Manafort guilty.

Maybe if you stopped drinking before noon and stoped listening to Larry Onyou would have a clue . You don’t. He will be sentenced (most likely) on 8 out of the 18. Of those 8 Paul Manifort has had every tool Mewler had at his disposal thrown at him and what did we find? We found that Manifort lies on tax returns and loan applications. He will ride it out surving little if any jail time. Mewler was not able to link Trump to Russia which is what you lemmings have been promising us Mewler would do. So what happens? Manifort go’s to trial again, gets found guilty, pays a fine, writes a book and makes even more money. Y’all are just to stupid.
Who's Larry Onyou??? Anyway....Manafort is facing 80 if the judge goes light..maybe 10---15 years? This trial was NEVER about collusion or linking Trump to Russia--which, btw, any 10 year old could do with the available evidence..most of it statements by Trump and his staff. Perhaps he gets a pardon...which every law-abiding American should be sick about..a criminal walking away---but the hard-core Trumpkins will just shout "What about Hillary"..and move on.

There was a bit more going on than lying..if you even care about the facts of this fraud...the hiding of millions of assets garnered from the Ukraine and Russia.
I wonder..if you asked Manafort right his cell..if he feels he won a victory here..what do you think his answer would be?

Well, what about Hillary?

Betwixt her and her legal counsel.

Seriously, she's going to need a legal council. I hope all those concessions she gave to the Russians brought her alot of money.

Legal counsel......for imaginary charges? I think an imaginary counsel would do just fine.

I nominate Barney the Purple Dinosaur ESQ. He used his TV money to get his law degree from Texas A&M.

Again, your boy failed. Again. I get you libtards gotta take any victory you can get, but in the end you will have president Trump in 2020. Russiagate has failed. Not even in the news anymore.
One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?

His ability to judge the character of those who he appoints and employs, for one.
so since this is a lot of tax fraud, are you also upset at the people obama appointed upon winning his first election that had some serious tax issues of their own?

some people have a unique ability to ONLY see one side doing something wrong.
You mean the Republicans haven't investigated that yet? I'm surprised. Usually they leave no stone unturned when they can look for Dem misdeeds. I mean, what did a blowjob have to do with the Whitewater investigation?
Who's Larry Onyou??? Anyway....Manafort is facing 80 if the judge goes light..maybe 10---15 years? This trial was NEVER about collusion or linking Trump to Russia--which, btw, any 10 year old could do with the available evidence..most of it statements by Trump and his staff. Perhaps he gets a pardon...which every law-abiding American should be sick about..a criminal walking away---but the hard-core Trumpkins will just shout "What about Hillary"..and move on.

There was a bit more going on than lying..if you even care about the facts of this fraud...the hiding of millions of assets garnered from the Ukraine and Russia.
I wonder..if you asked Manafort right his cell..if he feels he won a victory here..what do you think his answer would be?

Well, what about Hillary?

Betwixt her and her legal counsel.

Seriously, she's going to need a legal council. I hope all those concessions she gave to the Russians brought her alot of money.

Legal counsel......for imaginary charges? I think an imaginary counsel would do just fine.

I nominate Barney the Purple Dinosaur ESQ. He used his TV money to get his law degree from Texas A&M.

Again, your boy failed. Again. I get you libtards gotta take any victory you can get, but in the end you will have president Trump in 2020. Russiagate has failed. Not even in the news anymore.

8 felony convictions totally up to 80 years in prison and 8 felony pleas from Micheal alone.

But you keep rocking back and forth, telling yourself that nothing is happening. Mueller will keep investigating, finding criminals, and prosecuting them.

One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?
This proves that Trump had criminals running his campaign.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Hopefully this is another step toward making Trump accountable for his actions.


Hillary compromised National security, used a PRIVATE server for Confidential National issues, had the drives destroyed and smashed to pieces, lied about it, had the FBI cover it up .......

And not even a smidgen of charges.........

If you don't see this as a major problem with the Justice system, you're ALL fools.
Republicans run everything. Bring up charges.
One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?

His ability to judge the character of those who he appoints and employs, for one.
so since this is a lot of tax fraud, are you also upset at the people obama appointed upon winning his first election that had some serious tax issues of their own?

some people have a unique ability to ONLY see one side doing something wrong.
You mean the Republicans haven't investigated that yet? I'm surprised. Usually they leave no stone unturned when they can look for Dem misdeeds. I mean, what did a blowjob have to do with the Whitewater investigation?

You've got this all wrong. Republicans have made it very clear that there is no way that a president can be fairly investigated by someone of the opposite party. And Ken Starr was a republican while Bill Clinton was a democrat.

So clearly that investigation never happened.
Well, what about Hillary?

Betwixt her and her legal counsel.

Seriously, she's going to need a legal council. I hope all those concessions she gave to the Russians brought her alot of money.

Legal counsel......for imaginary charges? I think an imaginary counsel would do just fine.

I nominate Barney the Purple Dinosaur ESQ. He used his TV money to get his law degree from Texas A&M.

Again, your boy failed. Again. I get you libtards gotta take any victory you can get, but in the end you will have president Trump in 2020. Russiagate has failed. Not even in the news anymore.

8 felony convictions totally up to 80 years in prison and 8 felony pleas from Micheal alone.

But you keep rocking back and forth, telling yourself that nothing is happening. Mueller will keep investigating, finding criminals, and prosecuting them.


8 out of 10 with 10 getting tossed. One more court case to go. Manifort will we no more then a year in jail when it’s all done and you retards still won’t have your Russian collision. Go head and keep touching your self, but you will come to see that you really got nothing to be happy about.
Well, what about Hillary?

Betwixt her and her legal counsel.

Seriously, she's going to need a legal council. I hope all those concessions she gave to the Russians brought her alot of money.

Legal counsel......for imaginary charges? I think an imaginary counsel would do just fine.

I nominate Barney the Purple Dinosaur ESQ. He used his TV money to get his law degree from Texas A&M.

Again, your boy failed. Again. I get you libtards gotta take any victory you can get, but in the end you will have president Trump in 2020. Russiagate has failed. Not even in the news anymore.

8 felony convictions totally up to 80 years in prison and 8 felony pleas from Micheal alone.

But you keep rocking back and forth, telling yourself that nothing is happening. Mueller will keep investigating, finding criminals, and prosecuting them.


Michael Coun, you are more retarded then I fire thought. So, Cohen will go to prison with Trump for a billion years over campaigne finance violations ? Is that what you are saying?
One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?
This proves that Trump had criminals running his campaign.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Hopefully this is another step toward making Trump accountable for his actions.


Hillary compromised National security, used a PRIVATE server for Confidential National issues, had the drives destroyed and smashed to pieces, lied about it, had the FBI cover it up .......

And not even a smidgen of charges.........

If you don't see this as a major problem with the Justice system, you're ALL fools.
Republicans run everything. Bring up charges., about that. The problem is that they've already done the investigations. The IG found no evidence that political bias played a role in any investigative decision. And the FBI found no evidence of crimes by Hillary.

But they ignore the IG report and the FBI findings. ANd instead cling to their batshit 'deep state' conspiracy theory. And then wonder why actual criminal proceedings aren't occurring based on their imagination.

Its a source of profound confusion for conspiracy theorists everywhere. The Truthers and Birthers think the same thing.
Look at all these desperate liberals trying to link this to Trump. It's truly pathetic. They can't being Trump down, so they cheer when any of his former colleagues or acquaintances are convicted of breaking the law. Somehow they believe it to be an indictment... on his character.

(smiles slyly)

I hope Trump pardons him. It will be the 4th of July all over again when liberal heads across this board and America explode.
Trump picks the best people. He says so himself.
One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?
This proves that Trump had criminals running his campaign.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Hopefully this is another step toward making Trump accountable for his actions.


Hillary compromised National security, used a PRIVATE server for Confidential National issues, had the drives destroyed and smashed to pieces, lied about it, had the FBI cover it up .......

And not even a smidgen of charges.........

If you don't see this as a major problem with the Justice system, you're ALL fools.
Republicans run everything. Bring up charges., about that. The problem is that they've already done the investigations. The IG found no evidence that political bias played a role in any investigative decision. And the FBI found no evidence of crimes by Hillary.

But they ignore the IG report and the FBI findings. ANd instead cling to their batshit 'deep state' conspiracy theory. And then wonder why actual criminal proceedings aren't occurring based on their imagination.

Its a source of profound confusion for conspiracy theorists everywhere. The Truthers and Birthers think the same thing.

You are indeed stupid and not really telling the truth. But go on.
Betwixt her and her legal counsel.

Seriously, she's going to need a legal council. I hope all those concessions she gave to the Russians brought her alot of money.

Legal counsel......for imaginary charges? I think an imaginary counsel would do just fine.

I nominate Barney the Purple Dinosaur ESQ. He used his TV money to get his law degree from Texas A&M.

Again, your boy failed. Again. I get you libtards gotta take any victory you can get, but in the end you will have president Trump in 2020. Russiagate has failed. Not even in the news anymore.

8 felony convictions totally up to 80 years in prison and 8 felony pleas from Micheal alone.

But you keep rocking back and forth, telling yourself that nothing is happening. Mueller will keep investigating, finding criminals, and prosecuting them.


Michael Coun, you are more retarded then I fire thought. So, Cohen will go to prison with Trump for a billion years over campaigne finance violations ? Is that what you are saying?

I'm saying what I said. That Micheal Cohen has plead guilty to 8 felonies today.

What I didn't tell you, but was just as that Cohen also likely threw Trump under the bus in the process.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court Tuesday to eight criminal counts, admitting that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office" he acted to keep information that would have been harmful to the candidate and the campaign from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen plea deal - CNNPolitics

Hmmm.....I wonder who that candidate could have been? You know, the one that Cohen admitted to coordinating and receiving direction from?

Mystery, mystery.
Look at all these desperate liberals trying to link this to Trump. It's truly pathetic. They can't being Trump down, so they cheer when any of his former colleagues or acquaintances are convicted of breaking the law. Somehow they believe it to be an indictment... on his character.

(smiles slyly)

I hope Trump pardons him. It will be the 4th of July all over again when liberal heads across this board and America explode.
Trump picks the best people. He says so himself.

Clearly not true, but you're dumb enough to take his statements at face value. Do you really think I believed him when said "I pick the best people"? No. much of it has to do with Rump?
This proves that Trump had criminals running his campaign.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Hopefully this is another step toward making Trump accountable for his actions.


Hillary compromised National security, used a PRIVATE server for Confidential National issues, had the drives destroyed and smashed to pieces, lied about it, had the FBI cover it up .......

And not even a smidgen of charges.........

If you don't see this as a major problem with the Justice system, you're ALL fools.
Republicans run everything. Bring up charges., about that. The problem is that they've already done the investigations. The IG found no evidence that political bias played a role in any investigative decision. And the FBI found no evidence of crimes by Hillary.

But they ignore the IG report and the FBI findings. ANd instead cling to their batshit 'deep state' conspiracy theory. And then wonder why actual criminal proceedings aren't occurring based on their imagination.

Its a source of profound confusion for conspiracy theorists everywhere. The Truthers and Birthers think the same thing.

You are indeed stupid and not really telling the truth. But go on.

I'm just informed. I've read the IG report finding no evidence that political bias affected investigative decisions. I've read the FBI findings no evidence of criminal wrong doing by Hillary over the emails. I've read the Deputy Attorney General's order seating the Special Counsel.

We have a lovely pattern, you and I. You keep denying things happened. And I keep presenting the evidence that demonstrates they did.
Hmmm.....I wonder who that candidate could have been? You know, the one that Cohen admitted to coordinating and receiving direction from?
And you can be sure that, if trump is dumb enough to let Mueller interview him, that will be one of the questions.
Seriously, she's going to need a legal council. I hope all those concessions she gave to the Russians brought her alot of money.

Legal counsel......for imaginary charges? I think an imaginary counsel would do just fine.

I nominate Barney the Purple Dinosaur ESQ. He used his TV money to get his law degree from Texas A&M.

Again, your boy failed. Again. I get you libtards gotta take any victory you can get, but in the end you will have president Trump in 2020. Russiagate has failed. Not even in the news anymore.

8 felony convictions totally up to 80 years in prison and 8 felony pleas from Micheal alone.

But you keep rocking back and forth, telling yourself that nothing is happening. Mueller will keep investigating, finding criminals, and prosecuting them.


Michael Coun, you are more retarded then I fire thought. So, Cohen will go to prison with Trump for a billion years over campaigne finance violations ? Is that what you are saying?

I'm saying what I said. That Micheal Cohen has plead guilty to 8 felonies today.

What I didn't tell you, but was just as that Cohen also likely threw Trump under the bus in the process.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court Tuesday to eight criminal counts, admitting that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office" he acted to keep information that would have been harmful to the candidate and the campaign from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen plea deal - CNNPolitics

Hmmm.....I wonder who that candidate could have been? You know, the one that Cohen admitted to coordinating and receiving direction from?

Mystery, mystery.

I’m saying you are skipping over facts and quoting the TV. Stay tuned. In three months I’ll be rubbing yalls nose in your shit. It will be fun!
Well, what about Hillary?

Betwixt her and her legal counsel.

Seriously, she's going to need a legal council. I hope all those concessions she gave to the Russians brought her alot of money.

Legal counsel......for imaginary charges? I think an imaginary counsel would do just fine.

I nominate Barney the Purple Dinosaur ESQ. He used his TV money to get his law degree from Texas A&M.

Again, your boy failed. Again. I get you libtards gotta take any victory you can get, but in the end you will have president Trump in 2020. Russiagate has failed. Not even in the news anymore.

8 felony convictions totally up to 80 years in prison and 8 felony pleas from Micheal alone.

But you keep rocking back and forth, telling yourself that nothing is happening. Mueller will keep investigating, finding criminals, and prosecuting them.


LOL. So, how far outside of the scope of Mueller's mandate is he allowed to go?
This proves that Trump had criminals running his campaign.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Hopefully this is another step toward making Trump accountable for his actions.


Hillary compromised National security, used a PRIVATE server for Confidential National issues, had the drives destroyed and smashed to pieces, lied about it, had the FBI cover it up .......

And not even a smidgen of charges.........

If you don't see this as a major problem with the Justice system, you're ALL fools.
Republicans run everything. Bring up charges., about that. The problem is that they've already done the investigations. The IG found no evidence that political bias played a role in any investigative decision. And the FBI found no evidence of crimes by Hillary.

But they ignore the IG report and the FBI findings. ANd instead cling to their batshit 'deep state' conspiracy theory. And then wonder why actual criminal proceedings aren't occurring based on their imagination.

Its a source of profound confusion for conspiracy theorists everywhere. The Truthers and Birthers think the same thing.

You are indeed stupid and not really telling the truth. But go on.

I'm just informed. I've read the IG report finding no evidence that political bias affected investigative decisions. I've read the FBI findings no evidence of criminal wrong doing by Hillary over the emails. I've read the Deputy Attorney General's order seating the Special Counsel.

We have a lovely pattern, you and I. You keep denying things happened. And I keep presenting the evidence that demonstrates they did.

You are FAR from informed and at best you read comeys book. Libtards are to lazy to read facts. Back to Cohen and campaigne finance violations. You imply that since Manifort fails to bring Trump down, that this campaign violation stuff will bring the Trump down?

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