Maui Burning

No, there can't be. Science is binary.

Something either is, or it isn't.

The Speed of Light is known. There is no consensus as to what it is.
That's not how new scientifc discoveries are made, dip shit.

And by the way, light is radiation. There is scientific consensus on that. Maybe you might get a wack job that would argue with that on Alex Jones or maybe Joe Rogan's show. Is that where you get your climate change info?
An anthropologist is not getting paid to support a fake 'consensus' of so-called 'climate scientists.' Sure, you stick to what makes you feel all comfy and cozy. If a sudden Ice Age happens I'd probably trust the geologist more anyway.
So you go to a botanist to get your ears checked?
Oh boy, consensus! A political term. Not a scientific one.

How predictable.
Why YESSIR! That 'consensus' is worth $$$$ in government grants ya know. Why shit, ya don't even hafta do notin' ........ jest say 'consensus' and government 'green' bucks fall from the fuckin' sky!!! :auiqs.jpg:
What a scumbag effort to be humorous.

Even on a Pacific island, if there are too many people consuming too much of a finite fresh water supply, this is what happens.

Hawaii should build desalination plants immediately.

Instead, they allow the Co2 FRAUD to misdiagnose and blame "warming" that does not exist, and would not cause it either.


  • Hottest temperature ever recorded: 100 F, Pahala, southern island of Hawaii, 4/27/1931
  • Coldest temperature ever recorded: 12 F, Mauna Kea north-central island of Hawaii, 5/17/1979
Well, this sucks. Lahaina is gone..or so news sources say and people that live there. ALL boats in the harbor are destroyed. People jumping in the ocean to escape the flames. Dead people laying in the street (that were not checked to see if they were dead and PRESUMED to be so. What if they just passed out from smoke inhalation?) . No no..just drive by and say "she can't be helped" without getting out of their car as they film. Jeez.
Anyway..shades of Paradise. I love that island, and especially that town. Gone. And the oldest tree on the island probably gone too...the famous Banyan tree. So many good memories...gone, like Paradise. So damn sad.

I was thinking about you when I heard this yesterday. I never would have thought Maui would have had such awful fires but the news said it had been really dry. This is so heartbreaking 😢
That's not how new scientifc discoveries are made, dip shit.

And by the way, light is radiation. There is scientific consensus on that. Maybe you might get a wack job that would argue with that on Alex Jones or maybe Joe Rogan's show. Is that where you get your climate change info?

No, there isn't consensus on that. It is a fact. It is not arguable. Consensus is aterm used for politics, not science.
I was thinking about you when I heard this yesterday. I never would have thought Maui would have had such awful fires but the news said it had been really dry. This is so heartbreaking 😢
Friends over there have been complaining about the drought for a long time and to them, it started when the pineapple plantations went kapoof. Big plans for all that land, but nothing really done. And way too many people moving to the islands. Not enough resources for them all...high prices for rentals and homes to purchase and now homeless for quite some time, which for a small island like Maui is literally a death sentence. Look at what San Fran USED to be like and what it is now. Maui has turned into one big San Fran...except where the tourists hang out. Kinda like Jamaica and Mexico except Mexico is drug cartel controlled. Maui is just....dying from lack of water and way too many people sucking up the resources...not counting air pollution, waters too warm for marine life and climate disruption from various sources.

Last time I was there, I was bummed driving from Kahului airport to the resorts we were staying at. All brown, dusty, dry. No pineapples growing mile after mile either. Once, you could pull over the side of the road and just pick a few to take to your room. Its been about 10 years since my last visit and I knew it would be our last. Just before Dennis died, he wanted to go one last time, but I was too afraid he would get sicker on the way and said no...all we had left was memories now. Then I planned to go next year to toss his ashes in the waters at Mile 17, but didn't think I could do it alone with my own health woes. words haunt me now. Memories are all I have left but I never dreamed the place we loved most would die like Paradise did.
But that does not dismiss the truth that stronger trade winds are also caused by increased surface temps of water.
But the Scientific American article states the trade winds have been REDUCED...not strengthened...and that is why Hawaii didn't get more rain.

The stage was set by drought conditions across various parts of the state’s islands, especially Maui. “This is the time of year when we start to dry out,” Bohlin says. That typical dryness has been exacerbated by weaker-than-normal trade winds that have kept rain away, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Drought dries out grasses and other vegetation, making them more likely to ignite in a wildfire.

Even on a Pacific island, if there are too many people consuming too much of a finite fresh water supply, this is what happens.

Hawaii should build desalination plants immediately.

Instead, they allow the Co2 FRAUD to misdiagnose and blame "warming" that does not exist, and would not cause it either.


  • Hottest temperature ever recorded: 100 F, Pahala, southern island of Hawaii, 4/27/1931
  • Coldest temperature ever recorded: 12 F, Mauna Kea north-central island of Hawaii, 5/17/1979
I was thinking about you when I heard this yesterday. I never would have thought Maui would have had such awful fires but the news said it had been really dry. This is so heartbreaking 😢

Dry and also a really strong tropical storm. There's been more significant cyclonic activity in the Pacific this year than in the Atlantic, although the peak of the Atlantic season hasn't quite happened yet.

But in this case, a really high pressure system pushed up against the low pressure cause by the hurricane and it fanned the winds.

And yeah, apparently drier than normal conditions. A perfect storm.

You don't like actual UNFUDGED DATA that clearly documents



So if Hawaii is not warming, why are your heroes claiming "warming" is causing the fires??

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