Manafort's Home Raided by The FBI

No credibility for whatever Mueller finds. He's shot himself in his own foot putting together such a partisan team.
^ Here's one who would still vote for Trump if he murdered someone in the middle of 5th Avenue :laugh:
Interesting. Manafort's lawyer is a law partner with Mueller.What a tangled web this is.
ZOMG!!! the fix is in!

No it's a tangled web. Ivanka and Jared's lawyers are with Mueller's law firm as well. Including Jamie Gorelick. Got a lot of players here.

Look up WilmerHale and get a reality check. You are spinning, as usual.

Not spinning at all Sparky. Mueller hangs with mega Dems. Hell's bells Ivanka and Jared's lawyer Gorelick is representing Chicago vs Trump on sanctuary cities.

Gossip. I bet you watch the Kardashians, too.

You need to get up to speed. Jamie is good buddies with Rahm. He hired her in January. Clinton allies.

"According to Crain’s Chicago Business, Emanuel’s administration has hired Wilmer Hale’s Jamie Gorelick, who was a Clinton Justice Department official at the time Emanuel served as a Clinton White House aide."

Now she's also representing Chicago in the battle over sanctuary cities.

Rahm Emanuel Hires Former Clinton Administration Ally To Defend Chicago In Federal Probe

Among them is Jamie Gorelick, who served as the deputy attorney general, the No. 2 spot at the Justice Department, during the Clinton administration. Gorelick has been working on the other side of a White House fight, as the attorney leading Jared Kushner’s legal team in its response to the special counsel investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election that has expanded to probe Kushner’s finances. She handed over much of that work to another attorney in July.

Chicago is bringing serious ammunition to its fight against Jeff Sessions

ETA: I don't have any television. Wouldn't want to waste a lick of breath watching anything like the Kardashians.
From Reuters:
FBI raided home of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort in July to seize documents: report""""
"Raid" is an inflammatory word deliberately used to get your heat up. Don't fall for cheap tricks like that.

"Predawn" means it was still dark and Manafort wasn't expecting anyone for breakfast, either. That's a raid to me.
So by "RAID" you mean an FBI tactical team surrounded the home on all sides and burst through front, side, and rear entrances with weapons drawn. Manafort and his moll were dragged from the home with their hands zip-tied behind them wearing ballistic vests (so their neighbors couldn't shoot them dead), thrown into black SUVs and taken to undisclosed destinations, right?

No? Then is wasn't a "RAID", shithead.
I have an anonymous source saying that's exactly what happened
No credibility for whatever Mueller finds. He's shot himself in his own foot putting together such a partisan team.
^ Here's one who would still vote for Trump if he murdered someone in the middle of 5th Avenue :laugh:
ZOMG!!! the fix is in!

No it's a tangled web. Ivanka and Jared's lawyers are with Mueller's law firm as well. Including Jamie Gorelick. Got a lot of players here.

Look up WilmerHale and get a reality check. You are spinning, as usual.

Not spinning at all Sparky. Mueller hangs with mega Dems. Hell's bells Ivanka and Jared's lawyer Gorelick is representing Chicago vs Trump on sanctuary cities.

Gossip. I bet you watch the Kardashians, too.

You need to get up to speed. Jamie is good buddies with Rahm. He hired her in January. Clinton allies.

"According to Crain’s Chicago Business, Emanuel’s administration has hired Wilmer Hale’s Jamie Gorelick, who was a Clinton Justice Department official at the time Emanuel served as a Clinton White House aide."

Now she's also representing Chicago in the battle over sanctuary cities.

Rahm Emanuel Hires Former Clinton Administration Ally To Defend Chicago In Federal Probe

Among them is Jamie Gorelick, who served as the deputy attorney general, the No. 2 spot at the Justice Department, during the Clinton administration. Gorelick has been working on the other side of a White House fight, as the attorney leading Jared Kushner’s legal team in its response to the special counsel investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election that has expanded to probe Kushner’s finances. She handed over much of that work to another attorney in July.

Chicago is bringing serious ammunition to its fight against Jeff Sessions

So? As long as their is no conflict of interest within the firm, these people are free to work for anyone who wants to hire them. You're not making a case here for anything, no pun intended.
So by "RAID" you mean an FBI tactical team surrounded the home on all sides and burst through front, side, and rear entrances with weapons drawn. Manafort and his moll were dragged from the home with their hands zip-tied behind them wearing ballistic vests (so their neighbors couldn't shoot them dead), thrown into black SUVs and taken to undisclosed destinations, right?

No? Then is wasn't a "RAID", shithead.
The Logical Fallacies: Too Narrow
So by "RAID" you mean an FBI tactical team surrounded the home on all sides and burst through front, side, and rear entrances with weapons drawn. Manafort and his moll were dragged from the home with their hands zip-tied behind them wearing ballistic vests (so their neighbors couldn't shoot them dead), thrown into black SUVs and taken to undisclosed destinations, right?

No? Then is wasn't a "RAID", shithead.
I have an anonymous source saying that's exactly what happened

Tom Horn watches too much TV.

I know someone who was literally raided at dawn last year, by one of the largest sheriff's departments in the country. I will leave it at that as far as geography. Did they break down his door? No. There were seven deputies, four squad cars and they gained entrance by announcing from a bullhorn that they were in front of his house. His housekeeper let the deputies in and they searched his house while he got dressed and waited in the hallway. All very civil. They found nothing. The next day it was all over.

And yes: the deputies were armed. They did indeed have their guns pointed at this person's house when they literally woke everyone up in the neighborhood with their bullhorn announcement.

And this person referred to it as a raid. Not an invitation.
So by "RAID" you mean an FBI tactical team surrounded the home on all sides and burst through front, side, and rear entrances with weapons drawn. Manafort and his moll were dragged from the home with their hands zip-tied behind them wearing ballistic vests (so their neighbors couldn't shoot them dead), thrown into black SUVs and taken to undisclosed destinations, right?

No? Then is wasn't a "RAID", shithead.
I have an anonymous source saying that's exactly what happened

Tom Horn watches too much TV.

I know someone who was literally raided at dawn last year, by one of the largest sheriff's departments in the country. I will leave it at that as far as geography. Did they break down his door? No. There were seven deputies, four squad cars and they gained entrance by announcing from a bullhorn that they were in front of his house. His housekeeper let the deputies in and they searched his house while he got dressed and waited in the hallway. All very civil. They found nothing. The next day it was all over.
sorry, mon. if no helicopter was involved, then it does not qualify as a RAID. i read it somewhere.
Interesting. Manafort's lawyer is a law partner with Mueller.What a tangled web this is.
Mueller's team is leaking. Just read that at the Hill. But OH MY there won't be any leaks from the Special Counsel.


Would you like to reference that in The Hill article or just rely on your fellow braindead companions to take it as fact?

Good morning! Here you go Sparky! Shows Mueller's team is loaded with left wing partisan pigs.

"The agents had a search warrant to seize materials from Manafort's residence in Alexandria, Va., the Post reports, citing people familiar with the special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling."

FBI agents raided Manafort's home in July
people familiar with the special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation

That includes the people next door going "WTF cops!" and the entire planet

What's your point? Someone on Mueller's team told someone else who leaked it?

Fuck off douche bag.


You watch too much television. You have no proof of anything. Try facts. Facts are fun.
Tom Horn watches too much TV.

I know someone who was literally raided at dawn last year, by one of the largest sheriff's departments in the country. I will leave it at that as far as geography. Did they break down his door? No. There were seven deputies, four squad cars and they gained entrance by announcing from a bullhorn that they were in front of his house. His housekeeper let the deputies in and they searched his house while he got dressed and waited in the hallway. All very civil. They found nothing. The next day it was all over.

And yes: the deputies were armed. They did indeed have their guns pointed at this person's house when they literally woke everyone up in the neighborhood with their bullhorn announcement.

I don't watch TV, mutt and I also don't give a flip about your little story that's probably something you saw on TV. There was no "RAID" on the Manafort home so STFU.
No credibility for whatever Mueller finds. He's shot himself in his own foot putting together such a partisan team.
^ Here's one who would still vote for Trump if he murdered someone in the middle of 5th Avenue :laugh:
ZOMG!!! the fix is in!

No it's a tangled web. Ivanka and Jared's lawyers are with Mueller's law firm as well. Including Jamie Gorelick. Got a lot of players here.

Look up WilmerHale and get a reality check. You are spinning, as usual.

Not spinning at all Sparky. Mueller hangs with mega Dems. Hell's bells Ivanka and Jared's lawyer Gorelick is representing Chicago vs Trump on sanctuary cities.

Gossip. I bet you watch the Kardashians, too.

You need to get up to speed. Jamie is good buddies with Rahm. He hired her in January. Clinton allies.

"According to Crain’s Chicago Business, Emanuel’s administration has hired Wilmer Hale’s Jamie Gorelick, who was a Clinton Justice Department official at the time Emanuel served as a Clinton White House aide."

Now she's also representing Chicago in the battle over sanctuary cities.

Rahm Emanuel Hires Former Clinton Administration Ally To Defend Chicago In Federal Probe

Among them is Jamie Gorelick, who served as the deputy attorney general, the No. 2 spot at the Justice Department, during the Clinton administration. Gorelick has been working on the other side of a White House fight, as the attorney leading Jared Kushner’s legal team in its response to the special counsel investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election that has expanded to probe Kushner’s finances. She handed over much of that work to another attorney in July.

Chicago is bringing serious ammunition to its fight against Jeff Sessions

ETA: I don't have any television. Wouldn't want to waste a lick of breath watching anything like the Kardashians.

Right wing radio, hmmm? Got it.
Breitbart and Mark Levin are a waste of your time, too.
Tom Horn watches too much TV.

I know someone who was literally raided at dawn last year, by one of the largest sheriff's departments in the country. I will leave it at that as far as geography. Did they break down his door? No. There were seven deputies, four squad cars and they gained entrance by announcing from a bullhorn that they were in front of his house. His housekeeper let the deputies in and they searched his house while he got dressed and waited in the hallway. All very civil. They found nothing. The next day it was all over.

And yes: the deputies were armed. They did indeed have their guns pointed at this person's house when they literally woke everyone up in the neighborhood with their bullhorn announcement.

I don't watch TV, mutt and I also don't give a flip about your little story that's probably something you saw on TV. There was no "RAID" on the Manafort home so STFU.

I don't make stuff up, I just post the facts. Something you have little knowledge of much less even acquaintance.
And loyal Democrats flock to AlGore's First Universal Church of Global-what-the-fuck to pray for civil war. But they're conflicted. Not sure whether they want World War III (North Korea) or American Civil War II first.
"FBI agents executed a search warrant at one of Mr. Manafort's residences. Mr. Manafort has consistently cooperated with law enforcement and other serious inquiries and did so on this occasion as well," Jason Maloni, a spokesman for Manafort, told CNN. He declined to provide further details.

The so-called no-knock warrant, which was first reported by The Washington Post, was served at Manafort's home in Washington's northern Virginia suburbs on July 26, the day after Manafort met with Senate intelligence committee investigators.

FBI raided Manafort home as part of Russia probe - CNNPolitics

Manafort verifies the raid

Aren't you embarassed yet, deplorables?

Or is he fake news too?
So by "RAID" you mean an FBI tactical team surrounded the home on all sides and burst through front, side, and rear entrances with weapons drawn. Manafort and his moll were dragged from the home with their hands zip-tied behind them wearing ballistic vests (so their neighbors couldn't shoot them dead), thrown into black SUVs and taken to undisclosed destinations, right?

No? Then is wasn't a "RAID", shithead.
I have an anonymous source saying that's exactly what happened

Tom Horn watches too much TV.

I know someone who was literally raided at dawn last year, by one of the largest sheriff's departments in the country. I will leave it at that as far as geography. Did they break down his door? No. There were seven deputies, four squad cars and they gained entrance by announcing from a bullhorn that they were in front of his house. His housekeeper let the deputies in and they searched his house while he got dressed and waited in the hallway. All very civil. They found nothing. The next day it was all over.
sorry, mon. if no helicopter was involved, then it does not qualify as a RAID. i read it somewhere.

Then I guess our house was raided, years ago in Houston. Burglar broke into my house while we were gone and our neighbors called the cops. An HPD police helicopter actually showed up and circled while the cops broke into the house through the back door and nabbed the guy hiding in our bedroom closet.
"FBI agents executed a search warrant at one of Mr. Manafort's residences. Mr. Manafort has consistently cooperated with law enforcement and other serious inquiries and did so on this occasion as well," Jason Maloni, a spokesman for Manafort, told CNN. He declined to provide further details.

The so-called no-knock warrant, which was first reported by The Washington Post, was served at Manafort's home in Washington's northern Virginia suburbs on July 26, the day after Manafort met with Senate intelligence committee investigators.

FBI raided Manafort home as part of Russia probe - CNNPolitics

Manafort verifies the raid

Aren't you embarassed yet, deplorables?

Or is he fake news too?

They just want to believe what they want to believe. Facts be damned.

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