Massive Crowd in North Carolina Roared “USA, USA, USA” When President Trump Says He Ran Twice and He Won Twice

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That's how brainwashing works. I gave up over them a long time ago. They're not even advocating for bipartisanship which would be the bare minimum; communication and collaboration is the last of their objectives. They've been brainwashed to the point that they believe that anyone who isn't with Trump is evil. As I said, quite polarized view of politics.
Yeah, I've given up as well, at least online. I realized that we could take what they say and believe at face value: Whether you're a left winger, a right winger, or an independent, if you don't see the world their way, you're evil, you're demonic, you're satanic, you're their enemy, and they're at war with you.

It's why I'm comfortable calling them American Jihadis. The people who flew those planes into those towers on 9/11 thought THE SAME THING about those who didn't think just like they did.
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Yeah, I've given up as well, at least online. I realized that we could take what they say and believe at face value: Whether you're a left winger, a right winger, or an independent, if you don't see the world their way, you're evil, you're demonic, you're satanic, you're their enemy, and they're at war with you.

It's why I'm comfortable calling them American Jihadis. The people who flew those planes into those towers on 9/11 thought THE SAME THING about those who didn't think just like they did.
Meh. I just hope the younger generations will not be as stupid.
I'm a "foreigner piece of shit"? Oh, so we go along with the ad hominem now. Of course, when one runs out of arguments they start with the insulting. As I said, I (proudly) have the American citizenship so not sure how I'm a foreigner -- and even if I was, that's no reason to insult others. Biden is highly-approved abroad because his foreign policy is way better than Trump's, despite what Fox News' attempts into indoctrinating the average ignorant American into believing that Trump is basically Jesus 2.0.
You're a piece of shit because you support Biden.

How is Biden's foreign policy better than Trump's?

Under Biden:
  1. Disastrous withdraw from Afghanistan
  2. Russian invasion of Ukraine..
  3. massive invasion of illegal aliens
  4. Support for caving into Iran.
To name a few.
You're a piece of shit because you support Biden.

How is Biden's foreign policy better than Trump's?

Under Biden:
  1. Disastrous withdraw from Afghanistan
  2. Russian invasion of Ukraine..
  3. massive invasion of illegal aliens
  4. Support for caving into Iran.
To name a few.
I wasn't only called a "piece of shit", I was called a "foreigner piece of shit" -- that does not only highlight clear lack of maturity and ability to sustain a healthy debate, but also racism. Also, I never said I support Biden -- I'm actually quite against him. His social policies though are far better than Trump's ones. Economically, he's done worse, that's true -- but Trump didn't have to deal with a pandemic, a Russia-Ukraine war & an energetic crisis.
I wasn't only called a "piece of shit", I was called a "foreigner piece of shit" -- that does not only highlight clear lack of maturity and ability to sustain a healthy debate, but also racism. Also, I never said I support Biden -- I'm actually quite against him. His social policies though are far better than Trump's ones. Economically, he's done worse, that's true -- but Trump didn't have to deal with a pandemic, a Russia-Ukraine war & an energetic crisis.
You don't debate progs. That would presume they have the capacity to commit logic. Ridicule is the only thing they understand.
Communist piece of shit. We should ban anyone coming from what use to be known as the Warsaw pact countries
When I was born the Socialist Romania was long gone. But I'm sure an idiot like you wouldn't know even the basic principles of history. Poor, delusional conservative. I hope one day you'll wake up & realize how much time you've wasted on this forum trying to indoctrinate others with your hateful & ambiguous rhetoric.
Why did you come to America?
When I was 12. I'm 22 now, so that's 10 years. But even if I came here two days ago, I did it legally -- so that makes my opinion nothing less, and that certainly does not give you the right and the leverage to insult me (or others, as you've did countless times). I'm sure if it wasn't for your "donator" status you would've been long banned from this forum. Furthermore, the United States of America is literally a country built by immigrants - British, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese -- you name it.
When I was born the Socialist Romania was long gone. But I'm sure an idiot like you wouldn't know even the basic principles of history. Poor, delusional conservative. I hope one day you'll wake up & realize how much time you've wasted on this forum trying to indoctrinate others with your hateful & ambiguous rhetoric.
Oh so when the Warsaw pact went away the pro Warsaw pact supporters just poof vanished with it?
Thread closed, this topic seemed to have fallen off the cliff
even with the OPoster
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