Maybe I'm beginning to understand this Trump thing

Yea, but the point was that that tickles your ears and that you're a "winger" in your own right. Trump has not committed an action worthy of impeachment.
I'm not aware of any "high crimes and misdemeanors".

And this was never my point.

Okay, your "point" is that Trump is immature. For instance, let's say "grab em by the pussy." Editorialize your thoughts on that. then.
Well, "immature" would be a start, I guess. Do you really need examples? What kind of editorializing would you like? I'll be happy to provide it.

Just your thoughts however you feel is pertinent. You seem to think it's a big concern; so, help us understand.
I've thought and said, since the moment it looked like he was a real possibility for the GOP nomination, that Trump possesses neither the intellectual capacity nor the fundamental temperament for the position. If I were making a list of the top qualities I want in a President, I'd put a proper temperament at or near the top. Behaviors are indicative of temperament, temperament is indicative of future behaviors. Not a guarantee, but indicative.

And to date, he has not only lived up to my worst fears about his behaviors, he has surpassed them. Because I want any President to succeed - regardless of the letter after their name - I was very much hoping (assuming, actually) that the power and the gravity of the position would motivate him to improve his behaviors. The fact that this clearly has not happened is worrisome to me, because that means his behaviors are probably not showbiz (which was bad enough), they may run deeper.

What else would you like?

Temperament is just a buzz word that the Dems popularized as a strategy, first of all. They knew that Trump is not altogether calculated and that he's compulsive and that he's a verbal gunslinger of sorts. This is the personality of many great and productive people. So really, you bought the kool aid that they were selling; and you bought it big-time.

Also, as a purveyor of many seasons of The Apprentice, I can tell you that he actually had a very cool temperament, that he allowed subordinates time and space and freedom to play out the processes, that he was not quick to react. I saw that, time and time again. And if you want to talk about temperament, then we can talk about Hillary spazzing that she wasn't up 50 points in the polls :lmao:

I think fears is a good word for you to use. Because in my opinion, your outlook just isn't that rational. We have a human being and not a calculated stiff in office. Whether he's a president whose policies you support or not, this is actually a good thing. I want a president who doesn't need to conduct or call a staff meeting to decide if tweeting a meme is a good idea. You say that his behaviors need to "improve" because why? Because the media has been selling him as immature from the start in a campaign to belittle him. He has said, I'm going to be the person that the American people elected. That makes him genuine and not a phony. I'll take a genuine person over a phony "mature" person every day of the weak.
sounds like how people feel about trump, huh?
Could be!
except they only feel that way so they can laugh at the destruction of the other side, right? now you're just tired of the whining your way and you don't care what people think. you just feel the way you do, end of story.

pretty much all there is to it from trump supporters at its core. seeing the left "melt down" is just kinda an added bonus.
My goodness, this just continues.

The only whining here is by the Trump supporters who are so grievously triggered by my little thread.

Suddenly my having an opinion is some kind of offense.

I really don't understand all this drama, but it's certainly becoming tedious.
you having an opinion is fine. love 'em to be honest.

but when people have a different opinion you pull into the "oh my goodness all i did was state my opinion" stance and act like others can't or shouldn't do the same thing.

i try to put this into common terms we can both understand and agree upon and you keep moving things around and/or getting mad at me for replying back to you.
We disagree about Trump. I think he's an embarrassment and a disgrace, and I have a theory as to why his followers choose to follow/defend him.

Some of his followers were okay with the post. You and a few others were not, and drama has ensued.

We're all delightfully entitled to our opinions. And some of the reactions have been pretty amazing to watch.

That's about as far as this goes for me. The rest has just been noise.

Yet the Republicans taking the high road worked out for them? Look at all the media and garbage out of D.C...

Someone finnaly had to do it.

I'm not aware of any "high crimes and misdemeanors".

And this was never my point.

Okay, your "point" is that Trump is immature. For instance, let's say "grab em by the pussy." Editorialize your thoughts on that. then.
Well, "immature" would be a start, I guess. Do you really need examples? What kind of editorializing would you like? I'll be happy to provide it.

Just your thoughts however you feel is pertinent. You seem to think it's a big concern; so, help us understand.
I've thought and said, since the moment it looked like he was a real possibility for the GOP nomination, that Trump possesses neither the intellectual capacity nor the fundamental temperament for the position. If I were making a list of the top qualities I want in a President, I'd put a proper temperament at or near the top. Behaviors are indicative of temperament, temperament is indicative of future behaviors. Not a guarantee, but indicative.

And to date, he has not only lived up to my worst fears about his behaviors, he has surpassed them. Because I want any President to succeed - regardless of the letter after their name - I was very much hoping (assuming, actually) that the power and the gravity of the position would motivate him to improve his behaviors. The fact that this clearly has not happened is worrisome to me, because that means his behaviors are probably not showbiz (which was bad enough), they may run deeper.

What else would you like?

Temperament is just a buzz word that the Dems popularized as a strategy, first of all. They knew that Trump is not altogether calculated and that he's compulsive and that he's a verbal gunslinger of sorts. This is the personality of many great and productive people. So really, you bought the kool aid that they were selling; and you bought it big-time.

Also, as a purveyor of many seasons of The Apprentice, I can tell you that he actually had a very cool temperament, that he allowed subordinates time and space and freedom to play out the processes, that he was not quick to react. I saw that, time and time again. And if you want to talk about temperament, then we can talk about Hillary spazzing that she wasn't up 50 points in the polls :lmao:

I think fears is a good word for you to use. Because in my opinion, your outlook just isn't that rational. We have a human being and not a calculated stiff in office. Whether he's a president whose policies you support or not, this is actually a good thing. I want a president who doesn't need to conduct or call a staff meeting to decide if tweeting a meme is a good idea. You say that his behaviors need to "improve" because why? Because the media has been selling him as immature from the start in a campaign to belittle him. He has said, I'm going to be the person that the American people elected. That makes him genuine and not a phony. I'll take a genuine person over a phony "mature" person every day of the weak.


I wonder if George Soros is going to go insane and spend every last dime he has? That would be funny just to see him lose again.


Republicans control everythintg, they appointed the majority of the supreme court, have a majority in the house, in the senate, and run the white house.

Yet they still can't get shit done. They've had 7 years to write something to replace obamacare, and they still can't pass a replacement.
This is because they are very much like Democrats.
I wonder if George Soros is going to go insane and spend every last dime he has? That would be funny just to see him lose again.


Republicans control everythintg, they appointed the majority of the supreme court, have a majority in the house, in the senate, and run the white house.

Yet they still can't get shit done. They've had 7 years to write something to replace obamacare, and they still can't pass a replacement.

Hey moron, it's just that one thing they couldn't agree on. That doesn't mean they got nothing done.

How fucking stupid are you exactly?
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.
I wonder if George Soros is going to go insane and spend every last dime he has? That would be funny just to see him lose again.


Republicans control everythintg, they appointed the majority of the supreme court, have a majority in the house, in the senate, and run the white house.

Yet they still can't get shit done. They've had 7 years to write something to replace obamacare, and they still can't pass a replacement.

They are not united ..Mitch is one of the biggest fakes ever.

Yet they still can't get shit done. They've had 7 years to write something to replace obamacare, and they still can't pass a replacement.
This is because they are very much like Democrats.

If they were like democrats they would have passed a healthcare bill
If they were like democrats they would have given the other side a voice in the legislation, even if they didn't give it a single vote.

Instead republicans wrote their bill in secret, and still couldn't get it passed.

What happened to Trumps, beautiful, beautiful healthcare, that would cover everybody., and cost much, much less.
Yet they still can't get shit done. They've had 7 years to write something to replace obamacare, and they still can't pass a replacement.

Hey moron, it's just that one thing they couldn't agree on. That doesn't mean they got nothing done.

How fucking stupid are you exactly?

I hate to point out that congress doesn't get a participation ribbon, or an "A" for effort.

Republicans didn't get shit down, and can't get shit done. That the very nature of the party.

It's hard to govern, when you control all three branches of government.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

< I really think your points can all be completely dismissed.

Trump is a REACTION to The LEFT's Declared War on Democracy, their declared WAR on "THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" and their DECLARED WAR on National Sovereignty & Individual Liberties.

It is THE PRESS, and THE DEMOCRAT PARTY who said "FUCK IT" we don't give a shit about America and we want to BLOW IT UP....if that's what it takes to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA in to a Marxist, Collectivist, Liberal Dystopia.

Thread End />
It's that kind of deflection away from the primary point - his judgement, behavior and temperament - that convinces me I'm pretty close on this.

You are still trying to tie those three together. They don't have to be.
Sure, they don't have to be. We can lower standards all we want. But by my personal standards, they are.

Two separate things. You are now talking about standards, I'm talking about practicality. You claim that his tweets and his actions, effect his judgement and you imply that they harm the country. Yet you cannot explain how.

Your personal standards are just personal and really affect nothing outside of your feelings.
Sure. But if there are Republicans and foreign countries who don't trust or respect him due to his behaviors (and I have no doubt there are), that can affect how they deal with him. That's not a stretch.

And frankly, the "damage" aspect of this isn't something I've thought a lot about. I've been more interested in the behaviors of those who act is if his behavior shouldn't bother anyone. As with most partisan issues, I often can't tell what I'm supposed to take seriously, and when people say that his behavior is just fine, I do have to wonder.

Will his behavior hurt the country? I dunno, I'm horrible at predicting that stuff. But the behaviors of Trump and his followers are pretty interesting to me.
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Yet they still can't get shit done. They've had 7 years to write something to replace obamacare, and they still can't pass a replacement.
This is because they are very much like Democrats.

If they were like democrats they would have passed a healthcare bill
If they were like democrats they would have given the other side a voice in the legislation, even if they didn't give it a single vote.

Instead republicans wrote their bill in secret, and still couldn't get it passed.

What happened to Trumps, beautiful, beautiful healthcare, that would cover everybody., and cost much, much less.
They clearly had no intention of changing ocare, which makes them very much like Dems.
I'm not aware of any "high crimes and misdemeanors".

And this was never my point.

Okay, your "point" is that Trump is immature. For instance, let's say "grab em by the pussy." Editorialize your thoughts on that. then.
Well, "immature" would be a start, I guess. Do you really need examples? What kind of editorializing would you like? I'll be happy to provide it.

Just your thoughts however you feel is pertinent. You seem to think it's a big concern; so, help us understand.
I've thought and said, since the moment it looked like he was a real possibility for the GOP nomination, that Trump possesses neither the intellectual capacity nor the fundamental temperament for the position. If I were making a list of the top qualities I want in a President, I'd put a proper temperament at or near the top. Behaviors are indicative of temperament, temperament is indicative of future behaviors. Not a guarantee, but indicative.

And to date, he has not only lived up to my worst fears about his behaviors, he has surpassed them. Because I want any President to succeed - regardless of the letter after their name - I was very much hoping (assuming, actually) that the power and the gravity of the position would motivate him to improve his behaviors. The fact that this clearly has not happened is worrisome to me, because that means his behaviors are probably not showbiz (which was bad enough), they may run deeper.

What else would you like?

Temperament is just a buzz word that the Dems popularized as a strategy, first of all. They knew that Trump is not altogether calculated and that he's compulsive and that he's a verbal gunslinger of sorts. This is the personality of many great and productive people. So really, you bought the kool aid that they were selling; and you bought it big-time.

Also, as a purveyor of many seasons of The Apprentice, I can tell you that he actually had a very cool temperament, that he allowed subordinates time and space and freedom to play out the processes, that he was not quick to react. I saw that, time and time again. And if you want to talk about temperament, then we can talk about Hillary spazzing that she wasn't up 50 points in the polls :lmao:

I think fears is a good word for you to use. Because in my opinion, your outlook just isn't that rational. We have a human being and not a calculated stiff in office. Whether he's a president whose policies you support or not, this is actually a good thing. I want a president who doesn't need to conduct or call a staff meeting to decide if tweeting a meme is a good idea. You say that his behaviors need to "improve" because why? Because the media has been selling him as immature from the start in a campaign to belittle him. He has said, I'm going to be the person that the American people elected. That makes him genuine and not a phony. I'll take a genuine person over a phony "mature" person every day of the weak.
His behaviors don't matter to you. I get it. That's what the OP is about.
You just equated Trump to a terrorist. American hating, out to destroy America, terrorist. On independence day no less. :popcorn:

So. Trump is doing fsr more damage than any terrorist could do. Trumpcare will kill thousands of Americans.

they can still buy insurance, can't they?

have you compared cost/benefits of a "private" policy vs. obamacare?

and i seem to recall "death panels" being a part of obamacare but that crowd was told it was silly. now those calling others silly are screaming DEATH PANELS in the same silly fashion.

lighten up francis.

They can if they can afford it.

One of the major advantages of the exchanges under the ACA it allowed people who were buying as individuals to now buy as part of a group.

When it stated, my new policy was $1800/month. I bought a policy on the exchanges for $950.00 (no subsidies).

But here you are bitching & having as freaking fit & you just admitted you don't know shit about it.

There were no death panels in the ACA. That was just another Republican lie.

Lighten up? Your Orange Buddy will kill Americans so his wealthy buddies can get a tax break. You are sofa king stupid, that you support it.

This is serious shit.
Heh you got anger issues.

And the cost of cheap healthcare was subsidised by people who already had coverage. Why am I paying for YOUR insurance?

So, you admit the policies on the exchanges were low cost.

If you buy health insurance from a private insurance company, healthier people subsidize those who utilize the system more.

If you look at the funding mechanism in the ACA, unless you get a tan, you likely did not pay anything for the subsidies.
They clearly had no intention of changing ocare, which makes them very much like Dems.

NOPE, dems want to fix the problems with obamacare.

Republicans have been running for the last 7 years, promising to repeal obamacare.

And republicans can't get shit done. Now that they control all three branches of government, and a majority of the states.
Could be!
except they only feel that way so they can laugh at the destruction of the other side, right? now you're just tired of the whining your way and you don't care what people think. you just feel the way you do, end of story.

pretty much all there is to it from trump supporters at its core. seeing the left "melt down" is just kinda an added bonus.
My goodness, this just continues.

The only whining here is by the Trump supporters who are so grievously triggered by my little thread.

Suddenly my having an opinion is some kind of offense.

I really don't understand all this drama, but it's certainly becoming tedious.
you having an opinion is fine. love 'em to be honest.

but when people have a different opinion you pull into the "oh my goodness all i did was state my opinion" stance and act like others can't or shouldn't do the same thing.

i try to put this into common terms we can both understand and agree upon and you keep moving things around and/or getting mad at me for replying back to you.
We disagree about Trump. I think he's an embarrassment and a disgrace, and I have a theory as to why his followers choose to follow/defend him.

Some of his followers were okay with the post. You and a few others were not, and drama has ensued.

We're all delightfully entitled to our opinions. And some of the reactions have been pretty amazing to watch.

That's about as far as this goes for me. The rest has just been noise.

Yet the Republicans taking the high road worked out for them? Look at all the media and garbage out of D.C...

Someone finnaly had to do it.

Well, we're certainly plumbing the depths.

We'll see how it works out, having zero behavioral standards for the President of the United States.

We're lowered our standards for pretty much everything else, why not.
You just equated Trump to a terrorist. American hating, out to destroy America, terrorist. On independence day no less. :popcorn:

So. Trump is doing fsr more damage than any terrorist could do. Trumpcare will kill thousands of Americans.

they can still buy insurance, can't they?

have you compared cost/benefits of a "private" policy vs. obamacare?

and i seem to recall "death panels" being a part of obamacare but that crowd was told it was silly. now those calling others silly are screaming DEATH PANELS in the same silly fashion.

lighten up francis.

They can if they can afford it.

One of the major advantages of the exchanges under the ACA it allowed people who were buying as individuals to now buy as part of a group.

When it stated, my new policy was $1800/month. I bought a policy on the exchanges for $950.00 (no subsidies).

But here you are bitching & having as freaking fit & you just admitted you don't know shit about it.

There were no death panels in the ACA. That was just another Republican lie.

Lighten up? Your Orange Buddy will kill Americans so his wealthy buddies can get a tax break. You are sofa king stupid, that you support it.

This is serious shit.
Heh you got anger issues.

And the cost of cheap healthcare was subsidised by people who already had coverage. Why am I paying for YOUR insurance?

So, you admit the policies on the exchanges were low cost.

If you buy health insurance from a private insurance company, healthier people subsidize those who utilize the system more.

If you look at the funding mechanism in the ACA, unless you get a tan, you likely did not pay anything for the subsidies.
so you admit i'm paying for your insurance?

see how stupid that sounds?
His behaviors don't matter to you. I get it. That's what the OP is about.

Nah, it matters. I'm glad he posted a meme of CNN getting their ass kicked. If they're gonna act like juveniles, then he should not be afraid to throw down the hammer because he won't look "presidential" enough. I just got done with three decades of phony presidents. I welcome the change.
except they only feel that way so they can laugh at the destruction of the other side, right? now you're just tired of the whining your way and you don't care what people think. you just feel the way you do, end of story.

pretty much all there is to it from trump supporters at its core. seeing the left "melt down" is just kinda an added bonus.
My goodness, this just continues.

The only whining here is by the Trump supporters who are so grievously triggered by my little thread.

Suddenly my having an opinion is some kind of offense.

I really don't understand all this drama, but it's certainly becoming tedious.
you having an opinion is fine. love 'em to be honest.

but when people have a different opinion you pull into the "oh my goodness all i did was state my opinion" stance and act like others can't or shouldn't do the same thing.

i try to put this into common terms we can both understand and agree upon and you keep moving things around and/or getting mad at me for replying back to you.
We disagree about Trump. I think he's an embarrassment and a disgrace, and I have a theory as to why his followers choose to follow/defend him.

Some of his followers were okay with the post. You and a few others were not, and drama has ensued.

We're all delightfully entitled to our opinions. And some of the reactions have been pretty amazing to watch.

That's about as far as this goes for me. The rest has just been noise.

Yet the Republicans taking the high road worked out for them? Look at all the media and garbage out of D.C...

Someone finnaly had to do it.

Well, we're certainly plumbing the depths.

We'll see how it works out, having zero behavioral standards for the President of the United States.

We're lowered our standards for pretty much everything else, why not.
the simple fact of the matter is that 1/2 the country was NOT going to be happy with the results of this election regardless of who won.

i have lowered my expectations from the left who with weeks left to go in the campaign told the american people we must accept election outcomes while obama chided "we may not like them..."

but when it came down for the left to live up to those very words, wow.

you tell me what happened.
Okay, your "point" is that Trump is immature. For instance, let's say "grab em by the pussy." Editorialize your thoughts on that. then.
Well, "immature" would be a start, I guess. Do you really need examples? What kind of editorializing would you like? I'll be happy to provide it.

Just your thoughts however you feel is pertinent. You seem to think it's a big concern; so, help us understand.
I've thought and said, since the moment it looked like he was a real possibility for the GOP nomination, that Trump possesses neither the intellectual capacity nor the fundamental temperament for the position. If I were making a list of the top qualities I want in a President, I'd put a proper temperament at or near the top. Behaviors are indicative of temperament, temperament is indicative of future behaviors. Not a guarantee, but indicative.

And to date, he has not only lived up to my worst fears about his behaviors, he has surpassed them. Because I want any President to succeed - regardless of the letter after their name - I was very much hoping (assuming, actually) that the power and the gravity of the position would motivate him to improve his behaviors. The fact that this clearly has not happened is worrisome to me, because that means his behaviors are probably not showbiz (which was bad enough), they may run deeper.

What else would you like?

Temperament is just a buzz word that the Dems popularized as a strategy, first of all. They knew that Trump is not altogether calculated and that he's compulsive and that he's a verbal gunslinger of sorts. This is the personality of many great and productive people. So really, you bought the kool aid that they were selling; and you bought it big-time.

Also, as a purveyor of many seasons of The Apprentice, I can tell you that he actually had a very cool temperament, that he allowed subordinates time and space and freedom to play out the processes, that he was not quick to react. I saw that, time and time again. And if you want to talk about temperament, then we can talk about Hillary spazzing that she wasn't up 50 points in the polls :lmao:

I think fears is a good word for you to use. Because in my opinion, your outlook just isn't that rational. We have a human being and not a calculated stiff in office. Whether he's a president whose policies you support or not, this is actually a good thing. I want a president who doesn't need to conduct or call a staff meeting to decide if tweeting a meme is a good idea. You say that his behaviors need to "improve" because why? Because the media has been selling him as immature from the start in a campaign to belittle him. He has said, I'm going to be the person that the American people elected. That makes him genuine and not a phony. I'll take a genuine person over a phony "mature" person every day of the weak.
His behaviors don't matter to you. I get it. That's what the OP is about.

The behaviors of the media, music shock jocks, liberal arts, tv shows, movies, video games , ect...ect.dont matter to you we get it.


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