McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits

"But it should be"
Oh? Says who?
You lefties believe a lifestyle is an entitlement. That everyone has a right to cell phones high speed internet, vacations to expensive destinations, a home in the burbs, two cars, etc...Then you look to businesses that have a wage scale that does not meet your sense of entitlement and deem them evil.

People like Joe think a guy who pushes a broom for aliving should make enough to buy a house have 2 cars take expensive vacations every year and put 4 kids through college.

You did, why shouldn't others....

I never had kids.

And yes I cleaned houses when I was in college. Got 25 an hour. I ended up selling that business too for a pretty penny.

But I guarantee you this, no one working as a house cleaner for a large company is making enough to buy a house and put 4 kids through school.

Nor should they.

Did he say fuck the people asking for a raise? Or did he say wait until we refurbish the plant?

And why did the union keep pressing for votes until they got their way? Obviously the workers understood. That is why they voted not to strike 4 times.

Here's the better question. Why did the fourth vote succeed when the first four failed?

Maybe because they were watching this guy buy rich man's toys for himself with company funds.

Coercion is a very frequent union tactic.
They tried to make it federal law( coercion) with that ridiculous and terroristic "card check" law.
How many examples of union thug violence must be presented to you before you realize that unions are organizations that operate on intimidation, vote buying and coercion.
Unions oppose efficiency, productivity, merit, smart business principles, freedom of workers to decide for themselves their career paths and drive up the cost of doing business .
7%...Deal with it...
Why not?

Frankly, someone needs to push a broom. I don't particularly want to do it, but i think the person who does should be able to feed his family.

See now here's an example of the entitlement mentality of the typical American liberal.
You say that a person who does a menial low or no skill job should be compensated not based on his skill or production, but based on his marital status and the number of kids her decided to produce.
In fact, the system is and as it should be, it opposite.
One adjusts their lifestyle according to their means.
The employer is NOT responsible for the choices made by his employees.

I think if a person does a job, he should be compensated in such a way that he can support his family. Period.

And frankly, guy, here's what you fuckwads don't get. THose fucking poor people, they refuse to fucking starve to death to make you happy.

Nope. They get food stamps, Section 8 housing, Medicaid and a bunch of other benefits that the rest of us end up paying for. And our floors didn't even get swept.

No..Compensation is based on skill level and the cost of the labor and the market for available workers for the position.
Hence the reason why an engineer gets more money than the custodian. It's common sense.
The choices workers make are not the problem of the employer.
Let me see if I have this straight..
We have two custodians. Each does their job equally well. They each were hired on the same day.
Custodian One is married. Custodian Two is single.
Custodian One has two kids and they need braces....Now, according to your logic, Custodian one should be paid more because he is married and has two kids that need braces?.....
Now, i gotta tell ya, If i am Custodian Two and the other guy gets a raise based on Joe's world, I'm pretty pissed. And guess what? I'm going to start firing out resumes and move on. Fuck that guy with the kids and their braces. Who the fuck is he to feel so self entitled.
With a policy such as this, it would not be long before workers leave in droves.
The way it works is this. One adjusts their habits and lifestyle to their income. The employer does not adjust to the employee's habits and lifestyle.

So every time someone decides to have a kid he or she should get a raise?

Sorry but it's up to you to earn enough to support yourself and your lifestyle not up to someone else to fund your decisions.

THe military does exactly that. You have more kids, the more your pay is.

But here's what you keep avoiding. We're ALREADY paying for their decisions. I know while you would love to live in an Ayn Randian Somalia, the reality is, we are already taking care of each other.

It's just a matter of making those who benefit the most pay their fair share.

So every time someone decides to have a kid he or she should get a raise?

Sorry but it's up to you to earn enough to support yourself and your lifestyle not up to someone else to fund your decisions.

THe military does exactly that. You have more kids, the more your pay is.

But here's what you keep avoiding. We're ALREADY paying for their decisions. I know while you would love to live in an Ayn Randian Somalia, the reality is, we are already taking care of each other.

It's just a matter of making those who benefit the most pay their fair share.

Please post a link to your claims on military pay because I can find no such thing.

The military does not pay people more money because they have dependents. There is no increase in pay for getting married, or for having children. Base pay is base pay, period.

And we are paying for people's poor decisions. We are paying because the government makes it too easy to get tax funded charity.

And Cut the Rand bullshit. I've told you over and over again that I never read her books and really don't care to.

I operate on the very simple yet still incomprehensible to you principle that you and you alone are responsible for your life.
People like Joe think a guy who pushes a broom for aliving should make enough to buy a house have 2 cars take expensive vacations every year and put 4 kids through college.

You did, why shouldn't others....

I never had kids.

And yes I cleaned houses when I was in college. Got 25 an hour. I ended up selling that business too for a pretty penny.

But I guarantee you this, no one working as a house cleaner for a large company is making enough to buy a house and put 4 kids through school.

Nor should they.

Never had kids? No wonder you're so bitter.

But I guarantee you this, no one working as a house cleaner for a large company is making enough to buy a house and put 4 kids through school

You did, why shouldn't others....

I never had kids.

And yes I cleaned houses when I was in college. Got 25 an hour. I ended up selling that business too for a pretty penny.

But I guarantee you this, no one working as a house cleaner for a large company is making enough to buy a house and put 4 kids through school.

Nor should they.

Never had kids? No wonder you're so bitter.

Best decision I ever made.

But I guarantee you this, no one working as a house cleaner for a large company is making enough to buy a house and put 4 kids through school


There is not enough value in the work. If you want to make any money cleaning houses you have to own the business.
I never had kids.

And yes I cleaned houses when I was in college. Got 25 an hour. I ended up selling that business too for a pretty penny.

But I guarantee you this, no one working as a house cleaner for a large company is making enough to buy a house and put 4 kids through school.

Nor should they.

Never had kids? No wonder you're so bitter.

Best decision I ever made.

But I guarantee you this, no one working as a house cleaner for a large company is making enough to buy a house and put 4 kids through school


There is not enough value in the work.

Value? Human beings have value?

If you want to make any money cleaning houses you have to own the business.

Not if you do it right.
Coercion is a very frequent union tactic.
They tried to make it federal law( coercion) with that ridiculous and terroristic "card check" law.
How many examples of union thug violence must be presented to you before you realize that unions are organizations that operate on intimidation, vote buying and coercion.
Unions oppose efficiency, productivity, merit, smart business principles, freedom of workers to decide for themselves their career paths and drive up the cost of doing business .
7%...Deal with it...

Gee, I guess if you live in a world that is all about the rich getting rich, that's a horrible thing.

Frankly, unions don't beat up anyone who doesn't have a little thuggery coming their way.
No..Compensation is based on skill level and the cost of the labor and the market for available workers for the position.
Hence the reason why an engineer gets more money than the custodian. It's common sense.

Common sense says that if the 1%er is going to cheat the custodian, it's only a mattter of time before he cheats the engineer, too.

The choices workers make are not the problem of the employer.
Let me see if I have this straight..
We have two custodians. Each does their job equally well. They each were hired on the same day.
Custodian One is married. Custodian Two is single.
Custodian One has two kids and they need braces....Now, according to your logic, Custodian one should be paid more because he is married and has two kids that need braces?.....
Now, i gotta tell ya, If i am Custodian Two and the other guy gets a raise based on Joe's world, I'm pretty pissed. And guess what? I'm going to start firing out resumes and move on. Fuck that guy with the kids and their braces. Who the fuck is he to feel so self entitled.
With a policy such as this, it would not be long before workers leave in droves.
The way it works is this. One adjusts their habits and lifestyle to their income. The employer does not adjust to the employee's habits and lifestyle.

Guy, the problem with that argument is that braces should be covered under dental insurance that they both have access to.

And frankly, if Custodian #2 is such a heartless fuck that he begrudges a man enough to support his family, i'm sure no one will miss him.
You did, why shouldn't others....

I never had kids.

And yes I cleaned houses when I was in college. Got 25 an hour. I ended up selling that business too for a pretty penny.

But I guarantee you this, no one working as a house cleaner for a large company is making enough to buy a house and put 4 kids through school.

Nor should they.

Never had kids? No wonder you're so bitter.

Some people do not want kids.

But I guarantee you this, no one working as a house cleaner for a large company is making enough to buy a house and put 4 kids through school


Because it is unskilled labor that anyone can do.
Coercion is a very frequent union tactic.
They tried to make it federal law( coercion) with that ridiculous and terroristic "card check" law.
How many examples of union thug violence must be presented to you before you realize that unions are organizations that operate on intimidation, vote buying and coercion.
Unions oppose efficiency, productivity, merit, smart business principles, freedom of workers to decide for themselves their career paths and drive up the cost of doing business .
7%...Deal with it...

Gee, I guess if you live in a world that is all about the rich getting rich, that's a horrible thing.

Frankly, unions don't beat up anyone who doesn't have a little thuggery coming their way.

Absolutely fucking psychotic. Unions are domestic terrorist groups and should be dealt with as such.
I never had kids.

And yes I cleaned houses when I was in college. Got 25 an hour. I ended up selling that business too for a pretty penny.

But I guarantee you this, no one working as a house cleaner for a large company is making enough to buy a house and put 4 kids through school.

Nor should they.

Never had kids? No wonder you're so bitter.

Some people do not want kids.

But I guarantee you this, no one working as a house cleaner for a large company is making enough to buy a house and put 4 kids through school


Because it is unskilled labor that anyone can do.

So house cleaners don't have to be trained? Do they work with chemicals and are trained in chemical safety and storage? Do they climb ladders? Do they clean carpets? Do the know what kind of cleaner for what surface? Do the know the correct way to operate a floor buffer? A carpet cleaner? A commercial vacuum? Do they know how to read an MSDS sheet, or what that is? Do YOU know what that is?
Never had kids? No wonder you're so bitter.

Some people do not want kids.

Because it is unskilled labor that anyone can do.

So house cleaners don't have to be trained? Do they work with chemicals and are trained in chemical safety and storage? Do they climb ladders? Do they clean carpets? Do the know what kind of cleaner for what surface? Do the know the correct way to operate a floor buffer? A carpet cleaner? A commercial vacuum? Do they know how to read an MSDS sheet, or what that is? Do YOU know what that is?

OMG you are even more of an idiot than I thought.

If you can clean your own house you can clean someone else's.

And no one reads MSDS sheets. I have a couple thousand of them and the only thing they are ever used for is as an excuse for OSHA to fine someone.
Coercion is a very frequent union tactic.
They tried to make it federal law( coercion) with that ridiculous and terroristic "card check" law.
How many examples of union thug violence must be presented to you before you realize that unions are organizations that operate on intimidation, vote buying and coercion.
Unions oppose efficiency, productivity, merit, smart business principles, freedom of workers to decide for themselves their career paths and drive up the cost of doing business .
7%...Deal with it...

Gee, I guess if you live in a world that is all about the rich getting rich, that's a horrible thing.

Frankly, unions don't beat up anyone who doesn't have a little thuggery coming their way.

Absolutely fucking psychotic. Unions are domestic terrorist groups and should be dealt with as such.

I'm sure you wet yourself at the sight of a picket line once in terror.

OMG you are even more of an idiot than I thought.

If you can clean your own house you can clean someone else's.

And no one reads MSDS sheets. I have a couple thousand of them and the only thing they are ever used for is as an excuse for OSHA to fine someone.

So it sounds like you kind of suck as a manager.

Because everyone at my plant knows how to read and MSDS, and we spend a lot of time making sure they understand them.

OMG you are even more of an idiot than I thought.

If you can clean your own house you can clean someone else's.

And no one reads MSDS sheets. I have a couple thousand of them and the only thing they are ever used for is as an excuse for OSHA to fine someone.

So it sounds like you kind of suck as a manager.

Because everyone at my plant knows how to read and MSDS, and we spend a lot of time making sure they understand them.

Knowing how to read one and actually reading the thousands of them that businesses have to keep on hand are 2 completely different things.

Or can't you understand that either?
Gee, I guess if you live in a world that is all about the rich getting rich, that's a horrible thing.

Frankly, unions don't beat up anyone who doesn't have a little thuggery coming their way.

Absolutely fucking psychotic. Unions are domestic terrorist groups and should be dealt with as such.

I'm sure you wet yourself at the sight of a picket line once in terror.

I've crossed picket lines and would do it again.

If those people don't want to work that's their problem not mine

OMG you are even more of an idiot than I thought.

If you can clean your own house you can clean someone else's.

And no one reads MSDS sheets. I have a couple thousand of them and the only thing they are ever used for is as an excuse for OSHA to fine someone.

So it sounds like you kind of suck as a manager.

Because everyone at my plant knows how to read and MSDS, and we spend a lot of time making sure they understand them.

Knowing how to read one and actually reading the thousands of them that businesses have to keep on hand are 2 completely different things.

Or can't you understand that either?

You said "no one reads them"...

Not "no one reads every last one of them."

But I'm not surprised that OSHA fines you a lot.

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