McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits

McDonalds should be held accountable. All franchise agreements require franchisee's to comply with all laws. In that, McDonalds should have been policing their franchisee's, they didn't, so they have to pay the price.

Hmm. So, if you contract me to paint your house, you are responsible for me, the business owner, to follow all the laws, or you should be held responsible?

That is a hypothetical question.

Here is my real question. Which laws did the franchisee break?


If you contract someone to do work on your house you are ABSOLUTELY RESPONSIBLE to make sure that the contractor is licensed, insured, and hires people that are legally eligible to work. It's called doing due diligence.

The franchisees are accused of withholding over-time pay, making workers work off the clock, non-hourly employees being paid less than minimum wage, and not paying uniform expenses.

You are operating on the false assumption that there is a pie at all.

There is no pie. If you got a 1000 dollar raise then singly or collectively no one would have their pay reduced by 1000 dollars.

What a CEO of business owner makes has nothing to do with your salary.

No, guy, there is a pie, and the CEO's have found the way to divide it.

The Keynesian theory of the zero sum game has been debunked. It's total crap.
There is no pie. There is no share.
But it should be, and that's actually the way the rest of the industrialized world does it.

Come on, guy, I know you are horrified at the notion of not being able to cheat and exploit people at every turn, but you really think this is a good system?

Oh, wait, you probably do.

I don't cheat anyone. Never did.

In fact unlike you I never expect anyone to do anything for me.

I don't either.

I just don't expect them to cheat me at every turn.

Like when they tell me I'm working for wages and health insurance, I have some funny idea that if I slip on some ice and bust up my knee, they aren't going to fuck me around on the health insurance.

But that's just me.

Or we can do something really crazy and just have single payer health care and treat health care like a public service rather than a commodity you can be cheated out of.
Oh cut the crap,.....Now you fell on ice and you thought you'd get short term disability instead of having to pay your deductible for treatment?
No one is cheating you. So send the wahmbulance to someplace where somebody cares.
Not sure what "loopholes" you mean, but I am all for changing the US tax structure to be more fair and to leave fewer loopholes.

Laws like those can be changed if we push the right politicians.

I mean the loophole that allows McDonald's or WalMart to pay minimum wage, encourage their employees to apply for food stamps and medicare,a nd then collect huge tax breaks for creating "jobs' the rest of us are subsidizing.

The Krochs and the Waltons are the richest families in the country, and the people actually doing the work can't get by without government assistance.
Not loopholes..That's the freedom to pay wages appropriate to the level of skill it takes to do the work.
No one is going to pay the porter in the fast food joint $20 per hour. That is absurd

The freedom to collect tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies, then pay workers that make you all of your money so little that they qualify for taxpayer paid benefits? Bundy is seeking more supporters, you sound like you might fit in.

You feel like a victim so you see exploiters everywhere.

But the thing is people with a victim mentality think they are entitled to shit. When they don't get it they start whining and never stop,

You knew what you were getting when you signed that insurance contract didn't you?

Or are you one of those people who will just sign anything?

I don't know if single payer would work, to me it leaves more room for abuse than having choice. And the government can't even take care of veterans do you think that it would give a shit if you died waiting for an operation or some other life saving treatment?

Uh, yeah, guy. Nothing in the contract describing what they did. Nowhere was there clause 42a that said, "If you slip on some ice, we are going to find a way to get you off the payroll because you cost Cigna too much money".

Didn't say that anywhere.

But that's what they did.

Yeah right. That makes no sense. And something does nto make sense, it usually is not true.
Or, you're not telling the whole story.
We've been through this before. You were asked if you knew the language of the group policy. You were also asked what the limits were on your coverage. You refused to disclose.
Every insurance policy has terms and limits. Even your beloved single payer shit has limits.

I don't know if single payer would work, to me it leaves more room for abuse than having choice. And the government can't even take care of veterans do you think that it would give a shit if you died waiting for an operation or some other life saving treatment?

Of course, Single Payer would work. It works fine in Canada, Japan, Germany, England, France, Italy and a bunch of smaller countries.

For the VA, the problem there was that you all started a war and then didn't expand the VA to accommedate a bunch of new vets.

No it wouldn't. You may believe it would because you view it as another entitlement. A taxpayer funded freebie that you think will result in free on demand medical care of any type.
Do you have any concept of how large the debt would be to cover 315 million people? Do you have any notion of the size and scope of the federal responsibility to administer such a program? Do you have any clue as to how much fraud and waste will be involved?
Those countries with socialized medicine are heavily in debt and burden their citizens with confiscatory taxation.
Here's an idea. If you want your government with all its ineptitude and bureaucratic nonsense to take charge of your medical needs then YOU pay for it. Those of us who wish to "keep our plan" must be offered an Opt Out...And those that do opt out, do not pay into the system.. Deal?
Uh, yeah, guy. Nothing in the contract describing what they did. Nowhere was there clause 42a that said, "If you slip on some ice, we are going to find a way to get you off the payroll because you cost Cigna too much money".

Didn't say that anywhere.

But that's what they did.

And we are supposed to believe that? :eusa_boohoo:

It didn't happen to me, it doesn't count and I don't care.

I'm sure you don't. YOur lack of compassion for people is well noted.

But, yeah, that's what happened. Which is why i'm all for single payer and putting these assholes out of business.

Once we get employers out of the health care business, they are going to have to work a lot harder to get quality people.

Do you know why we have insurance tied to employment status?
Health insurance should be widely available. The concept of "group policies" should be eliminated. Competitive markets across state lines should be set up. Medical professionals and hospitals should be permitted to either accept insurance ( higher price) or take cash paying patients( much lower price)..Medical providers should not have to file mountains or paperwork just to keep a bunch of federal and state bureaucrats employed.
What I find most amusing is that JoeB makes himself sound like such and important, self-made man. And yet, his entire argument concerning workers is that they cannot do so and must be paid well regardless of their lack of skills to offer.

No, what I learned is that no matter how hard you work, no matter what you accomplish, that if you don't have a union and a government watching your back, you can get stabbed in it at any time.

The real problem is, asking the greediest of us to do what is fair is kind of silly.

I agree with that last statement. Which is why I believe it is silly to expect a union to do what is fair.

And yes, you can get stabbed in the back. But then, you can get stabbed in the back on a nion job as well. The question is how you recover and move forward.

You have obviously done well enough. After all, the power emanating from your cubicle cause everyone around you to tremble in fear.

Dude...that's not fear. They are trying to not laugh at him!
You're being way, way to simplistic in your request of JoeB to do your research for you - a living wage isn't a single, one size fits all number, a living wage is a calculation based on many factors. I would've thought you would know that?

Living Wage Calculator


The living wage varies based on the cost of living and taxes where families live. Families of four (with two working adults, two children) in the North ($56,179) and West ($53,505) have higher median living wages before taxes than the South ($49,167), and Midwest ($48,496). Within region, the largest variation is between Southern states, where the living wage ranges from $45,655 in South Carolina to $69,820 in the District of Columbia.

In most metropolitan areas, where the US economy and jobs are increasingly concentrated, the living wage is higher than the national median. Consistent with overall regional variation, of the most populous 100 metropolitan areas, Honolulu ($66,554), New York ($67,323), and Washington DC ($69,709) have the highest living wages for the typical family of four.

And here's a link to the Living Wage Calculation for Tampa city, Hillsborough County, Florida

Your wages should be based upon what you contribute to the employer in the value of your labor, not the size of your family or where you live or that your spouse wants to stay at home and your oldest will be heading off to university in a year.

Are you some kind of anti-democratic totalitarianist that thinks all decisions and power should reside in the hands of the few? Not only is your statement anti-democratic, it's anti-capitalist - in a capitalist economy plutocrats do not choose what s/he pays someone, the market would decide, right?

The OP is spot on... Stop your screeching.
Do you really believe you can walk into your employer's office and demand a higher wage because you just bought a car or had a baby?
How are those things the deciding factor on your employer's business?
You do however have choices. If you are so worried about "the few", then start you own business. This way you can pay yourself at any rate you choose. Even a 'living wage'...
McDonalds should be held accountable. All franchise agreements require franchisee's to comply with all laws. In that, McDonalds should have been policing their franchisee's, they didn't, so they have to pay the price.

Hmm. So, if you contract me to paint your house, you are responsible for me, the business owner, to follow all the laws, or you should be held responsible?

That is a hypothetical question.

Here is my real question. Which laws did the franchisee break?


If you contract someone to do work on your house you are ABSOLUTELY RESPONSIBLE to make sure that the contractor is licensed, insured, and hires people that are legally eligible to work. It's called doing due diligence.

The franchisees are accused of withholding over-time pay, making workers work off the clock, non-hourly employees being paid less than minimum wage, and not paying uniform expenses.

Lol. So, if a contractor doesn't follow one of the myriad rules issued by OSHA, and one of his workers gets hurt, its your fault?

Uh, yeah, guy. Nothing in the contract describing what they did. Nowhere was there clause 42a that said, "If you slip on some ice, we are going to find a way to get you off the payroll because you cost Cigna too much money".

Didn't say that anywhere.

But that's what they did.

Get another insurance company.

YOu don't get a choice on what insurance your employer picks. And these jokers changed companies three times trying to get something cheaper. (It's why I always find the whining about If you like your insurance hilarious.)
then work elsewhere.

Of course you have a choice.

You can choose not to take your employers insurance and get your own.

In fact I'd wager if you told an employer that you weren't going to take the company insurance that you could have negotiated a higher wage to help offset the cost of buying your own.

For a guy who says his problem solving skills are so good that it would take 3 people to replace him you really seem to have difficulty doing things for yourself

well, no, guy, I've run those calculations in the real world

Real world, they aren't going to give you the 5K they are probably spending on you in a group plan.

Even if they were, a 52 year old with a history of health problem isn't going to get anything all that good on an individual plan.

The minute Obama told them they couldn't cheat their customers anymore, watch how fast most of them got out of the individual policy market.

Now, here's the gag. A guy with a crappy little business like yours that does less business than goes through my cubicle ought to be leaping at the concept of single payer. Now you can compete with the big boys on a more equal level.

But you know, we can't do that because, you know... Freedom.
"Real world, they aren't going to give you the 5K they are probably spending on you in a group plan."
That is a defeatist attitude. I detest the "I give up/in" mantra.
And if one has health issues, they are a higher risk to the insurer. Insurance is in it's most basic of concepts about assigning risk.
If you own a home or have ever owned a home, the term "risk" is ion the language of the policy.
Quite frankly, it is those who have the poorest health and the worst lifestyle habits who demand cheaper more comprehensive coverage.
It's symptom of the entitlement mentality of many Americans.

What a bunch whiny nonsense. Woe is me, right Joe?
Nothing in your life has ever been your fault. Everyone is out to get Joe.

I fully take responsibility for the mistakes i've made. I've willingly made tradeoffs. For instance, I chose to work a second job instead of quitting my current one for more money. But that's the thing. It was my choice.

Letting me go for running up too many medical bills was not my choice. It was theirs.

Unions..HA,,,,The unions are so important that only 7% of us belong to one.
Unions are businesses. And as such they operate in their own self interest. Which means, all they care about are the dues their members send to them,

Unions have declined, and so has America and her middle class. Sorry you are too stupid to see that.
You are too stupid to realize two things. One the "union" did not take care of you and your mother. The company did that because the union was able to coerce the benefits under threat of the company being shut down. A labor collective should never have that kind of an advantage.
Second, because of examples such as yours, unions fucked themselves and put themselves out of business.
I mean the loophole that allows McDonald's or WalMart to pay minimum wage, encourage their employees to apply for food stamps and medicare,a nd then collect huge tax breaks for creating "jobs' the rest of us are subsidizing.

The Krochs and the Waltons are the richest families in the country, and the people actually doing the work can't get by without government assistance.
Not loopholes..That's the freedom to pay wages appropriate to the level of skill it takes to do the work.
No one is going to pay the porter in the fast food joint $20 per hour. That is absurd

The freedom to collect tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies, then pay workers that make you all of your money so little that they qualify for taxpayer paid benefits? Bundy is seeking more supporters, you sound like you might fit in.

More lib talking points.
Hmm. So, if you contract me to paint your house, you are responsible for me, the business owner, to follow all the laws, or you should be held responsible?

That is a hypothetical question.

Here is my real question. Which laws did the franchisee break?


If you contract someone to do work on your house you are ABSOLUTELY RESPONSIBLE to make sure that the contractor is licensed, insured, and hires people that are legally eligible to work. It's called doing due diligence.

The franchisees are accused of withholding over-time pay, making workers work off the clock, non-hourly employees being paid less than minimum wage, and not paying uniform expenses.

Lol. So, if a contractor doesn't follow one of the myriad rules issued by OSHA, and one of his workers gets hurt, its your fault?


Yes. If you don't do your due diligence you could be on the hook financially.
Not loopholes..That's the freedom to pay wages appropriate to the level of skill it takes to do the work.
No one is going to pay the porter in the fast food joint $20 per hour. That is absurd

The freedom to collect tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies, then pay workers that make you all of your money so little that they qualify for taxpayer paid benefits? Bundy is seeking more supporters, you sound like you might fit in.

More lib talking points.

What I wrote doesn't occur?
If you contract someone to do work on your house you are ABSOLUTELY RESPONSIBLE to make sure that the contractor is licensed, insured, and hires people that are legally eligible to work. It's called doing due diligence.

The franchisees are accused of withholding over-time pay, making workers work off the clock, non-hourly employees being paid less than minimum wage, and not paying uniform expenses.

Lol. So, if a contractor doesn't follow one of the myriad rules issued by OSHA, and one of his workers gets hurt, its your fault?


Yes. If you don't do your due diligence you could be on the hook financially.

Lol. So, its your job to follow the businessman around to make sure he is in compliance?

If the janitor at McDonalds corporate murders someone on the premises, should the CEO be held responsible?

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What a bunch whiny nonsense. Woe is me, right Joe?
Nothing in your life has ever been your fault. Everyone is out to get Joe.

I fully take responsibility for the mistakes i've made. I've willingly made tradeoffs. For instance, I chose to work a second job instead of quitting my current one for more money. But that's the thing. It was my choice.

Letting me go for running up too many medical bills was not my choice. It was theirs.

Unions..HA,,,,The unions are so important that only 7% of us belong to one.
Unions are businesses. And as such they operate in their own self interest. Which means, all they care about are the dues their members send to them,

Unions have declined, and so has America and her middle class. Sorry you are too stupid to see that.
You are too stupid to realize two things. One the "union" did not take care of you and your mother. The company did that because the union was able to coerce the benefits under threat of the company being shut down. A labor collective should never have that kind of an advantage.
Second, because of examples such as yours, unions fucked themselves and put themselves out of business.

Big business fucked their employees for greater profit. No business closed because of Unions. Businesses closed because they failed to compete.
Lol. So, if a contractor doesn't follow one of the myriad rules issued by OSHA, and one of his workers gets hurt, its your fault?


Yes. If you don't do your due diligence you could be on the hook financially.

Lol. So, its your job to follow the businessman around to make sure he is in compliance?

If the janitor at McDonalds corporate murders someone on the premises, should the CEO be held responsible.


If I hire a contractor, I'm going to take the necessary steps to limit my liability.
What I find most amusing is that JoeB makes himself sound like such and important, self-made man. And yet, his entire argument concerning workers is that they cannot do so and must be paid well regardless of their lack of skills to offer.

No, what I learned is that no matter how hard you work, no matter what you accomplish, that if you don't have a union and a government watching your back, you can get stabbed in it at any time.

The real problem is, asking the greediest of us to do what is fair is kind of silly.

Look in the dictionary under victim mentality and you see Joe's picture

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