Maxine Wants An All-Black Party

I'm all for it.

Then we can go back to Bathrooms, Schools, neighborhoods, etc.

You Go Maxine...we'll support ya!
What is sad is that in Democrat circles she is on the list of possibles for whip.
It is bad enough that she is a key member of the finance the liberal loony world this woman is revered.
The way to make a party stronger isn't to fracture it but rather get everyone behind a few good ideas.

Waters is stupid for suggesting such a thing, because that is one way to keep the racial divide in place.
She pretty much already has one. Its called the Democratic Party. The Hispanics, the Loons and the Blacks are about all that is left, and the Hispanics will be gone when they find the jobs come from Trump.

Sounds like she wants to be rid of the New England Elitist Loons who have been telling Blacks how to vote for half a century while their situation gets worse and worse over the years.

Can't blame her for that.
And Rosie wants an all-women party.

Those Democrats are getting whittled down quick ... :laugh:

'Not At This Point'--Maxine Waters Won't Rule Out Forming An All-Black Party
Source : The far far far right Daily Caller..
why do you embarrass yourself like that?
Your lies about Waters keep becoming more ludicrous by the day.
Are you drinking the Kool-Aid out of Hildabeast's colostomy bag again?
It seems there isn't a source too loony and biased for your side to use.
Maxine Waters has more balls than Trump could even imagine.
She's the racist right's biggest nemesis. A strong black democratic woman.

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