Many Americans Are Getting TRUMP DERANGEMENT FATIGUE as dems Continue to Froth at the Mouth


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
There's a new phenomenon happening that when you think about it, isn't that hard to fathom. It is true that virtually ten minutes after president Trump won the election, the dems have been crying, bitching, moaning, whining, and lately rioting and making up lies about the president, and it's been absolutely FEVER PITCH and CONSTANT. The dems believe must believe that if they keep this up they can derail the president agenda and limit his power, but what they DIDN'T think about is that this overwhelming, constant tidal wave of CRAP from them and their leftist media machine could BACK FIRE on them. So much of what they say is either hyperbole or outright lies that people are getting FED UP, and beginning to tune them out. It's really very simple, it's the age old story of the "little boy who cried wolf."

Me personally, I haven't watched a leftist news channel for decades, same goes for reading a leftist news story. The left to me represents everything that is unholy, perverted, illegal and un-American, and I don't want to hear or see any of it. Seems as though I'm not alone. The left, unable to bring their hysteria under control, is ultimately going to do nothing more than hurt themselves, and make president Trump stronger than ever with more dedicated support than they ever could have imagined.

Inside the Beltway: Democrats warned: Trump rage could backfire

Stop Shaming Trump Supporters

Watch: Ben Stein destroys CNN for constantly bashing Trump during live interview on CNN

Trump Outrage Fatigue
So you bubble headed leftards are glued to the democrat propaganda machine nightly for your fix of Trump bashing... so what?

The more you progs tune in, the more normal Americans tune out.

lol, how predictable. When Fox was winning, the ratings meant something to you RWnuts.

Goddam that's funny.
So you bubble headed leftards are glued to the democrat propaganda machine nightly for your fix of Trump bashing... so what?

The more you progs tune in, the more normal Americans tune out.

lol, how predictable. When Fox was winning, the ratings meant something to you RWnuts.

Goddam that's funny.
Didn't to me. You've never heard me give a damn about fox news. In fact I don't know anyone that does.
There's a new phenomenon happening that when you think about it, isn't that hard to fathom. It is true that virtually ten minutes after president Trump won the election, the dems have been crying, bitching, moaning, whining, and lately rioting and making up lies about the president, and it's been absolutely FEVER PITCH and CONSTANT. The dems believe must believe that if they keep this up they can derail the president agenda and limit his power, but what they DIDN'T think about is that this overwhelming, constant tidal wave of CRAP from them and their leftist media machine could BACK FIRE on them. So much of what they say is either hyperbole or outright lies that people are getting FED UP, and beginning to tune them out. It's really very simple, it's the age old story of the "little boy who cried wolf."

Me personally, I haven't watched a leftist news channel for decades, same goes for reading a leftist news story. The left to me represents everything that is unholy, perverted, illegal and un-American, and I don't want to hear or see any of it. Seems as though I'm not alone. The left, unable to bring their hysteria under control, is ultimately going to do nothing more than hurt themselves, and make president Trump stronger than ever with more dedicated support than they ever could have imagined.

Inside the Beltway: Democrats warned: Trump rage could backfire

Stop Shaming Trump Supporters

Watch: Ben Stein destroys CNN for constantly bashing Trump during live interview on CNN

Trump Outrage Fatigue

Stein was accurate. A guy who dared to defy the occult in Hollywood and came out as, oh no, a Conservative! That was it for Steins career, he's stated so himself. Nothing changes it seems as we see from the cancellation of Last Man Standing starring another person critical of the alt-left in Tim Allen. Maybe anyone outside of California or New York have no need to watch tv since none of it reflects their reality. I digress..

From Steins interview, which sums it up:

Later in the interview, Stein said the media is trying to do to Trump what they did to Nixon, explaining that the media is hyper-focusing on micro issues and blowing them into macro issues in order to negatively shift the public’s perception of Trump and his administration.

“They’re trying to undo [Trump] basically before he even gets started,” Stein explained. “I think it’s extremely unfortunate. The country has real problems and for them to be focusing on trying to bring down this guy before he even gets started is a serious mistake.”

Treasonous to undermine the president simply because you disagree with the election results. The country consists of more than billionaire entertainers and actors. Thank God.
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The Alt Right always cheered Fox in the ratings.

Now the loser Alt Right ignore Fox's fall in the ratings.

The cable ratings tell a different story:

Scoreboard: Wednesday, May 17

Ironic though that this is now a measuring stick for you, where were these ratings the last couple of years?

I would add also, people are probably curious as to why nothing is being done in government. Trumps hands are tied by obstruction by so many, and he still doesn't have a full cabinet! So of course people will watch the anti-Trump views as they aren't seeing his promises enacted and they falsely believe the media gospel will provide some answers. Sadly, all they will see is what Stein suggested, mountains being made of anthills while they try to avoid accountability.

As I said before, he is going to have to start taking jersey numbers and calling them out individually so that voters can choose at the ballot box what they want, change or obstruction.
The cable ratings tell a different story:

Scoreboard: Wednesday, May 17
So you bubble headed leftards are glued to the democrat propaganda machine nightly for your fix of Trump bashing... so what?

The more you progs tune in, the more normal Americans tune out.
at least when we make a wager, we keep it you rightard welcher :thup: I Guess Conservatives Will Have to Yell Even Louder: Obama's Approval Rating UP!
... :lol:
live in your little bubble head and irritate you that much.

... :lol:
is that another way of saying "I get no greater pleasure than to break my word"? :rofl:

You have no credibility welcher boi. Using that avie is also the ultimate ironic dishonor. :thup:
There's a new phenomenon happening that when you think about it, isn't that hard to fathom. It is true that virtually ten minutes after president Trump won the election, the dems have been crying, bitching, moaning, whining, and lately rioting and making up lies about the president, and it's been absolutely FEVER PITCH and CONSTANT. The dems believe must believe that if they keep this up they can derail the president agenda and limit his power, but what they DIDN'T think about is that this overwhelming, constant tidal wave of CRAP from them and their leftist media machine could BACK FIRE on them. So much of what they say is either hyperbole or outright lies that people are getting FED UP, and beginning to tune them out. It's really very simple, it's the age old story of the "little boy who cried wolf."

Me personally, I haven't watched a leftist news channel for decades, same goes for reading a leftist news story. The left to me represents everything that is unholy, perverted, illegal and un-American, and I don't want to hear or see any of it. Seems as though I'm not alone. The left, unable to bring their hysteria under control, is ultimately going to do nothing more than hurt themselves, and make president Trump stronger than ever with more dedicated support than they ever could have imagined.

Inside the Beltway: Democrats warned: Trump rage could backfire

Stop Shaming Trump Supporters

Watch: Ben Stein destroys CNN for constantly bashing Trump during live interview on CNN

Trump Outrage Fatigue
Just the opposite, between his base dying off and trump going into a heart attack mode, quite enjoyable really
There's a new phenomenon happening that when you think about it, isn't that hard to fathom. It is true that virtually ten minutes after president Trump won the election, the dems have been crying, bitching, moaning, whining, and lately rioting and making up lies about the president, and it's been absolutely FEVER PITCH and CONSTANT. The dems believe must believe that if they keep this up they can derail the president agenda and limit his power, but what they DIDN'T think about is that this overwhelming, constant tidal wave of CRAP from them and their leftist media machine could BACK FIRE on them. So much of what they say is either hyperbole or outright lies that people are getting FED UP, and beginning to tune them out. It's really very simple, it's the age old story of the "little boy who cried wolf."

Me personally, I haven't watched a leftist news channel for decades, same goes for reading a leftist news story. The left to me represents everything that is unholy, perverted, illegal and un-American, and I don't want to hear or see any of it. Seems as though I'm not alone. The left, unable to bring their hysteria under control, is ultimately going to do nothing more than hurt themselves, and make president Trump stronger than ever with more dedicated support than they ever could have imagined.

Inside the Beltway: Democrats warned: Trump rage could backfire

Stop Shaming Trump Supporters

Watch: Ben Stein destroys CNN for constantly bashing Trump during live interview on CNN

Trump Outrage Fatigue
Just the opposite, between his base dying off and trump going into a heart attack mode, quite enjoyable really
Well that's just not happening... sorry. There is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, that you progs can say or do that will make Trump supporters turn on him. All you do is harden his support, and make people sick you.

That's what's happening, and yes, it's enjoyable.
There's a new phenomenon happening that when you think about it, isn't that hard to fathom. It is true that virtually ten minutes after president Trump won the election, the dems have been crying, bitching, moaning, whining, and lately rioting and making up lies about the president, and it's been absolutely FEVER PITCH and CONSTANT. The dems believe must believe that if they keep this up they can derail the president agenda and limit his power, but what they DIDN'T think about is that this overwhelming, constant tidal wave of CRAP from them and their leftist media machine could BACK FIRE on them. So much of what they say is either hyperbole or outright lies that people are getting FED UP, and beginning to tune them out. It's really very simple, it's the age old story of the "little boy who cried wolf."

Me personally, I haven't watched a leftist news channel for decades, same goes for reading a leftist news story. The left to me represents everything that is unholy, perverted, illegal and un-American, and I don't want to hear or see any of it. Seems as though I'm not alone. The left, unable to bring their hysteria under control, is ultimately going to do nothing more than hurt themselves, and make president Trump stronger than ever with more dedicated support than they ever could have imagined.

Inside the Beltway: Democrats warned: Trump rage could backfire

Stop Shaming Trump Supporters

Watch: Ben Stein destroys CNN for constantly bashing Trump during live interview on CNN

Trump Outrage Fatigue

The good news is that it is just more of the same stuff that cost them the past three elections. You have the loud and vocal fringe minority that is attracted by this crap, but little by little, a lot of people in the middle who are gradually seeing that this does not represent them and want sane, sensible leadership moving us in a forward direction.

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