknowledge the possibility/probability that the Elders of Zion is fiction... lends to your credibility. I was thinking along the lines of he's been involved in intelligence at some point in his life.

The comparison with the Protocols was not a "possibility/probablility" but was meant as a certainty.

It would not be hard at all, as McEoin seems to do, to write material that selectively seems truthful but does not present the whole picture. It would be entirely possible to write a book about the Jewish people or the state of Israel that would make them look likie the most deceptive and dishonest people who ever walked the face of the earth if you selectively choose the facts.

He is way to psychologically shakey a character, in my opinion, to have ever been in the Intelligence field. He is a disgruntled Catholic who converted to BaHa'i faith and seems to have neglected the third principle about the unity of humanity. He seems to be a strong believer in homeopathy. Whatever you feel about these areas, homeopathy and BaHa'i, they certainly don't fit the profile of someone in Intelligence.

There are a lot of smart people in the world. A lot of them are garden variety nuts. Throw a liberal amount of bigoted "hate" into the mix and you get the proof of the pudding in MacEoin.

You actually believe that the protocols of Zion crap is true ??
Don't you Nazis ever get tired of repeating the same old lies and bullshit? Seriously.

It gets boring after a while. There's like a million Islamic or neo Nazis sites out there, and all you guys ever do is keep repeating their tired, old bullshit over and over and over. If you think you're somehow baiting us, or gaining some kind of upper hand...YOU'RE NOT. All that you are accomplishing is proving what ignorant, hateful, loosers you are.

Get a fucking life. Or don't, who cares.

Sally started this Islam bashing thread, Chief.

You sound like Alfalfa has you on the ropes.

It certain seems that certain people have a big, big problem with this article, the same way they have had with articles in the past on the various forums on which they posted. I don't think Alfalfa has anybody on the ropes. Maybe he has fooled you and your fellow travelers into thinking he is such an "intelligent" fellow, but I think most people reading this forum can figure him out real feast. Gosh, do I wish the character of Solly, the Jewish Longshoreman, would appear again. He certainly was amusing and to some very convincing.

I've heard about Solly and I seem to remember him but why are you bring up the old AOL Board, in case you are not aware of it the rules for bid it. Also another violation that I am really starting to get sick of is you thinly veiled threats to Dreolin and others me included !!!
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you make a very good case not to beleive anything this man says. However with the exception of Mskafka people on this thread don' seem to see the validity of your argument. Either that or they are simply afraid to engage you in conversation good job !!! This is the first time I've seen Toastman, Roudy, Sally, and Sayit, have all decided out of fear to boycott your posts !!!

Out of fear to boycott his posts?? What are you blabbing about ?

Out of fear you'll get your ass kicked again.

LOL I have no idea what you guys are blabbing about but I never even responded to any of his comments.

What is it with you guys and making shit up about posters who don't side with you ?
I know about the plagerism accusations.

Hijacking of british islam?

I just briefly read about his history, last night. Anti-Islam...I'll have to read more about him to decide whether or not I agree with that; same with the hijack of British Islam.

In my mind, the fact that you acknowledge the possibility/probability that the Elders of Zion is fiction... lends to your credibility. I was thinking along the lines of he's been involved in intelligence at some point in his life.

The comparison with the Protocols was not a "possibility/probablility" but was meant as a certainty.

It would not be hard at all, as McEoin seems to do, to write material that selectively seems truthful but does not present the whole picture. It would be entirely possible to write a book about the Jewish people or the state of Israel that would make them look likie the most deceptive and dishonest people who ever walked the face of the earth if you selectively choose the facts.

He is way to psychologically shakey a character, in my opinion, to have ever been in the Intelligence field. He is a disgruntled Catholic who converted to BaHa'i faith and seems to have neglected the third principle about the unity of humanity. He seems to be a strong believer in homeopathy. Whatever you feel about these areas, homeopathy and BaHa'i, they certainly don't fit the profile of someone in Intelligence.

There are a lot of smart people in the world. A lot of them are garden variety nuts. Throw a liberal amount of bigoted "hate" into the mix and you get the proof of the pudding in MacEoin.

You actually believe that the protocols of Zion crap is true ??

For gods sake man, pull your head out of your yarmulke.

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