“Mar-a-Lago Security Tapes Were NOT DELETED” – Trump Accuses Jack Smith of Prosecutorial Misconduct, Illegal Leaks

"I expect that #4 has probably turn state’s witness since he’s not being prosecuted for his part in all of this."

Let's re-visit your 'expectation', DL.

In tonight's messaging there was this from the right-leaning web newsfeed 'The Hill' (publisher is longtime golf buddy with Don Trump). This kinda goes to the heart of your speculation:


Some 'taster' paragraphs:

"That’s why the defection of even a low-level employee to the prosecutors can be a turning point in an investigation, which brings us to “Trump Employee 4” in the superseding indictment (reportedly, Yuscil Taveras).

Employee 4 oversaw the surveillance camera footage at Mar-a-Lago. He went from minor employee to key player when in June 2022 a Trump attorney received a draft grand jury subpoena seeking the camera footage. The next day, Trump spoke for 24 minutes with Carlos De Oliveira, the Mar-a-Lago property manager. Trump’s personal valet, Walt Nauta, abruptly changed his travel plans to fly down to Florida and told De Oliveira to speak with Employee 4.

De Oliveira met with Employee 4 and, according to the superseding indictment, told him that their conversation should remain between the two of them.

The juggernaut impression of Smith’s investigations could set off a domino effect as panicked Trump employees rush to make cooperation deals before “the train leaves the station.”
Joe Biden is a lizard alien from Tralfamadore!

I want to bleev it, so it must be true!

You have a vax card, but you were CHOSEN not to get the shot, believe or not, THAT IS THE TRUTH....
You’re even dumber than the guy you’re voting for. A crime doesn’t have to succeed for it to be a conspiracy or for that conspiracy to be illegal.

Trump told his employees to delete the security tapes after he received a subpoena from DOJ and his employers faithfully tried to obey his orders. That’s obstruction of justice. Destroying evidence which is under subpoena, or even trying to destroy evidence, whether you succeed or not, is conspiracy to obstruct Justice.

All except for employee #4 who said he didn’t think he had the rights to do that. He could have been telling the truth or, he knew that what he was being asked to do was likely illegal, and he wasn’t going to get his ass thrown in jail, like everybody else who does what Trump tells them to do.

I expect that #4 has probably turn state’s witness since he’s not being prosecuted for his part in all of this.

How do you know they actually tried to delete the video?

BTW, I despise Trump. But I do support the truth. Regardless of what it is.
Jack Smith leaked this... its his SOP... this is why he gets overturned on appeal so many times... he is a snake and I would say that nationally on TV... he couldn't sue me because I'm pretty damn sure his name isn't Jack Smith... he is a anti American scumbag and I can't wait to see him brought down a peg by this judge....
An employee at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence drained the resort’s swimming pool last October and ended up flooding a room where computer servers containing surveillance video logs were kept, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.

/——-/ Sources say Lakota has Hunter Biden’s naked photo hanging on his bedroom ceiling——- sources say.
Well this is not really a shocker. This Smith guy is turning out to be a putz.

“Mar-a-Lago Security Tapes Were NOT DELETED” – Trump Accuses Jack Smith of Prosecutorial Misconduct, Illegal Leaks

President Trump on Sunday ripped Biden’s corrupt Justice Department in a series of Truth Social posts.

Last week Special Counsel Jack Smith hit Trump with a superseding indictment in the classified documents case and accused the former president of being a part of a scheme to delete Mar-a-Lago security tapes.

Trump was charged with three new counts, including one count for willful retention of national defense information related to a document he allegedly showed staffers at his Bedminster golf club.

Smith also charged a third defendant in Trump’s classified documents case on Thursday.

Jack Smith charged Carlos De Oliveira, a maintenance worker who helped Trump aide Walt Nauta move boxes of documents around at Mar-a-Lago.

Carlos De Oliveira, 56, was added to the obstruction conspiracy charges filed in the original charges.

According to the superseding indictment reviewed by The Gateway Pundit, Carlos De Oliveira told ‘Trump Employee 4’ that “the boss” [Trump] wanted the server at Mar-a-Lago deleted.

No security tapes were deleted.

Show where Smith said the tapes were deleted...
Well this is not really a shocker. This Smith guy is turning out to be a putz.
Psst, putz, Smith never claimed they were deleted.

Trump tried (and failed) to delete them, thus commiting a criminal act of obstruction of investigation.
How do you know they actually tried to delete the video?

BTW, I despise Trump. But I do support the truth. Regardless of what it is.

Because the witnesses said that Trump told them to delete the video. Doesn’t matter whether they tried to do it for him or not. The “ask” is illegal.

If you try to hire a hitman to kill your husband, you can be arrested whether or not you actually find a hitman or someone tries to kill your husband. You will be arrested for trying to hire someone to kill him.
His record is hardly pristine.
Or his outcomes impressive.
He was leading the DOJ's Public Integrity Section when Obama began the unlawful actions that attempted to fraudulently turn the election to Hilliary.
His motivation to keep himself out of prison is probably fairly high.

Courts usually end up rebuffing him.
What you think Jack Smith did is irrelevant to this discussion. I could counter it but it's an entirely different rabbit hole. Instead I'll repeat my previous point.

The moment Trump got indicted he got all the protections awarded to defendants. This includes the right to receive all the information that the prosecution has on him.

It also includes all the restrictions prosecutors have to abide by. One of those obvious restrictions is that they can't just make stuff up in their indictment.

You guys seem to be saying that Jack Smith is lying. Fine. This is easy to verify.

The indictment is HIGHLY specific. All these highly specific accusations laid out have to come from somewhere. The prosecution is OBLIGATED to tell the defense where they got those facts.

If, as you guys claim Jack Smith is full of it, undoubtedly the defense will point this out to Aileen Canon. If the prosecution doesn't have a really, and I mean REALLY good reason why allegations put in the indictment aren't supported by facts. Canon or for that matter any judge will dismiss the case, and Smith will not just be disbarred but probably charged himself.

Are you willing to wager this will happen? I'm prepared to give you good odds.
You have a vax card, but you were CHOSEN not to get the shot, believe or not, THAT IS THE TRUTH....
To poster G5000, to whom the above missive from poster EMH was directed: Do you know what the hell he is talking about? Sounds like either a part of a PM exchange; or, talking in code.

I'm just curious. Most especially so, as EMH is one of my forum favs. He and that CyberNinja fanboy, I forget his avatar name.

"Jack Smith leaked this... its his SOP... this is why he gets overturned on appeal so many times... he is a snake"

Ummm, no. No need for a leak. It is laid out for you in the superceding indictment filed late last week.

Read it.

You will be a contributor to this forum if you would.

His record is hardly pristine.
Or his outcomes impressive.
He was leading the DOJ's Public Integrity Section when Obama began the unlawful actions that attempted to fraudulently turn the election to Hilliary.
His motivation to keep himself out of prison is probably fairly high.

Courts usually end up rebuffing him.

What “unlawful actions” did Obama attempt to turn the election to Hillary?

Trump ordered multiple investigations of his claims that he was “spied on”, but there was absolutely no evidence of any such “unlawful actions”.

Trump spent four years trying to prosecute members of the Obama administration and nobody could find anything to charge anyone with.
What “unlawful actions” did Obama attempt to turn the election to Hillary?

Trump ordered multiple investigations of his claims that he was “spied on”, but there was absolutely no evidence of any such “unlawful actions”.

Trump spent four years trying to prosecute members of the Obama administration and nobody could find anything to charge anyone with.

This is a very unhealthy level of delusion.
An employee at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence drained the resort’s swimming pool last October and ended up flooding a room where computer servers containing surveillance video logs were kept, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.

Well, there you go, a perfectly innocent mistake. You WERE there to make sure it was on purpose, right? You wouldn't just be believing something you read online that confirms your bias, would you?
Well, there you go, a perfectly innocent mistake. You WERE there to make sure it was on purpose, right? You wouldn't just be believing something you read online that confirms your bias, would you?
Neither the article nor Lakhota claimed it was on purpose. Suspicious, yes. For certain criminal no.

The thing is though with what is claimed. Claimed in high detail in the indictment. The flooding of the server room is completely unnecessary to prove obstruction of justice, which is the charge.

I would even suggest that just going by what's in the public domain. Proving obstruction of justice isn't all that hard. The only thing basically required is showing the subpoena for the documents, the reply attesting to all documents subject to that subpoena being delivered, and showing the picture of the documents in Trump's office during the search warrant.

That's it. All you need. Unless Trump can somehow give a compelling reason for documents clearly subject under the language of the subpoena being found in his desk.

Of course the indictment makes many more and egregious and highly detailed claims but the meat of that particular charge is not really contested. Even by his own lawyers.
His record is hardly pristine.
Or his outcomes impressive.
He was leading the DOJ's Public Integrity Section when Obama began the unlawful actions that attempted to fraudulently turn the election to Hilliary.
His motivation to keep himself out of prison is probably fairly high.

Courts usually end up rebuffing him.

Well that’s vague and fact free. Basically, your post was lifted from Trump’s “America first policy Institute” website. Trump has a long, sad history of underestimating the people he’s up against.

Just because Trump tells you that Smith is incompetent and frequently overturned doesn’t mean it’s true.

Jack Smith is a lifelong Republican with a sterling reputation. The entire federal DOJ has a more than 90% conviction rate.

It is beyond creepy that the Cult will not tolerate even the slightest criticism of the MAGA God and viciously attacks and destroys anyone who dares hold him accountable for his openly criminal behaviour.

And yet not a single member of Trump’s former cabinet, has endorsed his campaign for presidency.

All of the witness at both of Trump’s impeachments, and at the January 6 Inquiry were Repulican. employees of the Administration. People Trump hired himself.

Even Trump’s family members are testifying against him, and refusing to endorse his campaign for president.

And still you believe.
Well that’s vague and fact free. Basically, your post was lifted from Trump’s “America first policy Institute” website. Trump has a long, sad history of underestimating the people he’s up against.

Just because Trump tells you that Smith is incompetent and frequently overturned doesn’t mean it’s true.

Jack Smith is a lifelong Republican with a sterling reputation. The entire federal DOJ has a more than 90% conviction rate.

It is beyond creepy that the Cult will not tolerate even the slightest criticism of the MAGA God and viciously attacks and destroys anyone who dares hold him accountable for his openly criminal behaviour.

And yet not a single member of Trump’s former cabinet, has endorsed his campaign for presidency.

All of the witness at both of Trump’s impeachments, and at the January 6 Inquiry were Repulican. employees of the Administration. People Trump hired himself.

Even Trump’s family members are testifying against him, and refusing to endorse his campaign for president.

And still you believe.

Do you not know that President Trump is not a news source?

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