McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits

So it sounds like you kind of suck as a manager.

Because everyone at my plant knows how to read and MSDS, and we spend a lot of time making sure they understand them.

Knowing how to read one and actually reading the thousands of them that businesses have to keep on hand are 2 completely different things.

Or can't you understand that either?

You said "no one reads them"...

Not "no one reads every last one of them."

But I'm not surprised that OSHA fines you a lot.

I have never been fined by OSHA.

In fact i am more complaint than most. I know that because I have a private company come in every couple years to evaluate our OSHA compliance.

But now the fucking government wants to make a few bullshit changes to the MSDS format so businesses will have to redo all their sheets.

There is absolutely no reason for it other than to try to fine more businesses for being out of compliance.

IOW it's a fucking scam.

BTW I'm still waiting for you to back up your idiotic claim about military pay. But I won't hold my breath
Knowing how to read one and actually reading the thousands of them that businesses have to keep on hand are 2 completely different things.

Or can't you understand that either?

You said "no one reads them"...

Not "no one reads every last one of them."

But I'm not surprised that OSHA fines you a lot.

I have never been fined by OSHA.

In fact i am more complaint than most. I know that because I have a private company come in every couple years to evaluate our OSHA compliance.

But now the fucking government wants to make a few bullshit changes to the MSDS format so businesses will have to redo all their sheets.

There is absolutely no reason for it other than to try to fine more businesses for being out of compliance.

IOW it's a fucking scam.

BTW I'm still waiting for you to back up your idiotic claim about military pay. But I won't hold my breath

The army pays more for people with dependents than without dependents for BAH, Separate Rations, and so on.

Benefits Handbook

Eligible members must fill out DD Form 2367, "Individual Overseas Housing Allowance Report," to receive OHA. Check with local housing offices for procedures. OHA rental ceilings are computed so that 80 percent of members with dependents in a given location have their rental costs fully reimbursed by OHA.

Unaccompanied members and members without dependents are entitled to 90 percent of the with-dependents rate.
You said "no one reads them"...

Not "no one reads every last one of them."

But I'm not surprised that OSHA fines you a lot.

I have never been fined by OSHA.

In fact i am more complaint than most. I know that because I have a private company come in every couple years to evaluate our OSHA compliance.

But now the fucking government wants to make a few bullshit changes to the MSDS format so businesses will have to redo all their sheets.

There is absolutely no reason for it other than to try to fine more businesses for being out of compliance.

IOW it's a fucking scam.

BTW I'm still waiting for you to back up your idiotic claim about military pay. But I won't hold my breath

The army pays more for people with dependents than without dependents for BAH, Separate Rations, and so on.

Benefits Handbook

Eligible members must fill out DD Form 2367, "Individual Overseas Housing Allowance Report," to receive OHA. Check with local housing offices for procedures. OHA rental ceilings are computed so that 80 percent of members with dependents in a given location have their rental costs fully reimbursed by OHA.

Unaccompanied members and members without dependents are entitled to 90 percent of the with-dependents rate.


Anyone qualified to live off base gets the housing allowance. The number of kids has nothing to do with it.

All it is is the government paying you a little more because it no longer has to house and feed you.

You said and I quote

THe military does exactly that. You have more kids, the more your pay is.

So if you are right, which you are not, then if your wife was living with her mother in East Oshkosh USA and you were living on base in another state you would get a pay raise every time you and your wife had another kid.

We all know that is not true, well everyone but you that is.
But you get more money if you are married and have kids. That's the point, guy.

Not to mention all the other free benefits the government gives you to support military families. Which is something that the normally "Let them Die" faction of the GOP is all for when it's the military and it's bloated 900 billion budget.
But you get more money if you are married and have kids. That's the point, guy.

Not to mention all the other free benefits the government gives you to support military families. Which is something that the normally "Let them Die" faction of the GOP is all for when it's the military and it's bloated 900 billion budget.

No you don't you get more money if you live off base it has nothing to do with how many kids you have.

see where i amended my previous posrt
But you get more money if you are married and have kids. That's the point, guy.

Not to mention all the other free benefits the government gives you to support military families. Which is something that the normally "Let them Die" faction of the GOP is all for when it's the military and it's bloated 900 billion budget.

No you don't you get more money if you live off base it has nothing to do with how many kids you have.

You get a higher allowence if you have dependence if you live off base.
But you get more money if you are married and have kids. That's the point, guy.

Not to mention all the other free benefits the government gives you to support military families. Which is something that the normally "Let them Die" faction of the GOP is all for when it's the military and it's bloated 900 billion budget.

No you don't you get more money if you live off base it has nothing to do with how many kids you have.

You get a higher allowence if you have dependence if you live off base.


Your pay does not go up every time you have a kid.
No you don't you get more money if you live off base it has nothing to do with how many kids you have.

You get a higher allowence if you have dependence if you live off base.


Your pay does not go up every time you have a kid.

But you get more benefits if you have dependents, dumbass.

That was the point you don't want to get. They consider families more important than performance.

ANd frankly, this is a good thing. The Right Wing (No, I know, not you.) screams all day about family values, but then they don't want the key to what makes for a good family - the ability for the breadwinner to provide a good living for his family.
You get a higher allowence if you have dependence if you live off base.


Your pay does not go up every time you have a kid.

But you get more benefits if you have dependents, dumbass.

That was the point you don't want to get. They consider families more important than performance.

ANd frankly, this is a good thing. The Right Wing (No, I know, not you.) screams all day about family values, but then they don't want the key to what makes for a good family - the ability for the breadwinner to provide a good living for his family.

That is not what you said IDIOT

You said and I quote

THe military does exactly that. You have more kids, the more your pay is.

Your housing allowance does not go up every time you have another kid either. it's a one time thing and s also dependent on where you are based

Your pay does not go up every time you have a kid.

But you get more benefits if you have dependents, dumbass.

That was the point you don't want to get. They consider families more important than performance.

ANd frankly, this is a good thing. The Right Wing (No, I know, not you.) screams all day about family values, but then they don't want the key to what makes for a good family - the ability for the breadwinner to provide a good living for his family.

That is not what you said IDIOT

You said and I quote

THe military does exactly that. You have more kids, the more your pay is.

Your housing allowance does not go up every time you have another kid either.

They give more to guys with families than guys without families.

WHich I guess in your mind is practically "Communism".

But you get more benefits if you have dependents, dumbass.

That was the point you don't want to get. They consider families more important than performance.

ANd frankly, this is a good thing. The Right Wing (No, I know, not you.) screams all day about family values, but then they don't want the key to what makes for a good family - the ability for the breadwinner to provide a good living for his family.

That is not what you said IDIOT

You said and I quote

THe military does exactly that. You have more kids, the more your pay is.

Your housing allowance does not go up every time you have another kid either.

They give more to guys with families than guys without families.

WHich I guess in your mind is practically "Communism".


It is not a pay raise for each kid as you stated.

Just admit you were wrong.

And only pussies and little girls use emoticons
That is not what you said IDIOT

You said and I quote

Your housing allowance does not go up every time you have another kid either.

They give more to guys with families than guys without families.

WHich I guess in your mind is practically "Communism".


It is not a pay raise for each kid as you stated.

Just admit you were wrong.

And only pussies and little girls use emoticons

You get more for dependents. so what I stated was accurate.

But you see, that's what happens when you care more about the people who work for you than the bottom line.
They give more to guys with families than guys without families.

WHich I guess in your mind is practically "Communism".


It is not a pay raise for each kid as you stated.

Just admit you were wrong.

And only pussies and little girls use emoticons

You get more for dependents. so what I stated was accurate.

But you see, that's what happens when you care more about the people who work for you than the bottom line.

No you said the more kids you have the more you get paid.

That is not true.

You do not get paid more for each kid you have.
Never had kids? No wonder you're so bitter.

Some people do not want kids.

Because it is unskilled labor that anyone can do.

So house cleaners don't have to be trained?

Not really.

Do they work with chemicals and are trained in chemical safety and storage?

Absolutely! Takes 2 minutes: "Don't spray it on yourself, don't get furniture polish on the carpet, and make damn sure everything has the cap on tightly BEFORE you put it in the car."

Do they climb ladders?

Not usually...but if so, most people figured that our by about age ten.

Do they clean carpets? Do the know what kind of cleaner for what surface?

If the fucking bottle!

Do the know the correct way to operate a floor buffer? A carpet cleaner? A commercial vacuum?

If not...I do not want anything to do with them, because they're STUPID!

Do they know how to read an MSDS sheet, or what that is? Do YOU know what that is?

Yes: it's a material safety data sheet...generally something bound neatly in a 3-ring binder, and then totally ignored!
Gee, I guess if you live in a world that is all about the rich getting rich, that's a horrible thing.

Frankly, unions don't beat up anyone who doesn't have a little thuggery coming their way.

Absolutely fucking psychotic. Unions are domestic terrorist groups and should be dealt with as such.

I'm sure you wet yourself at the sight of a picket line once in terror.

Hardly...just make sure the windows are up, doors locked, HVAC set to recirculate, dash cam is recording, transmission is in second gear, and go.
Absolutely fucking psychotic. Unions are domestic terrorist groups and should be dealt with as such.

I'm sure you wet yourself at the sight of a picket line once in terror.

Hardly...just make sure the windows are up, doors locked, HVAC set to recirculate, dash cam is recording, transmission is in second gear, and go.

Unions even out income inequality and income inequality is among, if not the greatest factor for causing the great depression and-----and the more recent great recession and-----and workers in "right to work for less" states earn, on average, more than $6,000/yr less than their brothers and sisters in pro-union states and-----and right to work does not improve the employment rate.

All Workers Do Better in Pro-Union States

Some people do not want kids.

Because it is unskilled labor that anyone can do.

So house cleaners don't have to be trained? Do they work with chemicals and are trained in chemical safety and storage? Do they climb ladders? Do they clean carpets? Do the know what kind of cleaner for what surface? Do the know the correct way to operate a floor buffer? A carpet cleaner? A commercial vacuum? Do they know how to read an MSDS sheet, or what that is? Do YOU know what that is?

OMG you are even more of an idiot than I thought.

If you can clean your own house you can clean someone else's.

And no one reads MSDS sheets. I have a couple thousand of them and the only thing they are ever used for is as an excuse for OSHA to fine someone.

You owned a business and never read the MSDS sheets? Did anyone get sick or die because of your stupidity?
90% of MSDS sheets are unnecessary. I do not need a MSDS sheet to know what to do & not do with coolant, engine oil, washer solvent, diesel fuel, and hydraulic fluid!
So house cleaners don't have to be trained? Do they work with chemicals and are trained in chemical safety and storage? Do they climb ladders? Do they clean carpets? Do the know what kind of cleaner for what surface? Do the know the correct way to operate a floor buffer? A carpet cleaner? A commercial vacuum? Do they know how to read an MSDS sheet, or what that is? Do YOU know what that is?

OMG you are even more of an idiot than I thought.

If you can clean your own house you can clean someone else's.

And no one reads MSDS sheets. I have a couple thousand of them and the only thing they are ever used for is as an excuse for OSHA to fine someone.

You owned a business and never read the MSDS sheets? Did anyone get sick or die because of your stupidity?

More stupidity of an idiot who pretends he is a OnePercenter.
McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits

By Patrick M. Sheridan
July 29, 2014

Facing a barrage of lawsuits from fast food worker groups seeking fair treatment and compensation, McDonald's could be on the verge of losing one of its main protections.

The National Labor Relations Board's top lawyer on Tuesday determined that McDonald's (MCD) is a "joint employer,"along with thousands of independent franchise owners.

The ruling, if upheld, would mean that McDonald's could be held liable for labor violations at its more than 12,000 franchisee-owned restaurants.

"McDonald's can try to hide behind its franchisees, but today's determination by the NLRB shows there's no two ways about it: The Golden Arches is an employer, plain and simple," said Micah Wissinger in a statement issued by a public relations firm representing fast food workers. Wissinger is an attorney who brought the case on behalf of McDonald's workers in New York City.

In March, McDonald's workers filed seven class-action lawsuits in New York, California and Michigan over wage theft violations. The suits allege that McDonald's has forced employees to work off the clock, not paid them overtime and struck hours off their time cards.

McDonald's has contended that franchisees operate as independent businesses and that therefore, it's not liable, but the N.L.R.B. ruling contradicts that claim. Other fast-food operators like Burger King could feel the repercussions.

The decision was hailed by low wage workers who have recently staged protests across the country seeking a $15 an hour wage.

"McDonald's clearly uses its vast powers to control franchisees in just about every way possible," Kendall Fells, organizing director of Fast Food Forward, said in a statement. "It's time the company put those same powers to work to do something about the fact that its workers are living in poverty."


McDonalds prides itself on being able to keep its franchisees in line. This is a good approach towards holding McDonalds accountable for what they do as a franchise.

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