Mark Levin outs himself as a traitor

We all remember how this SHIT BILL was kept locked away in the basement of the Rayburn Building and that any Congressman/Senator who went in to read it, could not bring a phone, any devices of any kind.. WTF KIND OF BANANA REPUBLIC is this?? THERE was a reason and thank GOD for Senator Jeff Sessions who sounded the alarm..
Regarding the three hated ones, I know Mark has gone after them but day after day during the primaries Levin trash talked Trump with more vigor.

But that's not what you said here:

...I never even heard from him against Boehner or McConnell or Ryan let alone the Democrats.

Levin takes on anyone who is not a Constitutional Conservative. During the primaries he stated his opinion on what the candidates were saying in the debates and through the process. That's what we're supposed to do in a primary, that's what a primary is about.

As to never trumpers? We just got it in our little heads that there wasn't a distinct movement to sabotage the nominee?

Are you kidding me? All the key players were completely up front with it. Red State, WSJ, Editor of the Daily Caller whose bitch tried to get Corey arrested with that fake assault, Senator Lee, Flake, how many players do you want me to list?

Trump supporters did not imagine this let alone come up with the bloody idea that it would be better for Hillary to win.

So... I write that you got it in your heads that Cruz supporters are all "nevertrumpers" and you totally distort what I said? MOST of the "nevertrumpers" are establishment GOP or libertarians... NOT Cruz supporters! The establishment loathed Cruz more than they feared Trump, that's how they ended up with Trump as the nominee... they couldn't get behind Cruz until there wasn't any other choice. By the time they did, it was too late, Trump had secured the nomination and the primary was over.

And I'm a firm believer that after the smoke clears you have to embrace your former opponents and their supporters so you can win the election. :)

Oh really? Well, is that what you think Trump did the day after the convention when he went on the attack of Ted Cruz and his family once more? For nearly a week, we had to tolerate loudmouth Trumpsters kicking us in the nuts and calling us every name in the book, smearing and besmirching our candidate day after fucking day. And we're STILL seeing it from time to time. It didn't subside until the poll numbers started tanking and Trump realized the error he had made.
Mark Levin outlined his reasons why he's not voting for Trump. (after dedicating whole show to trashing him)

It can't be seen as a matter of preference.

The Democrat party is not the second opinion of Americanism, they are immersed in Socialist agenda. Karl Marx was not American, The government he spawned were mass murderers.

We are at a crossroads in our country, are we going to continue down the same Socialist path that is screwing the whole country up , or are we going to make an attempt at reform?

Mark Levin has had a good time, making money and acting like a conservative , but at the end of the day, he's all for the Socialist status quo.

Attempting to take away voted from the Republican nominee and losing to the Supreme court to Socialists, is not a light issue.

Anyone who doesn't vote for Orange Jesus is a

Oh and he's a screamer. I hate that. I can hear just fine....if not I can turn it up.

Here is where you can download his entire show (podcast):
Audio Rewind

Now Kat... I guess I am different than you... I actually listen to the content of what someone is saying and that is far more important to me than how it is packaged. Yes, he gets wound up and screams, he has a high-pitched voice that some may find annoying. But you see... those are superficial things to me, I can overlook those annoyances for the sake of the message. Like with Ted Cruz... maybe he has a funny looking face... uses a little too much pomade in his hair... none of that matters to me. It is FAR FAR FAR more important what the man says!

When it comes to the Constitution and articulating our founding principles as the framers intended, Mark Levin knows his stuff. Because of his stellar legal background, he is head and shoulders above most talk show hosts. He is a brilliant conservative mind and one of the best of our time at articulating Constitutional Conservatism.
I'm pretty much in line with Levin. I have nothing against Trump personally, I just don't believe he is a Conservative and I don't believe he will fight for Conservative principles. The problem is, there isn't a candidate who will this time... it's either Trump or a Marxist-Socialist.
My position as well. America's like a diabetes patient. Either lose the foot or die. Bad choice but sometimes that's all we have. I was/am a Cruz guy. Unfortunately others gave us THESE two choices.
Mark Levin has had a good time, making money and acting like a conservative , but at the end of the day, he's all for the Socialist status quo..
Okay, wait a minute, hold it.

Goddamn it.

After months and months of trying to figure out Trump's appeal, many conversations with his supporters here, and reading many posts of support for him, I finally figure I at least have a handle on it: It's no longer about conservative vs. liberal, it's establishment vs. anti-establishment.

And then you come along and say someone who doesn't support Trump is only ACTING like a conservative??? WE'RE BACK TO CONSERVATIVE VS. LIBERAL?

And are you really saying that Trump is a conservative???

Goddamn it. Just when I thought I had this figured out.

Oh this is not just a matter of diverse opinions. I know many of his listeners and I was one for years completely feel betrayed by Levin.

Mark has not only consistently attacked Trump but he's been attacking Trump supporters with a viciousness I never even heard from him against Boehner or McConnell or Ryan let alone the Democrats.

Funny, tonight he said the hildabitch can never be president. And I have been attacked by dumpsters because I didn't support him from the beginning, so has Levin. Trump will get my vote for one reason, the court.

The attacks unfortunately went both ways and waaaaaaaay over the top. In the beginning I had no problem whatsoever with two talkers Beck and Levin supporting Cruz.

And it's not who they supported that got under my skin at all.

It's when the people you have listened to for years start shredding their audience that it got seriously offensive.

All of us just battling it out on a message board is really no big smurf. But when you've listened for years, bought the books and been a loyal listener and they turn around and insult the shit out of the people that tune in daily there's blow back. Beck's empire is going down. People just stop tuning in.

Hell's bells between you and me I'm still hoping when the dust settles and I hope it settles right quick that Trump would pick Cruz for the SCOTUS. He's perfect!

So Beck and Levin should just sit quietly while dumpsters were sending them death threats for not supporting their guy? Anyone who is so self delusioned to think Trump is a real conservative need to have their heads examined. And heaven forbid Levin might actually point that fact out. Levin's values haven't changed, I don't think the same applies to many of the dumpsters.

You don't attack your audience. You're a bloody fool if you do. Hundreds of thousands of listeners who never sent him a death threat but he insulted the shit out of because we were just too damn stupid to support Cruz.

I listened as I had for years on end till one day, I didn't want to be insulted anymore. Just that simple. And Mark's lost a listener forever. And I'm not the only one. Ditto Beck. His empire is crumbling.

C'est la vie.

Feel free to think what you like, so will I.

My, oh my. What a generous guy. I love the way you are so polite with those you disagree with. Your example should be followed by all.
Levin picks and chooses his definition of Liberty and Constitutional Freedom to please himself.
Anybody who listens to him for 10 minutes knows he's full of it.
Funny, tonight he said the hildabitch can never be president. And I have been attacked by dumpsters because I didn't support him from the beginning, so has Levin. Trump will get my vote for one reason, the court.

The attacks unfortunately went both ways and waaaaaaaay over the top. In the beginning I had no problem whatsoever with two talkers Beck and Levin supporting Cruz.

And it's not who they supported that got under my skin at all.

It's when the people you have listened to for years start shredding their audience that it got seriously offensive.

All of us just battling it out on a message board is really no big smurf. But when you've listened for years, bought the books and been a loyal listener and they turn around and insult the shit out of the people that tune in daily there's blow back. Beck's empire is going down. People just stop tuning in.

Hell's bells between you and me I'm still hoping when the dust settles and I hope it settles right quick that Trump would pick Cruz for the SCOTUS. He's perfect!

So Beck and Levin should just sit quietly while dumpsters were sending them death threats for not supporting their guy? Anyone who is so self delusioned to think Trump is a real conservative need to have their heads examined. And heaven forbid Levin might actually point that fact out. Levin's values haven't changed, I don't think the same applies to many of the dumpsters.

You don't attack your audience. You're a bloody fool if you do. Hundreds of thousands of listeners who never sent him a death threat but he insulted the shit out of because we were just too damn stupid to support Cruz.

I listened as I had for years on end till one day, I didn't want to be insulted anymore. Just that simple. And Mark's lost a listener forever. And I'm not the only one. Ditto Beck. His empire is crumbling.

C'est la vie.

Feel free to think what you like, so will I.

My, oh my. What a generous guy. I love the way you are so polite with those you disagree with. Your example should be followed by all.
Coming from "Mr., go fuck yourself.".
Mark Levin outlined his reasons why he's not voting for Trump. (after dedicating whole show to trashing him)

It can't be seen as a matter of preference.

The Democrat party is not the second opinion of Americanism, they are immersed in Socialist agenda. Karl Marx was not American, The government he spawned were mass murderers.

We are at a crossroads in our country, are we going to continue down the same Socialist path that is screwing the whole country up , or are we going to make an attempt at reform?

Mark Levin has had a good time, making money and acting like a conservative , but at the end of the day, he's all for the Socialist status quo.

Attempting to take away voted from the Republican nominee and losing to the Supreme court to Socialists, is not a light issue.
He's a jew. So no surprise.
^Drumpf supporter
Mark Levin outlined his reasons why he's not voting for Trump. (after dedicating whole show to trashing him)

It can't be seen as a matter of preference.

The Democrat party is not the second opinion of Americanism, they are immersed in Socialist agenda. Karl Marx was not American, The government he spawned were mass murderers.

We are at a crossroads in our country, are we going to continue down the same Socialist path that is screwing the whole country up , or are we going to make an attempt at reform?

Mark Levin has had a good time, making money and acting like a conservative , but at the end of the day, he's all for the Socialist status quo.

Attempting to take away voted from the Republican nominee and losing to the Supreme court to Socialists, is not a light issue.

But Levin is voting for Trump.

Levin: 'I'm Going to Vote for Donald Trump' - Breitbart

What am I missing?
Oh this is not just a matter of diverse opinions. I know many of his listeners and I was one for years completely feel betrayed by Levin.

Mark has not only consistently attacked Trump but he's been attacking Trump supporters with a viciousness I never even heard from him against Boehner or McConnell or Ryan let alone the Democrats.

Levin has not attacked Trump. He has called him into question over things he has said, flip-flops, policy that doesn't jibe with Conservatism... that's being critical, not attacking. If you don't think he has gone after McConnell, Boehner and Ryan, you've not been listening to his show, he has eviscerated all three on numerous occasions. He doesn't attack Trump supporters... he has a short fuse when it comes to morons calling in to his show. If you're going to call in and challenge him, you better be wearing your asbestos underwear. That's just Levin's style and it is what has made him so wildly popular.

As for the Constitution and Conservatism, he gets it better than anyone else on talk radio. He knows what the hell he's talking about, he has done his homework, he has researched this stuff to no end and he doesn't mind educating mush-brains.

I don't feel the least bit betrayed by Levin, he has never stated that he wasn't going to vote for Trump! In fact, he even had Trump on his show once! Yes, he was a Cruz supporter, just as many of us Conservatives were Cruz supporters... it's the TRUMP crowd who turned rabid on US and somehow got it in their heads that we were all "nevertrumpers" for some odd reason. Cruz himself has not said that he won't vote for Trump... he just didn't endorse him.

Surely you understand that you can't turn everyone who doesn't worship Donald Trump into your adversary, right? I mean... that's a guaranteed losing strategy if that's what you're going to demand. There are some of us who are going to vote for Trump but disagree with many of his policy ideas and things he says.... and that's okay!

I listen to the talkers daily. My reception goes as far as WLS in Chicago so I pick up the best. I have no television whatsoever and only dial up out here in the middle of nowhere. And I have for eons.

Regarding the three hated ones, I know Mark has gone after them but day after day during the primaries Levin trash talked Trump with more vigor.

Hell's bells with more vigor than going after Hillary for crying out loud.

As to never trumpers? We just got it in our little heads that there wasn't a distinct movement to sabotage the nominee?

Are you kidding me? All the key players were completely up front with it. Red State, WSJ, Editor of the Daily Caller whose bitch tried to get Corey arrested with that fake assault, Senator Lee, Flake, how many players do you want me to list?

Trump supporters did not imagine this let alone come up with the bloody idea that it would be better for Hillary to win.

And I'm a firm believer that after the smoke clears you have to embrace your former opponents and their supporters so you can win the election. :)
They're ALL against you!
Levin seeing Trump for the charlatan that he is doesn't make him a traitor. It makes him intelligent.
Mark Levin outlined his reasons why he's not voting for Trump. (after dedicating whole show to trashing him)

It can't be seen as a matter of preference.

The Democrat party is not the second opinion of Americanism, they are immersed in Socialist agenda. Karl Marx was not American, The government he spawned were mass murderers.

We are at a crossroads in our country, are we going to continue down the same Socialist path that is screwing the whole country up , or are we going to make an attempt at reform?

Mark Levin has had a good time, making money and acting like a conservative , but at the end of the day, he's all for the Socialist status quo.

Attempting to take away voted from the Republican nominee and losing to the Supreme court to Socialists, is not a light issue.

Wow, a more foolish OP is hard to imagine. Wolfsrike has been bitten by the RED SCARE, hate fear and bigotry have convinced him that our economic structure has become tyrannical under the Democratic POTUS. In fact the only change in our economy since 2009 is it has been rescued since it near demise. We have always had a mixed economy, local police and sheriff, public roads & transportation - a public and private sector working together for the public good.
The attacks unfortunately went both ways and waaaaaaaay over the top. In the beginning I had no problem whatsoever with two talkers Beck and Levin supporting Cruz.

And it's not who they supported that got under my skin at all.

It's when the people you have listened to for years start shredding their audience that it got seriously offensive.

All of us just battling it out on a message board is really no big smurf. But when you've listened for years, bought the books and been a loyal listener and they turn around and insult the shit out of the people that tune in daily there's blow back. Beck's empire is going down. People just stop tuning in.

Hell's bells between you and me I'm still hoping when the dust settles and I hope it settles right quick that Trump would pick Cruz for the SCOTUS. He's perfect!

So Beck and Levin should just sit quietly while dumpsters were sending them death threats for not supporting their guy? Anyone who is so self delusioned to think Trump is a real conservative need to have their heads examined. And heaven forbid Levin might actually point that fact out. Levin's values haven't changed, I don't think the same applies to many of the dumpsters.

You don't attack your audience. You're a bloody fool if you do. Hundreds of thousands of listeners who never sent him a death threat but he insulted the shit out of because we were just too damn stupid to support Cruz.

I listened as I had for years on end till one day, I didn't want to be insulted anymore. Just that simple. And Mark's lost a listener forever. And I'm not the only one. Ditto Beck. His empire is crumbling.

C'est la vie.

Feel free to think what you like, so will I.

My, oh my. What a generous guy. I love the way you are so polite with those you disagree with. Your example should be followed by all.
Coming from "Mr., go fuck yourself.".

I've never told anyone here to "go fuck yourself". And...go get your sarcasm meter fixed.
Mark Levin outlined his reasons why he's not voting for Trump. (after dedicating whole show to trashing him)

It can't be seen as a matter of preference.

The Democrat party is not the second opinion of Americanism, they are immersed in Socialist agenda. Karl Marx was not American, The government he spawned were mass murderers.

We are at a crossroads in our country, are we going to continue down the same Socialist path that is screwing the whole country up , or are we going to make an attempt at reform?

Mark Levin has had a good time, making money and acting like a conservative , but at the end of the day, he's all for the Socialist status quo.

Attempting to take away voted from the Republican nominee and losing to the Supreme court to Socialists, is not a light issue.

I love watching you dickwads throw each other under the bus.

I love watching you idiots defend Hillary and her perv husband, how many bimbo's has he banged? Well okay I'll make it easier, how many has he banged this year?

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