Man crashes while streaming 114 mph drive on Facebook Live

Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time....
And his reason for having this be live on Face Book is what exactly? As if the speeding its self wasn't enough.

God bless you and his supporting cast always!!!

America is for americans. Get this crazy third world trash outta here. Diversity = misery.

You must not be a Trump supporter. Trump is for legal immigration. It sounds like you're not for any immigration at all.

Unless you got a PHD in some STEM field, stay outta here.

Why? I don't get it. If they don't have a Ph.D or even a college degree.... why?

If they show up, and work, they are a benefit. I'd don't have a Ph.D or a college degree. I work with people who are immigrants. They work, just like I work. They buy things, just like I buy things. They get up at 4 AM, and drive to work, just like I get up at 4 AM and drive to work.

What exactly makes them magically bad, and I assume I'm magically good? Or do you just hate everyone who doesn't have a degree?

What is the issue?
Unless you got a PHD in some STEM field, stay outta here.

Why? I don't get it. If they don't have a Ph.D or even a college degree.... why?

I said PHD in a STEM subject. A PHD in some liberal arts crap means nothing.

We need to only let in people who can help america. Illiterate people just go on welfare and people with a degree in some crap like sociology may get a job but it won't be a productive job. People with technical skills are what we want.
America is for americans. Get this crazy third world trash outta here. Diversity = misery.

You must not be a Trump supporter. Trump is for legal immigration. It sounds like you're not for any immigration at all.
No immigration for those who can't/won't dump their old ways and learn to be Americans.

Well that's one hell of a gray area.

The problem is that we do not give any support to do this.

Now I don't think the government necessarily should fund it, but we should promote American culture and language.

For example, you are not going to go to the mosque to pray on Friday. You are not doing that here. We don't go to the Mosque on Friday. If you don't wish to adopt our cultural values, then you likely shouldn't come here.

Those idiots in Colorado who wanted to just wander off in the middle of an assembly line, to pray towards Mecca.... they were fired. But the problem isn't entirely theirs. The problem is somewhat ours, because we moronically tell people you can come here and live any way you want.

Well... you can.... but if you don't show up to work on Friday because you want to wander off to the Mosque, you'll be fired.

If you start putting your feet into the sink at work, because Islam says you gotta wash your feet before you eat... you'll be fired.

We're not warning people. Even if we are not a Christian country anymore.... our culture is still Christian. The chances we're going to start having a Sunday through Thursday work week, and all going to the Mosque on Friday, and having calls to prayer over loud speaker from a minaret.... not happening.

And see this is unfair to them.... as well as us. And this isn't a problem somehow Unique to America.

Every country has this problem. Remember the Sweden Stockholm riots in 2013?

They were all Muslims living in poverty from Somalia, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Iraq.

They come to Sweden, and live like they are still in those countries, instead of assimilating into the Christian based Swedish culture. Result? They are marginalized and impoverished and mad about it.

People talk about Germany, and how they take the largest number of immigrants of any country in the world, besides the US.

But Germany has a very different system. You *MUST* learn the German language. You *MUST* learn how to live as a German. You *MUST* learn German culture. If you don't... then you don't stay.

Even Norway has a somewhat similar system. Couple years back, some immigrants showed up, and in Norway, if you know, has water ways all over the place. So, one of the requirements is, you learn to swim, and you learn to swim with males and females, because if anyone falls into the water, you gotta be able to fish them out, and they have to fish you out.

Well one of these girls from the middle east refused to remove the burka and swim with the boys. It's cultural over there in the middle east.

Fine. They immediately denied her citizenship application, and sent her home. You can't live here. This is Norway, not Egypt. You want to live here, this is what living here means.

Now I personally am all for immigration. But we absolutely must require adherence to our culture. It's not just for our good, but it's also for their good... and for our countries good.
Unless you got a PHD in some STEM field, stay outta here.

Why? I don't get it. If they don't have a Ph.D or even a college degree.... why?

I said PHD in a STEM subject. A PHD in some liberal arts crap means nothing.

We need to only let in people who can help america. Illiterate people just go on welfare and people with a degree in some crap like sociology may get a job but it won't be a productive job. People with technical skills are what we want.

Again, I'm working with immigrants right now. They are working. They are paying taxes. They are helping America.

Are you saying that I myself am not helping America, when I have worked a full time job for the last 25 years?

The solution to illiterate people going on welfare, is to eliminate welfare. Honestly the biggest group of welfare leeches sucking down worker dollars to do nothing.... is white Americans, followed by black Americans.

If we reduced the amount of Americans on welfare by just 5%, that would save more money than eliminating all the immigrants on welfare country wide.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye,
and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.

That's what this is like. You are complaining about a speck in the immigrants eye.... when we've got an entire red wood tree stuck in our own.

Let's fix our welfare queen problem first, before we start whining about a few immigrants.
Problem is immigrants cost more than they are worth to America. None of them are needed. They drive down wages and crowd the landscape.
Psychopath's name is Onasi Olio-Rojas. Sound american to you.?

Man crashes while streaming 114 mph drive on Facebook Live

dec 1 2016 Police say a Rhode Island man who streamed himself on Facebook Live driving 114 mph and weaving in and out of traffic was critically injured when he crashed into a garbage truck and a concrete barrier.

State police say 20-year-old Onasi Olio-Rojas, of Pawtucket, lost control Wednesday on U.S. Route 6 in Providence.

The video posted on Olio-Rojas' Facebook page shows him driving 114 mph and weaving through traffic. Police confirmed its authenticity to WJAR-TV.
Yes it does. It also sounds like evolution in action. Let's hope he neutered himself in the crash. The dumbass is lucky to be alive.


Listen......if you are a gangsta wann-be like this half-wit, just a bit of advice........know the Civic is a favorite pimp ride of the bad-ass gangsta's but the suspension is econobox quality.:gay: Try being a hero and going over 75 mph on a highway in traffic will get your ass killed. Drive pedestrian around town and flash those scary gang signs and you'll be just a hero to all those ladies in that slick Civic!!:up:

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