Maybe I'm beginning to understand this Trump thing

sounds like how people feel about trump, huh?
Could be!
except they only feel that way so they can laugh at the destruction of the other side, right? now you're just tired of the whining your way and you don't care what people think. you just feel the way you do, end of story.

pretty much all there is to it from trump supporters at its core. seeing the left "melt down" is just kinda an added bonus.
My goodness, this just continues.

The only whining here is by the Trump supporters who are so grievously triggered by my little thread.

Suddenly my having an opinion is some kind of offense.

I really don't understand all this drama, but it's certainly becoming tedious.
you having an opinion is fine. love 'em to be honest.

but when people have a different opinion you pull into the "oh my goodness all i did was state my opinion" stance and act like others can't or shouldn't do the same thing.

i try to put this into common terms we can both understand and agree upon and you keep moving things around and/or getting mad at me for replying back to you.
he doesn't have an opinion. if he had, he would state it and move on. He can't, he has an objective to troll and be hateful at people he knows are smarter than him because they have the opposite view.
if that's how you feel about posts, why reply? i don't agree and at times actually like talking with him. if he keeps doing the troll-back up-troll routine then i'll eventually get tired of it and move on.

just don't see the need to banter back and forth with him if this is all you feel he's doing.
The only pain I'm feeling is a little irritation, where you're humping my leg.

You don't like my thread, and you're acting out. I get it, but I don't care.
sounds like how people feel about trump, huh?
Could be!
except they only feel that way so they can laugh at the destruction of the other side, right? now you're just tired of the whining your way and you don't care what people think. you just feel the way you do, end of story.

pretty much all there is to it from trump supporters at its core. seeing the left "melt down" is just kinda an added bonus.
My goodness, this just continues.

The only whining here is by the Trump supporters who are so grievously triggered by my little thread.

Suddenly my having an opinion is some kind of offense.

I really don't understand all this drama, but it's certainly becoming tedious.
you having an opinion is fine. love 'em to be honest.

but when people have a different opinion you pull into the "oh my goodness all i did was state my opinion" stance and act like others can't or shouldn't do the same thing.

i try to put this into common terms we can both understand and agree upon and you keep moving things around and/or getting mad at me for replying back to you.
We disagree about Trump. I think he's an embarrassment and a disgrace, and I have a theory as to why his followers choose to follow/defend him.

Some of his followers were okay with the post. You and a few others were not, and drama has ensued.

We're all delightfully entitled to our opinions. And some of the reactions have been pretty amazing to watch.

That's about as far as this goes for me. The rest has just been noise.
Could be!
except they only feel that way so they can laugh at the destruction of the other side, right? now you're just tired of the whining your way and you don't care what people think. you just feel the way you do, end of story.

pretty much all there is to it from trump supporters at its core. seeing the left "melt down" is just kinda an added bonus.
My goodness, this just continues.

The only whining here is by the Trump supporters who are so grievously triggered by my little thread.

Suddenly my having an opinion is some kind of offense.

I really don't understand all this drama, but it's certainly becoming tedious.
you having an opinion is fine. love 'em to be honest.

but when people have a different opinion you pull into the "oh my goodness all i did was state my opinion" stance and act like others can't or shouldn't do the same thing.

i try to put this into common terms we can both understand and agree upon and you keep moving things around and/or getting mad at me for replying back to you.
he doesn't have an opinion. if he had, he would state it and move on. He can't, he has an objective to troll and be hateful at people he knows are smarter than him because they have the opposite view.
if that's how you feel about posts, why reply? i don't agree and at times actually like talking with him. if he keeps doing the troll-back up-troll routine then i'll eventually get tired of it and move on.

just don't see the need to banter back and forth with him if this is all you feel he's doing.
honestly, I asked him over and over to make his point. he violated that effort by making a stupid comment about dog humping his leg or something.

And how I post at idiots is my time.

I stayed out of your banter until that last post because of what I wrote.
sounds like how people feel about trump, huh?
Could be!
except they only feel that way so they can laugh at the destruction of the other side, right? now you're just tired of the whining your way and you don't care what people think. you just feel the way you do, end of story.

pretty much all there is to it from trump supporters at its core. seeing the left "melt down" is just kinda an added bonus.
My goodness, this just continues.

The only whining here is by the Trump supporters who are so grievously triggered by my little thread.

Suddenly my having an opinion is some kind of offense.

I really don't understand all this drama, but it's certainly becoming tedious.
you having an opinion is fine. love 'em to be honest.

but when people have a different opinion you pull into the "oh my goodness all i did was state my opinion" stance and act like others can't or shouldn't do the same thing.

i try to put this into common terms we can both understand and agree upon and you keep moving things around and/or getting mad at me for replying back to you.
We disagree about Trump. I think he's an embarrassment and a disgrace, and I have a theory as to why his followers choose to follow/defend him.

Some of his followers were okay with the post. You and a few others were not, and drama has ensued.

We're all delightfully entitled to our opinions. And some of the reactions have been pretty amazing to watch.

That's about as far as this goes for me. The rest has just been noise.
wrong again.

i don't care about the post. post away. i just think you're searching for something you already "know" and in that slanted everything into what you wanted it to be / see from the outset.

i tried to explain that the trump defenders are a wide variety of people who can and do feel very differently about him. many agree and don't care. get shit done. many agree and are exactly what you say - BURN BABY BURN.

many just want to see both sides work together and are saddened by the fact that's at least 3+ more years away.

i know trump can and will be a dick. just don't care because the left never gave a shit about how i felt as they rammed the social goodness down our throats for 8 years. do i want to watch them burn now? hardly. again i'd rather we put the past down and pick up today and work for a better tomorrow.

but we don't seem as a culture to be ready to do that. we have to micro-analyze why people support trump.

when you got answers that didn't fall into your pre-conceived notion, you got frustrated. that's what i saw anyway.
except they only feel that way so they can laugh at the destruction of the other side, right? now you're just tired of the whining your way and you don't care what people think. you just feel the way you do, end of story.

pretty much all there is to it from trump supporters at its core. seeing the left "melt down" is just kinda an added bonus.
My goodness, this just continues.

The only whining here is by the Trump supporters who are so grievously triggered by my little thread.

Suddenly my having an opinion is some kind of offense.

I really don't understand all this drama, but it's certainly becoming tedious.
you having an opinion is fine. love 'em to be honest.

but when people have a different opinion you pull into the "oh my goodness all i did was state my opinion" stance and act like others can't or shouldn't do the same thing.

i try to put this into common terms we can both understand and agree upon and you keep moving things around and/or getting mad at me for replying back to you.
he doesn't have an opinion. if he had, he would state it and move on. He can't, he has an objective to troll and be hateful at people he knows are smarter than him because they have the opposite view.
if that's how you feel about posts, why reply? i don't agree and at times actually like talking with him. if he keeps doing the troll-back up-troll routine then i'll eventually get tired of it and move on.

just don't see the need to banter back and forth with him if this is all you feel he's doing.
honestly, I asked him over and over to make his point. he violated that effort by making a stupid comment about dog humping his leg or something.

And how I post at idiots is my time.

I stayed out of your banter until that last post because of what I wrote.
My OP is pretty clear. If you think you can communicate without personal insults and name-calling, I'm always happy to answer any questions.

If you're not, I'm not interested.
except they only feel that way so they can laugh at the destruction of the other side, right? now you're just tired of the whining your way and you don't care what people think. you just feel the way you do, end of story.

pretty much all there is to it from trump supporters at its core. seeing the left "melt down" is just kinda an added bonus.
My goodness, this just continues.

The only whining here is by the Trump supporters who are so grievously triggered by my little thread.

Suddenly my having an opinion is some kind of offense.

I really don't understand all this drama, but it's certainly becoming tedious.
you having an opinion is fine. love 'em to be honest.

but when people have a different opinion you pull into the "oh my goodness all i did was state my opinion" stance and act like others can't or shouldn't do the same thing.

i try to put this into common terms we can both understand and agree upon and you keep moving things around and/or getting mad at me for replying back to you.
he doesn't have an opinion. if he had, he would state it and move on. He can't, he has an objective to troll and be hateful at people he knows are smarter than him because they have the opposite view.
if that's how you feel about posts, why reply? i don't agree and at times actually like talking with him. if he keeps doing the troll-back up-troll routine then i'll eventually get tired of it and move on.

just don't see the need to banter back and forth with him if this is all you feel he's doing.
honestly, I asked him over and over to make his point. he violated that effort by making a stupid comment about dog humping his leg or something.

And how I post at idiots is my time.

I stayed out of your banter until that last post because of what I wrote.
no that's fine. i get what you're saying. but if you think he's a troll (and i do not) then why feed him or ANY troll is my question? not sure your goal out of that if you know nothing is going to change.

your time, your convo, have fun.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

To much thinking. The sky has yet to fall. Russians have yet to invade. All the hell promised has yet to come. So far all there has been is alot of sniveling.
You're 100% wrong. Russia invaded our election, our social media and our voter machines themselves.
So stop lying.
reasonable person can understand my concern regarding Trump in those areas.

That is the gist of it. Many may "understand", but we don't agree with it. Continually trying to hammer you "concern" (opinion) home has become counter-productive.

EDIT: The really sad part in your OP is that you are absolutely certain that your opinion is the true, accurate and correct opinion to have, and you have also continually implied that anyone that doesn't hold to your opinion is somehow flawed.

Arrogance and elitism at its finest.
Boy, it's a good thing Trump supporters aren't like that.

Get a mirror.

Several things...

1) I only said that I disagree with your opinion.

2) I simply tried to point out that from your posts that you are not open to anything but your opinion.

3) I never stated that my opinion can not be altered.

As it stands right at this moment and from my world view through my, admittedly, red colored glasses, I believe that there has been much ado about nothing. Trump hasn't broken any laws through his tweeting, though it seem to have a offended few fragile sensibilities. However, I tend to follow the old say that:
A fool will never change his mind. A wise man will change his mind when presented with all the facts.
I haven't been presented with any facts as of yet, only opinion

As for being offended, a person does not have a right to not be offended, just as they have a right to be offended. But no matter if one is offended or not, it is a matter of choice, and since it's a choice, no one can make them be one or the other. And because that, the responsibility for that choice belongs with the offendee not the offender. That is simply Psychology.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

To much thinking. The sky has yet to fall. Russians have yet to invade. All the hell promised has yet to come. So far all there has been is alot of sniveling.
You're 100% wrong. Russia invaded our election, our social media and our voter machines themselves.
So stop lying.
Could be!
except they only feel that way so they can laugh at the destruction of the other side, right? now you're just tired of the whining your way and you don't care what people think. you just feel the way you do, end of story.

pretty much all there is to it from trump supporters at its core. seeing the left "melt down" is just kinda an added bonus.
My goodness, this just continues.

The only whining here is by the Trump supporters who are so grievously triggered by my little thread.

Suddenly my having an opinion is some kind of offense.

I really don't understand all this drama, but it's certainly becoming tedious.
you having an opinion is fine. love 'em to be honest.

but when people have a different opinion you pull into the "oh my goodness all i did was state my opinion" stance and act like others can't or shouldn't do the same thing.

i try to put this into common terms we can both understand and agree upon and you keep moving things around and/or getting mad at me for replying back to you.
We disagree about Trump. I think he's an embarrassment and a disgrace, and I have a theory as to why his followers choose to follow/defend him.

Some of his followers were okay with the post. You and a few others were not, and drama has ensued.

We're all delightfully entitled to our opinions. And some of the reactions have been pretty amazing to watch.

That's about as far as this goes for me. The rest has just been noise.
wrong again.

i don't care about the post. post away. i just think you're searching for something you already "know" and in that slanted everything into what you wanted it to be / see from the outset.

i tried to explain that the trump defenders are a wide variety of people who can and do feel very differently about him. many agree and don't care. get shit done. many agree and are exactly what you say - BURN BABY BURN.

many just want to see both sides work together and are saddened by the fact that's at least 3+ more years away.

i know trump can and will be a dick. just don't care because the left never gave a shit about how i felt as they rammed the social goodness down our throats for 8 years. do i want to watch them burn now? hardly. again i'd rather we put the past down and pick up today and work for a better tomorrow.

but we don't seem as a culture to be ready to do that. we have to micro-analyze why people support trump.

when you got answers that didn't fall into your pre-conceived notion, you got frustrated. that's what i saw anyway.
Well, you're wrong. As I clearly pointed out in the OP, I came to my opinion after discussing it with, and observing Trump supporters who were kind enough to answer my many, many questions. Frankly, they were pretty patient with me during that process.

Ironically, I've recently been thinking about how conservatives are less likely to go nuts on me than regressives when I dare to disagree with them, but given the reaction to this thread, I'm changing my mind on that, they're about the same.

See? I can change my mind when appropriate.

If you want to think I'm ____________, okay, I'm good with that.
heh - and if you think i care if you disagree with me or not, have fun. :) i learn from being different than others, not mad cause they are.

and yes people will act that way when you come by and drop judgements on either side. you tend to pull an extreme example out and call it normal for the other side but i don't see you doing the same for your side. there are also several people who feel like i do in that you're only here to validate a pre-existing opinion and all else that didn't do that you pushed aside.

look back at your "early on" convo and i was very active and polite there also, trying to answer as best i could. you just didn't seem to like my answers.
My goodness, this just continues.

The only whining here is by the Trump supporters who are so grievously triggered by my little thread.

Suddenly my having an opinion is some kind of offense.

I really don't understand all this drama, but it's certainly becoming tedious.
you having an opinion is fine. love 'em to be honest.

but when people have a different opinion you pull into the "oh my goodness all i did was state my opinion" stance and act like others can't or shouldn't do the same thing.

i try to put this into common terms we can both understand and agree upon and you keep moving things around and/or getting mad at me for replying back to you.
he doesn't have an opinion. if he had, he would state it and move on. He can't, he has an objective to troll and be hateful at people he knows are smarter than him because they have the opposite view.
if that's how you feel about posts, why reply? i don't agree and at times actually like talking with him. if he keeps doing the troll-back up-troll routine then i'll eventually get tired of it and move on.

just don't see the need to banter back and forth with him if this is all you feel he's doing.
honestly, I asked him over and over to make his point. he violated that effort by making a stupid comment about dog humping his leg or something.

And how I post at idiots is my time.

I stayed out of your banter until that last post because of what I wrote.
My OP is pretty clear. If you think you can communicate without personal insults and name-calling, I'm always happy to answer any questions.

If you're not, I'm not interested.
and no apology for your humping statement eh? quite white. dude your OP is poorly written and no point can be found in it accept that you now know trump supporters. well good for you. you want civility, then answer questions without turning into an asshat. you don't like trump's tweets. I don't care. I love em. you want to then pick my brain on why. Why?

BTW, ever hear of agreeing to disagree? you should learn that one.
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After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

< I really think your points can all be completely dismissed.

Trump is a REACTION to The LEFT's Declared War on Democracy, their declared WAR on "THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" and their DECLARED WAR on National Sovereignty & Individual Liberties.

It is THE PRESS, and THE DEMOCRAT PARTY who said "FUCK IT" we don't give a shit about America and we want to BLOW IT UP....if that's what it takes to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA in to a Marxist, Collectivist, Liberal Dystopia.

Thread End />
It's that kind of deflection away from the primary point - his judgement, behavior and temperament - that convinces me I'm pretty close on this.

You are still trying to tie those three together. They don't have to be.
Sure, they don't have to be. We can lower standards all we want. But by my personal standards, they are.

Two separate things. You are now talking about standards, I'm talking about practicality. You claim that his tweets and his actions, effect his judgement and you imply that they harm the country. Yet you cannot explain how.

Your personal standards are just personal and really affect nothing outside of your feelings.
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Trump has no idea what he's doing. His bluster with the media and the FU to his enemies are just distractions, smoke and mirrors so have you, to disguise his total ineptitude and incompetence.

Just today his tweets on China criticizing their president. US/ China relations have been carefully cultivated over the last 30 years. His stupid tweets, which is official US policy, throws a hand grenade into US/ China relations.
He actually thought his granddaughter singing for the premier would soften him and let Trump get his way. Yes he is that naive.

When Trump supporters saying he's doing a good job it's because they have no idea what he's doing. They're just as clueless as he is.

Bull shit. You just don't like what he has done, so you lie to us and say he's incompetent. The truth is that he is so completely competent that he can do the job and still have time to poke the left in the eye with a stick.

Ha ha, you think that just because you say he's damaged our relations with China, makes it true.

I know exactly what Trump is doing and I know what he has done. So does every Trump supporter. You are just a full of shit left wing nutter.

Trump is THE president, your president. Go cry in the corner quietly snowflake.
But you are okay with one who is controlled by the Russians?

As yet unproven. I see you're still clutching at straws.

It isn't a ransom if you already owe them that money, and you'd be bitching even louder if he didn't get those people out.

Pay money, any money, to a terrorist regime to recover illegally held individuals is a ransom , no matterhow you try to slice it.

Yes, how dare he make a comment that a child being gunned down while going to the store is a bad thing.

Obama's comment was viewed as a declaration that the Trayvon shooting was strictly a racial crime. He said this before he knew that Martin was the attacker.

Okay. We know the facts. A bully cop arrested a distinguished professor for no good reason.

An unknown man appearing to be trying to force his way into a house is all the justification they needed. Again, Obama gave it a racial component.

One who realizes that you dumb-asses in the working class who keep voting republican and still end up getting screwed in every Republican recession cling to things that make you feel secure instead of working to solve the problem.

Typical Left-wing elitist charge. Dissing the working class as you have been is one of the reasons you have lost over a 1000 seats, including the 2016 Presidential Election, in the last 8 years.

I implore you, please continue your current methods. I will feel comfortable knowing the country will be safe from you for the foreseeable future.

Oh, you mean like Reagan did to get the Iranian hostages released? Gotcha!....RACIST!

Provide a credible link that says Reagan bought the Iranian hostages. I am unable to find anything even on
Now, what are we waiting for? Drain the swamp!
Don't hold your breath!
He is not going to drain the swamp. He is going to make it bigger.
He's already made the swamp bigger with his choices for cabinet posts.
Trump whores won't admit this, that's why they will continue to parrot" He's draining the swamp" because they have no idea what's going on nor care..

Here's the giveaway that shows you are nothing but an ignorant loud mouth:

"Trump Whores"
Pay money, any money, to a terrorist regime to recover illegally held individuals is a ransom , no matterhow you try to slice it.

So did you feel that way when Ronnie Ray-gun paid the Iranians to get hostages out of Beruit?

Obama's comment was viewed as a declaration that the Trayvon shooting was strictly a racial crime. He said this before he knew that Martin was the attacker.

It was a racial crime. Zimmerman is a racist POS. Also a wife-beater and child molester, but digress.

An unknown man appearing to be trying to force his way into a house is all the justification they needed. Again, Obama gave it a racial component.

Except he wasn't unknown when he was arrested. They had established it was his house, and the cop arrested him because he didn't like being talked back to.

Silly Darkie. Rights are for White People! How dare Obama get all uppity and think a distinguished professor should be safe in his own home?

Typical Left-wing elitist charge. Dissing the working class as you have been is one of the reasons you have lost over a 1000 seats, including the 2016 Presidential Election, in the last 8 years.

Naw, dude, that was Russian cheating... But you know what, Demographics is not your friend. There aren't enough angry old white people to sustain your stupidity forever.

You're done after 2018. Deal with it.

So you have a plan to stop the Russians hacking 2018 ?


The opposition party needs to win 24 seats to take control of the House in 2018. Understandably, operatives and handicappers have focused on the 23 districts that Republicans hold, which voted for Hillary Clinton last year. But some of the incumbents are very popular, with brands that are distinct from Trump’s, and they are unlikely to lose no matter how bad the headwinds become.

In other words, it’s inconceivable that Democrats run the table in those 23 districts. Even if they did, they’d still be one short. And Democrats must defend 12 seats in districts that Trump carried in 2016.

Actually, 2018 will be a wave election. You have the perfect storm of a president with unprecedented unpopularity and a congressional approval rating near single digits.

the only saving grace you guys have is the Senate, and only because you have almost no seats up there.

I wonder if George Soros is going to go insane and spend every last dime he has? That would be funny just to see him lose again.

I wonder if George Soros is going to go insane and spend every last dime he has? That would be funny just to see him lose again.


Republicans control everythintg, they appointed the majority of the supreme court, have a majority in the house, in the senate, and run the white house.

Yet they still can't get shit done. They've had 7 years to write something to replace obamacare, and they still can't pass a replacement.

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