McCain reassumes role as GOP nuisance

McCain Reassumes Role as GOP Nuisance
Wish the old bastard would die already.

I wouldn't wish death to anyone, but I wish Arizona started providing somebody a lot more decent to Senate for change. McCain is a moron, he needs to retire and doesn't belong to the Senate.

BTW, McCain is a father of ISIS.


Yep.....the POW haters that Drumplethinskin cultivated.

Being a POW doesn't make you a Hero, it makes you a Survivor.

Period. End of story. End of Argument.

I'm not one, but I know what a Hero is and the definition does not include McCain.

He deserves respect. A LOT of respect, for surviving the Hanoi Hilton but that's about it.

You talk of things you know nothing about too often
The dumpelthinskins hate a real American hero.

They always have and have always secretly and now openly support Russia.
Ok so he was a hero at one time in his life. Fine and dandy.

Now he's turned into one of the biggest asshole politicians ever to walk the halls of Capitol Hill. He was Obama's bum boy for the Muslim Brotherhood. He participated in the overthrow of the Ukrainian President and his government.

And worst of all he begat ISIS. From a war hero to a crimes against humanity evil soul.
------------------------------- 'ismoe, watch Juan build a fire under Trump's ass, Sur!!
Ok so he was a hero at one time in his life. Fine and dandy.

Now he's turned into one of the biggest asshole politicians ever to walk the halls of Capitol Hill. He was Obama's bum boy for the Muslim Brotherhood. He participated in the overthrow of the Ukrainian President and his government.

And worst of all he begat ISIS. From a war hero to a crimes against humanity evil soul.
You sound confused.
Remember when he said he wished he could be at the White House every day advising Obama?


He is the definition of a Washington inside the beltway /schmooze with anyone at any cost/ wannabe on all the Sunday talk shows sell out.
Ok so he was a hero at one time in his life. Fine and dandy.

Now he's turned into one of the biggest asshole politicians ever to walk the halls of Capitol Hill. He was Obama's bum boy for the Muslim Brotherhood. He participated in the overthrow of the Ukrainian President and his government.

And worst of all he begat ISIS. From a war hero to a crimes against humanity evil soul.
You sound confused.

Not at all. Don't you remember John and Lindsey flying into Egypt to try to save Morsi's skin? Or meeting with the opposition party leaders and funneling $$$ to them to overthrow the Ukrainian President.

Let alone his involvement in Syria. Makes me want to throw up.
Trump is nominated a bunch of "inside the beltway/schoomze with anyone" dodos, td.

Some are wrong on Morsi, Ukraine, Russia, and Syria.

And McCain is going to remind trumpelthinskin of just that every day.
Ya'll can cannibalize anyone you like to avoid any and all responsibility as citizens, but as long as all the american public is up for is going out once in a blue moon to vote and then returning home to wait on "change", this is all you're going to experience, by design.
McCain Reassumes Role as GOP Nuisance
Wish the old bastard would die already.

Ha.Ha.--Well Donald Trump has made plenty of enemies in the Republican Senate. While you 'THINK" you've got a minor majority there, you really DON'T.

Mitch McConnell never wanted Donald Trump and was very vocal about it, even stating one time they would dump Trump like a hot rock. John McCain, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul & Marco Rubio--all whom have felt the wrath of Trumps outrageous accusations, lies, and tweety finger attacks. So the Senate is really 51 minus at least 6--LOL

With the Russian influence--implication right now, Trump is going to lose even more support in a Republican Senate and house. (Paul Ryan) who has also been attacked by Trump and his supporters. They even tried to primary him. Ryan is not going to be kissing anyone's ass.

Right now, I seriously doubt any one of these Republicans would toss Trump a life jacket if he was drowning. They may just let the Trump Titanic sink.


Right now Republican Senators and House members are avoiding the Trump tower like it's been infected with the Ebola virus. So something is up--and it's not going to be good going forward for the Trump administration.
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McCain is only one of many GOP establishment hacks waiting to make Trump's life difficult. They hate Trump's guts for defeating their boy Jeb Bush and making them all look like fools for declaring he could never win.
McCain is only one of many GOP establishment hacks waiting to make Trump's life difficult. They hate Trump's guts for defeating their boy Jeb Bush and making them all look like fools for declaring he could never win.

Almost like Trump's half black ain't it.

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