Maryanne Trump Barry about Donald Trump

[ Honest Abe, remains Honest Abe, by any means possible]

John Eastman, the attorney who architected Donald Trump’s last-ditch legal strategy to overturn the 2020 election, revealed Friday that he routinely communicated with Trump either directly or via “six conduits” during the chaotic weeks that preceded the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

In a late-night court filing urging a federal judge to maintain the confidentiality of his work for Trump, Eastman provided the clearest insight yet into the blizzard of communications between Trump, his top aides, his campaign lawyers and the army of outside attorneys who were working to help reverse the outcome in a handful of states won by Joe Biden.

The filing also describes the direct role of Trump himself in developing strategy, detailing “two hand-written notes from former President Trump about information that he thought might be useful for the anticipated litigation.” Those notes are among the documents Eastman is seeking to shield via attorney-client privilege. Eastman said he would also speak directly with Trump by phone throughout his legal challenges to the election.

Eastman described these contacts and records as part of an effort to prevent the Jan. 6 select committee from accessing 600 emails that describe his efforts to build Trump’s legal gambit to reverse the 2020 election outcome — and, when that failed, urge state legislatures to simply overturn the results themselves. He argues that the documents are protected by attorney-client and attorney work product privileges that Congress has no business probing, even as the panel investigates the circumstances that led a mob of Trump supporters to attack the Capitol.

Eastman is also urging the judge, U.S. District Court Judge David Carter of California, to shield dozens of contacts with state legislators, some of whom he advised to appoint slates of pro-Trump electors, overriding the certified results of the popular vote in their states.

Eastman provides few details about the White House officials and attorneys with whom he was communicating, leaving their names out of the filing. But several of the attorneys filed declarations supporting Eastman’s descriptions of his work for Trump. Those declarations, filed under seal with the court, include attestations from Kurt Olsen, the lead lawyer in a Supreme Court lawsuit that Trump backed to overturn the election results, as well as Bruce Marks, a Pennsylvania lawyer who worked on Trump’s election litigation.

In making his case to Carter, Eastman provided an overview of the legal apparatus that mobilized to keep Trump in power after the election was called for Biden. He ticked through a series of cases that he worked on and described his contacts with the lawyers involved.

(full article online)

Donald Trump 's sister has told the truth about him to her niece Mary L. Trump.

Regardless of those truths, many have not heard or read them, and many have chosen to not believe or disregard what she has said.

But it is the truth, nevertheless, and a truth which shows where part of the country has gone to, or chosen to go to. Power. Power to control elections, power to control other people's rights. Power to not concede an election lost and do whatever can be done to overturn it. Power to take classified documents, leaving office as a citizen, to one's home.

If only more people would have listened to her words and others who have been warning, or had warned about Trump during his candidacy or afterwards. How long will it take?

I find it fascinating that anyone that says anything negative about Israel is a liar but you hold a different standard for Trump.
Over the years the Texas senator has gone from Trump's biggest foe to one of his most loyal allies.

Mr Cruz once called Trump a "pathological liar" and a "coward".

This week he is leading the charge in the US Senate against certifying President-elect Joe Biden's election win.

(vide video online)

Cruz likes to rub Trump's ass wth his beard.
McCain took bribes from Putin to support the Uranium One-Rosatom Deal.
That's why he opposed Trump.
That family is just as corrupt as the Romneys and Cheneys.

Nice revisionist propaganda though.
How'd you like to be in an FBI office & have to handle those documents that Trump stole after he jizzed all over them, halfwit?

You'll never get the stink of Trump's ass off ya.
How'd you like to be in an FBI office & have to handle those documents that Trump stole after he jizzed all over them, halfwit?

You'll never get the stink of Trump's ass off ya.
Ad ad hominem...
How psychotic!
Following the 2016 US presidential election, Manigault Newman became an official in the Trump administration, serving as assistant to the president and director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison until January 20, 2018, ABC News reported.

Her departure was announced days after Trump and several White House officials traveled to Jackson, Mississippi, in December 2017 for the opening of a civil-rights museum, a trip Manigault Newman said she helped organize.

"It didn't go so well because he was fascinated with looking at the KKK garb," Manigault Newman said during a clip of her latest reality-TV appearance. "He was obsessed with the white supremacist kind of display."

She also said that Trump, trusting a familiar face, would seek her advice on subjects outside her purview, such as Pentagon activities and veterans affairs, which she said "she had no business advising him on."

Additionally, Manigault Newman alleged that Trump once told her he had decided to bomb Syria — national security information she told "Big Brother VIP" she did not have the classification level to know.

"And so, I bounced. I said, 'Donald, I'm out. You need to really talk to your advisers,'" Manigault Newman said in the "Big Brother VIP" TikTok of that situation.

(full article online)

I find it fascinating that anyone that says anything negative about Israel is a liar but you hold a different standard for Trump.
Over 70% of American Jews did not vote for Trump. It does not mean that they hold a different standard to him and to Israel.

If people say something not true about Israel, Jews or Israel, it is ok to show them that they are wrong.

It is the same thing with Donald Trump.

There is lots of evidence on Trump on this thread, and many others from people who actually knew him, worked for him at his businesses or the White House.

What anyone chooses to believe is another story.
Following the 2016 US presidential election, Manigault Newman became an official in the Trump administration, serving as assistant to the president and director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison until January 20, 2018, ABC News reported.

Her departure was announced days after Trump and several White House officials traveled to Jackson, Mississippi, in December 2017 for the opening of a civil-rights museum, a trip Manigault Newman said she helped organize.

"It didn't go so well because he was fascinated with looking at the KKK garb," Manigault Newman said during a clip of her latest reality-TV appearance. "He was obsessed with the white supremacist kind of display."

She also said that Trump, trusting a familiar face, would seek her advice on subjects outside her purview, such as Pentagon activities and veterans affairs, which she said "she had no business advising him on."

Additionally, Manigault Newman alleged that Trump once told her he had decided to bomb Syria — national security information she told "Big Brother VIP" she did not have the classification level to know.

"And so, I bounced. I said, 'Donald, I'm out. You need to really talk to your advisers,'" Manigault Newman said in the "Big Brother VIP" TikTok of that situation.

(full article online)

Which is why Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
Any other bullshit you believe?
Over 70% of American Jews did not vote for Trump. It does not mean that they hold a different standard to him and to Israel.

If people say something not true about Israel, Jews or Israel, it is ok to show them that they are wrong.

It is the same thing with Donald Trump.

There is lots of evidence on Trump on this thread, and many others from people who actually knew him, worked for him at his businesses or the White House.

What anyone chooses to believe is another story.
Almost 100% of Observant Jews voted for Trump.
I have lots of guilt ridden Liberal Jewish relatives who aren't worth spit.
If you're one of them, I suggest you visit a psychiatrist.
By the way, every Liberal Jew I know loved neo-Con GW because he made them a fortune in the stock market.
I know full well that's all Liberals truly care about.
Donald Trump admitted his decision to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was made largely for Evangelical Christians, a community staunchly supportive of his presidency.

Speaking at a campaign rally in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, on Monday, the president also suggested that ”the evangelicals” were more enthusiastic about his decision than Jewish people.

(full article online)

Donald Trump admitted his decision to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was made largely for Evangelical Christians, a community staunchly supportive of his presidency.

Speaking at a campaign rally in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, on Monday, the president also suggested that ”the evangelicals” were more enthusiastic about his decision than Jewish people.

(full article online)

The president is in charge of foreign policy, if you did not know.
Donald Trump admitted his decision to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was made largely for Evangelical Christians, a community staunchly supportive of his presidency.

Speaking at a campaign rally in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, on Monday, the president also suggested that ”the evangelicals” were more enthusiastic about his decision than Jewish people.

(full article online)

Peace in mind.
How horrible!
If he were, he wouldn’t have appointed establishment fucks throughout his administration. He would have done something about police brutality after the George murder, thus avoiding the Summer of George. He would have fired Fauci immediately after the virus hit.

Now I’ll grant you he’s smarter and more capable than old demented Joe, but that isn’t saying much.
Well, I didn't say he was ethical, or capable of draining the swamp - what politician is? (Well, maybe Tulsi...)

And the Summer of George was actually the Summer of CovidCon Lockdowns; that's what the riots were about.
Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis on Wednesday castigated President Donald Trump as "the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people" in a forceful rebuke of his former boss as nationwide protests have intensified over the death of George Floyd.

"Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us," Mattis said in a statement obtained by CNN.

"We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children."

His pointed remarks follow more than a week of nationwide protests across the country calling for justice for Floyd, a black man who was killed last week by a white police officer in Minneapolis. In response, Trump earlier this week declared himself "your president of law and order" and vowed to return order to American streets using the military if widespread violence isn't quelled.

The comments from Mattis are a significant moment for a man who has kept mostly silent since leaving the administration. The retired Marine general had been pressed many times to comment on Trump, troop policies, the Pentagon, and other current events and had always refused because he didn't want to get involved and be a contradictory voice to the troops. Instead, Mattis always insisted he had said everything he wanted to say in his resignation letter.
And until a few days ago he had privately held to that view, but Mattis has become so distressed by the events of the last week that his views on speaking out changed.

The remarks will be a significant moment for many service members who idolize the former defense secretary, who -- despite a career based on loyalty and respect for the military chain-of-command -- is sending troops the message that the country can unite without the President's lead.

(full article online)

Ousted U.S. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer is speaking out about the events that led to his firing, calling President Donald Trump‘s intervention in a war crimes case “shocking and unprecedented.”

In an op-ed in The Washington Post, Spencer wrote that he was troubled by Trump’s involvement in the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher, who stood trial for multiple war crimes. In July, Gallagher was acquitted of murder in the death of a teen ISIS fighter but was convicted of posing with his corpse.

NBC reports Gallagher was demoted to petty officer first class and fined two months’ pay.

But earlier in November, Trump reversed Gallagher’s demotion. He then tweeted that he wouldn’t let the Navy strip Gallagher of his prestigious Navy SEALs Trident status.

“The Navy will NOT be taking away Warfighter and Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher’s Trident Pin,” Trump, 73, wrote. “This case was handled very badly from the beginning. Get back to business!”

On Sunday, Defense Secretary Mark Esper requested Spencer’s resignation. The ouster came after the Spencer went outside the chain of command to seek a further review process about whether Gallagher should retain his Trident status, according to NBC News.

Spencer, 65, sharply criticized Trump’s involvement in the Gallagher case in his op-ed, writing, “This was a shocking and unprecedented intervention in a low-level review. It was also a reminder that the president has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices.”

(full article online)


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