Manafort guilty.

Yeah funny how Rosenstein recommends Comey be fired and then seems to think trump following his recommendation is reason to appoint a special counsel.
Well, Trump went on national television and said he fired comey over the Russian investigation. Did rosenstein's recommendation say that?


Then you don't really have much of a point, do you?
I agree with you.
What I say is tongue in cheek. It is how the Trump extremists would react if the situation was reversed. I like to yank their chain.
I agree that the real problem is extremism on both sides. The extremists on both sides are more alike than different.

So you really just like yanking on your chain and playing both sides of the fence.
I am anti-Trump, but I feel the extremists on both sides are a problem. The extreme right is the bigger problem right now.
The extreme right and the extreme left are who they hate.
Well damn, they've got Trump now...oh wait....

Doesn't it prove that Trump colluded with the Russians?


Oh yeah, no ...

No, Trump admitting that the meeting between his campaign and a Russian Operative for the purposes of getting dirt on Hillary would be evidence of collusion

But Hillary paying the Russians for dirt isn't. That's what a ridiculous person you are

So you're not even denying the collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians at this point.

Good. The evidence of it is overwhelming.

There is no crime called collusion, but your hypocrisy is overwhelming where you're perfectly fine with Hillary buying dirt on her opponent from the Russians but you're melting down over an offer of a meeting that never happened.

Skylar: that Trump is a Republican is overwhelming! your ilk have gone from 'there's no collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians' to 'collusion with the Russians is not a crime!'.

Your backpedalling makes me giggle!
If they have no teeth, you wouldn't have spent so much time trying to refute me.

Skylar, I'm not denying that those people did those things, it's your childish attempts to link them to Trump that I was refuting. Attacking someone's judgment sans a cogent policy based argument is pretty much intellectual dishonesty. Wholly myopic in scope.

I've got example after example after example of Trump's wild incompetence. Of the criminals, tax frauds, liars and fraudsters that Trump has surrounded himself with.

Hmm. I remember about 7 years ago neocons making the same arguments about Obama. Glenn Beck, Andrew Breitbart... Alex Jones. I easily remember the apoplectics they went into. "He surrounded himself with communists and socialists so therefore he must be one, or both!" You're kidding right? Your arguments about Trump's judgement follow the same pattern. Sigh, the left and right. So different they're the same.

There's a reason why the average american doesn't consider Trump to be honest. And its unlikely that these latest convictions and guilty pleas will improve that perception.

Honesty was the last thing on my mind when I voted for him. Hate to say it. That was just my inherent distrust of politicians and the promises they make in general.

Even when you close your eyes.

Huh? Are you getting emotional on me? Or are you acting like Trump is the only dishonest politician out there? Please.
Doesn't it prove that Trump colluded with the Russians?


Oh yeah, no ...

No, Trump admitting that the meeting between his campaign and a Russian Operative for the purposes of getting dirt on Hillary would be evidence of collusion

But Hillary paying the Russians for dirt isn't. That's what a ridiculous person you are

So you're not even denying the collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians at this point.

Good. The evidence of it is overwhelming.

There is no crime called collusion, but your hypocrisy is overwhelming where you're perfectly fine with Hillary buying dirt on her opponent from the Russians but you're melting down over an offer of a meeting that never happened.

Skylar: that Trump is a Republican is overwhelming! we've gone from 'there's no collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians' to 'collusion is not a crime!'.

Backpedalling makes me giggle!

That's only because you're stupid.

There was no collusion between Trump and the Russians. Do you have any information on Hillary? No. That isn't collusion, Speed Racer.

Also, collusion isn't a crime. Hillary's lucky about that because she did collude with the Russians in buying a dossier of dirt from them.

Both of those statements are true. What about that confuses you?
One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?

For one, it clearly shows the Orange Virus definitely doesn't appoint 'the best people'. As for the rest, I won't speculate until it's over. Might as well pop some popcorn and settle in... :party:
Well damn, they've got Trump now...oh wait....

Doesn't it prove that Trump colluded with the Russians?


Oh yeah, no ...

No, Trump admitting that the meeting between his campaign and a Russian Operative for the purposes of getting dirt on Hillary would be evidence of collusion.

Where his campaign was notified before the meeting that the information they'd receive were from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian governments effort to aid Trump.

And Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen admitting that Trump was fully aware of the meeting.

And Trump lying repeatedly about the meeting, compelling others to lie about the meeting, and trying to shut down the investigation into the meeting....

......that's evidence of collusion. This? This was evidence that Trump brought the swamp with him, surrounding himself with grafters, embezzlers, liars, frauds, and tax cheats. Or what Trump likes to call the 'Best People'.

Dumbass! What the hell do you think Hillary paying GPS Fusion for the Russian-provided lies against Donald Trump was? A phony Russian dossier that the entire Mueller investigation is based on? How could that not be "collusion"?

A Democratic candidate colluding with Russians to interfere in an American political election?

Gawd, you people are so dense. You don't get it, nor will you ever get it.
Two counts on the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt.
which of these either found guilty of or not had anything to do with russia? the witch hunt as far as i know is in connection with RUSSIA hysteria, not crimes done pre-election.

What did a blow job have to do with White Water? :21::21::21:

Nothing. That’s why old BJ was never removed from office.
If they have no teeth, you wouldn't have spent so much time trying to refute me.

Skylar, I'm not denying that those people did those things, it's your childish attempts to link them to Trump that I was refuting. Attacking someone's judgment sans a cogent policy based argument is pretty much intellectual dishonesty. Wholly myopic in scope.

I've got example after example after example of Trump's wild incompetence. Of the criminals, tax frauds, liars and fraudsters that Trump has surrounded himself with.

Hmm. I remember about 7 years ago neocons making the same arguments about Obama. Glenn Beck, Andrew Breitbart... Alex Jones. I easily remember the apoplectics they went into. "He surrounded himself with communists and socialists so therefore he must be one, or both!" You're kidding right? Your arguments about Trump's judgement follow the same pattern. Sigh, the left and right. So different they're the same.

There's a reason why the average american doesn't consider Trump to be honest. And its unlikely that these latest convictions and guilty pleas will improve that perception.

Honesty was the last thing on my mind when I voted for him. Hate to say it. That was just my inherent distrust of politicians and the promises they make in general.

Even when you close your eyes.

Huh? Are you getting emotional on me? Or are you acting like Trump is the only dishonest politician out there? Please.

But....I thought you weren't following this thread anymore, Temp? You had a whole dramatic exit and everything.

Skylar, I'm not denying that those people did those things, it's your childish attempts to link them to Trump that I was refuting. Attacking someone's judgment sans a cogent policy based argument is pretty much intellectual dishonesty. Wholly myopic in scope.

These are people that Trump *hand picked* for leadership roles in his campaign and administration. Liars, frauds, tax cheats, and embezzlers. Since this conversation has begun, Michael Cohen has plead guilty to 8 felony counts as well.

Trump's personal lawyer for over a decade.

He chose these criminals. He picked them. The buck stops with Trump. And yet you're trying to deflect responsibility for Trump's own choices, his own judgment, his own 'best people' anyone but Trump.

These grifters, liars and thieves being in leadership and advisory roles are the product of Trump's judgment. Demonstrating Trump's judgement is a steaming garbage fire of incompetence.
Well damn, they've got Trump now...oh wait....

Doesn't it prove that Trump colluded with the Russians?


Oh yeah, no ...

No, Trump admitting that the meeting between his campaign and a Russian Operative for the purposes of getting dirt on Hillary would be evidence of collusion.

Where his campaign was notified before the meeting that the information they'd receive were from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian governments effort to aid Trump.

And Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen admitting that Trump was fully aware of the meeting.

And Trump lying repeatedly about the meeting, compelling others to lie about the meeting, and trying to shut down the investigation into the meeting....

......that's evidence of collusion. This? This was evidence that Trump brought the swamp with him, surrounding himself with grafters, embezzlers, liars, frauds, and tax cheats. Or what Trump likes to call the 'Best People'.

Dumbass! What the hell do you think Hillary paying GPS Fusion for the Russian-provided lies against Donald Trump was? A phony Russian dossier that the entire Mueller investigation is based on? How could that not be "collusion"?

A Democratic candidate colluding with Russians to interfere in an American political election?

Gawd, you people are so dense. You don't get it, nor will you ever get it.

So you're not even going to try and deny Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians either.

Wow. You guys are in a uniform full retreat from your 'there was no evidence of Russian Collusion' bullshit, aren't you?

As there are *loads* of evidence that Trump's team colluded with the Russians. All of which you ignore. I don't think Mueller will.
Well damn, they've got Trump now...oh wait....

Doesn't it prove that Trump colluded with the Russians?


Oh yeah, no ...

No, Trump admitting that the meeting between his campaign and a Russian Operative for the purposes of getting dirt on Hillary would be evidence of collusion.

Where his campaign was notified before the meeting that the information they'd receive were from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian governments effort to aid Trump.

And Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen admitting that Trump was fully aware of the meeting.

And Trump lying repeatedly about the meeting, compelling others to lie about the meeting, and trying to shut down the investigation into the meeting....

......that's evidence of collusion. This? This was evidence that Trump brought the swamp with him, surrounding himself with grafters, embezzlers, liars, frauds, and tax cheats. Or what Trump likes to call the 'Best People'.

Dumbass! What the hell do you think Hillary paying GPS Fusion for the Russian-provided lies against Donald Trump was? A phony Russian dossier that the entire Mueller investigation is based on? How could that not be "collusion"?

A Democratic candidate colluding with Russians to interfere in an American political election?

Gawd, you people are so dense. You don't get it, nor will you ever get it.

So you're not even going to try and deny Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians either.

Wow. You guys are in a uniform full retreat from your 'there was no evidence of Russian Collusion' bullshit, aren't you?

As there are *loads* of evidence that Trump's team colluded with the Russians. All of which you ignore. I don't think Mueller will.

Wow, that Trump didn't collude with the Russians and that collusion isn't a crime is just too many ideas for you to grasp in your tiny brain at the same time, huh? Both are true.

Notice the running and hiding are what you're doing that Hillary did collude with the Russians
You have some serious reading comprehension issues..he was not found 'not guilty' on even 1 was a mistrial..and can be tried again.

Manafort found guilty of 8 counts; mistrial declared on 10 others

"Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been found guilty of eight financial crime charges in the first trial victory for special counsel Robert Mueller's team.
A judge declared a mistrial on 10 other counts after jurors failed to reach a unanimous verdict.
The jury deliberated for four days before announcing the verdict at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia.
Prosecutors spent more than two weeks presenting their case as they sought to prove Manafort concealed millions of dollars in offshore accounts from the IRS"

Maybe if you stopped drinking before noon and stoped listening to Larry Onyou would have a clue . You don’t. He will be sentenced (most likely) on 8 out of the 18. Of those 8 Paul Manifort has had every tool Mewler had at his disposal thrown at him and what did we find? We found that Manifort lies on tax returns and loan applications. He will ride it out surving little if any jail time. Mewler was not able to link Trump to Russia which is what you lemmings have been promising us Mewler would do. So what happens? Manifort go’s to trial again, gets found guilty, pays a fine, writes a book and makes even more money. Y’all are just to stupid.
Who's Larry Onyou??? Anyway....Manafort is facing 80 if the judge goes light..maybe 10---15 years? This trial was NEVER about collusion or linking Trump to Russia--which, btw, any 10 year old could do with the available evidence..most of it statements by Trump and his staff. Perhaps he gets a pardon...which every law-abiding American should be sick about..a criminal walking away---but the hard-core Trumpkins will just shout "What about Hillary"..and move on.

There was a bit more going on than lying..if you even care about the facts of this fraud...the hiding of millions of assets garnered from the Ukraine and Russia.
I wonder..if you asked Manafort right his cell..if he feels he won a victory here..what do you think his answer would be?

Well, what about Hillary?

Betwixt her and her legal counsel.

Seriously, she's going to need a legal council. I hope all those concessions she gave to the Russians brought her alot of money.

Nope. Jail is for us, not them.
But....I thought you weren't following this thread anymore, Temp? You had a whole dramatic exit and everything.

I'm bored. Can you blame me? Maybe I should go blog on an LGBT site or something.

These are people that Trump *hand picked* for leadership roles in his campaign and administration.

Irrelevant. You act as if he had some foreknowledge of their wrongdoing.

He chose these criminals. He picked them. The buck stops with Trump.

No it doesn't. The onus lies on those who committed the crimes, not on the person who unwittingly imparted on them his trust. Yeah, now your argument has devolved into an assumption. The responsibility for their crimes is theirs alone.

These grifters, liars and thieves being in leadership and advisory roles are the product of Trump's judgment.

See previous response. I don't really care about repeating myself.

Demonstrating Trump's judgement is a steaming garbage fire of incompetence.

Hmm.. you are getting emotional.
Maybe if you stopped drinking before noon and stoped listening to Larry Onyou would have a clue . You don’t. He will be sentenced (most likely) on 8 out of the 18. Of those 8 Paul Manifort has had every tool Mewler had at his disposal thrown at him and what did we find? We found that Manifort lies on tax returns and loan applications. He will ride it out surving little if any jail time. Mewler was not able to link Trump to Russia which is what you lemmings have been promising us Mewler would do. So what happens? Manifort go’s to trial again, gets found guilty, pays a fine, writes a book and makes even more money. Y’all are just to stupid.
Who's Larry Onyou??? Anyway....Manafort is facing 80 if the judge goes light..maybe 10---15 years? This trial was NEVER about collusion or linking Trump to Russia--which, btw, any 10 year old could do with the available evidence..most of it statements by Trump and his staff. Perhaps he gets a pardon...which every law-abiding American should be sick about..a criminal walking away---but the hard-core Trumpkins will just shout "What about Hillary"..and move on.

There was a bit more going on than lying..if you even care about the facts of this fraud...the hiding of millions of assets garnered from the Ukraine and Russia.
I wonder..if you asked Manafort right his cell..if he feels he won a victory here..what do you think his answer would be?

Most likely that jail sucks, but in about three months he will be thinking “man, that sucked. Stop trying to move the goal post. This was supposed to be the trial that linked Trump to Putin. You and every other libtard have been promising us this. On top of that, over half of what was supposed to be “ mad dog” Mewlers slam dunk case got tossed, or likely will. Hung jury is still not “guilty”. Now, judging how monied folk don’t go to prison, Manifort will get sentanced and go on to his next trial where he will likely be found guilty on more counts, yet still no Russia. When he gets sentanced on his next case his swntqnce will likely be run concurrent to whatever Judge Ellis does. In the end all you rwtards got was false tax returns, and lying on a loan application. That’s it. But you stupid chimps will jump all over like you just discovered fire or something. Let’s also not forget Mewlers other huge conviction in all this, a whopping 30 days which were never served. Mmm. Yup exciting.

A hung jury isn't 'getting tossed'. A single juror can hang a jury.

It was a conviction on 8 counts. It was a mistrial on 10 counts. With another trial on conspiracy against the United States next month. And a likely retrial on the remaining 10 counts.

Plus, there's witness tampering...which got Manafort's bail revoked.

He's already facing 80 years in prison.

80 years? You are smoking K2. Just a moron.

Or.....I'm just far better informed that you are.

Manafort was found guilty on five counts of submitting false tax returns, one count of failing to report foreign bank and financial accounts, and two counts of bank fraud.

He faces a maximum of 80 years in prison.

Paul Manafort trial: Jury finds former Trump campaign manager guilty on 8 counts in tax fraud case

And that's just on the charges they've convicted him of. He's got another trial next month. And the 10 remaining charges are likely to be retried.

Plus.....there's witness tampering.

Manafort is in very, very serious trouble.

Far better informed? Hardly. You are a clueless sheep. Just an utter moron. Save this post, after his next trial, Manifort does no more then a year in jail. Get your information from some other place then Foux news or wherever you get it. MSNBC and court TV are doing you wrong.
No, Trump admitting that the meeting between his campaign and a Russian Operative for the purposes of getting dirt on Hillary would be evidence of collusion

But Hillary paying the Russians for dirt isn't. That's what a ridiculous person you are

So you're not even denying the collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians at this point.

Good. The evidence of it is overwhelming.

There is no crime called collusion, but your hypocrisy is overwhelming where you're perfectly fine with Hillary buying dirt on her opponent from the Russians but you're melting down over an offer of a meeting that never happened.

Skylar: that Trump is a Republican is overwhelming! we've gone from 'there's no collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians' to 'collusion is not a crime!'.

Backpedalling makes me giggle!

That's only because you're stupid.

There was no collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Of course there was. Don Jr. already released his emails where he was informed that the information against Hillary at that meeting was from 'high level sources' and part of the Russian government's effort to aid Trump.

And the woman they met is an admitted Russian Operative.

Worse, Trump lied repeated, laughably claiming that a meeting in Trump tower attended by his campaign chair....was about adoption. Worse still, he compelled others to lie, personally dictating the statement for his son that perpetuated the same 'adoption' lies.

And worse again, Trump has tried to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting between his campaign and Russia.

And Trump openly admitting via twitter what was obvious: that the purpose of the meeting was to get dirt on his political opponent. Exactly as the emails Don Jr already affirmed months ago.

And it still gets worse! The Spanish authority have turned over wire taps between Don Jr and Russian Intelligence operative Alexander Torshin, a man cited in the Conspiracy against the United States indictment of Maaria Butina. With Don Jr again trying to set up a behind the scenes meeting.

And that's just the collusion that we know about and they've admitted to. With Manafort facing 80 years to encourage him to be forthcoming and both Flynn and Papadopolous statements waiting to be released......this is gonna get interesting!

But have fun ignoring it all and pretending it doesn't exist! Good luck with that.

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