McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits

No you whine and like to take credit for things you have nothing to do with.

You are dependent on others and it galls you to know that there are people out there who are not.

Run along now little sheep or your boss might downgrade you to a smaller cubicle.

More like they are dependent on me.

ANd I have whiny small businessmen saying "How HIgh" when I say jump. So it's a sweet job.

Yeah right.

We all know it will take an army to replace you.

You and you alone hold all those small business owner douchebags hostage.

You are mighty.

Until your boss decides to shit can you that is.
More like they are dependent on me.

ANd I have whiny small businessmen saying "How HIgh" when I say jump. So it's a sweet job.

LMAO!!! If you are in a cubicle you are not running anything.

Um, yeah, guy, I manage six million dollars a year in purchases.

I've fired vendors for lack of performance. Every once in a while, one of htem calls me back and asks for another chance.

So you can run a spread sheet.


If you walked out today the business wouldn't even know you were gone.
LMAO!!! If you are in a cubicle you are not running anything.

Um, yeah, guy, I manage six million dollars a year in purchases.

I've fired vendors for lack of performance. Every once in a while, one of htem calls me back and asks for another chance.

So you can run a spread sheet.


If you walked out today the business wouldn't even know you were gone.

What I find most amusing is that JoeB makes himself sound like such and important, self-made man. And yet, his entire argument concerning workers is that they cannot do so and must be paid well regardless of their lack of skills to offer.
Yes, because waiting times in the range of months for some procedures is "fine"

YOu mean non-emergency procedures?

Here's the thing. You guys can do the "socialized medicine horror stories" all day, but the people in those countries live longer, they are healthier overall, they have a lower infant mortality rate, and they spend about half what we do per capita or as a percentage of GDP.

The bottom line of this is a system where the poor get access to good health care is more important than a system where rich people can get instant gratification on elective procedures. At least to decent people.

Some things should be luxury items. The rich should have better cars and better houses if that's what they want to work for, as long as you make sure they aren't cheating their employees and customers in the process.

Health care should not be one of those things.

Spin you communist bitch, spin spin spin.

And correlation does not equal causation, you keep forgetting that.

I think you're trying your damndest to resist but-----but I think you're starting to catch on - In the old Soviet Union a group of unelected supply siders (politburo) sat in their ivory towers and manipulated (cause) the economy, creating a two tiered society of haves and have nots (effect).

Over the last 40 years or so in the USA we try to fool ourselves into thinking we have democracy but-----but many, maybe most, politicians are beholden to a group of supply siders (corporatists) sitting in their ivory towers manipulating (cause) the economy, creating two tiered economy of haves and have nots (effect).
well, no, guy, I've run those calculations in the real world

Real world, they aren't going to give you the 5K they are probably spending on you in a group plan.

Even if they were, a 52 year old with a history of health problem isn't going to get anything all that good on an individual plan.

The minute Obama told them they couldn't cheat their customers anymore, watch how fast most of them got out of the individual policy market.

Now, here's the gag. A guy with a crappy little business like yours that does less business than goes through my cubicle ought to be leaping at the concept of single payer. Now you can compete with the big boys on a more equal level.

But you know, we can't do that because, you know... Freedom.

My insurance costs are not very high.

And you might think my business as crappy and little but at least I'm not stuck in a cubicle.

And of all that business that that " goes through your cubicle" how much of it is yours?

So get back to work, wage slave.

I'm not obsessed by owning things.

Seriously, every time I see you talk, I think of those old Warner Brother Cartoons when Daffy Duck screams, "Mine, mine, mine, all mine!"

For a guy that isn't obessed with owning things you sure cry a lot about others having it better than you.

You act as if everyone has dealt you a bad hand.
What I find most amusing is that JoeB makes himself sound like such and important, self-made man. And yet, his entire argument concerning workers is that they cannot do so and must be paid well regardless of their lack of skills to offer.

No, what I learned is that no matter how hard you work, no matter what you accomplish, that if you don't have a union and a government watching your back, you can get stabbed in it at any time.

The real problem is, asking the greediest of us to do what is fair is kind of silly.
What I find most amusing is that JoeB makes himself sound like such and important, self-made man. And yet, his entire argument concerning workers is that they cannot do so and must be paid well regardless of their lack of skills to offer.

No, what I learned is that no matter how hard you work, no matter what you accomplish, that if you don't have a union and a government watching your back, you can get stabbed in it at any time.

The real problem is, asking the greediest of us to do what is fair is kind of silly.

I agree with that last statement. Which is why I believe it is silly to expect a union to do what is fair.

And yes, you can get stabbed in the back. But then, you can get stabbed in the back on a nion job as well. The question is how you recover and move forward.

You have obviously done well enough. After all, the power emanating from your cubicle cause everyone around you to tremble in fear.
What I find most amusing is that JoeB makes himself sound like such and important, self-made man. And yet, his entire argument concerning workers is that they cannot do so and must be paid well regardless of their lack of skills to offer.

No, what I learned is that no matter how hard you work, no matter what you accomplish, that if you don't have a union and a government watching your back, you can get stabbed in it at any time.

The real problem is, asking the greediest of us to do what is fair is kind of silly.

I agree with that last statement. Which is why I believe it is silly to expect a union to do what is fair.

And yes, you can get stabbed in the back. But then, you can get stabbed in the back on a nion job as well. The question is how you recover and move forward.

You have obviously done well enough. After all, the power emanating from your cubicle cause everyone around you to tremble in fear.

Must be, I'm the one the rest of them come to to solve problems.

Sorry, guy, I grew up in a union household. What I remember was that when my dad got cancer, the union took care of my mom and the family.

As opposed to when I slipped on the ice, and the rest is history.
I owed a franchise(Midas) for 13 years. If anyone here had one, they'd tell you how stupid this regulation is.

My franchisor was NOT the owner. I was.

What I find most amusing is that JoeB makes himself sound like such and important, self-made man. And yet, his entire argument concerning workers is that they cannot do so and must be paid well regardless of their lack of skills to offer.

No, what I learned is that no matter how hard you work, no matter what you accomplish, that if you don't have a union and a government watching your back, you can get stabbed in it at any time.

The real problem is, asking the greediest of us to do what is fair is kind of silly.

What a bunch whiny nonsense. Woe is me, right Joe?
Nothing in your life has ever been your fault. Everyone is out to get Joe.
Unions..HA,,,,The unions are so important that only 7% of us belong to one.
Unions are businesses. And as such they operate in their own self interest. Which means, all they care about are the dues their members send to them,
McDonalds should be held accountable. All franchise agreements require franchisee's to comply with all laws. In that, McDonalds should have been policing their franchisee's, they didn't, so they have to pay the price.
No, what I learned is that no matter how hard you work, no matter what you accomplish, that if you don't have a union and a government watching your back, you can get stabbed in it at any time.

The real problem is, asking the greediest of us to do what is fair is kind of silly.

I agree with that last statement. Which is why I believe it is silly to expect a union to do what is fair.

And yes, you can get stabbed in the back. But then, you can get stabbed in the back on a nion job as well. The question is how you recover and move forward.

You have obviously done well enough. After all, the power emanating from your cubicle cause everyone around you to tremble in fear.

Must be, I'm the one the rest of them come to to solve problems.

Sorry, guy, I grew up in a union household. What I remember was that when my dad got cancer, the union took care of my mom and the family.

As opposed to when I slipped on the ice, and the rest is history.

4 of my friends in school had to watch their Dads work 2 and 3 jobs and still struggle when the union killed the paper mill in Tuscaloosa. They had no medical insurance and the union didn't care.

And every time I have ever seen a worker ask a union rep a question, if the union rep didn't know the person by sight, they always asked "Are your dues paid up to date?" before they answered the question.

What a bunch whiny nonsense. Woe is me, right Joe?
Nothing in your life has ever been your fault. Everyone is out to get Joe.

I fully take responsibility for the mistakes i've made. I've willingly made tradeoffs. For instance, I chose to work a second job instead of quitting my current one for more money. But that's the thing. It was my choice.

Letting me go for running up too many medical bills was not my choice. It was theirs.

Unions..HA,,,,The unions are so important that only 7% of us belong to one.
Unions are businesses. And as such they operate in their own self interest. Which means, all they care about are the dues their members send to them,

Unions have declined, and so has America and her middle class. Sorry you are too stupid to see that.
McDonalds should be held accountable. All franchise agreements require franchisee's to comply with all laws. In that, McDonalds should have been policing their franchisee's, they didn't, so they have to pay the price.

Hmm. So, if you contract me to paint your house, you are responsible for me, the business owner, to follow all the laws, or you should be held responsible?

That is a hypothetical question.

Here is my real question. Which laws did the franchisee break?


4 of my friends in school had to watch their Dads work 2 and 3 jobs and still struggle when the union killed the paper mill in Tuscaloosa. They had no medical insurance and the union didn't care.

And every time I have ever seen a worker ask a union rep a question, if the union rep didn't know the person by sight, they always asked "Are your dues paid up to date?" before they answered the question.

You mean the paper mill they'd have shut down anyway? Gulf States Paper?

What a bunch whiny nonsense. Woe is me, right Joe?
Nothing in your life has ever been your fault. Everyone is out to get Joe.

I fully take responsibility for the mistakes i've made. I've willingly made tradeoffs. For instance, I chose to work a second job instead of quitting my current one for more money. But that's the thing. It was my choice.

Letting me go for running up too many medical bills was not my choice. It was theirs.

Unions..HA,,,,The unions are so important that only 7% of us belong to one.
Unions are businesses. And as such they operate in their own self interest. Which means, all they care about are the dues their members send to them,

Unions have declined, and so has America and her middle class. Sorry you are too stupid to see that.

Yes they have. Usually, its suicide.

Keep trying to take the subject off topic, because you can't defend your position.

you work for a living, you should get a living wage. Period.

Or we can just let everyone go on welfare.

What you guys don't seem to get is that when you pay someone below living wage, they get food stamps, they get Section 8 housing, they get ObamaPhones (er... ReaganPhones, but nevermind) they get MedicAid.

All stuff you are paying for, anyway.

Again, if you aren't capable of decency, you should be capable of common sense.
That stupid argument? Please...
Until you define what is a 'living wage' you are posting nonsense.
BTW, time and time again it has been proven beyond all refute that the vast majority of unskilled or low skill workers are NOT supporting a family or even themselves.

Beyond refute? LOL!
Washington state has had the highest minimum wage for a while now and-----and Seattle will soon have the highest minimum wage of any city in the country, so you might want to ask yourself howzit Seattle can be fastest growing big city in the country and-----and have a booming economy

Seattle's New Minimum Wage Is The Highest In America, And Double The Federal Limit

Lauren Barbato


A comfortable living wage for an adult living in Seattle is $9.64 an hour, according to MIT’s Living Wage Calculator. For an adult with one child, the hourly wage jumps to $20.53. Meanwhile, the estimated living wage for a Seattle household with two adults is just under $15 an hour. About 14 percent of Seattle residents live below the poverty level.

According to the workers’ rights group 15 Now, 75 percent of minimum-wage workers are older than age 19, debunking the myth that low-wage jobs are mostly for teens looking for summer work. Nearly two-thirds of low-wage workers are women, and a majority of minimum-wage employees are the primary providers of their households.

Well those are nice talking points. Seattle was growing long before min wage was increased and quite frankly, such a small pct of workers are min wage, the effect on the overall economy is minimal.
The concept of living wage is arbitrary and subjective.

4 of my friends in school had to watch their Dads work 2 and 3 jobs and still struggle when the union killed the paper mill in Tuscaloosa. They had no medical insurance and the union didn't care.

And every time I have ever seen a worker ask a union rep a question, if the union rep didn't know the person by sight, they always asked "Are your dues paid up to date?" before they answered the question.

You mean the paper mill they'd have shut down anyway? Gulf States Paper?

No, I mean the union that refused to negotiate.

When the union pressed for raises, jack Warner told them that the plant was not making enough money and that it needed to be refurbished and that he would give the raises as soon as he finished redoing the plant. But he warned them that if they went on strike he would close the plant.

The union called the members in and wanted them to vote to strike. The membership voted NOT to strike. So the union called for another vote. And another. And another. Finally, on the 5th vote a strike was called for. They went on strike. The plant closed.

The union officials went elsewhere. The workers struggled to make ends meet. many of them never recovered. 2 of my neighbors were in that boat.

Oh, and your claims that they would have shut it down anyway is bullshit. Many of the major pieces of the overhaul of the plant had already been delivered to the plant. You don't order new machines for a plant you plan to close.

So your claims that the union cares about the workers falls on deaf ears here. I have seen different. I have seen the families struggle when the union screwed them by trying to increase their power or flex their muscles.
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I do. I put it on big corporations that are exploiting loopholes in the system.

You mean the fact that the government has made it easier and easier to suck on the public tit?

That loophole is being exploited by those who refuse to better themselves and get better paying jobs.

Sorry but there is no guarantee that one job will be enough to pay your living expenses and there never was.

But it should be, and that's actually the way the rest of the industrialized world does it.

Come on, guy, I know you are horrified at the notion of not being able to cheat and exploit people at every turn, but you really think this is a good system?

Oh, wait, you probably do.

"But it should be"
Oh? Says who?
You lefties believe a lifestyle is an entitlement. That everyone has a right to cell phones high speed internet, vacations to expensive destinations, a home in the burbs, two cars, etc...Then you look to businesses that have a wage scale that does not meet your sense of entitlement and deem them evil.
I do. I put it on big corporations that are exploiting loopholes in the system.

Not sure what "loopholes" you mean, but I am all for changing the US tax structure to be more fair and to leave fewer loopholes.

Laws like those can be changed if we push the right politicians.

I mean the loophole that allows McDonald's or WalMart to pay minimum wage, encourage their employees to apply for food stamps and medicare,a nd then collect huge tax breaks for creating "jobs' the rest of us are subsidizing.

The Krochs and the Waltons are the richest families in the country, and the people actually doing the work can't get by without government assistance.
Not loopholes..That's the freedom to pay wages appropriate to the level of skill it takes to do the work.
No one is going to pay the porter in the fast food joint $20 per hour. That is absurd

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